TR GLEE South Bay UCW The ladies met at South Bay U.C Hall on Wednesday, April 11, at 1:30pm. President Brenda Minaker opened with an appropriate poem about seeds and sharing. We all repeated our purpose, Lord's Prayer, and them hymn. Priscilla Fowler's devotional was about our attitude to life. We should forgive 7 x 7 times, let go of vindictiveness, resentment, bitterness, anger and revenge. She closed with prayet. Secretary Marge Drurcy read the minutes of the March meeting, took roll cal, and sick calls. Merle Woodley brought an interesting article from the Picton Gazette about the first meeting of the U.C.W of South Bay in 1967. Finances were reviewed by treasurer Joyce Minaker. Collection was received and dedicated. Birthdays and anniversaries for the month were "acknowledged. Thank you card wre received from Helen Miller and family, and from the Scouts for a donation made from the U.C.W. The breakfast was organized for after the Easter Sunday morning sunrise service. Maureen Rudd, Helen Miller, and Karen Guernsey offered to be the early birds to serve the food. The craft sale and BBQ on Wednesday on July 25 were discussed with Joyce Minaker moving and Pat York seconding that we buy the meat from Harley Guernsey and do the barbecuing ourselves. Carried. We will have hamburgers, hot dogs, and sausages on a bun. Card secretary, Donna Loney, reported sending cards to Marilyn Walker and Margaret Mouck. Please let Donna know if anyone needs to be remembered. Pat York's program told of the crocus - it is hardy, is a harbinger of spring, and symbolizes the members of a congregation. Maureen Rudd's contest of trick questions kept us all on our toes. The ladies exchanged Easter cards and the top bidders became the proud recipients of the articles from the silent auction, Pat York and Brenda Minaker refreshed the ladies with a light lunch and everyone participated in an enjoyable social time. NOTICE All enquiries regarding use of the Milford Town Hall should be directed to Freda Spice at 476-8003 ! Paul Minaker NOTICE There will be a Fair Board meeting at the Milford Town Hall at 7:30 pm Tuesday, May 8th Everyone Welcome # E ww Black River Cheese - Continued from page 4 - squeaky curd from their store, open every day of the year but two. Curd is cheese that hasn't as yet been pressed. Almost 90% of it is made into mild, medium, old, and extra-old cheddar but they also make mozzarella, Monterey, Colby , brick and specialty cheeses with hot pepper, garlic, onion & parsley, caraway, etc. There's marble cheese which most children call favourite because it is pretty and tasty, too. Be sure to come to the Black River Cheese Company on June 2. Check out a great souvenir T-shirt, sweat shirt, and/or cap. You'll have to wait another 100 years if you miss out this time. The factory is sure to still be around then, but will we? Join the festivities, get some curd and cheese, and enjoy an ice cream cone while you are at it, out on the picnic table beside the creek. They age it so it will cheddar better. We buy it because it is better cheddar. The Best Cheddar! for 100 years! Black River Cheese Company -- 1901 - 2001 Congratulations! SINCE 1925 MINAKER'S AUTO PARTS (MILFORD) LTD. Milford, Ont. 2 KOK 2P0 | Phone (613) 476-4547 Fax (613) 476-1565 Specializing in Hard-to-Get Parts New and used, for cars and trucks 1920 models and up Randy York : Closed Thursday Afternoons and All Day Sunday