i i m fli 8 I ii i I ii he ii ih yisik ! i ' i ml IEEE . (, - - BR RS oa a Tm ee Hooked on Fishing Today, everything is becoming "improved", "new", and "NOW better than ever". Fishing is no exception, and the fishing magazines are full of new products, even new fish hooks...the "X point", Eagle Claw teflon coated, Mustad triple-grip, and on and on. I don't need them, because I do a darned good job of hooking myself with the old ones. I was giving fly fishing lessons to a friend, and buried a fly in my ring finger so deeply that I nearly fainted trying to extricate it. OK, I've since learned a person should use a bit of cotton with no hook, instead of a fly, when giving lessons. You've been warned. I have never, ever, been in the hospital for work on my own tender self. I have always been convinced that when the inevitable visit occurred, it would be for some peculiar ailment on some very embarrassing part of my anatomy. I pictured the doctor, followed by a parade of intense interns, strutting in and demanding I remove my pants for a viewing. I was not pleased to have a fly impaled in my finger, but I was pleased it hadn't hooked me in the nether parts, so to speak, and I told the doctor in the emergency room in Picton how grateful I was. She responded that she had removed hooks from every conceivable part of the human anatomy, and to prove it, she removed the hook without damaging the fly. My friend was elated. He'd paid a buck and a quarter for that fly. He didn't get it back though, because I have it on my "Fishing Wal! of Fame", as the fly that caught a two hundred pound....man. There's a fishing lure called the "Pikey Minnow", a on) A CE TR Rb RE CE Sa A RT CHAN A I 3 WL EEA ON SCA 42 round ---- of the Muskokas, he managed to -- two beautiful city girls out fishing, Feeling a mixture of lust and pride, he baited the first girls hook with a leech, shrugging off their shrieks of dismay with a manly charm. While he was baiting up girl number two (what a teen age dream, two girls), girl number one hurled out her leech with a manic effort, solidly hooking Briden in the nose. The septum, the doctor called it. Briden's fantasies of conquest disappeared as quickly as you can say, "Look, he has a bloodsucker hanging off his nose!" A turnoff to city girls and country girls alike, I would imagine. I'm more pleased than ever that I got hooked in the finger. - George Underhill Fredericton Folk In Bloomfield While on tour from the East Coast, Modabo will stop in Bloomfield on Saturday, April 12 for a performance at the Town Hall as part of Evening Song Folk Concerts. Modabo has a wide audience appeal with their blend of folk, acoustic rock, pop and blues. Playing guitars and flute, the trio's original music ranges from poetic gentle love songs, to driving rhythms appropriate for the pain of love lost, to celebrating the wonders of life with upbeat enthusiasm, all wrapped up in amazing three part harmonies! Their love of the harmonic based songs of Crosby, Stills and Nash is what brought Darrell Grant, Mike Doyle and Jon Weaver together and they always perform a variety of acoustic rock favorites as well as powerful folk ballads by Stan Rogers during their rambunctious show. This fun folk concert will begin at 8:00 p.m. (doors open 7:00 p.m.). Tickets are $10.00 advance ($12.00 at the door) available at: Books On The Bay, Green Gables or call Mary Dawn Allen at 393-3345. dreadful thing six inches long, saturated with treble hooks. My friend Mike was fishing with one of these, i and he cast it into a tree. Lunging back with enough force §. to uproot a redwood, the Pikey Minnow came rocketing back, hooking him solidly in the scalp. the ear, and the cheek. He was driven to the hospital by a friend who became §| lost, either from laughing so hard he lost his bearings or § out of sheer malice. Mike had to ask pedestrians numerous times for directions with a Pikey Minnow stuck {| to the side of his head. According to him, they weren't sure whether he was a punk rocker or whether he thought he was a pike. He says he felt dumber than a pike. Briden told me that when he was in his teens, a year- SERVICE. PARTS AND RESTORATIONS SPLECIALISTS IN JAGUAR, ROVER AND OTHER QUALITY EUROPEAN AUTOMOBILES RICHARD COPPLE DIRECTOR SOUTH BAY RR#3, PICTON, ONTARIO CANADA KOK 2T0 TEL: (613) 476-8074 FAX: (613) 476-1550 IMPORTS INC.