| i 8 ie Dh ul on I | fii; We're Two Blizzards and a Cold Spell from Spring Now weren't Winter Carnival fireworks just the best we've had. And the weather - it couldn't have been better. Hats off to the organizers of this event and all the work they put into it. | understand the Mini Talent Show was a rousing success and judging from the number of cars at Mount Tabor, well attended. I'm sure everyone enjoyed the supper at the Town Hall. Harley puts on a good meal. And the Saturday morning breakfast is certainly a tradition. [ know the bingo went well on Friday night ,, it would have gone a lot better if you would have called the right numbers Monica. I hope to hear who won the Bed Race. To those who feel that the carnival could have more activities, great. Now come out and help organize them. Not only does this event take a lot of time and effort to organize but as most of those organizing it work full time. it means loss of family time, or if self-employed. loss of income. so that we and our families can celebrate winter. Thank you. The days are getting longer and the sun is getting ner. Who says winters are long in this part of the world. The full moon just passing has been quite spectacular and the nice part of it has been its early rising so the we get to enjoy it. With the fresh snow on the ground and the fine clear nights. I can't remember when the moon has been this bright. Well worth going out and looking at. With the sunshine during the day, the tulips | have m pots in the windows are growing by leaps and bounds. By the end of the month they should be just about ready to bloom. By the way. for anyone thinking of forcing tulip bulbs indoors. plant them with the flat edge of the bulb toward the rim of the pot. That way vou will have leaves on the outside that will droop Tn J Gi il ) hat il 0 BLE Hi i HH bi lL oo il lili iil ll | Rn 7 i hl a toward the edge of the pot and the flowers in the centre to form a lovely display. Before we know it we'll have tulips and daffodils by our front steps and be wondering what all the fuss over winter was about. But just to be on the safe side, I just bought a warm pair of winter boots. I understand from the "Mummers' that their new season 1s getting under way and although perhaps not up to Toronto standards. is going to provide us with some good entertainment at Mount Tabor Playhouse. On a grander scale. the Regent Theatre will be putting on a series in the summer that should draw people from the "away" as well as entertain those of us who are here. The event at the Regent on the 13th sounds like a good evening and although to_ some ears, $25. may sound a bit steep. remember it is a fund raiser as well as a performance. We have become to expect performers to entertain us for free with a small charge to defray the Continued on page 2 Em Ul Lali icles tl le oe 3 Ll, ja ER Lo] HEH A HE @ Circle Notes 3 @® Dogs 5 © The Handyman 7 @® Druelia Acantha Malvina 9 @ Library Notes 11 @ A Modest Proposal 13