South Marysburgh Mirror (Milford, On), September 2008, p. 18

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[18 |, The South Marysburgh Mirror | Life in the Past Excerpts from Nelson Hicks’ journal at Hix Holme, South Bay September, 1898 Sept.1 I helped Levi Hicks thrash got trew at Tea time and then the machine moved here. Fri. 2 We thrashed to day had a very good wind it was South West. But it has been a very warm day. We thrashed out this time Wheat 245 bus. Peas 35 bus. Oats 145, Rye 45. Sat.3 It has been very warm to day. Pa and I drew in a load of straw that was on the waggon. It seem to me I haven minded the heat as much this summer as I have to day. After dinner Ma and Pa went over to Mr. Lighthall's they are go- ing down to Cressey on Sunday the AOW walk there. Heard. that Mr. Spafford lost one of his coalts died yesterday. Sun. 4 Emmit Wood is here to day. I went down to the Un- ion to meeting and Sunday School. It is still very warm. 5 We have had a fine little rain to day. Pa and Ma got home this afternoon. Dan was up and I shod Daisy for him. 6 I sowed about two bus of Rye on the flats and seeded it. Pa dragged it in. About two oclock it commenced to rain and we got a big one. The most rain we have had at once since early in the spring. 7 Rained most of the day very hard. We have got lost of rain now for plowghing. Dan has been up to day. We cleaned up 50 bushels of wheat and put in the Grainery. George Lewis Collier and Florance where here to day visting. 8 I started to Gang the Peck faller again. After dinner Pa Gang and I ploughed the berry ground in the garden and racked the millet and we drew it in after tea. It is nice and cool now after the rain. 9 Pa Ganged in the Peck faller and I dragged it. Got 407 lbs of fall wheat of Nelse Ostrander. 10 Pa sowed 7 1/2 bus of wheat in the Peck Foller. Jack and I went back to jakes. John Dulmage also went. Emma Hughs was back there. Sun. 11 I was back to Jakes. John Dulmage and Emma Hughs, Myrtle Spafford where there. They where all well k there. Mirt and I left there about three oclock for home flour sold it all. I dug 5 bushels of Potatoes and Dan and I dug about 15 bus yesterday after noon. Our Potatoes are not very good. 16 We picked the Richensons apples and maiden blush. We hear to day that Guy Ferguson was dead haven heard any more particulars. 17 Pa and I dug five bags of Potatoes. After dinner Dan and I went over after Archie with the Boat. Mary Mack is dead her funeral serman was preach at the house at Ten Oclock this morning. Sun., 18 Ida and Dan where up Nelse and Annie Maud where here I went down to the Union to meeting John Duetta preach. 19 I started to plough on the Flats. We are having fine weather now. 20 Ihave been ploughing to day. After supper I went out to Syden Ryckman on the wheel and we went down as far as Mr. Spaffords for a little ride. 21 Finished ploughing the first field to day. Pa dug 4 bags of Potatoes. 22 I started to Plough in the lower field Pa dug 4 bags of Po- tatoes again today. About three oclock it commenced to rain alittle. 23 Well we have had a big rain. I wount be able to plough for a while now. Pa and I picked the Kings. 24 Last night was a very rough night rained most of the night and the wind blew very hard from the North East. I went down to Jack's intended to go to the Valley but the rain stop us. This morning the rain is stoped Pa and Ma went over to Picton some apples blew off I picked them up. Ma got too pair of Boots. Pa got a pair and Mary Ellen a pair. Sun., 25 I went up to Strattons on the wheel. Stayed till af- ter dinner. 26 [helped Calmon Wattam thrash about six oclock it com- mensed to rai 27 It been very nice to day the roads are quite muddy. 28 Pa and Mary E went over to Picton I went over with Rub- by Jenkins there was a large crowd. 29 Cut the pop corn in the swamp. Election on Proabition to do away with Liquor. * 30 [helped Smith McLaughlin cut corn. After supper went 12 I started to cut the corn on the flats our com is not very good this year. 13 Pa and I cleaned up 43 bus of wheat for to take to Broom- field tomorrow. And this after noon Dan helped me cut corn. 14 Pa went to Broomfield the wheat held out 43 bus, 20 Ibs got 36 Ib of flour to the bushel and 14 lbs of brand that makes 1560 Ibs of flour. We can only get 60 cts for wheat so we are going to try and get the wheat ground and sell the flour. 15 Finished up the com to day. Pa started out with 750 lbs of down and fetched Jack and Effie Thompson up to League. - Submitted by Vicki Emlaw