South Marysburgh Mirror (Milford, On), October 2008, p. 18

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[18 |, The South Marysburgh Mirror Life in the Past Excerpts from Nelson Hicks’ journal at Hix Holme, South Bay October, 1900 Mon. | Pa shingled at the calf stable. I ploughed back. A rovely day and fall grain just jumping. Tue. 2 Pa and I went up to Jake's to help him thrash. Mirt went up with us to help Lib. It was a nice day Wed. 3 Pa went to stone Mills with Wheat 1250 Ibs. I drove two cow's over to Picton. Sold them to Clapp $40.00. Thurs. 4 We drew in the com from the flats. A lovely day. Fri. 5 Pa and I went up to N Ostrander to get a load of corn out there on John Ostrander. Stirling was with us and after dinner went back after a horse for Annie Maud. He got her all right and fetched her out to the well to drink then she turned to go back with him again and him in the efford try- ing to stop her the halter broke letting him fall of and broke his arm. We were all very sorry. Pa took him down to Mil- ford to Dr. Nash. Sat. 6 I dug 34 bus potatoes. Mirt and Pa picked them up. very warm all day. Emmet and Mary E down here to night. Sun. 7 Mirt and I went up to the School house to meeting. Stayed to Manley Duetta's for dinner. Come home about FourOclock Jake and Lib here for tea. Mon. 8 Rained some in the four noon. Mirt went over to Pic- ton with Nellie Wright. Pa and I husked corn most of the day. While eating dinner who should drive up but Ida and Dan. Dan helped us straten the corn crib. Tue. 9 Paand I picked the Kings. Then Mirt and I went down to the flats and picked up some hickory nuts. Wed. 10 I went back and plowed. Dan here again to night- been collecting taxes around to the Creek and Milford. Thur. 11 We are having lovely weather now. I started to plough on the flats. Mr. Foster was here for Tea. He is hav- ing rivial meetings at the Union. Fri. 12 Mirt, Nell Wright and Maggie Wattam went up to Wellington as delegates for the League. I was ploughing. Sat. 13 Finished digging our potatoes have a very good crop this year about 60 bus. Mirt got home about six oclock from Wellington. Sun. 14 Archie home to day. Mirt and I went out to Sunday School. And then went to church at night Mr. Real preached. Mon. 15 I ploughed. Still having lovely weather. Stirling is here yet he was up to Milford to see the Doctor yesterday about his arm. His arm is getting along very good. Tue. 16 Sarah E Rorke here to day fixing a dress for Mirt. ma and Stirling went down to Helen Hinemans visitng. Tryed to rain but didn't amount to much. Wind blew very hard from the North West and cold. Wed. 17 Pa and I cut a ditch threw to the bay in the second field. It was quite cold the wind blew quite fresh. S. Ro: finished Mirt dress and then Mirt and I took her down home and went to meeting at the union. Thur. 18 I ploughed all day. Pa picked some apples. Some warmer to day. Pa and Stirling went around to Mr. Pierson after the calves. Fri. 19 I ploughed the potato patch in the swamp and part of the garden. Mr. Spafford come up here and him and P: went up to Milford to speeches. Mirt and I went out to league and there wasn't any one come so we went on down to Meeting at the Union. Nell Wright went down with us. Sat. 20 Pa and I picked apples all day we are having lovely weather now. Along towards night Pa and Ma went down to Uncle Dan's Mirt and I were alone. Sun. 21 A lovely morning we went out to Sunday School when we got home found that some budy had been in the house everything was turn up side down and all the Pie eaten up. Mon. 22 Mr. Spafford came up and help us pick apples. We got a nice lot picked. All went down to the Union to meeting. Been very warm all day. Tue. 23 Rained mostly all day and very warm. Pa and I husked corn. Mirt and Ma washed. Wed. 24 Pa and I picked apples. Ma is up to Annie Mauds. After tea Pa, Mirt and I went down to the Union to Meeting. Thur. 25 Been a lovely day. Pa and I picked apples. Mirt has been scrubbing and Ironing. Feeling tired we didn't go down to meeting to night. Pa went up to Nelse Ostrander to a husk- ing bea. Fri. 26 Mr. Spafford, Sarah E rorke and Annie come up here to pick some apples for them selves. It was a lovely day. Pa and ma went over to Mary Ellen's. Sat. 27 Rained some last night very rough for a little while. Mirt and I went down to Mr. Spafford's. Birt Spafford was there took Mr. Spafford house. The conservative party had a meeting in the station. not very many out. Sun. 28 Mirt and I were down to Mr. Spaffords went to meeting at the Union after dinner and at the Carmen at night. Mon. 29 Finished picking the apples and picked up 14 bags for the evaporator. Mirt and I went down to meeting at the Union. S E Rorke came up with us to sew for Mirt. Tue. 30 Jake was down for dinner took up one of the sows with him. I went out to the carman to help fix the roof quite cold to day wind out of the North East. Blowing hard. Wed. 31 Pa and I husk corn most of the day. After tea Mirt and I took S E Rorke down to Mr. Spafford. It rained most of the day. - Submitted by Vicki Emlaw