The South Marysburgh Mirror Life In The Past Nelson Hicks' Journals December 1927 Transcribed by Sarah Moran Collier December 1 - Went down to Collins to help him kill pigs. Wind north west some colder. Fri. 2 - A(cid:332)er Mirt and I went over to Picton to Hilton Wa(cid:425)ams Called and seen Myrtle. she is not very well. Also John Dulmage he has a broken leg. Sat. 3 - Change in the weather Colder. Kathleen stayed over went out to Earls. Sun. 4 - All went to church at the Bay Quartly mee(cid:415)ng. Mon. 5 - I took Floral over to Picton quite a nice day Tue. 6 - Royden gone hun(cid:415)ng Wed. 7 - Wind North West and quite cold did a li(cid:425)le banking around the house. Thu. 8 - Wind blew a gale all day long. big Barge land up by the Flats. Never see wind blow harder. Fri. 9 - Mirt and I went to Milford to Redley Wards wife Funeral Sermon. Lloyd and Luis came down and we went up with him It was quite cold. Lloyd and Luis then went out to Earls to a party. Mirt and I went out to George Hudgins. Visi(cid:415)ng Sat. 10 - Royden Wrex and I went over to Picton. Snowed some all the way over. Kathleen came home with us. Sun. 11 - No preaching at the Bay so we did not go. rain a li(cid:425)le. Mon. 12 - I took Floral Geraldine Hicks one to Town. It was nice and warm. Kathleen went over Sunday Night with a fellow. Lloyd was down to day. We sent a Bsl. of apples up tp Mrs.McKinzie. Tue. 13 - We are having so(cid:332) weather again. Wyral was up helping Mirt make a new dress. Royden Hun(cid:415)ng Wed. 14 - Royden and I fixing up the Hog pen making some new doors. Thu. 15 - A li(cid:425)le colder to day. Worked at the Hog pen fixing it up for cold weather. Fri. 16 - Snowed most of the day Mirt I Collin Alice all went over to Geo. Hicks had a fine (cid:415)me Sat. 17 - wind North East and colder with more snow. Sun. 18 - Enough snow for good sleighing Kathleen not home to day. Mon. 19 - Killed the Turkeys to day dri(cid:332)ed most of the day too much snow for cars to go very good. Tue. 20 - Davis Due(cid:425)a John Lony and I took our Turkeys over to Picton we went over with the sleigh. Sold them to Fred Hepburn. At 40. for No 1 and 30. for No 2. Wed. 21 - We are having quite nice weather now. And cars are going again Thu. 22 - Christmas tree at the Bay We took a sleigh load around Good sleighing Fri. 23 - Mirt and Floral is ge(cid:427)ng ready for Christmas Dinner dressing Ducks Turkeys and Chickens every body is busy. 11 Sat. 24 - Mirt Royden and I went over to Picton went with the car. roads were fine although it was quite cold. There was a big crowd in Town. Kathleen came home with us. Sun. 25 - Christmas day but we are going to have ours Monday. Lloyd and Luis came down le(cid:332) the youngest here and went up to Britan Cole's for Dinner drove my car up. They came home about Four O'clock and Kathleen went with them out to Mr. Hudgins for the evening. It has been a lovely day. Good sleighing and good for cars or buggies. Mon. 26 - We are having our Christmas dinner to day. Lloyd Luis and children Archie Ina Eddie Sarah Eliza and children All our family were home enjoying good health and every body seem to have a good (cid:415)me and enjoyed their Christmas dinner. Eddie and Sarah Eliza went home about Four O'clock Kathleen had to go to Picton for their Christmas tree. Lloyd and Archie took them over The roads were good for sleighs and cars. Archie and Ina stayed for this night. Collin Alise Kiddy Girls Ray and Gladis came up for the night. Tue. 27 - S(cid:415)ll we are having fine weather. Lloyd Luis Royden went over to Picton to a dance at night to the Odd Fellows hall. Wed. 28 - Lloyd and Luis went out to Mr. Hudgins and was going over to Rays Spafford at night. Thu. 29 - Rained most of the day taking most of our good sleighing A(cid:332)er dinner Lloyd and Luis went home. nice and warm all day. Fri. 30 - A lovely day warm and dry just as calm as a dish. Collin Hudgins came up and help me kill a cow for beef Sat. 31 - Rained some thing awful all day I went over to Picton a(cid:332)er Kathleen Lena Due(cid:425)a went over with me. Sarah's Research Notes Insight, Information & Anecdotes About Nelson Hicks' Journal Entries The Odd Fellows Hall was a Lodge for the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, organized It became in 1874. defunct interna(cid:415)onally, but remained ac(cid:415)ve in Ontario. In 1910 they built the Odd Fellows Block at the northeast corner of Ross and Main. Lodge members met on the third floor and the United Empire Bank of Canada occupied the ground floor. The dance hall, where Lloyd, Luis and Royden went dancing was at the back of the second floor. You can find evidence of this building's past on its founda(cid:415)on stone behind a very large po(cid:425)ed plant. Follow The South Marysburgh Mirror on Facebook