2 TheThe South Marysburgh MirrorMirror The 2015 Milford Fair The Blitz is On For over 65 years, the Milford Fair has relied upon contribu(cid:415)ons of (cid:415)me and money from individuals and businesses in Prince Edward County, par(cid:415)cular- ly those in South Marysburgh. As a not-for profit event, their generosity has enabled the fair to re- main the most popular one of its kind in the County. Every year, the Milford Fair Board under- takes what it refers to as 'The Blitz'- a concerted effort to solicit contribu(cid:415)ons and dona(cid:415)ons from individuals and businesses throughout the County. Like any other fundraising endeavour, this involves going door-to-door and visi(cid:415)ng retail businesses asking for money. It is a big job requiring a lot of forethought and planning, numerous volunteers and exac(cid:415)ng record keeping. The funds raised during the blitz, along with gate receipts on Fair Day, are used in several ways: to provide cash prizes to winners of the various clas- ses of exhibits; to buy prizes to be won during the raffle draw; to pay for expenses to put the fair on in the first place; and to upgrade damaged or obsolete equipment. Without the money to pay for these things, given by the community, the Milford Fair would not be what it is today. The Milford Fair Board is apprecia(cid:415)ve of eve- ry single penny it receives. That apprecia(cid:415)on is ex- pressed through acknowledgement on fair day, and lis(cid:415)ng in the fair booklet distributed in August each year. The Milford Fair is a community event at which everyone is welcome and invited to enter an exhibit or par(cid:415)cipate in any way they can. If you can volunteer some (cid:415)me to help with the blitz or if you would like to make a dona(cid:415)on, please contact and/or make cheques out to The Milford Fair Board and mail them to Noel Laine, 463 Bond Road, RR1, Milford, K0K 2P0 613.476.1750. We understand that there are numerous or- ganiza(cid:415)ons seeking money and volunteers and ap- preciate whatever you can do to help keep the Mil- ford Fair the annual ins(cid:415)tu(cid:415)on it has become. The 2015 Milford Fair September 19th This year celebrating the 30th anniversary of the Marysburgh Mummers "Mums" the Word! E: ward9@kos.net Facebook: Steve Ferguson for Ward 9 Why be a slave to your lawn? Large & Small Lawns Spring & Fall Clean Up Small Tree Removal Tree Trimming Snow Blowing 613.503.0025 Fully Insured