‘seling ous under per avout. be. : | elling loans under par shou e oe treated. as ordmary expenditure.’ The death of the officer, who was | Provincial assets, he said, had noi found shot through the heart, his | Seenen's by the mag th yoetecw 9 {papers scattered, according to Mr. charged by Mr. Nickle, and account- | . . ed for the difference in the two Lewis’ statement, along ye va? years by pointing out that although : against the direction of the wind, aaa ge amount of two rage we ne was the subject of investigation by a e ad been placed in lia es, ’ j an there was on e loan $477,000 and es ahs es bags Mr on the other nearly $5,000,000 which open verdict. esterday in ° had not yet been received on account Lewis’ address, for the first time of,the loans. since the tragic occurrence, the name it : ok ibaa sea’ he” ante, of a prominent man was mentioned. would be for refunding loans. He said he would shortly bring in legis- Mentions E, W. Backus. ; ; r é ss to take | After charging the Government pang "st dilbsobion hid see bonds! * with laxity in investigating the mat- , which the Government were buying | ; ter, Mr. Lewis said: fe Be Vacs = for sinking fund purposes. | all points to the fact tha Ss man | used his influence—and he has evi- | Hasn't Always Exceeded. ee dently a tremendous influence, not | | Mr. Smith said at the outset that only on this Government in the mat- ‘the Government had not exceeded ter of timber limits, but in other ; estimates in almost every depart- ways——’”’ 5 : 'ment, which had been the view put Hon. Mr. Raney—Who has? ‘forward by the Opposition members. Mr. Lewis—Mr. Backus—that this |He quoted the figures showing the |man used his influence to spread ;moneys spent by each department the report that Captain Huston mpeg ‘and the amount of money voted for | mitted suicide, to fill the minds of each, the balance being favorable in the Government investigators tha nearly all cases. Answering Mr. Huston suicided, and to burke a Dewart, he said that the vote ' of proper investigation of the case. fourteen millions on highways, ' Mr. Lewis also made the accusa- shown in the Public Accounts, was tion that Inspector Jeffry, who con- not an appropriation. ‘ ducted the investigation for the Gov- The Provincial Treasurer held ernment, ~had seen RK. ji rae 9 that the estimates had been exceed- K.C., before leaving © pi — ed in only two departments—the - Franees, and went. there with i Hydro and the Attorney-General's mind made up that Huston had com- Departments. He then read a_re- , mitted suicide. Mr. Lewis would not ort of a speech made by Sir Adam , admit to the Attorney-General, how- Beck at Belmont, saying of Mr. Fer- ever, that he was charging the per- guson’s criticism of the rural distri- version of a police officer. bution act regarding Hydro passed a se Sits Tense. last session: “I don’t want a political House Sits Tens 8 During Mr. Lewis’ statements the at oe aoe a | Legislature sat tense. Attorney-Gen- | ee oo He (Mr. Fer- eral Raney sought to interrupt ae ste do ee an : present Govern- | one point to correct : a snort unt has given the farmers a bone | which, he said, was erroneous. “7 Lewis declined to permit it, and was upheld by Hon. G. H. Ferguson. The Speaker ruled to allow the Attorney- General to make the correction, and ‘the Conservative Leader promptly, | threatened to appeal to the House. | from the ruling. Compromise was | |finally agreed upon when W. F. of Kingston, and, in what developed Nickle, Kingston, suggested that into a sort of cross-floor informal | ‘| Hon. Mr. R e k on-— discussion, came to agreement with) . | aney speak at the con-) ment did not even give them the ee ee to the lateness of the hour, | the Treasurer’s speech was made to many empty benches and almost empty galleries. He went over, item by item, the criticisms of Mr. Nickle but not- the meat, but his Govern- | the member for Kingston in many clusion of Mr. Lewis’ utterance. ' instances as to the correct account- Mr. Lewis’said, in oppednaiaal ing of particular items, or, as often Pasta rc _contribution to the Budget debate, happened, the two members simply | that the Attorney-General’s Depart- agreed + are pent eee /ment rested under grave suspicion The: reasurer’s s cept for | in the minds of people in the dis- cludes the Budget debate, except for triot, who were @neuniaial ame the three leaders—Messrs. Ferguson, | ll of whom are facts, by not having endeavored to Hay and Drury—all 0 ’ bring out all the facts in connec- expected to speak on Tuesday next. tion with Captain Huston’s death. Scorns Suicide Theory. He proceeded to repudiate’ the suicide theory held by the officers investigating the case, by pointing out the following facts: that, al- though only one bullet was found in the body, four chambers of the! revolver found at his feet had been | emptied; the torn condition of the clothing and laceration of the. left wrist; his papers were scattered along the path in the direction he was going and against the direction . ' ‘ i} : ~ : ° ° of the wind; Captain Huston was A. . Lewis, M.P.P., Claims ; left-handed, and it would have been 2 impossible for him to have shot him- Attorney-General s De- self through the heart in the man- partment Has Been Lax ner stated; that a young lady had | heard cries for help on the night in question and also three shots fired. ea Investigation and Al- These facts, he said, should readily | have convinced officers conducting leges Influence tn | the investigation of the possibility ta | of his having been murdered. fo Spread Report x Sui Going.on to discuss Captain Hus- cide and Burke Inquiry | ton’s business affairs, he suggested : that there were those who would iH benefit by the recovery of certain 1 papers he was supposed to have. | Asked by Hon. Mr. Raney who these VICTIM POSSESSED VALUABLE PAPERS parties might be, he said: : Interested in Papers, f ; “There was one man in particular. Immediate investigation by Royal |} —I do not say one man site desired Commission into all the circum- Huston’s death—but one’ who was stances surrounding the death of | interested in gr wd poo of lle ston at t certain papers Huston was thought on aa a a — | to have about him when he was in Frances in December last was prom- Fort Frances, and as a result of an ised in the Legislature yesterday af-| - endeavor to secure these papers it is ternoon by Attorney-General Raney, | reasonable | to suppose Huston met following charges of an exceedingly his death. He told how Huston had secured grave nature launched by A.C, a reduction in freight rates on Lewis, Conservative member for pulpwood from northern Manitoba Northeast Toronto. | in order to sell to the Fort Frances / mills. ‘ “The owner of the mills,” he said, | ‘who had agreed with Huston ‘to wear ——-