2 www.southmarysburghmirror.com The South Marysburgh Mirror Goodbye Milford By Janelle Shaw three years since community. It's hard to believe that it has been I moved into The County and was welcomed so warmly by this I began serving at South Bay United Church and Cherry Valley United Church as a student and completed my internship with them before being ordained in the United Church of Canada in May of last year. But, as our scriptures tell us, "there is a (cid:415)me for everything and a season for every ac(cid:415)vity under heaven", and my season in Prince Edward County is coming to an end. I have accepted a new Call to a two-point charge in the towns of Lafleche and Limerick, Saskatchewan and I will be moving there in February. My last service at South Bay and Cherry Valley will be on February 4th and I will begin at Lafleche-Limerick on February 18th. But before I go, I wanted to take a moment to write a note of thanks to all of you: Thank you for your embracing welcome into this community. I have always felt God calling me to rural ministry, but having never lived in a rural area, I wasn't so sure what I was ge(cid:427)ng myself into. I remember having a "chat" with God the day before I moved, basically saying to Him, "This was YOUR idea…you be(cid:425)er have a plan!" And it turns out that God did have a plan…it was all of you! I will forever be grateful for the people of our congrega(cid:415)ons and all their support, teaching, faith and guidance over these last few years, but life is not only about work (even when you love it as much as I do) and so I am also grateful for all the people of our community. I will never forget the (cid:415)me that I have spent with you: in the dunk tank at the Fairs and on the ice for the Carnival, si(cid:427)ng around a table at Jenn's or over for a chat in one of your homes, riding a tricycle in the Easter Parade or just hanging out in the Post Office with Shirley and cha(cid:427)ng with anyone who came by. I am so glad that this was the community I found for my first Pastoral Charge. Thank you for a wonderful three years! As we move into a season where we go our separate ways, may we both go with the blessing of God in our lives and the (cid:415)me we've shared together in our hearts. Thank you for everything!