- Media Type / Médias
- Image
- Item Type / Type d'élément
- Images, Electronic
- Description / Description
- - green felt with cream material sewn on top; circular, curved rectangular base; in green on cream material in centre is swimmer diving into water; surrounding diver is "CHATHAM COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE"; in a curved rectangle under this in green is "SWIMMING"
- first school built at corner of Murray and Prince streets in 1855, known as Chatham Grammar School
- 1870s school was turned into a high school
- 1887 school obtained collegiate status
- September 1940 the building on site today was opened
- spring of 2002 school was slated to be closed a campaign to keep it open lasted one year and school finally closed in spring of 2003
- Date unknown
- 13cm L
Chatham Kent Museum
Out in the Open exhibition
VS 005 Drawer 2 - Subject(s) / Sujet(s)
- Collection
- Chatham Kent Museum
- Copyright Statement / Déclaration de droit d'auteur
- Copyright status unknown. Responsibility for determining the copyright status and any use rests exclusively with the user.
- Location of Original / Emplacement de l'original
- Chatham Kent Museum
Out in the Open exhibition
VS 005 Drawer 2 - Terms of Use / Conditions d'utilisation
- Copies are provided for research and private study only. Permission to use images in any other way including, but not limited to, publication, exhibition, film, video or TV broadcast, or on any CD or website, must be obtained in writing from an authorized representative of the Chatham-Kent Museum prior to use. This applies to low-resolution copies downloaded from this site at no cost and to high resolution copies.
- Contact / Contacter
- Chatham-Kent MuseumEmail:ckcccmuseum@chatham-kent.ca
Agency street/mail address:75 William Street North
Chatham, ON N7M 4L4