2 What's going The Library on at By Christine Renaud TheThe South Marysburgh MirrorMirror Special thanks to Steve Ferguson who has amassed previously published copies of the South Marysburgh Mirrors da(cid:415)ng back to the 90's and has made these available for viewing in the library. We will keep them for a few months before sending them to be archived. Lastly, we'd like to encourage everyone to con- (cid:415)nue to support the library by coming in and checking out materials, whether a book, DVD or magazines. We are always happy to recommend (cid:415)tles as well if you come in and need an idea or two for a good summer read, or a recommenda(cid:415)on of a movie to enjoy on a rainy day or a(cid:332)er a day out in the garden. If you would like us to get a new book in, or have a recommenda(cid:415)on not in the collec(cid:415)on, remember to let us know and we will get it on the shelves. Happy Summer, Chris(cid:415)ne Why be a slave to your lawn? Large & Small Lawns Spring & Fall Clean Up Small Tree Removal Tree Trimming Snow Blowing 613.503.0025 Fully Insured The library has a summer full of fun events for children and their families, plus live performances and ac(cid:415)vi(cid:415)es at all branches, including our own Ann Farwell branch in Milford. As well, the TD Summer Reading Club is under- way and all children are encouraged to visit the library and get their posters and bingo cards to begin logging their summer reading for a chance to win prizes…and just for the pleasure of reading, of course! Ac(cid:415)vi(cid:415)es happening at the Milford branch with Whitney include: Friday, July 3 at 2:00 p.m. Nature Play. In this pro- gram, children will bring the outdoors inside with some fun nature-themed games and ac(cid:415)vi(cid:415)es. Thursday, July 9 at 11:00 a.m. Create-a-Sport! In this program, school aged children can have fun crea(cid:415)ng new sports crazes by adding unique twists to popular games. Wednesday, July 15 drop in at the Milford branch at 2:00 p.m. for Rainy Day Roundup! In this program, children (and parents) will learn all sorts of rain- themed ac(cid:415)vity ideas, perfect for those rainy sum- mer days. Thursday, July 23 at 11:00 a.m. Let's Go Fly a Kite! All ages will have fun exploring the world of kites - the (cid:415)meless, interna(cid:415)onal summer toy. Tuesday, July 28 at 11:00 a.m. it's Graphic Novels and Super Heroes! In this program, school-aged chil- dren will explore the world of graphic novels and their comic book and graphic novel heroes. Friday, July 31 at 2:00 p.m. we're calling all those who love monsters! Children will explore books, songs, and cra(cid:332)s all about monsters. For a full schedule, including dates for various live per- formances, come in to the branch and pick up the sched- ule of events or see it online at www.peclibrary.org. Click on the schedule on the right side of the website homep- age. The Knit and Chat Group has decided to con(cid:415)nue mee(cid:415)ng during the month of July and even if you don't knit, you can always drop in to chat and enjoy good com- pany and the air condi(cid:415)oning. Local Maple Syrup for Sale Wilbur Miller 119 County Road 16 Black River