Easter Parade Great Success! The Milford in Bloom Committee would like to extend sincere thanks for everyone's support of our first Easter Parade. Over 150 people donned their Spring bonnets to stroll along the avenue from the Milford Town Hall to Mt. Tabor in the Fair Grounds. Our parade was lead by Wilbur Miller with his team of horses and carriage. Deco- rated wheelbarrows, tricycles, wagons and bikes along with banners and balloons added to the festive atmos- phere. The children wore costumes and carried their deco- rated baskets ready for the Easter Egg Hunt. Don Hinde provided music playing the keyboard and the Fraser Fam- ily brought up the rear in their infamous car. A giant Easter Bunny greeted the throng as they arrived at the Fair Grounds and everyone enjoyed BBQ hotdogs, Timbits and juice. Prizes were presented to the lucky finder of the golden egg and for having the best decorated basket. All of the festivities were video taped by Video Variables. Our supporters included Hick's Store, Marys- burgh Mummers, No Frills, South Marysburgh Recreation Committee and Tim Hortons. Their generosity in helping to make the day so successful is very much appreciated by the Milford Bloomers. Thank you. ' "ROLL OUT THE = BARRELS" See page 18 Habitat for Humanity to Build in Picton The Habitat for Humanity "20°li get you One" fund- 'raising campaign kicks off throughout Prince Edward County this month as the Prince Edward County's Habitat for Humanity subcommittee begins raising the estimated $115,000 needed for a semi-detached home build set for this Spring in Picton. Each $20 tax deductible contribution will support one square foot of finished home for two County families. Contributions and pledges have already been received from several private donors, churches, various building contrac- tors, the Wellington Lions Club and Seaway Answering Ser- vices Ltd. Tax receipts are on their way to those qualified donors, Visitors to the Home Show in Picton April 26-27 will have the opportunity to discuss the plans with Habitat organizers, fill out volunteer forms, or make contributions directly to the Picton build fund. "The national office of Habitat for Humanity has been telemarketing in the Prince Edward County area re- cently to raise funds for Habitat but very little of those funds come back to the Picton build," said Habitat board member Nancy Hofford. "Those who decide to make Prince Edward County Habitat for Humanity contributions can be assured that 100 per cent of their contributions will go toward the Picton build on 30- Continued on page 4 Community Circle Notes Life on the Killing Floor The Adventurers Computer Tips eh 'Druella Acantha Malvina Pe Sr TE {TEEN SE J TE ® © &® © © © w One Day at a Time