--n PRESS STATEMENT BY THE PEOPLE'S PROGRESSIVE PARTY TRIBUTE TO WALTER RODNEY The People's Progressive Party joins all Guyanese in condemning the dastardly murder of Dy. Walter Rodney, brilliant historian and scholar and fearless freedom fighter, who devoted fis life to the cause of his people. Dr, Rodney was a victim of the foreign end local reactionary forces, which for more than 30 years conspired to fight against and block national and social liberation and to ereate the conditions for an undemocratic and violent society. There is a connecting thread between the slaying of the Enmore Martyrs of 1948; the mayhem and murder fomented and financed by the CIA in the early 1960's; the killing of Bholanauth and Jagan Ramessar during the army seizure of ballot boxes in the 1973 general election; and the untimely death of Dr. Walter Rodney. Fear of Dr. Rodney by the ruling circles became morbid, By the time of his return to Guyana in 1974, disillusionment had already manifested itself in the ranks of the PNC (as evidenced by the strike of bauxite workers in 1971) and the conditions for working class and racial unity were being forged. Recognising his leadership qualities and his activi- ties on behalf of the oppressed particularly in Jamaica, the PNC regime deprived him of his appointment to the staff of the University of Guyana, no doubt with the hope that it would thereby force him out of the country, But that hope did not materialise. From 1977, extremely high taxation, removal of subsidies, dismissal of workers, cuts in social services and refusal to pay the agreed $14 minimm wage created the objective conditions for an intensification of the class struggle and united actions. Growing work~ ing class and racial unity and cooperation between the PPP and the WPA posed a serious threat to the PNC which has maintained itself in power so far by electoral fraud and post- ponement of elections. Dr. Rodney played a prominent role in the latest political developments, Thus, he was the butt of attacks by the PNC. He was placed on trumped-up charges which led to the restrictions on his liberty to travel, He was further subjected to excessive and filthy abuse over the years by the news media, particularly the New Nation, official organ of the ruling party. But despite the constant persecution, Dr. Rodney never despaired but con- tinued his relentless efforts to bring changes to the society in which we live, to destroy the tyranny under which the people suffer. His energies were unfailing in his resolve to restore democracy, to end minority rule and to defend the interests of the exploited people of this country. We feel a sense of great loss that this young, dedicated and vibrant son of Guyana hag been cut down in the prime of his life, when he had before him so many years of service to the Guyanese people. This'is not only a loss to the WPA but also a loss to the Guyanese nation and the whole Caribbean, which is now faced with a new imperialist onslaught. The murder of Dr. Walter Rodney is clearly designed to step up the violence that has been rapidly developing as a form of intimidation, with the intention of silencing all opposition and driving fear into the hearts of those fighting for the rights of the people, for national and social liberation. . The assassination of Dr. Rodney is a shocking testimony of the degree of erosion of human rights in-Guyana, From the evidence available at this stage, it is clear that a con- spiracy existed to bring about his death by violence, This conspiracy must be exposed! Those responsible must be brought to justice! The PPP calls on the entire Guyanese people who cherish democracy and human rights to close ranka now, to prevent terror from enveloping the land and to struggle resolutely for an end to tyranny and oppression. The best way to mourn the loss of Dr. Walter Rodney is to organise and fight. To the sorrowing mother, wife, children and relatives of Dr. Rodney, and to the Execu= tive and members of the WPA, go our heartfelt sympathies. JUNE 20, 1980.