TABLE OF CONTENTS PYOTMDG suite were te Pee Ae ee 1 Entroguction§ wae ws ake mc cw ee ee eK RO 3 Background and Findings ..................4- 4 Legal Conclusions ..... 2... 2... eee eee eee ees 7 Recommendations ........... 0.00000 e ee aee 8 I Establishment of the Interdiction Program .... 10 A. The Interdiction Authority .......... 10 B. Agreement with Haiti.............. 12 C. Implementation of the Interdiction Program 13 II Practice Under the Program ............. 16 A. Coast Guard Interception ........... 16 B. The INS Interviews ............... 20 C. Procedures Upon Return............ 23 Ill Why Haitians Continue to Flee Haiti........ 26 A. Historical Background.............. 26 B. Violence in Port-au-Prince .......... 28