Issues of Caribbean Contact from 1975 to 1994 are available at the CERLAC Resource Centre. Professor Patrick Taylor, a CERLAC fellow and former chair of the Division of Humanities at York University,
Issues of Caribbean Contact from 1975 to 1994 are available at the …
The CERLAC Collection has 68 volumes of Mundo Shuar (between 1978 and 1981), a cultural project for the Shuar people. This collection was founded by P. Juan Bottaso, who also founded Abya-Yala, the m
The CERLAC Collection has 68 volumes of Mundo Shuar (between 1978 and …
This article about Marie Davis-Pierre, the Clerk of the House of Assembly in Dominica, deals with her anti-feminist call to Caribbean women to not become “permissive” under the guise of "equality and
This article about Marie Davis-Pierre, the Clerk of the House of Assembly …