The fe = IT Tsburgt tm iii nh ii imi Hm ia lili ia Ll Chess-King' s Gambit by Bill Brearley rv ww Hart House in the fifties was an almost exclusive male domain. Upstairs was a large chess room. At most times of the day and in the evening, could be found those who hoped to be movers and shakers after graduation. Some of the games were very serious indeed! Others were of a more social nature, with discussions of philosophies. hopes. and dreams. It is one of that sort of game that I wish to describe, or at least part of it. four hundred. He and some others are passing me and doing it slowly. forcing me to slow down in the face of the slow moving vehicle in front. If after the first guy passes, and if then I signal to pass. the next left lane car speeds up to fill the passing gap. I would then have to back off and not pull out. as I had signalled to do. In the process I've been forced to brake because of the vehicle in front. To avoid this scenario, | would signal to pass as the first chap is about to pass me. He thinks I'm not seeing him and speeds up opening the gap behind him. since he doesn't want to be sideswiped. The guy behind him. who is the real problem sees what's happening and doesn't fill the gap with a burst of speed. not wishing to be involved in someone else's possible accident. I then pull out and pass as planned. It's too bad to upset the first passer, but that's life, eh! The highway is like this game, only most of the players don't have a coherent strategy. Some are downright stupid, some want what they want and are willing to bully to get it. Brains overcomes bullies. in most cases." "Pawn to king's bishop four." was Calvin's reply. "I wish I had Caddie problems. What really gets me is the driver who gets on my bumper and pushes me to my maximum speed. With the big boys. I'm afraid to slow down for fear of being hit. It would be his fault. but I might be dead. since a small car is a gonner if hit by a big vehicle. I've tried using my Ths two prays 78 TAN Bik and : . flashers; it seldom works with these a Mr. White who chose the | Calvin White Joe Black |. =~ = appropriate colours on the board for "There _-- desman, The fogs iid rivet BN CON CT Pian ) ) P-KB4 PxP yourself a Caddie. Although you | game. > pl gn in four." said Calvin N-KB3 P-KN4 can have trouble with tailgaters. White = B-B4 P-N5 even with my car. Still you have "My new VW is a bit of a nuisance 0-0 PxN 5 0 out He he oy wi in trying to pass the larger cars. I've QxP Q-B3 . TE 15 going Over ins anu." sa found a way to overcome some of P-K5 QxP tly 20 Wine pide Sign this disability. You drop back when P-Q3 B-R3 ] i le res a p oa , responded Calvin. "It's so easy with vou want to pass. You then accelerate N i 4 ; N-B3 -K2 your Caledon Estate, your cottage to a speed greater than the car in front os Rot eat nid vo . aren the Y u j in the space available. Then you can pass despite poor acceleration, in a space that would be too short in the left lane. Rarely does one have enough space to pass before an oncoming car. curve. or hill prevents passing with a car with weak acceleration." "Pawn to king four." responded Mr. Joe Black. "I know what you mean about passing problems. My Caddie has no acceleration problem. but when | signal to pull out to pass, there's sometimes someone coming up from behind that doesn't want to give me a break on the exchange. Why didn't I ever think of that solution? Silly me." Never mind: one of these days I'll find a mine in Northern Ontario and be as filthy rich as some others that | know." "Pawn to king's knight four." said Joe. "Now . now let's not be sarcastic. After all. you are not doing so badly here yourself. I hear vou've been taking Continued on page 14