March 22 Checked by Drew, Williams Protests Remark of 'Swine' Tempers ran high in the Legisla-- Estlmatg Exceelled ture late last night when Art! He said the HOllSP\\\'as'prncnnd- n a, gnt when Arthur ing with the understanding that Williams (C.C.F., Ontario). accused _ the time allotted to the member of conducting a filibuster after lf"m' Ontario by the whip was an eaki § & our, but the estimate of one hour i? :lr:gAIcrr tthefe hogls, fho.}"ed has lasted instead into the better| miet eorge Drew: "You _ part of four hours. "We might well| should be thrown out. That's the go on into late spring before we éirtiest remark any swine could &°t through this, let alone get on possibly make." Wi'h] 'dhe bUSi!;,@SS of the House," ; ® ., concluded the Premier. i Wpeaker '""Jj Stewart banged Mr. Jolliffe said he was prepared ;':mii\;el ';ha'p]i' -F'nlllt the CCF. toa let his other members go ahead withdra\v"tl:n nrc:*ma(:k ed upon to with the debate and pointed out | t t ; that the party leaders had finished During the flare--up Hy dro Chair-- _ their speeches only 10 days ago and man George Challies (Grenville, that he, himself. shared the re-- Dundas) told J. J. Kehoe (C.C.F., sponsibility for the delay in the : (?ochranpn North) to "go jump in _ gebate. :::n;d:(:'_\-ozt\xl.f'. Kehoe replied: "The Force Against Labor : The flurry of excitement began Early in his address Mr. Wi!-- when Mr. Williams wound up his liams ran afoul of the Premier's long address, which started the TreJoinders when he said both Lib-- night before, and spoke of the time _ ®°ral and Progressive Conservative he had consumed. Governments in their time had "There are different ways of Sent force against labor men dur-- eonducting a filibuster," remarked ing disputes and that tanks had the Premier. been sent in one instance. Mr. Williams banged his desk, "We're not getting far rattling leaned forward and made the statee Gead bones," the Premier told him ment in which the word "swine": after he had spent some time on was used. A little later the CCF. the matter. And, the Premier add-- member remarked: "It's a pity he, @4: "At no time has this Province (Mr. Drew) came in at all. Well,! owned tanks or Cardin--Llioyd ma-- he'll soon be out." chine gun carriers or other weap-- After adjournment of the House Ons. These belong to the Federal Mr. Williams went to the Premier Government and a Liberal Gov-- and apologized for using the objec-- ®nment was in office at the time." tionable word. Robert Laurier (Lib., Ottawa _ FEast) declared the Bennett Gov-- Regarded as Insult ernment was in power at that time Mrs. Rae Luckock (C.C.F., Bracon--; and the Premier retorted quickly: glale) _10meg! other C.C.F. members "I agree. It is most unlikely the in demanding that the Premier be Liberal Government had any army called to order for his filibuster ree vehicles of any kind, so let's go mark. It was an insult to the Oppo-- _ opn." sition members on her side of the There was a call for order when House, she declared. Mtr. Laurier hurled the remark at It was exactly 11 pm. when Mr. the Premier: "You're very jesuis--, g:tl)l.xams reéucmod his seat and F. O. _ tic.," | obinson (C.C.F., Port Arthur) rose and moved adjournment of the. Pispute Between Boards | debate. Later, discussing strained rela-- The Premier immediately called tions between the Ontario Labor "Lost." signifying his opposition to Relations Board and the National adijournment. War Labor Board which overruled "I was not aware of any intention -- 1its decision on Sylvanite and to go on longer than 11 o'clock," said _ Wright--Hargreaves mine workers,| E. B. Joliliffe. C.C.F. Leader. Mr. Williams declared he under-- "The members on this side are .£t904, though he "could not quote| prepared to co--operate in bringing -- Chapter and verse," that "the Labor . the*Throne Speech debate to an -- Relations Board will not order any : end tomorrow night." 'further votes or make any further| "There was no thought of sug-- Gecisions until the validity of de--| gesting a later hout," said the Pree Cisions already made about these| mier. "But, as Mr. Jolliffe is well -- mines is decided." | aware. we had a time estimate on Just before midnight T. P. Mur-i the speakers given by the whips. . TaY (Lib., Renfrew South) adjourn--; I have not raised any question °d the debate after F. O. Robinson | more than any others." (CCF., Port Arthur) had expres-- Mr. Strangé explained that the Sed criticism of the Governmentl estimate was made by the whips ; because so many of its key man| and not the speakers. To this the | had not yet spoken, though thei Premier replied: "That helps us to -- Poeople awaited a message on plan-- understand it." ning and development, highways,| hydro and other matters. l