'C" march 12 & » e nime= en 33 P 4 28. » 4 cose Site a UuUMmbper M 4 on 4 Nome O 'l !' 9 k * 7 $ ._'v. Legislation -- implementing thelpride. honor or joy in asking sup-- Drew Government's proposals t0o nort of any legislation than in a establish a modern fruit and vege-'thjs.-- } * table market for the Toronto area,| Among bills introduced yestér-- f \for the benefit both of farmers day was one providing amendments | 'ity--dwellers, _ was -- cleared chers' ; P '?}?r('ioug(l: )('ommittee' stage by lhe';i.'.thlgrezfgshle):'zwSe':g;:?:::a&zl: t Legislature 3'0§terda,\' when nine |this provided chang'e:s to clarify ghe k \Government bills passgd commit--}act, worked out in co--operation (tee, six were given third reading |with the Province's teachers,. |and will become effective when| when consideration was given 'signed by the Lieutenal'lt-Governor,;Mines Minister Leslie Frost's bill and two received second reading.|;, amend the legislation govern-- _ Much of the Government logisla-!-mg arbitration of losses occasioned 'tion was in the nature of clarifica--)py fumes, Harry Nixon (L., Brant) tion, amending existing acts to ) askeq if consideration had been meet changing conditions or to ef"'given an earlier plea by Robert H. fect new regulations. Agri(-ulluf'e Carlin (C.C.F., Sudbury) to compel % Minister Kennedy's markets b']lllx1tox'natiOIlal Nickel Co., at Copper B and another bill to sl.andardlze'cmf to install equipment to re-- & fruit and vegetable selling, ROW-- movye vegetation--destroying fumes ever, were new proposals, the firSst| from smokestack discharges. 5 actually culminating a quarter cen--| e"wp had given that serious tury of effort to set up a cCOMm--|thought." said Mr. Frost, "but it posite, modern market for Great°" ) woulq place a serious handicap on To(l:'r)lntol.& 3 led, thiig hi (the operations. Furthermore, the ol. Kennedy recalle 118 MS*/ epeatest period of damage, we '01}'i8("';";" :"'" b":)"f\'l-',' ?;;V';?m}::::'fearned on investigation, hasdal- to 3.to. teil about : 20V°eYU~ ready occurred, having been dur-- ment .of that day_smtln{-'. _asxde ""';'mg heavy processing of ores dur-- acres of land for a mark®t, NOW |jng the war when need of metal iearses he suld, hn been toralie|Wes high, The eStents9f provecging fnmarket, nc Saitl, * \has greatly declined and it wou cce o mimnom io armaidt ols neem, ihe Btried 0t extreme dany orts 'oug "'age is passed." to establish a new market had bee_'n{ € P frustrated by the inability of ral!- ways, farm groups and city offi-- & cials to see eye to eye. Recently, however, a Govern-- ment--appointed -- commission had chosen a site near the Humber 'River at the western city limits, }which was generally convenient and '(which would be suitable for trans-- !portation. In moving committee ap-- 'proval of the bill, Col. Kennedy T e in 'said: ; ; It greater «§ S l d d said: "I have never felt & alaries Adjuste o e * | In Civil Service | * Attraction of higher sslaries in outside services had had a marked, effect on the Ontario civil service, it was pointed out in the annual civil service report tablec in the Legislature yesterday. » Charles J. Foster, Civil Service Commissioner, reported that this * condition had resulted in a revision of civil service salaries and provi--| sion of an annual x'ean'angemenllé of salary schedules. t New appointments to the service for the year ending last March 31 totalled 1,432, twice the numiber in o the year immediately before the: war,. | *J w¥