March >o C.C.F. Editorial _ 'Utterly False, erly False, A challenge to the C.C.F. mem-- bers of the Logislature to "assure a more accurate interpretation in their official publication of what actually does take place in this + Legislature," was made yesterday by Premier George Drew when he branded as "utterly false" editorial statements appearing in the party organ, "C.C.F. News." At the same time the Premier tabled a 13--page cabled article, a violent attack on Winston Churen-- ill, which had been sent from Mos-- cow to the Soviet Embassy at Ot-- tawa and then offered to a Cana-- dian publication. His purpose for presenting it to the House, he said, was to show the extent of "Soviet insolence" in seeking to propagan-- dize Canadians a full month after "their spying activities had be>n exposed to the world," and in jus-- tification of his claim that com-- munism sought by every possibl» means to sow distrust and suspi-- cilon betiween nations and groups within nations. ® Has Faith in Labor The C.C.F. editorial charged that the Premier had stated his Govern-- ment would regard "all future strikes as Communist--inspired and therefore unprincipled, unjustified and un--Canadian." It agreed with him, however, that Communists were a disruptive and destructive force within the ranks of orga-- _nized labor. That, the Premier said, was exactly what he had said, but he also had expressed the greatest admiration of and faith in orga--| Quotation is Proof nized labor. At no time had he said | Here, he said, was ample proof that all strikes were Communist-l of the charge he had made, and inspired; he had _ quoted from which the CCF organ distorted-- Communist Leader Tim Buck's own that the Communists sought politi-- heok that the party objective was cal advantage in labor unrest. Here to capitalize politically by foment-- also, he said, was ample reason forl mme strgke action. the CCF to recognize the truth of Holding up a copy of the Can2--| what he had said: A Communist dian Communist organ, "Natnonal[ writer declaring that the party was |. | Affairs," the Premier then read ex-- seeking political gain in strikes. _ tracts from an article by Leslie Premier Drew stressed that he Morri_s. One part stated,. in 2| did not "associate the members of{ menting on the Ford strike: "We this Legislature who belong to the C ItEo, Parseme in this country CCF Party with the dishonest state-- a struggle for leadership of the key ments in the CCF article." Having| industrial workers by the Marxists been present when he spoke origin-- . O hk Sand and the' CCF_ oppor, ally on Communism's objectives in | funists on the other,' Again the labor, and knowing the truth of| arficle said, regarding the CCP and what' he had said, the members! the Ford sirike: "It rejected the should see that more accurate re-- means whereby the Stike could ports and editorial statements on have served as the poh'tl(-al medium Legislature matters appear in the c on eruitionajer ont o Nroes, . One lor an which they officially endors-- fvord poliical" he said, was itafi-- Iedg the Premier said. t cized. » |