The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 24 Mar 1945, p. 1

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March 24 * --__ make a full statement to the Legis-} e e > lature. | | It will be necessary for the Legis-l ISSO u Ion ay | a or un lature to pass the Voters' List Actl e and the new Election Act, which S h y are tied in with the Overseas Elec--| Ou t t tion Act. The overseas act was| g *# # given third reading and Royal Assent, but the other measures still C' * o are in committee stage. It r'vate ' S In fixing the date of the election, e it is understood the Government.l will take into consideration the fact| Although no public statement was For Ontarlo that 10 weeks or more will be neces--| forthcoming from Premier George sary for the proper recording of the; A. Drew, both C.CF. Leader E. B. active service vote overseas. This Jolliffe and Liberal Leader M. F. After a three--hour Cabinet ses. WOuld make the earliest an election Hepburn assured Mayor Saunders PP t Q is Park. ves could be held some time early in yesterday they were willing to pro-- 9n al Agfeens yesterd8};| June, long the session of the Legislature" -- Premier George A. Drew told news-- It is reported that the new regula-- sufficiently to pass several City of papermen: '"The course of action tions under the Overseas Election Tonl"lonto psrivat; bills. * 6 has been decided upon, but it woulad Act are near Corf:lpleclliqoni E?etaCt Mayor Saunders emphasized last & 4 n provides that the le ection night that Premier Drew had not be mps. int 'to : say Officer for Ontario must supply a refused the request for passage of anything more until necessary for-- certificate that he has conferred the Toronto bills, but had indicated malities have been completed." The with the Chief Election Officer for ;\e would corr:fer with Cabinet col--| _ Premier added that he hoped to be the Dominion and that the Ontario eagues on the matter. eV y in act follows the Dominion legisla-- Unless the Legislature approves ;:f:rr;rw':'liton:')n"t)gaino more definite tion,. This entails a visit to Ottawa of Toronto's previous arrangements This was the only official state. 404 the working out of details, all rffgarding h o us :n g expenditures, ment to ,'.mer'gp from the Isarlig.- of which consumes time. g'"-yd Cc;lufuinil brlner?hersh may be in-- ment Buildings following the 51--to. Returning Officers p]e'x:d:: t)he :;nae'o;o:ai'de funds ex-- 36 defeat of the Drew Administra-- _ The printing of ballots and their f yOr e tion in the Legislature early Fri--, |despatch and distribution overseas Would Withdraw Zoning Plan tlay morning by a combined C.CF.--| |is another big item in the work of Until now, the city has spent Liberal--Labor--Progressive vote. | |preparing to take the active service $368,000 on emergency housing, and There is little doubt that Mr. | |vote. Returning officers also must has made commitments for thel Drew and his Cabinet have agreed | be sent overseas. spending of an additional $240,000, upon the necessity of holding a The overseas vote may be taken said the mayor. Logislation legaliz-- general election as early as possible, prior to the vote in Ontario, and ing these expenditures has been most likely late in May or early in the hours of polling must be satis-- sought by the city in private bills. June, and that dissolution will be factory to the commanding officers An emergency mcoeting of Board granted _ by Lieutenant--Governor of the different units concerned. of Control yesterday unanimously| Albert Matthews. It is learned that The Lieutenant--Governor--in--Council requested the Government to sm_\'! the Premier conferred with the may designate voting areas such as dissolution of the Legislature umil' Lieutenant -- Governor vyesterday the United Kingdom, Italy and the Toronto bills had been approved.| morning and received an assurance Western Europe, which takes in The city is willing to withdraw| that dissolution of the Legislature France, Belgium, Holland and Ger-- Its zoning by--law, toward which op-l would be the course followed, many. position has been advanced, if this| Two Courses Open On polling day overseaslthe votfis withdrawal will speed passage of tas. will be tabulated and cabled to the * _ the remainder of the Toronto legis-- inDotf;:t (lli\;:i':;'atlz:::w 0(52;.?3""'.':2& Chief Election Officer in Ontgrio, lation, the board decided. courses -- for 'the Admifiiétration who in turn \:vill inform the various Impediment to Projects The Premier, as Chief Minister of| "EHUIDIng officers in the ridings. '"'We have put forward private the Crown, could advise the Lieu.' Mepburn's Stand bills which concern postwar plan--| tenant--Governor to call upon Op--| In a statement issued yesterday, ning and would enable us to effect| position Leader E. B. Jolliffe and| Liberal House Leader Mitchell F. a master plan for Toronto," the| ask him to form a Government. Hepburn charged the Government, mayor said. "Unless we obtain this; _ The alternative would be to recom--| with pursuing a persistent policy!| legislation, our slum clearance proj,| mend dissolution and the calling of| "of deliberately ignoring and chal-- ects will be impeded seriously. We| _ an election. The second course is| lenging the Opposition members, must approach Ottawa in the near| the one understood to have been| who constitute a majority of the future regarding Federal assistance adopted by the Government. elected representatives of the Legis-- for our postwar works. I know that There is no chance that Mr. Jol--| lature." The sovereign power of| the Dominion Government will not liffe will get a bid to form an Ad--| the people themselves must make assist us in housing projects unless ministration. It is pointed out that| the final decision, he declared. we can demonstrate that we have a if the Progressive Conservatives, Mr. Hepburn said his group in the master plan for the city and can with 38 seats, could not continue to Legis]_ature is prepared to co--oper-- chart its progress into the postwar command majority support in thel ate with the Government in passing era." Legislature, the CCF., with 32' 'e§sent|al bills and in voting suffi-- If the legislation is not forthcom-- seats, would have even less success, | gClent supply 'tO caxjry on the. busi-- ing, a special City Council meeting| _ particularly in view of the fact that| | ness of Ontario during the period of will be called by the mayor to diS'l they would have to depend upon ia general election. cuss the situation. Liberal House support. | Jolliffe's Statement The Drew Cabinet will continue| _ Mr, Jolliffe issued a statement ' _ to function as Executive Council[ charging that "the present political until after the next election, believ-- crisis was deliberately engineered ed likely to take place about the by Premier Drew. Ever since last first week in June. The Premie"® |summer he has zealously followed will meet the Legislature Tuesday |a course whick he knew could not and it is possible the House may sit \be accepted by the Opposition for several days to clean up unfin-- |majority. ished business. What the Premier ' "He did everything he could to intends to tell the House is his and 'make his own defeat inevitable be-- the Cabinet's secret, but it is pos-- |cause he is determined to force an gible the Government Leader may 'election, if he can, before the end i omcs 'of the war. He knows that when the war ends the policy of his Gov-- 'ernment will be exposed as miser-- ably and disastrously inadequate."

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