10 The South Marysburgh Mirror What's going on at The Library By Liz Zylstra She has a varied business background and held It is my pleasure to welcome Leah Garfield-Wright A Note from Library CEO Barbara Sweet: to the posi(cid:415)on of Milford librarian. Leah resides in the Milford area and will already be known to many library patrons. She holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree from McGill University with a dual major in Linguis(cid:415)cs and Humanis(cid:415)c Studies and a minor in Italian Culture and Civiliza(cid:415)on. many community volunteer roles. Please drop into the Milford branch to meet Leah and to contribute your thoughts as she works to make the Milford branch a hub of your community. Leah Garfield-Wright: Hello! I am honoured to be of service to my fellow South Marysburgh residents. Whether or not we've met already, I encourage you to come for a Hot Cider Social. This will take place at the branch on Saturday, December 16 from noon to 3:00 p.m. and is also a chance to connect with former librarian Kathy Elley Empringham. Drawing upon their generous spirit, the Friends of the Ann Farwell Branch will provide baked goods. As this is the home of the Musical Instrument Lending Library (M.I.L.L.), there will be an opportunity to sing carols and other fes(cid:415)ve tunes. Please come and introduce yourself! Tell me what you like about this branch, suggest a (cid:415)tle to add, let me know your favorite genre, and most importantly, ask me a ques(cid:415)on. Providing answers and resources is a part of my job I take very seriously. At the very least, come and bask in the a(cid:332)ernoon sunlight that streams through the window in the a(cid:332)ernoon with a cookie in one hand and a mug of cider in the other, enveloped by the sound of your neighbours and fellow patrons. Children are welcome at this event, and are espe- cially encouraged to join us so that in 25 years' (cid:415)me, they can claim that they a(cid:425)ended the First Annual Hot Cider Social! We will have an ac(cid:415)vity for the young (and the young at heart). Any day, children are encouraged to come for the small but mighty collec(cid:415)on for early read- ers, the large collec(cid:415)on of Legos, and a librarian who will be happy to help them cul(cid:415)vate a love of reading and stories. The branch is making space for the AWE Learn- ing Sta(cid:415)on, which is a computer designed for kids, to encourage literacy and skill-building. We will be borrow- ing this from the Ameliasburgh branch to see if it is a good fit for our patrons. Come check it out! As you may recall, in October, we heard from local historian Nancy Butler about Ann Farwell, a co-founder of this library. One of the highlights of this discussion was learning that the pain(cid:415)ngs that grace the walls of the library were made by Milford's own "Group of Sev- en," in an art class led by Ann Farwell. If these pain(cid:415)ngs inspire you to pick up a brush, perhaps we will add a paint night to our schedule of events for 2018. Find the program survey in the December newsle(cid:425)er and share your ideas. Lastly, a reminder about other library services here: 2018 dog tags & burn permits. We have a variety of magazines, and will take requests for new subscrip(cid:415)ons. We have films, cookbooks, graphic novels, and a scan- ner! During the holidays, we are open the usual hours with the excep(cid:415)on of Tuesday, December 26 when we are closed. Any ques(cid:415)ons? Feel free to call the branch at 613-476-4130 or email me at milford@peclibrary.org.