The South Marysburgh Mirror 11 The Assembly Of Gentlemen The subject of the recent elec(cid:415)on of Donald Trump as the next president of the United States became the basis of discussion and some ridicule in November. Of par(cid:415)cular concern to the group were the news stories of 'legions' of U.S. ci(cid:415)zens fleeing the country to Canada if Mr. Trump was elected. This was an appealing prospect to the entrepreneurial spirit of the AoG given the proximity of Prince Edward County and South Marysburgh to the States. "New York State is only about 50 KMs across the lake. We're sure to see a bunch of Americans come across that way instead of driving. We should set up an immigra(cid:415)on centre out at Long Point," noted one member, "It may be small but there's a harbour out there." "This could be a very good thing for PEC," began the member considered not to be the sharpest knife in the drawer. "An influx of Americans se(cid:425)ling in the County would increase the tax base that council's always talking about, and they'd have to hook up to the water system if they se(cid:425)le in Picton or Wellington. That'd help too. And those Yanks are pre(cid:425)y good at star(cid:415)ng up businesses and crea(cid:415)ng jobs which we sure need here." "He's got a point," opined another member, "But it'd be(cid:425)er if they were welcomed and stayed in South Marysburgh, maybe open businesses in Milford to make it the commercial hub it used to be. Can you imagine what American ingenuity could do to Hicks' store? Look at what Richard Baker did with The Bay." recently-struck "Welcoming Sub-Commi(cid:425)ee" reported on some of its ini(cid:415)a(cid:415)ves. "We've done up a map that we can put up online to show them how to get here from upstate New York," said the sub-commi(cid:425)ee's Chair. "We've also got some preliminary signage done for the harbor and Coun- ty Road 13 leading into town." their next mee(cid:415)ng, a At Prince Edward Point 5 7 . 9 k m ( 3 5 . 9 8 m i l e s ) - BAKERY & VARIETY SHOP - All-Day Breakfast from 8:30 to 5:00 Fresh Baking All Day, Every Day Catering & Pre-Ordered Picnics Propane Ice Firewood Worms Bag Tags - BED & BREAKFAST - Private, fully-equipped 700 sq. ft. suite Welcome to Ward 9 South Marysburgh The Gateway to Prince Edward County! Please Drive Safely. While there was general consensus that these were a good beginning, a more seasoned AoG member weighed in, "If there is any possibility of what one of you referred to as an 'influx', we'd be(cid:425)er get working on the PERTS (Prince Edward Rapid Transit System) because County Road 13 toward Long Point is in such really bad shape it sure wouldn't impress newcomers." Open 7:30 to 6:00 Monday to Saturday Closed Sundays 3020 County Road 10, Milford, ON 613.476.3425 or 613.885.3510 Hot Coffee, Hot Lunch, Hot Gossip!