The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 23 Mar 1945, p. 1

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"""""-"""""""-'""-""""-'"'-+lil--lF March a} O Obstructionist Tactics Delayed House Bu . Defeat. of the Drew Government last night finds the business of the Legislature nowhere near comple. tion. and the delay in transacting I . the work of the House stems from i t e tactics of some Opposition mam. E hers who have used the "before the Asks Why Door Barred orders of the day" technique to consume hours of time in speech-, .T B . q h q making. ,' i o. + s S Reference to this was made by; rl I erVIcemen the Premier during his history-é making address which wound UPI, Demand that the Kin Govern-i t PV , . -. the debate. The people of Ontario! ment. explain why it has 8refused to if Il,':',',')';',)',,',),"),,';" *cloecgild: 1ec'id,',1id, would be able to judge for themt :grant preferential consideration for there .should be some prearranged selves how much of the time of the Zilnited Kingdom ex-servicemen, preferential plan by which thev House was taken up with matters' especially those who trained in Can- could enter Canada." . other than the business of the' lada. as immigrants to Canada, was Stressing that he had already rc- I'émla'um made last. night in the Legislature vealed to the Legislature that th, n?" Throne Speech debate this by Premier George Drew. Provinces had a legal in additior. session opened Tuesday Feb. 20,' Referring to his earlier state- to the economic , right 1. and ended March 22, In 1944 the iments on this issue, and to a pub- participate in matters of immigra. debate opened Feb. 23 and conclude, lished report in which Resources lion, and that Ontario House had ed March 15, a three-week debate Minister Crerar stated he knewlalready received 25000 requests for as compared with a month this nothing about any reluctance on immigration i"//toTiiiituiC';iii'eriil War. In 1944 the Budget debate 'the part if the Federal Government of British interest-the Premier opened Marvin 16 and wound up to grar. such preferential treat- demanded that Ottawa clarify its March '28. This session there has .ment. Premier Drew remarked that'stand. MP" no.ypor"'"clty for a Budget this statement had followed his! "We have a clear right to know drhate. Ii..- wt1US6? went into Com- ;charge that the Dominion Govern-{why no arrangement has been W T" ___ __- -- -e, ment had refused it. 1reached yet as to the position tL Q1,If,i", of Supply to pass on an Speaking last night. in the coosingisierviSerpen from the United King. 288.808.0001 estimate for education, moments of the Throne Speech de- dom," he declared. "and whether and nothing resembling a Budget :bate, Premier Drew continued. "I there will be such an arrangement delete has taken place. lhad Paid Ontario had a right to when we determine on an immigra- Even in this matter of passing lknov, why the Canadian Govern.|tion policy in the future." the serial grant to school boards, men had failed to give such con- - e-------------.------'--"- thc Lieral, group headed by Mit- isideution to those young service- chell. F. Hstpburn attempted to men from the United Kingdom thwait the. Government. Mr. Hep- who might be anxious to establish 3313013531.??? "ghsupplb's could their future homes here." __ . n I 1e rone eech debate was completed, and onlypafter 'te at Hepburn ' some hours of discussion the item l Now I will admit that why? I was passed. saw Mr. Crerar last it was at a time There have been days when the when I was seeing more eye to eye entire afternoon session was taken w.ith, the _member for Elgin (Pro- lip with members rising on points vmctal Liberal Leader Hepburn) I' of order, on questions of privilege, and .it.was at , meeting with the i _ on motion to adjourn the House "to Dominion Cabinet. He was not _ ' tonsidcr a matter of urgent public following everything very closely. l ' 1mooi.'tanrr-'.". These were invariably "Who wasnt? demanded Mr. 1 the signals for Opposition members Hepburn amid laughter. , . j to get to their feet and indulge in "Oh, I mean_ .M.r. Orerar.' said _ b' long and often wandering speeches. Premier Dre" mining in the laughs. l g Three Contributors "I would lib. o Jog his memory a l , . t . it from the rec- l ' Joseph B. Salsbcr h bit. And I .ll dot . i I Proiwessiv s t e Labor. ord, not from my memory. I will l l Andrew. J.fsr'gimht,?.' {2:11, '2pe'lttii,,t; reag , rrl',1/"i',ragstil,e, it recgrds "ti [ than any other member Willi decision of I, P/gt?, mee mg. ', Dennison (CCF ii am says, and lquwte. cyatiieGovtrlt,- David) . ' ', ., . . "WW-St- ment not in "gvot' of granting pref- . and Aithut Williams tC.C.F.. erential treatment to United King- Ontariot were not far behind In idom service , en even those serving kg?" qu' Contributions, . . or who have served in Canada.' u/Jselattil1t I???" division in the "Now that is from the official 'Mr. 'r"/'/puJf Ji'gtu1y/12ig.1"g, rrcorlis" said 1..."... Dpi.:;, tAt')' 'Treasurer. she M. Fr t' C. Aurelien Belanger ( " resco ito go int . os . S motion asked wherein the cable referred to Means. C 3mmittee of Ways and 'mdnigrztio?t the Premier laughed . _ an sai , " re ers o immig a o , L)a,A,: ihad1;p.1u1tieiPcggst,iilg,' as I'm sure our unfortunate friend the Li, , ii, r. "Shelf; voted with Mr. Crerar will recall sadly. There erais. On March 14 there l much to evidence that P'as. another House division. and s . again the two Labor-Progressives Vitally Interested . voted with the Liberals. "The .pomt 1 male, however, IS Tht long debates. the numerous that this Province is Vitally inter- .Tepetitions in Opposition members' ested 'in the immigration policy, tremarks. caused a piling up of bug. that Will be determined in the fu- Pts? that. threatened to create a ture. We had thousands of those .critical situation. Only by holding young men out here. They saw our i1u.ccessiye night sessions during way of life, our customs. They know 'Ithis week was the mass of aceumu- -- e---------"---" llated business thinned out. And lthere Mill remain plenty of bills in Various stages of the House. F,

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