Hugo Blanco Galdós: Ex-guerilla leader who was amnestied in 1970 by President General Juan Valasco Alvarado and spent time in exile in Mexico, Argentina, Chile, and Sweden. Became a politician and se
Hugo Blanco Galdós: Ex-guerilla leader who was amnestied in 1970 by President …
The CERLAC Collection has 68 volumes of Mundo Shuar (between 1978 and 1981), a cultural project for the Shuar people. This collection was founded by P. Juan Bottaso, who also founded Abya-Yala, the m
The CERLAC Collection has 68 volumes of Mundo Shuar (between 1978 and …
Three items: 1) a cover page; 2) an interview; and 3) an article. 1) "educando pala la igualdad y la paz en la escuela": With a photograph of a group of children, the cover caption highlights how edu
Three items: 1) a cover page; 2) an interview; and 3) an …