4 Municipal Council Update By Steve Ferguson, Councillor for South Marysburgh Among Council and Commi(cid:425)ee of the Whole issues that arose in March: The farm tax ra(cid:415)o was set at .25% for 2018 a(cid:332)er weeks of analysis, discussion and debate. However, recognizing that the farming community has been impacted significantly by MPAC assessments of farmland, an ad hoc commi(cid:425)ee is being struck to evaluate and recommend ways in which assistance may be provided to farmers who need it. The concept of a grant program that I recommended several months ago to councillors and staff will become part of the commi(cid:425)ee's work. The dra(cid:332) Official Plan that includes the LEAR study was presented to Council in early March. The presenta(cid:415)on is available at this website: h(cid:425)p://www.thecounty.ca/ media/pe-county/documents/department/planning/ official-plan/march-2018/Special-Council-Mee(cid:415)ng-March- 6,-2018----Presenta(cid:415)on.pdf. Alterna(cid:415)vely, the plan is available to read at the municipal offices on the second floor of the Edward Building. The plan contains numerous changes that may affect you. I highly recommend that you take the (cid:415)me to review it and make comments as allowed and direct them where indicated in the plan's documents. The appointment of Councillor O'Brien as the Ac(cid:415)ng Mayor for The County of Prince Edward during the absence of Mayor Quaiff to commence on Tuesday, May 1, 2018 and con(cid:415)nue un(cid:415)l Mayor Quaiff returns to Office, or in the event the Mayor's seat becomes vacant, un(cid:415)l such (cid:415)me as the vacancy has been filled; Robin Lunn and Lynne Rochon, of the Council of Canadians Quinte addressed the CotW to request that March 22 of each year be designated as World Water Day in the County of Prince Edward, and to recommend the County purchase a mobile water buggy to have at community events for the public to refill personal containers; Council voted in favour of the inclusion of Cemetery Grants for Glenwood and Wellington Cemeteries as line items in the annual opera(cid:415)ng budget; A revised Terms of Reference for the Agricultural Advisory Commi(cid:425)ee for the balance of 2018 was brought forward and approved; Farm Complex off Walmsley Road was also approved; John Hirsch and Cheryl Anderson addressed the CotW regarding a new organiza(cid:415)on, The South Shore Joint Ini(cid:415)a(cid:415)ve (SSJI) and its goals to protect the south shore of Prince Edward County - the last remaining undeveloped land on the north shore of Lake Ontario; Council considered a request from wpd White Pines, seeking an exemp(cid:415)on from the Reduced Load By-law, that led to a request for a staff report being brought forward in April. I was pleased to represent Mayor Quaiff and council as part of a municipal delega(cid:415)on to South Africa last week that also included our CAO, James Hepburn; the Director of Community Development, Neil Carbone; and Community Development Coordinator, Todd Davis. The heritage designa(cid:415)on of the Walmsley Ayer/Scully The South Marysburgh Mirror Also a(cid:425)ending from Canada were Ode(cid:425)e Gauthier and Clark Sommerville from the Federa(cid:415)on of Canadian Municipali(cid:415)es (FCM). The trip was part of a 4-year project administered (and fully paid for) by FCM and the South African Local Government Associa(cid:415)on (SALGA) that pairs Canadian municipali(cid:415)es with municipali(cid:415)es in South Africa that share similar economic challenges and opportuni(cid:415)es. In the case of Prince Edward County, we have been paired with the Kouga Local Municipality in the Eastern Cape on the southernmost (cid:415)p of the African Con(cid:415)nent; take a few steps into the Indian Ocean and you're on your way to Antarc(cid:415)ca! The seat of local government is located in Jeffreys Bay which is where we stayed and where our mee(cid:415)ngs took place. As you may recall, a delega(cid:415)on from Kouga came to the County last October. Over the course of six very full and intense days of presenta(cid:415)ons, workshops, and tours of local businesses and social agency ini(cid:415)a(cid:415)ves, the PEC delega(cid:415)on also met with Kouga's Mayor, Elza Van Lingen; Speaker, Hora(cid:415)o Hendricks; elected officials; municipal staff; and business leaders to discuss ways in which we can learn from each other to benefit our communi(cid:415)es. Our shared economic interests include such things as seasonal tourism, agriculture, heritage preserva(cid:415)on and climate change affec(cid:415)ng natural habitat to name but a few. All in all PEC made a very favourable impression, and the remaining 2.5 years of the program should yield posi(cid:415)ve results for the County. Speaking of wpd, the construc(cid:415)on schedule for the White Pines project is included elsewhere in this edi(cid:415)on of The Mirror. Gravel, dump and cement trucks are delivering materials to turbine sites and work has begun on the transmission routes that are proposed to connect the turbines to the grid. Although the residents of South Marysburgh may be of the opinion that nothing is being done to stop the project, such is not the case. There is s(cid:415)ll a great deal of work being undertaken poli(cid:415)cally and legally that may yield favourable results. Addi(cid:415)onally, some public events are in the works through which you'll be able to express your opinions about the project. As a reminder, if any vehicles associated with the project are opera(cid:415)ng over the speed limit or in any other way that may endanger the public, please advise the OPP immediately at 1.888.310.1122. Cement and dump trucks have been tracked at 80 kmh through Black Creek and 100 kmh on Old Milford Road so be diligent regarding our roads and safety and call the OPP to inves(cid:415)gate. Lastly, the Prince Edward County Memorial Hospital Founda(cid:415)on has lost its current Execu(cid:415)ve Director, but that doesn't mean you should lose faith in a new hospital. Although Penny Rolinski will remain part of the leadership team, her decision to step aside was guided by family priori(cid:415)es. The Founda(cid:415)on will soon be asking for your financial support, so please take the (cid:415)me to listen to presenta(cid:415)ons and understand the needs. There is likely no more important issue in The County than the healthcare of our residents that our hospital can provides.