Deadline for April "Mirror" - 31 March, 1995 (0) People Whom We Should Celebrate This list is done aiphabeticaily for all the contributions made by these people are of equal importance, for they make this community strong. And there are probably many more that should have been on this list, but their contribution to our lives and the lives ofthe community has noctcome to our ears. Give us their names and tell us what they have done and are doing so that the next list can include them. Peigi Brown - for her support of her adonted community through the Fair Board, her involvement with the *Mummers® (especially the Friday Night Movies) and the Friendship Circle, Paui Creasy, Maurice Miiier, Ken Vader, Cathy and Joel Walker - for their work aver the years with recrea- tion, donating labour, time, equip- ment and tools to the upkeep of the ball field in the summer and the skat- ing area in the winter. For their time organizing the various ball leagues and seeing that they have one of the best ball diamonds in the county to play on and for being such all round good sports. Doris Dance - for the many hours she has given over the years to the library, hours for which her only pay has been the knowiedge that the job was well done and an occasional word of thanks from a happy library user. Karen Guernsey - for her involve- ment over the years with the youth of the community, either as a 4-H leader or through badge testing for the Guides and Brownies, all done with cheerful goodwiil. Leona & Murray Head - for their unstinting support of the Milford Fair. To describe all the tasks that this couple see as needing being done, then quietly doing would take too long. Gerard Kavanagh & (the late) George Ross - without these gentlemen the Seniors' Dinners would certainly not be as well at- tended if they were held at all. Gerard also has quite afew friends in the young set, through his participa- tion in the Grand-Friends programme. Claire & Archie Lamont - who although they live in Picton, own property in this township and through their attendance and sup- port of functions and events at the churches and Mount Tabor, and there champicning of the music camp at Port Milford, are very much a part of this community. Emma Lancaster - for the many kindnesses she has shown to her neighbours over the years, her keen interest in and promotion of the his- tory of this township and more espe- ciaily the Long Point area. Local his- tory may seem unimportant because it's ours, but she has been the keeper ofthe embers of our past, thewarmth of which stiii permeates this com- munity with its willingness to work together. Leon McConnell - who for years took care of the tennis courts. (Did you think those nets appeared in the spring and disappeared in the fall by themseives?) He has been renting out space in the Fair Barn for years, generating revenue for recreation. He too, with his wife Vernice, has been invoived in the library fund rais- ing. A part of an excellent team. Vernice McConnell - fund raiser extraordinaire. A tireless worker for the Ann Farwell Library who pushed, pulled and occasionally bullied cple into making things happen. And happen they did, from the Ponderamas to the summer Square Dances. There are not tco many people who can make things run against the current, but that's what Vernice pulled off at the last Ponderama when the balls ran down the pond instead of up with the cur- rent. Helen Miller - for opening and operating the canteen at the ball diamond during the basebali season. During June, July and August this means being there every week night, seeing to the supplies. For what profit she wouid make, this is a volunteer endeavor and one much appreciated by the teams who play there and the spectators who come to watch them piay. Floral Minaker - for the example of service she has given to cthers in her church and her community, working over the years with the youth and in latter years with the Library Board, Friendship Circle and Milford Fair. Many quilts owe their existence in part to her fine stitching. Ann Munro-Cape - Brown Owltc most of the giris of the community from thirty-something on down. For twenty years the leader of the Brownie troop in Milford a much loved figure to these giris. There wii never be a cookie salesman like her. Ray Powers - for being a good neighbour to the peopie of South Bay, volunteer driver, taker of stuff to the dump being two of the activities most appreciated by his neighbours. Another person who saw his neighbour's need and did something about it. Madeiine Rose - who is caiied when someone on "the bay" is ill and needs advice, why Madeline of