"Los 15 años del CIPAF": This cover advertises CIPAF's 15th-year anniversary. The issue focuses on specific women, and it reflects on the history of CIPAF and "Quehaceres".
"Los 15 años del CIPAF": This cover advertises CIPAF's 15th-year anniversary. The …
Cover page, and aims and objectives of CAFRA News, June 1988. CAFRA News, a quarterly publication, is the Newsletter of the Caribbean Association for Feminist Research and Action (CAFRA), located at
Cover page, and aims and objectives of CAFRA News, June 1988. CAFRA …
Cover page of CAFRA News, March 1993. This issue deals with the full range of women's rights. CAFRA News, a quarterly publication, is the Newsletter of the Caribbean Association for Feminist Research
Cover page of CAFRA News, March 1993. This issue deals with the …
A collaged photograph of a man holding a baby. The baby is thinking "Please give him a training workshop!" To the left of the picture there is an index of the articles published in the newsletter
A collaged photograph of a man holding a baby. The baby is …
The digitized materials presented here form part of a project on “Indigenous, Black, and Women’s Voices” from Latin America and the Caribbean that was funded by the Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (
The digitized materials presented here form part of a project on “Indigenous, …
This cover page — titled "Ocaso de un año e inicio de una decada" — advertises the twelve issues of "Quehaceres" that were published during 1989, and it mentions CIPAFs decade of activity.
This cover page — titled "Ocaso de un año e inicio de …
Three items: 1) a cover page; 2) an article; and 3) a short piece. 1) "Mujer y medio ambiente": This cover page highlights the themes of women, the environment, and their interconnections. 2) "En nos
Three items: 1) a cover page; 2) an article; and 3) a …
There is a tenth and eleventh booklet, which are titled "De la Casa a la Plaza: Madres de Plaza de Mayo, Forjadoras de la Dignidad" ("From the Home to the Plaza: Mayo Plaza Mothers, Forgers of Dignit
There is a tenth and eleventh booklet, which are titled "De la …