South Marysburgh Mirror (Milford, On), March 2008, p. 18

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[18 |, The South Marysburgh Mirror | Life in the Past From the daily journals of Nelson Hicks, great grandfather of Vicki Emlaw, at Hix Holme, South Bay - March, 1898 Mar.1 Well to day has been a big day. There has been a big drive as it is election day and every one is working for their own side. I went out and voted for Dempsey. Paw and maw got home from Kingston at noon they left the folks all quite smart at Calvins. But Cal and he is very poorly. Wed.2 George Palmateer and I were over to Picton last night to see who got the election. And we were successful to be on the right side. Dempsey a good conservative got the Election by 384 majority we had a big time that night. Also the Government at Toronto was defeated and the conserva- tive was the majority in the house by one. Archie and I split some wood. Th.3 I went up to George Lewis Collier to a bea sawing wood. Paw went up to Milford with Buckwheat to get ground. Jacob Vandusen and wife, Jacob Hyatt and wife, Miller Hicks and wife, Dan and Ida were here visiting had a big time. Mar.4 I went down to George Palmateer to a bea cutting Sat.5 Archie and I cut and drew up some wood. I see in the paper to day that Dempsey has 374 majority. Sun.6 Uncle Dan and Aunt Patience were here visting. I went down to the Union to Meeting. I went down on the Ice. Mo.7 Archie and I drew out some manure and put in the swam] Tu.8 Paw and I took a load of straw over to Picton for Lighthall. We got a new cultivater from Clark traded the old. one on itand payed $27.00 Wed.9 They have been working the roads to day. We cleaned up the rest of the fall wheat and sold it to Newman @ 75cts a bushel. Got 500Ibs of flour. There was 25 bus. of t. wheat. Th.10 I finished doying the road work. Well we are having very warm weather reminds me of the weather we often have the last of April. There isn't no sleighing and the peo- ple are all driving buggies. Mar.11 The Ice is getting very poor and I haven't seen any one driving it lately. It is still very warm and the frost is get- ting pretty well out of the ground. Sat. 12 I went down to Mirts last night when I come up I stayed all night to Dan's. This morning I come on up home the roads are very muddy but it is still very warm. Sun.13 The wind blew from the west a gale with some rain and in the afternoon the ice went out. It was a very strong wind blew over a lot of fencing. Rev. Mr. Boyce was here for Supper. he preached in the Carman at Night and came back here stayed all night. Mo.14 Paw and Archie went up to Milford after a grist. We heard to day that John William Mouck was dead died last night. Number of youngsters here to night practicing for a concert. We had a big time practicing the last dialogue. Tu.15 I had a little bea cutting wood at night I was out to Jacob Vandusen practing for the concert. Mar.16 Ida was up and Stirling. I was fixing boats most of the day. At night I went out to the Carman to practise for the Concert. There was a number of others there about half past ten. I left to take Myrtle Spafford down hom. It was one of the darkest nights I ever seen. I had Blaise and he was in the fence and ditches until I was getting scared for fear of up setting and got out and lead him as far as Marsh Browns then I tryed to drive him again I got as far as Jake Hyatts stoped there to get a light Jake hadden got home yet from the church and Elzina gpt up and lit it for me then I started and got to Corkers all night. I hope I never will be out on an- other night as dark as that was. Th.17 The Ephow Eleque gave a concert in the Carman Church we were all out. A nice crowd attended proceeds were $21.10. Fri.18 Jake and Earl come out. At night we all went out to Jacob Vandusen visting had a good time. We are having lovely weather now. Mar.19 I started to build a fence around the barn for a yard. Jake went home Mary Ellen went home with him. Sun.20 Dan took Archie over to Bongards near Wapposse. He is going to work for him the coming season. Mo.21 I built fence here by the Barn Tu.22 I finished the fence around the Barn Paw took some hay up to Dr. Nash weighed it and there was 11,65 Ibs. We.23 Paw went back to Jake's. Byron went back with him. Byron has been out here visting around some wheres about 38 days. Th.24 We are having lovely weather this moming reminded me so much of Spring the birds singing and the air so nice and warm. If this weather keeps on we will be able to get on the land to work in a few days. Fri.25 Paw and Maw went over to Mr. Lighthall they in- tended to stay all night and got to Picton on Saturday. I clipped Bell and Blaise to day. Ida is up here to night she is going to stay till Pa and Ma comes home. Mar.26 We are having lovely weather. To day has been a fine day and the roads are pretty much dry. Ida has been here to day keeping house till Paw and Maw comes home. They got home about four oclock and then went out to Jacob Hyatt visting. Sun.27 I went down to the Union to meeting Mary Ellen come home with Emmet Wood. She has been down to Jakes visting. Mo.28 Sold the Hogs took them over to Picton today. There where 11 of them they wieghed 13.3 Ibs. It rained some most of the day. Tu.29 I went down to Marsh Spafford got 20 little ceader poles for gates. The roads are quite muddy. Continued on page 17