The South Marysburgh Mirror 13 think and act for ourselves, a tapestry depicting out life's journey begins to be woven by Three weeks ago, on Monday August 6", at airports our thoughts and actions. The across Canada, happy and excited groups of adults and ; y i i children (the youngest aged 6) were gathering to travel to = {HR IE ncoative) set the foundations for Edmonton, Alberta, and compete in The Canadian Trans- i Ih #8 what our lives will be, and an plant 'Olympics.' In Toronto Airport at the WestJet termi- ga incredible tapestry begins to nal, I brought together my own group of 21 hopefuls and & emerge, its colors and patterns helped them complete their travel formalities. Five hours overlapping with those of oth- and 3000 kms. Later, we were in a coach headed towards ers, both family and strangers. the city centre of Edmonton, tired but elated at the thought Our interaction with the world of having successfully completed this travel milestone... of nature and the environment is stretching the comfort zone of many of our number. increasingly a cause for change What happened in the next five days will remain as the World struggles with the as a positive and inspiring memory in the minds of the ravages of our often selfish 300 or so people who attended. The Games will also I am hk presence. Need we be reminded sure, thanks to CTV coverage, remain with the population that unless we live alone on a of Northern Alberta as a unique and awesome sight. They ® desert island, we are a part of a had opened their hearts and financial coffers to support the community that affects and is affected by our actions. Our aspirations of the athletes who attended, and so deserve our intentions may be good, however as long as they remain praise and thanksgiving. unfulfilled they are of zero benefit to anyone. In all aspects of sport, from track and field to In that respect I recall the scriptural story of the swimming and indoor sports this group of athletes sought to 'rich young person' who came to the prophet Jesus (and I be the best that they could be, achieving in many cases, per- paraphrase here) and said how amazed he was at the posi- sonal best performances which would have exceed those of tive influence of Jesus among the community. He asked, all but the most elite of athletes. Gold, silver and bronze "Teacher, how can I be a part of this?" The response: "you medals were presented to athletes who came at the top of ~~ must change the way you live." the field, and cheers, handshakes and hugs were freely The act of a child giving away that which was most given to those whose satisfaction came from simply finish- precious to him at that time is surely an example to us all. ing. In his actions he epitomized true love. What we have been As often happens, it was the children who stole the given we also can share, and if we applied this logic to all limelight. A 9 year old lined up with his peers for the 100 aspects of our lives and relationships, most of our problems meters ...his new red trainers gleaming in the sunlight. would disappear overnight. When asked about them he simply said: "these trainers are on fire just like I will be when I take off for the finishing Pastor Ian. line." (He won the race) At the closing gala dinner on the Saturday evening our specially invited guests were the families of some of p-s. No, I.did not win any medals...they were too good for those who, as their own lives came to an end, chose to pass me and they deserved their success. on the torch of life to others by donating their major organs for transplant. Towards the evening's end a little boy (a heart recipient) walked up to them, his medals gleaming around his neck, and carefully presented his hard won med- OBJECTIVE OPTICAL als to member of donor families, followed by a hug and the words "thank you for giving me back my life." There was not a dry eye in the building as this spontaneous act BD MICROSCOPES TELESCOPES evolved. New and used sold I later reflected on what I and 300 other grateful Excellent access to parts & accessories people had witnessed, and the phrase "Born Again," began opr to have a completely new signific e. F oy y gn -- or In | Prop: Phil Mathewson R.R. 2, Milford, ON KOK 2P0 rom the moment in our lives when we are able to Phone (613) 476-2418 Fax (613) 476-2955 35 years experience