Life in the Past Excerpts from Nelson Hicks' journal at Hix Holme, South Bay February 1900 (one month after Nelson Hicks and Myrtle Spafford were married and living with his parents) Feb. 1 Mighty cold and stormy. Some of the men out breaking roads again. Mirt and I intended to go down to Ar- thur Farrington to a small party But the night being so cold we were afraid to venture out. Sat. 3 I started to make a sewing bench. Quite cold. I helped Mirt put a carpet down in the kitchen. She pulled my hair for not doing as she wanted till I saw stars. Sun. 4 Still snowing and storming. Quartly service at the Carman. Mirt and I got ready to go and waited for Mr. Berry to come along. He by some means went the back road and as there were no other cutters come along. We concluted there would'nt be any meeting. So we changed our clothes some and went out to Ed Banks. Feb. 5 Mirt and I were out to Eddie Rorkes come home about three Oclock up set coming home but did no damage. Mary Ellen and Emmit were here come down Saturday. Vistors at evening Philip McCrimmon and Wife, George Collier and Wife and three children. Tue. 6 Some warmer to day. Emmit here we cut down a tree and drew it up in the wood house. After dinner Mary E and Emmit went home Paw and Ma went with them. Leav- ing Mirt and I all alone. Wed. 7 Archie was down from Jakes. Mirt got a early Tea and we went up to Strattan's . Spent the evening. Strat and I went to Lodge didn't stay very long went back and played Lost Heir with Mirt and Lida. Thurs. 8 Rained most all day Archie went back up to Jake's. I haven't been doing anything much to day only helping Mirt around in the house. Such as churning, getting potatoes out « f the cellar, and ah I dont no what all. Feb. 9 Weather Softer. I finished up my Sewing bench. Mirt did some baking. Myrtle (Spafford) Hicks (circa 1940) Sat. 10 Froze quite hard last night. After Mirt finished up her Saturdays work. We went down on the Bay for a skate. Had lots of fun with Watch the dog. He triped Mirt up and great was the fall. Not doing much damage. Well when we came up to the House Pa & Ma were home and we were glad. for we wanted the rig to go to Quartly Meeting Sun- day. Sun. 11 Mirt and 1 were out to Quartly Meeting there was a nice crowd attended Mr. Allen preached and gave a very nice serman. We came home for Dinner and then after din- ner went down to Mr. Spaffords stayed all night. Mon. 12 Mirt and I came up home and Mr. Spafford and Wife came up with us. They stayed most all day. Mr. Spaf- ford took a quarter of Beef down with him. Tue. 13 When I got up it was raining taking most of the snow. I drew out 3 loads of manure. After dinner the wind blew a gale taking the ice out up to the Flats. Leaving it in from the Flats across to Morison point. No one has driven the Ice through to the creek yet. About five oclock the clo- ver machine came stayed all night. Continued on page 20