The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 14 Mar 1946, p. 2

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mavch 14 £ s« mmmpresets ic roorese P Valuable Service in Job Creation ing Depart 32 & artment, Mouse l o -- By Planning Department, "#»' After five spea%&('ls had (,ieh\med' Mr. Meinzinger called for the people that they can engage in an addresses on subjects ranging from closing of Ontario House in Lon-- innocent game like bingo." social legislation to soil erosion.' don as a duplication of the work Criticism voiced by _G.arfield An--. and from northern roads to labor of Canada_ Mouse and an extrava-- derson (C.C.F., Fort William) of the | o Throne Speech debate| gance costing some $114,000 a year, booklets and bulletins released by codes, the 'Throne Sp« c including allowances of over $16.000 the Department of Planning andi had not ended last night in the | to the agent--general in charge, Development -- boomeranged when | Ontario Legislature, a Progressive| "If Premier Drew is so pro--Brit-- Mr. Porter spoke on the debate. He} Conservative adjournment indicat--| _ ish that he is leaning over back-- read a leiter from the clerk of Fort P ~R wards in developing inslitutions , William, in response to a depart--| ing resumption of the talks by a overseas, he shouldn't ask the tax. mental request, stating that the| member of that party today. payers of Ontario to pay for pillows mayor desired to be kept on the} Hon. Dana Porter, Planning Min-- to assure him a safe landing," he mailing list for bulletins and book--' ister, was the only Cabinet Min-- declared. 3 | lets, which "he 'f.indS very useful| ister to speak yvesterday, with his Opening a two--hour speech, Mr.| and instructional. | ts * spean yCf tC i Meinzinger said the CommumstsE Mr. Anderson, M.P.P., and Mayor ' address an exposition of his ae-- had tried to disparge and ('l'u('if_\'% Anderson were the same man, Mr.} 3. partment's position as an all--over :.:im. As a Sat'pizl'it('v (:";':'f'liiliio,'} :"g 'Poriter pointed ou\l\. amid laughter| & 4 R 'raniz? O ommunism _ just do 410€¢, nd | {rom the House. "hen Mr. Ander--| § .. ""","""'5 m,an_n@tmn "d.'\;'):fl'ip :ln he added: "No one, including Pl'P-i ~nnm> he had never heard of the! ¥ such varied tasks as outlining tec mier Drew, has fought Communism letter and that the clerk had just| ¥" nical caurses for veterans to seek-- as I have dur_)'ng six years as mayor "gone through a formality" in writ--| inz industries lmg anmadl:n esg-- of Kitchener. l ing it, Mr. Porter asked: "Then; tablish plants in Ontarmo. _ was » , what help are you giving your Gov--| %} not. as accepted b, ()DPOSN;.O". LGbOI" and Housmg ernment land the dfparxiwnt which | w n,]'\m-h.f\'.'l. '-1,. Mp';d,',),\i' a:((i n;'xlo Im-':l: He criticized Labor Minister| vou : erii Cisei"_ ts . | _ munmicipalities seking o e' Daley for attending theWorld On the files of his department| M rna en muen namtes e eang." Labor Conference in Paris, France now, he continued, were "live" re--| ofifice for such bodies, he said. } uns Ahe Ford imdior '.s:h'iko at| auests for advice from 125 firms} \ _ _Joseph Meinzinger (L., '\\aterlon' Windsor. and said that pleas to pianning industrial establishments,' North) assailed communism and Keep '\h-' Daley in Ontario while some large and some small, but all in urged more lenient arlmmlslxatloni 1Hétcl|'ikr.~ was on had been ignored. | bona fide. When Liberal Leader 4 of jlabor and social laws; ARohenl "Thcl Go\ernfilenl sent Provincial| Farquhar Oliver had criticized the ; Carlin «C.CF., Sudbury) voiced an| Police to Windsor and sent the Min--| department for not sending more d appeal for an honest labor code to | ister of Labor to France. What a industries to smaller communities, [ give workers democratic rights: fine way to solve a labor problem!"; _ and Ross MacEwing (L.. Welling-- Goldwin Elgie (P.C., Gg-oon\\ he comntented. | ton North) said municipalities were j voiced a Government member's| Calling for the appointment of a| _ sent away empty--handed, Mr. Por-- * support of demands for good labor| Provincial housing commission, Mr. ter said they wore not judging the 5* laws. a shorter work week and l\"f?fi Meinzinger was definite in his as--, Tunctions of the department fairly. : weeks' vacation with pay for ali sertion that municipalities should' The Government did not feel that f labor, and J. Newman (L.. Rainy| not enter the building business., 'industry could be legislated into River) appealed for greater Gov--| Called to order a dozen times or locating any place, but advice could ernment aid in clearing land and more by the Speaker for naming be offered which would lead to carrying out drainage projects in members, referring to them as plants being located to the general the richest potato--growing area of | "gentlemen" instead of "honorable _ benefit of Ontario. Nor did it Canada. | gentlemen" and other minor infrac--| finance local undertakings of mu-- | tions of House rules, Kitchener's' nicipalities, but offered them the| Wage Sfandards | former mayor proved to be easily services and advice of experts in | Mr. Meinzinger warned the Gov--| the most colorful speaker heard in | creating "ht'l'rfiplanS- he said. 1 c S : ) mini--, the Throne Speech debate this ses--| Led by service clubs and cham-- ernment that unless adequate n ) | have i is bnlRalities| o o f o | bers of commerce, municipalities] mum wages were provided in On ons | were providing 'olume ice| x he way was being opened * * i+ suat e _ a 'O:L.m" r)f' ?d"'el fario 1 dn "Unless we! -- Champions Bmgo \ _ _ about their communities which was| to Communist inroads. . Lmeés., ,',\(' P | being consulted daily by industries| k can assure a decffl\t x?\nnn\.':mr\'lr a:.:'e; Interest in the galleries reached a: seeking locations, ad\'i.-;éd Mr. Pox'-i o a man can live "":'we""a hands peak when he finally came out as & ) rer, 'This, plus the leads followed | are certainly playins e ent Aony '"l champion of bingo games. Criticism| oy the department in Britain and! of the ('0""'"u¥"5_t "?"c.'."' ":l-(d of Aitorney--General Leslie Black-- the United States, was providing| your own Premier de.\c"lfis: o oim 'l'a' [' well, who was not in the House. for valuable service in creating lasting! He was particularly critical of| banning bingo when horse racing jobs, he said. the low wage standgx'ds for \\'omo'n' was legal gdt him into difficulitios $ l in Ontario, and claimed many are| again when Provincial Treasurer Problems of Planmng | being unlawfully 4l'elanwf_l on an Leslie Frost rose to point out that i | unskilled help basis at 86 to $8 a | the laws in both cases were Do. Mr. Porter explained that plan--| week despite the higher minimum / n1fi~1011"la\\'< and that 1}10 Province ing covered many problems. It in--| set in the act. Payment of "starva-- "_\f simnl\: ell}on't-ix1g Fedéral sia-- volved study of flooded areas. of | tion wages" to women, he declared. m;llés» y i mendment 6f i ishig vanishing _ underground \\"aleri was forcing some of them into| laws must ha'-r'nado at Ottawa. Mr. sources, of oil erosion and water-- prostitution. There should be }.m'fl o.b.-éa\"od ' sheds. _ Specialists in these fields| legislation to overcome exploitation it acl: e * t i had to be retained and these men| t m | How about enforcement of the o o 3 _ of poor working people, he urged. Canada Temperance Act?" asked visited projects in the United Etates' & Mr,. Meinzinger also advocated' Harr a\-~ ic ?Lz Bra{ni). T so that flood control and conser\'a-' better provision for the aged, and' "l\l\'\e';-el'\gg'n'vlafl lot bet.ter than tion of resources could be planned said many, who had been taxpayers . when th L'h bals were in power," intelligently. } i for years, had been forced to go in Mr. Fr ': -'teft a f Measurement of water flow in | _ their later years to homes for the Kr '{)Is- i Apoe 'C cluded the ex. _ Southern Ontario had necessitated _\ aged which already were over-- change of decisfing that. since -- ©Stablishing 16--gauge testing sta-- e S e sns * 9 Te a8s! | ) Drenter Drow 'ned been feponney (hont.. Aiydratine moil uie qife| _ but the insane. em:er "re" a' ol P and forestry surveys had been done.| s _ i some years ago--when in the Op-- . i When the Germans were re-- Te V o 4 s 3 Aerial photographs were taken of| : Xripdyr po.ition--as advocating defiance by paP im o h nc ported liquidating the aged and, the Province of Federal Aafa various areas as basis for studies. infirm," he said, "the democracies' Coo ol Ne on aeoeral power Te« Rehabilitation of returned men; hm a strictions, "the Government should a s | were shocked. In Ontario they have th to tell the 'had involved p]annlng by the de-- ___don't liquidate them; they starve ave the eourage e AO CE 'partment when courses had to be' them to death." He pleaded for a 'defined in technical training. Simi-- rectification of the situation as soon [larly, because the tourist industry | as possible, |would benefit from better skilled

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