EEE EE EEE AEE EERE RAE FU EA RN BANE NS NEN WEN A police officer pulled a speeding motorist over and asked,"Do you have any ID? The motorist replied. "About what?" BARAK A RAR EARN EREsstupranduined PRES A NAAT AIBA RI EIA SEAS ANA AAI NAAN NSD a NS Pid you know? Heart attacks and other forms of coronary disease kill 500,000 North Americans every year - half of those within an hour of initial symptoms. Unfortunately, many people cannot identify common symptoms. Can you? These are: pressure, fullness, dis- comfort and squeezing in the chest; pain spreading to the shoulder, neck and arms; sweating; light- headedness; fainting; nausea and shortness of breath. (Reader's Di- gest) Druella Acantha Malvina cont'd A local man was in love with two women and couldn't de- cide which of them to marry. Fi- nally he went to a marriage coun- sellor. When he was asked to de- scribe his two loves, he noted that one was a great poet and the other made great pancakes. "Oh",said the counsellor, "I see what the problem is. You can't decide whether to marry for batter or verse." A bit of advice for those about to retire: If you're only 65, never move to a retirement community. All the others are'in their 70's, 80's or 90's, so whenever something has to be moved, lified or loaded, they yell, "Get the kid!" FEE REE EDEN AREER ENED EN ERAN UE NOE ER RRR A lot of us have seen the light, but for many of us it's the one inside the NE ANE I NEN refrigerator. Girl MARY KAY® bd S nisht outs Get together with friends and indulge in your favorite beauty secrets. Like facials, pedicures, makeovers and skin-smoothing treatments. To plan your own beauty bash and try Mary Kay® products, call me today. JOYCE MINAKER INDEPENDENT BEAUTY CONSULTANT 613-476-4696 (HEA NUS E EUR ENE FEES RE RCE NE FEE Ee PAINTING 15 Years Experience Versatile & Reliable Free Estimates Lyle Cole Box 112, Milford, Ontario, KOK 2P0 Phone: (613) 476-8264 Cell: (613) 961-3845 Remember: "It's a small world - until you fry to paint it!" K. M. (Kevin) Tucker Local Community Service Officer of the O.P.P. will be available regularly in the former Township Hall in Milford. Please call 476-2151 for the dates and times. If you have any problems or concerns relating to policing in the community Constable Tucker will be pleased to discuss them with you.