AP\'\ | 6 Red Pamphlet i ' Reported circulation of a Com--| munist pamphlet in Ontario schools| brought strong condemnation fromj Premier Drew as the Ontario Legis--, lature opened yesterday. Never, he said, had the Minister or any official of the department '"interfered with the freedom of expression of any teacher or any R visitor to the schools." ¥Yet it be-- came necessary to see that no politi-- cal propaganda of any kind,. involv-- ing any party, should be allowed to use the--schools as an agency of distribution. '"Vicious" Pamphlet Now, he said, a "vicious" pam-- phlet, comparing Churchill to Hit-- ler, undermining Governments of Canada, assailing the British Gov-- ernment, had been placed in some schools by the Communists. A Communist member of Toronto's Board of Education had said of it: "I am proud that the Communisis hqve adopted groups in other coun-- tries and are aiding them to or-- ganize," No offense of the criminal code, the Premier said, was worse than this effort to poison young, imma-- ture minds. He brought it to the attention of the members with an appeal that they watch to prevent schools from being made the me-- dium of further efforts of the kind. which, he pointed out, were "more insidious because the appeal is made supposedly in behalf of world youth." * Last night School Trustee Mrs. Hazel Wigdor charged that the re-- mark attributed to a "Communist member of Toronto Board of Edu-- cation" was not correct. "I referred to my pride in young Canadian Communists' adoptoin of young people's clubs in war devas-- tated countries," said Mrs. Wigdor, "which they intend to help with material aid such as food and cloth-- ing as soon as Government regula-- tions permit. This statement had no direct connection with the leatf-- let in question; it was made after another board member had said he was tired of hearing ad nauseam $ of so many Russians being killed in the war."