fi = 37.5 TR Published onthly by | ISSN Number 1181-6333 Phone: (613) 476-1139 Fax: (613) 476-4980 E-mail: South Bay United Church News Unit 1 meets Tuesday, May 6 at 7:30 pm in the Church Hall Unit 2 meets Wednesday, May 7 at 1:30 p.m. Unit 3 meets Monday, May 12 at the home of Helen Miller at 1:30 p.m. South Bay Anniversary serrvice is May 18th, at 11:00 a.m. Reverend Barry Wiseman of Deseronto/Melrose, chair of Belleville Presbytery will be guest speaker. The Anniversary supper will be Wednesday, May 21s5t, at the South Bay Church Hall, beginning at 4:30 p.m. Adults $10.00. Don't forget to reserve Saturday, June 28th, for the Annual Black Creek Strawberry Social. Milford Friendship Circle meets Thursday, May 8th, 7:30 p-m. t Milford Town Hall. KMarie Kavanagh and Effie Ross are hostesses, Shirley McCaw has Thought for the Day, roll call is a joke (clean, of course), Dorothy Langridge has program and we have a seed and plant exchange. Don't forget to bring ideas to celebrate 30 years next year. THE TOOL BOX small jobs and repairs blinds and drapes hung small appliance set-up small electrical jobs rods and racks affixed hourly rate FIONA PATTON RR #1, MILFORD 476-4107 It's Here! Continued from page | be much one can believe about the platforms of the various parties. Maybe it all comes down to the integrity of the person elected. That said, it was good to see Dennis Timbrell at the church supper at St. Philip's and have the opportunity to speak to him if we chose. We must make and take the occasions to see and hear the various candidates running for election from this riding and they must give us that chance, Time is running along. Besides an election there are other important things going on. The Mummers are putting on "Ann of Green Gables" and very well so I hear. We have a lot of talent in this community and where better to showcase it than our own Mount Tabor Playhouse. And the renovations to the playhouse are in the works. This is do or die year for the playhouse. Next year it is part of the county, this year it is ours. If we want it to remain a viable and useful facility to this community and to the area generally, we must both raise the money and complete the renovations this year. Show your support for this project by speaking to members of council and to the Mummers and attending events held to raise the money. Of more individual interest is the group to meet at the Anglican Rectory for a four week study of the Old Testament and its interconnectedness with the New Testament. The group will meet Monday nights for the month of May, starting on May 5, at 7:30 p.m. If you are interested you are welcome to come. Rev. Pat Patterson will lead the group. As one who took part in the Lenten Study Group that Pat lead, I can promise that you will find it interesting and thought provoking. Well there you are. Spring. We are here for another season. There is so much to be thankful for in spring. There is so much to enjoy. It's enough to make you burst. - Bev Walker