march 22. Unfair Advantage' | onmrmnnris sn oregitandnamminymomerpors rverermmerrro in omm moncaecmernateaine By Government _ Legislature Whittl Pile: | i egislature ittles at Pile _ Assurance that his Government Of G o 6 l wiee hor nieniaiist is egthes overnment, Private Bills -- substantial majority" should be used in any way that could be consid-- In a steady sweeping of the order tions, that the Government had ered "unfair" came from Premier paper, to maintain its record of not Within its ranks competent and able s s P e sess » mj » ® wC concurred with a Liberal and a 'K:;ngzl"':'si.l::l;rggt,l' ::"\'eontt,?il',lg'Cabinot member would assume the C.CF. member that a private bill reading to four Government bills, POSition, probably Provincial Secre-- should be sent back to committee advanced nine through «-ommittef;j'ar'\' George Dunbar. for "further consideration." stage, gave second reading to 20, q.r.':n."" rr),re\y assulne Josep.l; The Premier's pledge arose from and second reading to six private 'f' & p'g'(t'" .',".Ioronlo-St. Andre® C bills. | that a true spirit of reform was the an issue brought into the Legisla-- Among important legislation ",N,P'intenlion of establishing a new de-- ture by Aurelien Belanger (L., Rus-- bills establishing th:nmv depart(-- §partment, separating_ those instil.u- sell) and taken up later by Robert| ments, Travel and Publicity, and| U°"° mtf;?dedd to ';SS'St ?:g(:'::h:::] Carlin (CCF., Sudbury). As the| Feforrp Iln;shl}\{lnons. PI- or the first :.:':l':li.l]fd ';t epnre:::t trc(:That end." Mr Speaker called for orders of the day, dl:.?i, mfm'r]:al O:ts,?,'mi:):]mlf; Ii;;:: 'Salsberg had declared that the old Mr. Belanger rose and began an Arthur Welsh as the future Minis. Jebartment (the Provincial Secre-- address on rules of the House, re-- ter of the former. He explained|!""" 8' I"_"'h a mew (.::""t me':f:'tnd? calling their gradual evolution this department would be the one | e niee u. ba' o +unanerstnent o- through vears of democratic prog-- variously called "tourists and 1'0('|'p-~n,w"\a'ed y the "proper inspira--| git yedi~ & 'an" "u a en' tion for real reform." ress, demanding that they be re-- ation, vacation and tourism" and spected, and finally reaching the other names. real issue: refusal earlier in the As to the second department, he day of Chairman J. deC. Hepburn declined to discuss its future head. (P.C.. Prince Edward--Lennox) to He explained, in answer to ques-- call for a poll of members on a Ts entenmt. division of the Private Bills Com-- mittee. ; Asked for Vote ' Quoting Rule 102 (B) from House rules, Mr. Belanger said the Legis-- lature was now being asked to adopt acceptance of the report of the committee, including an item which merely reported that a cer-- x tain bill had been "deferred." On this bill, he said, he had requested in committee a vote when the mem-- bers could not agree. This had been refused, he said. It could not, he claimed, be accepted by the Legis-- lature now when combined in a report because the rules, which compelled taking a woteo in commit-- tee, had been "grossly and unfairly ignored and flouted." _ _ The bill, originally introduced by Up to this point it was apparent Mr. Carlin, provided that Sacred: that Premier Drew was mot QU"'P, Heart College in Sudbury be per-- aware of the full purport of Mr.} mitted to become the University| « Belanger's remarks. As they dawned of Sudbury, with full powers and on him, he straightened up quickly.| authority of a university. In com-- When Mr. Belanger then moved | mittee hearing, the chairman had an amendment to Mr. Hepburn's' pointed out that a Royal Commis-- motion, and Mr. Carlin moved 4) sion on Education was at present subamendment, he glanced at the' sitting and its chairman hnad re-- order paper and rose. quested no major changes or exten-- "I do not believe that, on the| sions of educational institutions un-- facts pointed out here, any mem--| til its report was prepared. Sud-- ber would wish this report aC--| bury delegates had expressed anger cepted as it is," said the Premier., at having been permitted to come I have said before that I feel we; all the way to Toronto without be-- should be careful not to permit use| ing notified of this When some of our very substantial majority| of the committee disagreed with h.ore in any way that could be con-- Chairman Hepburn's proposal that sidered unfair. I suggest that this: the bill be "deferred," which often matter should go back t(3' the com--| means indefinite pigeonholing, they mittee for consideration. | had demanded a vote. *