~6- instigator of it. My friend, Iam oniy the victim of political intrigue; there are some peo-~ ple who believe that my stay in west Kingston will cause certain defeat for their candidate. The police after weeks of bombardment by land, air and sea, finally smashed me com- pletely, they destroyed everything that I possessed to the value of 2000 odd pounds, jailed me for fourteen days, some of my people even spent forty-three days in jail. My good friend, for fierceness of barbarity the Jamaican police cannot be excelled. They jeered me remarking how wily and elusive I have been and they wanted to get me a long time. Mark you, they found nothing at my home that the police could charge me for. I was détained for questioning, yet when the police realised the enormity of their crimes they trumped up charges against me, that I possessed explosives, dynamite, barbed wire whips, molotov coctails, and other weapons. I was also charged with committing a breach of the peace. Anyhow they treated me as a V.1, P. while in their custody. At the moment Iam engaged in a litigation with the Comm. of Police and government, this is the time I am imploring my friends of influence to help me in what way they can for the sake of justice. You should be aware that J am one that stands resolutely for equality and justice for BLACK and WHITE and the perpetuation of better relationship between races, and for so doing I cannot hate anyone, even my enemies. Iam indeed glad to hear that at long last you have put our document to print, Iam also amazed to realise that you remember me. Incidentally I met the EMPEROR of ETHIOPIA and I received a gold medal from his own hand in the hitherto exclusive KINGS HOUSE. I also visited the sheraton hotel where the King of Kings had his own ball, believe me we were allowed to rub shoulders with the nobility of the land. My friend, I was not flattered by their display of hypocrisy. I helped your friend Prof. Barrett with some notes which were essential in achieving his doctorate of Religion. My friend, Jamaica at the moment is a seething cauldron,.seemingly ready to boil over, Unfortunately Iam a marked one, knowing not when their goon boys will take it into their heads to plant me and exile me to perpetual imprisonment or exile. They say my doctrine conflicts with their policy of Government, incidentally they are now ashamed when truth will out. I will try to obtain clippings of the disaster which is better imagined than de- scribed. Politics in Jamaica today has put on a new face, it is now the law of the gun and vio- lence, motivated by politicians who arm their paid gunmen to wreak havoc on their oppo- nents. Many have died, but of the ignorant poor, unemployment and it's companion hunger is rampant, yet there is untold riches in the country. The people are also groaning under the yoke of an unjust judiciary. The military helped the police in quelling the disturbances, but that' does not suggest that everything is under control. They are only playing ita little cool, 'biding their time for mass assult. Now that you know my address it will be an easy matter to contact me. I remain, your friend, SAM BROWN Chairman: RASTAFARIJIAN MOVEMENT IN JAMAICA