ie eR Ee e e e e o e eeeeeeieeennees A'VV\\ > . o o xz _ Bequel to Démonstration | The introduction of tne bill for ty second reading had followed a day m y of considerable uproar around the Legislative buildings. At noon a P mass -- gathering of prohibition f @ forces had descended on the Gov-- | ernment, after declining an earlier | appointment suggested by the Pre--' mier. The members did not see, him--Cabinet council was in ses--. 2 sion. After singing several hymns Any doubt that Ontario's new|ment bill, and will not be with-- it gradualiy dispersed. liquor bill will become law wasldrawn." Rumms then circulated that 'gal-: largely removed yesterday when| But his most definite answer leries would h."' packed b"""Sa"' it was approved in principle by|came when he asked for a "divi-- groups who might seek to interrupi} the Ontario Legislature on a record--|sion," a vote by call of names. the session if the liquor license bill! ed vote, demanded by Premier\which left no doubt of solidity came up for consideration. No or-- Drew. j ]within Government ranks on the ganized effort to that end occurred | Despite the appeal. of $00 hymn-- jote Td & vned Seiar min| singing members o ie Ontario 'ing * e speecn. ® Temperance Federation. who hadl.."!* Blackwell was the only other was promptly squelched by Speaker | moved on the Government build-- t,o'vernEn%nt sgigker. seven me'l"n- W. J. Stewart, who advised that no| ings in an anti--liquor demonstration w(;lt; %nlyprgblllonH;;:\?:yps((s:pg;. demonstrations were permitted by' ;:;)xllmlrt;?s tlli':p:idtx'p Ggolg'c;:'eir;gliir;qs'qult i onct. seying ho was apobsed "pfi':étgiz"k"?" opened the liquoi ;'() Liberal, CC.F a}ld I;at;oi-Pl'o 4 Prerpler. o n creon s vias eppased session when he 'm'()\'od second | * o . Miyerk * O ito the bill. He agreed with the Gov-- o ns f : Aetudne gressive members to carry the bill\ernment that "sincerity marks the reading and then entered 'into a, through svcond _roadmg. Attorney--General's effort but that fuller dosrnptmn of tl}o bill's pro--| The House diviston came in quick|effort is not needed; what we need, posals. But first, he said, he should and definite reply to opposition|is correction of abuses under the: tell the House that objections had| from without and within the Legis--| present law." | been received from widely sepa--| lative Assembly to the act to pro--| | rated interests: Temperance work-- vide -- in five cities and loml}l'remier Amazed | ers, brewers and hotel owners | optipn oth'ex'wise -- by--the--glass salo!I Premier Drew said he was amazedi Brewers objected to the Govern-- of liquor in hotels, cocktail lounges at suggestions now that the bill ment's intention to take over all| m"|d d.mmg lounges; and beer and should be withdrawn: every party retail outlets, such as warehouses.| wine in restaurants. ileader hbad agreed that it be con-- Hotel owners, seeing their places Three--Hour Debate \sidered and not one asked suspen-- listed for reclassification into "true" k ) sion or withdrawal. Interim be-- hotels and those which had been| ..1' Ol lhl('(' !")urs' after l')bb)'}lween first and second readings | "merely a sham for the licensing of | *'F';\f;.'fi""'?'"g" of the break Of| =exceeded that of most legislation | beer sales," feared losses. prohibition m_ ntario, the House|;n ine House, so haste cannot be ¥o Retain Board debated the issue. One after AN--|npareed." Not more than 20 scec-- < i i ig: other, Opposition leaders rose to|'.'""*®"@ 4 . From first entering office, the s tions of the bill contained new pro-- eP BHILizs demand that the bill be deferred.| ainnar s | Government realized that the mess| They, in effect, were achieving what| Y'S°MS5), M° °0° could say truthfully inherited from the Hepburn regime 'the Ontario Temperance Federation l,t. "too 1mf'olved for full con-l had to be cleaned up, he continued. had failed to--they were speaking sideration now. s | Evidence of Government faith and |to Premier Drew. Liberal Leader '?m} t.ha.t cillarglg. he said, was honesty was its first step, the re-- 'Farquhar Oliver, C.C.F. Leader W.|VAlugless in the light of demands moval of hoteli licensing from politi-- J. Grummett and Labor--Progressive|that it be held up a year. What cal control into a public commis-- Leader A. A. MacLeod had theix'1"°'fl_d be learned in a year b'y any sion, with licenses granted only say and it was that: |PevEO® who C°u}',',nt construe 20 after public hearings and public The bill was hasty . . . it wasiClaiises in a week!? As to grain advertising of the applications. The too involved for full consideration| being used for liquor, Ontario was Temperance Federation, he added, . . . it would involve use of vital| NOW lmp?.rtmg wines and liquors had approved this, and, in its lat-- materials in liquor production or|[rom the "very countries that mqm-i est brief, had asked that the Liquor rebuilding of premises . . . it was|bers here say we will be depriv-- Authority Board be retained, de-- being rushed by the Government |ing of foodstuffs." Materials go-- spite any changes. This, he said. Premier Drew listened and he|ing into establishments? Why, he| the Government intended doing. answered. He declared that "not one l'etmal'ked, with a SmllE.' the Fed-- ; The Government had sought also Opposition voice has been raised ela.l Governmept had dgll.vered ma-- to remove any monopoly from the 'against the proposals of this meas.|terials control into municipal hands business, establishing drastic fees 'ure, not one voice denies the con _ and surely municipalities could de for transfer of licenses. In the new ditions that it seeks to correct, bUut; termine where they should be used. _ bill another recognition of an evil |every Opposition® voice has sought The basic fact, he insisted, was was provided: Beer pushing for |to evade by asking that it be de--| that "deplorable" conditions exist-- _ profit would lose favor because the |ferred or withdrawn." He insisted] eq ang must be righted. Certain _ whole schedule of fees would be that the principle of the bill Was) principles had been recognized by _ revised so that establishments pro-- the issue. § ; the Government: Either _ some viding fewer public services would |\ Premier Drew said his GoverN--| means of hqonest administration _ pay proportionately heavier fees ment was assuming responsibility| --ang adequate distribution must be -- for their licenses. 'fOI' its proposals. It believed in the! found, thereby achieving a lawful Picking up the brief presented by | need for a system which "?de condition which people would re-- the Temperance Federation at a imoderallon in drinking pos ible spect, or conditions would gradu-- three--hour session two weeks ago, |and law enforcement possible, In ally get worse until prohibition, he then outlined its proposals: |this respect, he remarked, he urged with alil its abuses, be accepted. Abolition of women's beverage all who talk temperance to practic¢! Anq, he stressed, not one group _ rooms (the new bill offered local it in utterances. His Government whjch the Government met, in-- Ooption decision by any municipality he said, did more in temperance eluding the Ontario Temperance on this) continuance of the Robb education than any other Govern--! Federation, had suggested prohibi-- -- Authority Board (this was proposed ment of the past, yet the best Wa@y _ jjon--all had discussed legal dis-- in the new bill); enforcement of the to meet the challenge was to d8 tripy{ion, thereby recognizing the _ Canada Temperance Act in its law-- velop courage, character @And & maijority desire for Jjlegal use of -- ful areas (this the Government had sense of decency and self--respeCt. . beverage alcohol. already pledged); rehabilitation of He declared the bill "is a Govern-- . alcoholics and temperance education _.«._.Z2lll nc (he had forwarded these to, respec-- ; tively, the Health Department and t he Department of Education); op-- position to creating new outlets or