2 TheThe South Marysburgh MirrorMirror South Bay U.C.W. U.C.W. enjoyed a scrump(cid:415)ous pot luck lunch at South Bay United Church hall on Wednesday, December 9th at 12:00 noon. President Sandra opened the mee(cid:415)ng at 1:30 with our theme hymn, purpose and Lord's Prayer. Our minister, Janelle Shaw, had a very interes(cid:415)ng devo(cid:415)onal based on her family's Christmas tradi(cid:415)on. Along with a crèche, they had a book from which they read the story of the baby Jesus. A wrapped gi(cid:332) for the Christ child revealed the gi(cid:332)s inside given by the three wise men. The gi(cid:332) of gold represented his kingly office; frankincense, which is rare and expensive with a sweet fragrance, represented his divinity; and myrrh, a bi(cid:425)er substance used in embalmment, represents Jesus taking on our problems and bi(cid:425)erness in our stead. Nine members answered roll call with their gi(cid:332)s to Alterna(cid:415)ves for Women. Carol read the November minutes and recorded the December proceedings in the absence of secretary Brenda. Twenty-four sick calls were made and six cards sent to members of the community. A dona(cid:415)on of $50 was made to the Terry Fox Run. Treasurer Joyce reported our finances with dona- (cid:415)ons of cash to go to Angel Tree, food bank, Prince Ed- ward County Memorial Hospital, the South Marysburgh Mirror, Syrian refugees and $3000 to South Bay United Church. Maureen resigned as food convener but Carol will stay on with helpers. Nora volunteered to assist when she is here. The mee(cid:415)ng ended with our U.C.W. prayer. Read The Mirror on-line and in colour at www.southmarysburghmirror.com www.minakersautoparts.ca