4 TheThe South Marysburgh MirrorMirror The Assembly of Gentlemen Further to informa(cid:415)on provided in the December edi- (cid:415)on of The Mirror, the AoG have released preliminary plans for their proposed PERTS (Prince Edward Rapid Transit System) project constructed along the wpd transmission line route. However, recent newspaper coverage from Toronto's Globe and Mail has prompted discussion of expanded ERT service to the Drake Devonshire and The Haylo(cid:332) on Salmon Point Road. In the opinion of one member of the AoG, "If all these 'hipsters' are coming like the paper says, we be(cid:425)er make sure we can get 'em back and forth to the hip places or we're going to look like some kind of idiots. Lucky for us we planned the Picton LRT to go right by the big new LCBO on Lake Street." Potato Salad By David Larkin Summer is just about here and it is (cid:415)me for salads. I'm going to rush in where angels fear to tread with Potato Salad. I'm quite aware that every family has their own recipé and that each one is the "only one" to make. However, here goes. I don't ever recall see- ing potato salad in Ireland and not o(cid:332)en in England. It certainly wasn't part of our family repertoire. But I immediately liked my wife's family recipé and it is the Price family recipé that follows, probably devel- oped slightly over the years. Eggs: 1 per person, hard-boiled and chopped. (Use the best eggs you can find - if you aren't on a first name basis with your neighbouring farmer's chickens then I suggest the Omega Plus eggs - you can get them from No Frills at modest cost.) Potatoes (Enough for the people being served but add extra if my grandson Connor is going to be present. Yukon Gold work very well.) Mayonnaise Green onion: chopped small Parsley: chopped fine Chives, if available: chopped fine Celery seed, salt and pepper Hard boil the eggs and chop. Boil potatoes, allow to cool then put in large bowl and chop. Add eggs, chopped parsley and green onions, and chives if us- ing. Sprinkle with celery seed and salt and pepper. Add mayo and s(cid:415)r in. Do not put more than the minimum of mayo - it must not be wet and sloppy. As the Two Fat Ladies said, "It must not look as if it has been assembled with white glue!" Taste and ad- just seasoning. You can, if you wish, save a few slices of hard-boiled egg and use them to decorate the top of the salad. A very light dus(cid:415)ng of paprika is a good idea. and the home of the Cherry Valley Soap Co. Karol and Stephen www.southmarysburghmirror.com