Br May - Continued from page 2 rewarding to the Cancer Society. Mi i Ifo rd Fa ] r I took a few minutes the other day to stop in and see something of a rehearsal for Joseph and the Amazing a ad Technicolor Dreamcoat. Go to it. It will be well done and B | r H 0) us es worth seeing. A lot of time and effort has gone into this production and I am sure that if that doesn't persuade you, This vear's Milford Fair. to be held on you wil probably find a member of your family in the cast. I SATURDAY, SETEMBER 16TH will feature won't say it's a cast of thousands but there sure are a lot of : ; pre-cut and pre-drilled bird houses ready to be people to fit on the stage. Ta ; Another outing that is coming up is the Canoe Trip constructed on-the-spot by kids attending. down Black River, sponsored by St. Philip's Church. If you want a bit of exercise and like to canoe, then meet behind Tools, screws, all the pieces, and friendly in- Guernsey's on Chapman Crescent at 10 a.m. Saturday, May struction where needed will all be supplied for 13th. That is where the adventure starts. It ends at Rita free by the fair. Taylor's on Black River, just beyond the Cheese Factory with a barbecued hot dog and a lemonade. It is free. If you have a canoe, bring it, if you don't there are extras. If you want to know more call Bruce or Paula at 476-6063 and one or the other will be glad to fill you in. Bring a camera. | am sure there will be interesting things to snap. Well arother month has begun. I will be putting my 2 cents worth in "The Mirror for as long as I am here. It is If you are interested in helping out on the my way of saying thank you to a community that I love and Board, please contact Doug Parker at 476-1543. will miss - but there is a part of me that hopes I get to 'miss' it soon. Until June then, have a Merry Month of May. The Fair Board is pleased to welcome new members Walter Evans, Gerry Ferguson, Glen Guernsey, Leni Lenz, Steven Mee and Barb Spry in preparing for this year's Fair. - Bev Walker COLES Tummy's Cremains - Continued from page 5 PAINTING 15 Years Experience Versatile & Reliable Free Estimates would venture out without an emergency angling Kit in the vehicle. The appearance of the mystical fish caused a frantic rummaging about in the truck for at least the bare necessities of rod and reel. Perhaps because of the distracting nature of their mission, perhaps because the season wasn't open, whatever the reason, there were no fishing accouterments in the truck. So Jack and Gilles contented themselves, on this sunny and beautiful day, with sifting Tummy's ashes down to river, occasionally witnessing a truly gigantic salmon finning out from his cool, dark den to sample a bit of food. There's a salmon fly called "the Tummy". It isn't sleek with iridescent highlights of red or green, it's a kind of a dirty, lumpy white. It's used differently, too. Once the fly is in the water it's allowed to sink erratically to the bottom. As far as I know, "the tummy" has never caught a fish. There are many paths to fame. Lyle Cole Box 112, Milford, Ontario, KOK 2P0 Phone: (613) 476-8264 Cell: (613) 961-3845 Remember: "It's a small world - until you try to paint it!" - George Underhill 39