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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 9 Jul 1875, p. 1

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· 'fHE MERCHANT WEST DURHA:·r AND GENERAL ADVERTISER. CHcula.toa: largely in the Townships of Darhng on, Cla1ke and Cartwright. It is a comma n ti i.tform, open to the free drncuss1on of all que s n:s iu \\ h1ch the general pubhu are concerned TERMS Steam Job :Printing Office, Krno STREET' BOWMANVILJ,E, '" :;:'( \Ct:1~ £ve err.ts i;cr i.111 n, in d vance The Merchant' and ' Observer,' $2 00 R\l'ES OF ADV i!.RTIBI:t-IG Ut1e column 45 pe1 annum II11lf do 2G '< Qu.wter do J5 " '1'1 'lUi;i 1 c1 d ad Vl:!t L1se1nen ts,5 cts pe1 lwe :fi:rst 111 e rt1011, and 2c per ltnc, each subseQuent one AND GENERAL ADVERTISER. VOLU~IE YI BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JULY 9, 1875 NUMBER XLI POSTERS, PAMPHLETS, CIRCUL.ARS, BILL HEADS CHEQUES, NOTES, HANDBILLS, LABELS , CARDS, TICKETS, &c i..~C , t~C , J EXECUTED IN FIRST CLASS STYLE travelled tnuch, and I was uot likely to POETRY. KEEP THE HEART TENDER. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY! Trams \\ 111 leave Bowm.iuv1lle Station , Uo\\ n1anville tune as follows uOJNG WE~T. FROlVI r_rHE CONTEST! DY MUS D!SHOP UIOM :\S l{eep the heart tender, 1{1ndly and tI uc , Wate1 it freely \V1th love's gentle dew, Gnrncr its h \l"\ e~tld Of rich bur1u.:1 hed gold , Let in the sunshine, ,.. And shut out the colJ Keep the heai t tender \V1th flowers of kind detida, 1Uld GOING E \ST 7 20, I Expross , 8 45 n m 1vlixed ~ftxtJd · 2 25 p 1n I J.-ocal Ex-press , 8 45 p 1u I Exp1est1 *'.l'hrn tia1n runs every 1nornlllg :Thi~ndaJS excepted, Local Express* 8 30 am . 3 50 p m 7 10 p m 8 45 p n1 0f \\eek , $20,000 WORTII OF GOODS To be Sold without Reserve, at less than Wholesale Prices. J}ntiiue~ti ~nrtlfi. ~=================;:= Drs. Reid & Boyle. 16 tf F. F. McARTHUR has decided to go out of Lhe D1 y Goods busrness, aud will commence on the ~ the a\\ eets of their perfume Will clwke out the "ocdA , . A.nd the soft beams of l )it) 1 Of Merc.y, and Love, \V1Ll y1dd it tho g1oty rrhat beams frmn llbove SURGERY---SILVER ST. t}zy· Night cal ls answered at Dr Boyle's old Sur geiy, or a.t Dr 11.eid s res1dtmce o 11~nan\ 1 lle, J~~n. 14th, 1875 - Prof. J. Ruse, 20th of llay, I 1875, \.DU.A.TE of l3axtcr Un1vennty of ~I us1 0 .l!nHndsh)p, :N'ew York. reu.:hel of P 1ano an<l Organ, culttvl'l.t1011 0 Voice, S1ng1ng, l'horough Bass, llannony CompmnLton, &c Darlington, July lGth, 1874 41 ly I{ G A Gra.ncl Chea.ring Sale of his Entire Stock. l{ccp Lhc llCatt tender 'Vt th S\\ ect lovnig wonl s, And they'll fill it with music Ltkt> the warble of birds In the hea1 t of the forest So Joyf1l and cleat, \Vhen thfl birds awaking In the spring tune of year ' The Spung Impo1 t.at10ns only h·vrng been completed ,1 fo\\ weeks, the StoeK is vc1} la1gc .rnd well asso1 ted As it must be sold w1tl1111 a given time, D. PE.A.TB, TAILOR . A Tre:m.endous Deduction 'W'ill be lftade. TERMS OF SALE :-Under $50, Casli; ove1· $50, Pour nwntlis Credit on approvad notes. The Ta1lormg ln Ordered Work, will be continued as usual, durmg the Sale. Kctip the heart tender With holy deBJre!) 1 And they'll freshen its altars, And quench the fierce fire s Of Hatred and Envy, OI BlllB ever new, Keep the heart tender. Pure, kiudl'{, a.nd true. -Christian Adi.:ccatl. and I really do waot a breath 111 the forest New York she attended a ball in whilo silk iur, and bear the rueh and roar of those great and d1an1onda \Ve.!Stern rivers, nnd see\\ hat hie tn the w1l .. Mr Frank Mere<lith stared hard at her <lerness ie like.' through his eye·glasses 'You'll be sure to come back with the ' Glyndon,1 sa1d he, ' am I drearn1ng, or chills and fever " darkly prognosticated ls that Lottie Lennox 1' Aunt Mclisso ' It certamly "Lottie Lennox " said Mr 'N othmg ot the sort,· said Lottie, saucily. Hall Glyndon, screwmg up h1a visual orPapa Lennox shook bis head gravely gans to a focus that admitted of no t wben the matter was first broached, and de· And those are moot ussmedly the Lennox clare<l that It was qmte out ot the quest10n. d1amonds " U pou the second series of entreaties and Mr. Meredith turued abruptly to his exyostulati\lno, he was brought to ackno\v~ neighbor, old Kent Groby, who was popu ledge that 'he would thmk of it,' and on larly supposed to know 'everythrng' tho thud day he kissed his little daughter, 'I thought Mr Lennox had fulled 1· said and told her to do J u,t as she pleased about he it, und Lottie sat down, exultant, to write ' Failed ' Who ever told ) ou such an ati oto Grace Howard c1ou· he 1 W~y he's Just made a cool halt What a contr<st 1t was to the Madison m1ll10n on those Barbadoes stocks-wish I'd a\ enne boudo11, mo 1uette ca1 pete<l, and fLu bought iu a lot 1' mshed with gilt and buhl, that lonely log 'But h1s daughter """ teacl"ng diotuct house on lite edge ol the n11gbty Western scLool out West " !ort!St r Y ..:t there \\a;, a p1cturesqneness I rl'eac111ng a fiddlestick I Sb1la beeu 'is1tabout it, too, with the great fire blazing up in6 a friend out then·, it that's what you the g1guut1c c!J1nn1C}', the floor of snowy mean" board~, and the gerannune nod<l1og their GI} udou autl ~foredith eyeu uue another velvety leaves and clu·ters of scarlet bloom d1Seouaolately 'I'hey knew that thelf' litin elth er 11ttle "a1dow 1 And Lo~t1e Lennox tle game' 11as up as complete!) as 1f Lollies see1ne<l Just as 1nuch ut home 1n it us she hps Df langu1dly curving ecoiu tolU. 1 Yun ~nybody 1\fuuey 1:5 no object, n1um 1I'1n an eJJhghtener o' my f1:.:llcr beinga, 1nutn I might Sa.) n bc11efttctor o' tny mcc I'm a book 11gent ' '"Ehank yon,' said Ann, sh<~rply, 1 but "c want no books at present ' attract attent10n by callrng , neverthelesSj..f,.. shouted at mtervals all day. The lollowing niorn1ng I commenced calhag agmu , and all day, whenever I thoudht I heard a sound, I ·shouted, · 'But this book, why mum, you can't afford to be without It 1s the ll10·I important w ark of its klnd ever tssucd trom the prees. It'e full of ledge, and knowledge, I presume you are aware, is power, mum It's full of pictures, besides, and its 2·4 mo ,-that rn, i_t took i ts fan1oi1s author twe1Jt) ·!our 1nonths to wnt:.e it' Ann looked 1mpat1ent The ...uan cout1nued '\Vould JOU txa.1n1nc it, mu1n? Sec here Tlus is the title 'Thirty seven Ways o' Mukm a Fortune' Gilt elJed ed1tion 1 50 cents extla Why, r11nm- 1 ' When n1ght came again, all hopes of bemg released h·d abandoned me. One thrng added great bitterness to mysnfferinge I owed qu1tc a large a1nountof n1one3,and 1 should 1ny fate remain unknown,my cred1- to" would think I bad fled to defraud them, and my name \vould be stign111t1zed 'I will not d\\ell on the ago111es I en <lnred, I a.n1 sorry I i.:\nnot forget the111 ' The 1norn1ng of the fonrLb dfly of 1uy 11npr1sonment, I he::ircl so111eth111,; crawl into 1ny gtave I hght~d my c 1ndlc nnd saw a rabbit rrherc \fa.El ouly one aperture large enough to admit hun , I closed it to '1e atlemen's & Boy's Garment s :MADE IN THE F F McARTHUR Bowm:mville, ]\fay, 1875 , I ~EWEST STYLES. Bow1na.nv1lle July, 27, 186D '" I near the goal BEYOND_ , Bl C, C FRASER IITL:b:R 'But I tell you I uon't want the book,' prevent hi.s escape I saw in him food to said Ann, getting 1uuch out of patlcuce 1 appcnso my hunger, and my haud was rais 'Don't "ant it, eh 1 \\',.by you 1nust be cd to k11l him, when a tl1ought occurred to out of ~our ~~nscs, mum Th1rt~ soveu rr.c that p1evented the blow from dcscendway~ of inn.,tnn' a. fo::tunu r Yon have only 111g I two fish lines , their to read 1t aud then go und get rich 11n- length "ould reach to the road I took off med1ately ' my slurt, tore it into shreds, hwJ thetn tc .. Ann would ha'e shut tbo duor m hlS gether anrl ou to the fish hnc I wore u. lace il 1t hail baen posS1 ble, but by uu vane long gol<l watch ch~rn , I tied 1t on to that had been in the h1gh c~1kd upartrncnts of them ao l ing a step at a. t11ne, he had n1ndc h1s \\a) part of the line which woulil cross th e road her fathci's hou·e. 'How ell.Inc~ ou to wake such a blunder, rnto the hOU?e, OUU now he had the elfiont- I then cut several leaves Jrom my diary, Close by the fire sat Grace Howaid, a Hall I' c3aeulated Meredith. ery to demand to see the lady of the housc- \\·rote on them n1y cond1t1on, and tied elender, Illy hke girl, with dark e)eS and 'It's every bit your fa.ult,' li"'rank !' re· Ann sbo,ved him into her Jntle sit .,1ng them to that part of the hue that would be delicate feature·, nud Lottie stood beside her crim1nated his companion roo1n, and, calhng in a very deaf old uunt outside I tlien hed the end made out of with a face of tender sohc1tude. And this \Vas all the consolol10n that they who resided wllh her, she presentod her to my shut around Jack's neck and let hun bad ' Is your head no better now, Gracie 1' tbe pedlar, an<l retired fron1 the rooin. out He soon reached the end of the hne, 'It aches still,' was the sornewhat deprecsListenrng, she could bear the book seller and I kucw by the way he was pullmg that ed reply. 'I dread that long walk through the woods' · ANN BAGLEY'S MISTAKE. ro bcg1n w1t.h, .A.u.n Bigley was an ' oltl. ina1d' lt was not her fault, for r,he was iu loualy exlolhug the merit· of his "ork R RLOSCOMBE, EARRISTER AT LAW, ,)QLIG11'0R IN CITANO/i:RY, & c ts NEW SPRING STOCil AT e1 Jt-IcClung 1s Store same fia t T ir Bnmacomb's Dentn.l Roomtt Bow1uanv1lle, Oct 27th, 1868 Ly 0~.FICE,-0 MARRIAGE I S.SU.ED B? LICENSES CASH --o-- STORE. ROBERT ARMOUR MARRIAGE LICENSES. l\ 1 fl1 JOHN H EYNON, Lot 7, Gth Con lll l)a1 hneton, fnear Bethesda Church] i duly authorized to issue :\' Licenses Da1hngton, Nov l!J, 1874 m8 tf ' STAPLE and FANCY DRY GOODS, to h,1nd, GOOD .incl · · CHEAP The day is a.hno~t do11e , Westw:ard I mark the oI the. Sl!.!J 0\ er the 11:1vel sea the shadow~ falls~ t i. 'lhe i:rn.<l:uetsB creepe a.long the blackened walle Of Lhe long p1e1 that stretches out to sea , .. < But st1U a.fn.r hghta twinkle there foi: me1 Beyond, bes ond ' ' The callow nestling chirping in the nest, \.Y o..rmcd by tho softness of the mother's, l.\.nd set in gorse upon the bare do\\ h's rntle, ChuTups and wrestfos this still evt1n·tid1:1, And \Hllnotbe nt pence, and pants to fly Into the gathering shado\\S of tho sky Beyond, beyo1,1cl ' Long time ngo, upon a. 1notber's la1ee, ' I'll tell you what,' cried Lottie, mtb be1 old 1mpulSlve mauner, 'you shall st.<y at hom e, Gracie, and nurse your head, and I'll go and be school ma'am to day ' Grace How11rd smiled and shook her bl!acl 1 Qu1te 1111poss1bleJ Lottie,' said she 'Why, you know very 1>ell that you have never laugh t a day m your hfe ' ' That's no reason tnat I never shall,' and ahe began tyrng on a Jamty little blue s1lkhned hood, and investing her slender fig 1n the vohuninous folda of 1 red blavlcet shawl 'Lottie, a1~ you JU earnest 1' ' Never was n1ore so in my hfe 1 wy dear Just give (De tlJe key and set yonr deal the habit ot sa}ing that she had plenty uf handsome otters, and no one "'Ho intunately knew her had ever presu1ued to question her truth and veracity upou Uus p01nt She \Yas a tnm, slender httlc won1nn with dark bright eyes, and ebon blnck hair Her features "ere too sharp to be strictly bandso1ne 1 her n1outh was-r1ther too large to produce a prett) sm1le1 and her voice too harsh to be etr1ctly cons1dcrcU un1swu l No to reach me arttst \Vt th a conscientious regard Jor truth suddenly opened, aud Ann Bagley s1,d<leu'A very large p1ae tlf!e th tt stood near would have pictured Acn Bagley as a ly stood before him }l1s heart gave a great beautiful wo1ueu over and ove,r ng:n1n 1 to the oltl la<ly, \\ho cou 1dn't, for her hfe, get au H.lcn of w'b.nt be was S<.1) 1ng Ann la11ghcd, feeluig that at she '" us fa .. ly c~cn with her torn1e:itor ?i.feanwhtle, Suncon cntererl. the httle sit· tuiJ room, be1tJg ushered 1n by tbe old lad\, who being rather ahsent nnnded, fora got to announce bun to Ann After s1ttmg there alone m the dusky t\' 1l·ght for a few m1nutee "ith a trenibhng heart and n J1uudred 1n<lescribable cn10· t1ons, tl10 door fro1n the adJ01111ag room ~as he was 1nak1ng desperate attempts to es( ape. Soon tho· tugging cea"ed, and, knowing kn,1\\ ing to be Jack's / lu ci accoruphsbment, I thou~ht' he had cnt h1rnsclf loose About three hottrs a.1t<:ln\oanl I teJt thr hn e pulled, an<l so1ne ouo c!tlled' I ined to answer, bu I the hoaI~e u01se I rnade died away 1u tlrn cavern I then pulled the hue to show that I "as not dead ' All grew still aga1n, and I knew the man had gone for nf.;s1stauce 'rhl?n came the sound of voices I pulled ln the hne 1 and it brought urn food It took all the men ~ho \\ orked 1n the shaft u1nt· hours bouu<l He p«rtly rose and said m a husky Dressmaking, &c. Miss Heal \Vould hug to iuform the l.~dws of Bownrn.n\Jile n.ud v1c1111t;,., tlt ~t slw JS prepared to ta.l... e orders [or Dressina]ong;·...ud till the same with despatll n1 Apul 22, 1875 Manchester Rouse, Bo-w1D.a.nville. the COME and SEE F. "", r Wrestled a nestling that \Vould rain be freeStrov.c with soft hands against the sh1cld1ng arm, Brooked no sweet wa.1-nmgs of a coming harm., Sl:r$ti..;hed little feet to rench tho i;.7ound-and I !ell , Wept, and still Rtubborn thought it aH were LATES'l' FASHION. 1Ie1 expcnence fully war.rant!:! her in pronns1n satisfacttou nc~1dcncu, Corner of Chu1ch Street, and 1-J nrket Squ,ire Bowurn,.nv1 tl o, Dec Uh, 1873 HII"L'S J · And) et she had had her adnmers, and As 1f I could some of them had pronounced her lovely not 1nanagc .1. score of boys and g1rlR. Why, How bltnd men are to all the imperfections if I can't <lo 1t tu any other way, I'll M1t in of the earthly feminma idols the nnddle of the s..,hool roon1 null tell 1c1n Her hL!lt adumer had been Suncon Mcft11ry ston.; al l tlay' Intyre He was :l. 'vorthy and agreeable well .il.nd away glanced Lottie, dehghlc<I with gentleman He really loved Ann Bagley Bl\} oncl, beyond ' the new 'ole ebe had undertaken and he had no reason to beheye that bis reFather l the callo\> nesthng 1n the u1:11:1t The little 'schoolm·'am' was mounted gard was not fully returne4. They took Knows all the softness of tho mother'~ breast, on her chair ot ofirne hearing the second long walks ani dn ves together They atFather ' the cl1il<l. that\\ re.stied on tho knee class d1awl mouotonoue1y tl1rough the tended the conference meetings 'Hth praJSc· little troubled heart at rest Was but the bud of that bas gro'1ill in me I Lave e1:1Jruyed to stand, have fallun so , ~ve. . . tncd my wings 111 t1unlnng, too, to go ~ Beyond, beyond ' hackne~ ed \:OlCC uicidents of the ' Battle of Bun~ \Vorthy regularity , an'1 soon, according to °A.UCTION EERS ?or the Township o.f Da1·lington NEW H. T. PHILLIPS, IL\.MPTON !:'1(lnq1t, 1ttE.ntion gnen to salee, l'°ic, on reason able ter1ns. Fall& Winter·Dry Goods ---o.A LARGE LOT OF ~VDI.. Barton, ENNISKILLEN . . de~ ptomptly n.ttended to on rea.sonablo terms ALLAN LINE STEAMSHIPS. uive?'pool London, c11nd Glasgow apply to lfOJt 1'1ckets, or information, W, A NBADS, Agent Bowmarl\ 1lle, .Tune Dth, 1871 tf 30 Fancy Goods,Berlin Wools,&c. Mrs. Kason, E-IAMPTO N, Bc,;s tu 1nform the public, that alie ha..q ~ust re eel\ c.d a Sj)lt=:nihd new assortmon,of F < uicy Gooda, Ber tn Wools, etu, wh1cl1 she v1ll sell u.t as lo'\ price u.s they ca.n be bought for,else where 81'.A 3zPING done on. SFJ.ORTEST' N01 TOE 'Jct Sth,1874. 2 3mos. w. }3(J 0 BUNNEY, BUILDER, ETC., S to return t11anks to his fuendA for the sup puit he has iece1ved tho poot t\~O ytlalf:I, awl hopes, hV' cont1 u11~cl fltuu~ personal attention to 1 business, u.nd wo1 king at the IT.t.ost reasonable pncu8 1 to enl'.lurea cont1nu[\uce of publtc pat1u1t a .....c \V B is prepate<l. to build houAos, etc , 0 ~ the 1nost inodern stJ le of arcb1tcctnre Job bing promptly attended to Plans and .spcc1fi cation~ got up on apphcahon, on the 1n0Rt reasonable terms, u.ud of every d.escr:Lpt1on Office and Shop, Onta1 io Street, neMly opposite l\'Ir I' Bowden's Bo\\manv1l11' D ec 24t.h, 1871 13 ]y "New 'I'a,ilor shop, JOHN 1n HEAL, 00~VLB, A.TE \VI Tfl F Y begs to in L form the llnblio i;cnerri.lly, tb \the hs.s com mencccl hrnnnesa the Shop next to the J!:.y t 1:l.(lc, he h~pe;:i to s<1.t1sfy all who may favor hun with a ca.lL press Office, one dool oast of ,T Milne's l[a.v1ug had sc~ernl ye its experieuce in the GOOD FITS-GUARANTEED B.Jv·ma.nv1llc, Sep 1th, 1872 m49 tf A CARD. I t have this <lay appomted MR C ll A.1\KEH the Excluswe agent for the sale of my VuL A~IZ.lfil PF.NS for Bowman·u lle Ont JOSEPH MASON,P P. J J JACOllS Ilowmano;llle, Se])t lOth,1874 m tf USE THE Norwich Egg :Powder, for 1 nnk1n ~all k1nd1:1 of Qn,keA without E ggs 'I u be had ~fall Grooe1s JI J \VEEJ(S & Co, ·j o[onto, sole R 0 l!nts fol Ontario " J\farch 11th, 1875 24 ly. l O Jlicij I>ENTISTitY. ill' 5UDSCHIBEB, in uldel to accede to T the requests of many persons residing both in Oiuno and Claiko, hat! consented to open nn 1h the 'illage of 01 ono, where either be or ~Ir G LO OKIT ~R'l', L D S , \\lll attend, on the tit ~t Monday in every n1onth, commencing on the fi rst ~1onday n'l March, and reu1a1n <lur 1 ng l hat \\eek, for thi:\ purpose of attending to all Do..:nt:i..1 ope ration~ Office at Dl ..I:! 1' ld1ng s 8ur.,,0 1y J M BRIMACOMBE, Bo" UHt.llVllle, reb 18th, 1875 21 tf To Ma.stors of L. O. L \::-.TK CERl'I l IC.A~S. ..i\.pphca.t1011s B I~&c , &c 1 c '!.n be procured at th1,,, ofhce, at r(Jgul.u u1tNi Bowmanvill·, July 7th. 1873. A middle ager! wumen had" letter bandS1nwon, slowly mo\1ng towaids tLe door ell her at tho dt!ll\ ~ry in the post office, 'VY1ll you please lcate the house 1 and she so.t do'\\ n on a w1nt.l.ow s1 1l and rea<l. Suneou 1Yicinty1e said uot ,\uotl1er \\Ord, it, Iler intere;jt WJ.s iutense frdn1 the sta1t but, pull1ug ht s hat over hrn C) es w1th n and she spoke up and s t1d groan, he rushed from the house .A.nn 'He calls ine l11 s little darliug Thut s BowmanV!llo Nov 1st, 1873 closed the door after hnu 1 then she sat do\\ n good " rornanee, people say Let 1s haven. peep at sometin1es fi.lleil his heart, and of the n eces· by the open w1nclO\V an l began to gaz:1 at After reading n lew 111ore l111u:i eh e suttl ' Aud hi) nnsaes in) ~oca:ty l:lO 1t1ut:h 11 'If onl) I 11 td sotneth1ng to Oo,' ea1<l the hermnc.-y au know very well we are s1ty he felt for some npprcc1nt1vc and kind· the twinkling stare that Ly t111s tune were all 1n a ntazJ an1ong these loneh r_gads, an.d ly heart to mterest iteell 111 his 11elfare, V1Slble lil the cloudless elms. Half way down the p·gc sbe ·poke ogmu Lott1l! Lennox She waited and watched for a full hour, 1 ' And he calls me lus ~unbeo11n- b1s guar· 'Dear lrn,irt .tl \.e I' said Aunt 1\iel1sflU, perh(ips the frnr damsel can enlighten us' when au nnmense dog had euddenly sprung At l ..Lst she <l1an angel " An<l the next IIlO~t the door \lftS from a farm bo11<e gate "hich they were at but Suneon did not cotue 'that is n new con1plu1nt \Vhv, w here'f! crept to UeU \Hlh a !hsappo1uted au, anU. - --o She chmbed up on tbe '>ll a httle fur your fiorsted work and your p1~'!lo mu'l1~, opened auU two JOt ·Jg 1neb 1 cla.U 1n the that lln1e passing, '.lnd had barkeU at them dren1nctl all night about her absent lover, ther, turned the letter over and 1uused p1ct~resque guise of 111nateP" hun tcrs,enterand. your hst ot poor Jam1!1es to v1111t, and sc. furiously that Ann ha<l. become seriously and ol all manner of things thut had over' And he e lost th1 ee pounds of Jle.h the dolls to dress lot the Charity Fa·r, and ed the WI n1 a tu re ten1 ple of learning frightened, nnd their conversation had 1 "11 takl::ln hun Lotl1e L~ i11ox 10se, colonng, to her feet n1ed1atcly taken a different turn worrying over ID) health He's Just a dear JOUr papa's uew sbppe1::i.1 and--' 7 He d1<l. not come on the £ollow1ug even· lovrng old darbug, that's what he 1s I' 1 Ob, that.'s all nonsense I' Mn<l Lottie, Mr Meredith ret1 eated on H al! Glyndon But one night Simeon b'Iclntyre deter She reached the top of tlie fourth p·J· unpattently 'I don't call that work I It -that youug geutlenian tumhled bnck\\01-d., mined to settle the great quest1on of his fu ing, nor e\ er after W"'hat Lis reasoni:s "ere for s.:ibaequently avo1cl1ng he1 company, Elhe a.nd exclu1med . gets so dreadfully monotonous I How I have over a pile oi slate-i In the instant of con- tuic happiness lle r csohed to call npon nev~r could imagine Vlhenever they nit:t, ' What ' gorng to Fhut, eh 1' nlwayA r.nviecl Gracie IlowJr<l. her v\Tc&tern lu ~1on thrtt followml, Lottrn reg i1ned her Ann Bagley, lln<l, "1 the plainest 1nunner at church or in any other public places, she Furtlier down she g10\\ led home, where they don't have any of the self-posscso1011 completely possible, tell her that he loved her aud ask Splendid Patterns in Gold and Satin Paper. Gold and Satin, art1fic11.1J1t1es ot hfe, but hve ln a log-cabin, 1 Oentlernen,' s :d tl 1'h~, politely, '\\,.ll her to shnro his fortune. J3i::tore starting sometimes \vondered whu.t 1nacle bun 1egarU 1 .!.Hd he mt't thvt red-beaded " 1dow her with such a sad and reproachful expres Kernsha\v on tbe car ~ , i::lt 1 Ill S(e about and other Bordering. !Tall, and other Papm·s, with o huge chmmey ·cross all oue end of you \\RI"- lU auu be seated 1 I shall be he thonght over a great n1any tunes what ~non. Poor \Voman She tlocs not know that He probably didn't tell her he was 1t1 and Gracie walks three nules and back through with this cl 1:\:3 nircl:tly,nnd then- 1 h<3 would say when he was \\Ith he1, nn<l. IN ORE.A 1' VARIETY. even lo this day, that a slight mistake \\us married 11 1 Oi prt1y don't let us intrude 1' ::ita1n1ne.r~ every day to teach tue distmt school 1 how nnd 1n what 111anner Ll.:l would tsay it the means of inak1ng her an olcl 1na1d She gut do\\ n to the' P ~ ,'glaucetl ov'"r There's a life for a gn l \\ 110 used t.J be a ed .&fr Mered1th 1 turutng leatl. color ' We He never took n1ore pi1ns wHh his t01let a couple of hueEC,antl then yelled 11gbt out New York bell< ' He took a parting -we DP.Ver dreau1eJ of seeing- you h ere than he did that m~ht 1 S"ved by a Rabbit Not Conung ho111e until next n e<k ' 'It a very sad, J\l! r .l-Iowurcl's 11ulure,' be· Miss Lennox I' look at 111.::: sn1<~n nurror, w 1th an e:x pres<:::1on Trains sno\\ed up 1 l ll sec \Vhethcr he gau Aunt ~lehs,.n, compasstona.tcly, but he1 'Prob:ibly not,' sa' d LJttw,ser1::nJly The of e\. 1de11t sat1sfoct1on and c {pcctant success A IHUE sro n.Y is11't connug t Bo), "I i err 's th" tclegtaph mece rnterrupted her 1'hen he walKed ac.OS.i the h Id s, tnlnug his changes and clrn,l'.lcea or the wodd plct.j oUice ~' 'Snd I Don't I tell you At>"t Mel"'"· strange antics with us nll ' vway towaids Ano Blriley 1s bousc \~Ttul0 tny fucnd ClJ de antl lll)Self \\ere i.'\.nO sbe ran ueross tbe stieet, and scut tb ,1t I envy Grace 1 Now 1t ao happened th:..1.t was expect Mr Glyndon, \\ho bad bo11c,J oolJly,hcro 1 1fy dear ~hild, you can't be in earnest " touched lna: cornpauton 's i'.l"'n1. and sud in a 1ng h1111 1\..nd somehow she Je lt that the out en the li1lls ut the hack at the Golden hun .1 clespatcb "h1ch ruaae the ope1atJI 8 'But I a1n, aunty 1 There's eome oliJect whisper, \\b1ch \' iwt qi le so IIHtudible ei.:c.ning wa,,, to Ue ;v11mpo1t,\nL one ID her (}ate Park, 1:ist "cel11a Jack rabbit can1e hair st,1nd up as he nce1ved au<l read 1t Deti oit Free Press m a life luw that-not lllerely the pazorng as 1t was · 1tcu<le,d to be ]1fo Sb e \\as pr..;! tj c..:1 ta1n that she unclt!r along and stopped to look at us ' If I had thougl t to bring: my re\ oh cI a\\U.J of <l1:1i, after day, each t;O hke 1ts pre· stood ~11neon's 1ntcutton "'ould he pro' IIadn't \Ve better lie rnvv1ng ~' CONSISTENCY. dece.sor that they remrnd one of the blunk pose 1 She smccrely hopecl that he "ould along, we would have Jack on toc\St for 1 You'll call 011 me hc!orc yon leave th breakfast to niorro'v U\Oh ·ng I re1narked ' 1 plgc> m a book I' We Jo not tnrnk lbat people ought to be neighborhood, I hope,' s~ 1 d Lottie, cour If he diJ, ot course she \\ouhl. accept him, 'Nat with my consent,' Le replied Little Charlotte Lennox looked .ery teously ' Uy present home ts beyond the but then she \\ ou ld be n1ce nnd proper such o:i\ 1cklerd for what they unag1nc IS ' \Vhat i eason can ) ou give for iiot conw pnnc1pl0, ns to be ahvtl.ys quarrelhng with obout 1t She did not deme to appenr pretty aud pcnsl\ e as she enunciated this Mill R·p1ds, on the WMternforcl road' sen 1' r athe1 start ling theory She was drcssecl in anxious She would ie1gu iud1fft!i:ence , she other people It 111.l) be pos>1ble that "" '[ -I than]),, you, but I'tn afraid we sh ~ '1 1 A raUL1t once sa'\ed n1y 1 t~, nnll I bci.~e n pale bL.1e silk, draped \\ith \\h1te la{<' not hme.' said }i!r ~fered1th, 1at li er would let Luu a war1::a and fervent 1nay be wrong lnU. others be nght That 1 and wore great sparkling sapphire· at her a\\kwaruly- 0 1d thus cavalierl) the) took d eclaration, she '\\Ould give Lun u. favor- not k11l.t.!d oue sp·icc P ul 1 ever "111 1 1 one sort ol pride to lJu con111dcred consistent g-O'Hara's Old Stand, able opportumty to press his suit \11th oll again ' Town Hall Bmldmgs.~ throat and depcnd1ug 1rom her care She then leave ~ leads n.1auy rueu to spend their da} s 111 dts 'Ho\\i tl1d he nwnnJc to P.ave your life 1' pnta·1on, with but little or no results that the order and eloque.nce he coulJ co111111:.1ud was a blonde, this little Lottie ot ours, "1th As I\icrcJ1th spr.\ng on 1 s hori':lc, he R. EASTON violet eye"', ha1 "' bnghL yellow and soft as ' fhrec yeor:5 ago I \\as II\ ing in .31ou benefit u1ank1ud She wanted to heal !um tell how much be 1\len that have pu1poses wJped h,s heated bro\\ Bo\\rnanvilll~'t June 2nd, 1875 ly m9 ~i.un A emeltcrhadJUSt been bDdr., ll.nd tn lik, nucl nrc tr)ing to \\ork tbeu1 uul, floss 1:11lk, ~tnd a 1:1kin as pure and translucent Io-ved her, nnd how long he \VO lld cont111nc 'Nearly sold, IJy Jove 1· he 'JllCL atcll as pearl-and 1noreovc1 1 she ~vaa a nnlhrn1- 'DJ.) ou Jr'101v how ncor I to propos to love her, and then-and theu-slw wou Id it created a dc1nnnll for ail ver rock 1 I o .vucd son1etnncs run against s11ch suog.s It takes THE a1re s <laugh ter 1 gradually lean her bea.J upon hlS shouldei, an interest in a lead that 1w.J. been sunk too long to rout then1 out, and the best "n.y 1ng to that g1 I, Ia.,t J,1 11 , Glj ndon 1' over tb11Ly fet!t Tb111k111g the tln1c had 1s to turn as1<le at1J go forward Sometlnt('!!I BOWMA1'VILLF. 'C harlotte,' said Aunt .M~l1ssa, gr~nl:!ly, 1 I'll bet n cookey jOU c lt<ln'r. come IJ,-\lf andi looking up tenderly uito his eye, say, come to make it availnble, I concluded to \\.:!ma) be very conficlcnt that our COllVJC'I n<n surprised at } ou 1' so near co1nn11tl·ng yourself as [ did,' res "!here is no "n.y Qf ret1sllng )OUr entreat· :Pl ,U00,000 i;:o there and get some ore,. aucl it test· t1ons of whnt "e ought to do or i!ny about ' fbat'a nothing new" pouted Lottie. ponded Hall Glyt.don ics Y cs, Simeon, I ain yours ' 1 Yo1 re always beingsurpnsed nt1ne, Aunt She looked exceedrngly pretty, uol~ itb- cd I did so , and reach ed the place 3ust others arc such as they ought to be, but "e ,'lOR0~10 READ OFFICE. ' So the old teller has fo· ed aft»r allBR \~CU Ol'l'tCES l.lfolrn·a I In f <ct, I believe !Lit I am oiu and she't'.l tvrned l::iChool u1a',uu 1 IL's a stancl1ng her plain countcnnnce, when taste· 1n time to take ebelter 1n the mine have to lenru to do a s it b sa1d that Deacon · OsnA'\\ \, 0 RtLLiA, But 1 ti tell shan1e for people to travel ou fo lac pretences fully attired to meet her expected lover from a ten.ble ha tletorm I lighted my C, of Boston, once J 1d The veoi:rabJe OoBoi::Ru \YHITBY, 1ir }for no \\ onld 1nf..... rm the g-cnt ral public prised at myself sometnues th l\.t he ui })rcpan1 d to fill orders for BO\\ MA~'JJ J 1, Ux m nDGE, yon what. I uiean to <lo 1 shall I 1' She \\as certainly 'ery happy, nud a wo~ ca.udl~, went tu the boltom, and "en':. to deacon had sa1~1 8ometluug iather hitter in that sort of way " I had not been there more than about soiue one '\Vhat now \\h1u1 nuw I i:intd .t\unt Mel 1v 1s invanably at- \\ark TLo person 8a1cl to the Th u; Uank, 11111ddit1on tot1ansu.ct1ng the us '\-Yc11 1 \\e 110e io1111d h0w the land hes 1 1nan who 1s truly bap1 ii~e unuutes when I heard a llOll:!e Lhat u &! ban]ong business, offers to the public nlJ 1ssa, \\lLh au air as of one invoking res1gna- tune to prevent U1saster,' 111ughed .i\fcrcd1th tractl ve deacon that 1f he lt pedtt!d it 'be \\ould he alh a nt<tges of a !:5a.'\ing Institution with t ,lfoulclings of al! desc1 iptwns tiou 1 The rot:k over n1y cane b1m ' The deacon reph-:!d, 1 Then he Present I) the <loot bell r ..t11g 1 aud she JOY· sonndc<l hke a. cannon Lottie Leunox sn led dc·m1 ely r · the t ho seounty 0£ a large paid up capital, by the '1.'urinng, &c, &c, menus oi a S \ \ l?>G$ DEI' \RIM ENT ' Well, l 'll tell you I meau to ask papa sou nd of the horses' reccd 1ghoobgradual· ous lj hu1ne<l to the hall door to 1ueet, as head shook, nod, l a iuon1ent the shaft b~ would not rope~tt it' Tu Le consis~cut we InteH st allo1\ed :mall depos1ts of One Dol 1 to let ll!e go out to ~11nneaota aud \ ~It ly grew more chm t she st..pposed, S1rocou 1\ic lot) ti;! He h1nd me C.. 1.\ ed 1'.~ou cau imag1ou my fee1- need not repeat \\bat 1s nfiens1ve Our , v,t1ds, at the U\.te of Ji1v.E put c~ut l ar and up 1 for geneial building, on 1 1ngs bette1 than I cao describe theru when rchgton would shine u1uch Lr1 ghter betore 1 e said,\\ Ith a slight· Grac1e er an num comes ea1ly to n1ght,' ~ l p 'Dear n1e ' quoth t:i hc to her()clf, ' it Depositors can \ itjld1 u.w e1tlte1 the \\hole or SHORTEST NOTICE, I found myself bnrie<l a\ivo I tremhle,even the \\Orld if there \Vt-- a little Jess of seen1 Aunt l\ieliesa elevated her hanl!s seems tbat the 11 1h onalre's J.1ugliter 1;1.nJ. Iy pal p1tating heart, 'but then it 18 so much a ny part of their de~~nt ~ at ~tny ti tre , without nnd in at thlti distant day, when I tb n 1),, ot that 1ug consistency arirl 1nore of that which 1s 1 C!nld, he will never consent 1n th1s theWeste1n echool teacbe1 are t\'\O vciy d1f. Jbe bettm ' p rev1011s notice GOOD STYLE Specui.l 1a.tes of mte1c1;tal lowt"d npon fl epoeits moment The roof of the sh a G nas rocks, real,- Pr,.bytenan Weekly \\ orld P She tnerrily opened the door There fcrent pe1sonaKef How cold they "f'r notice of withdrn.wal " iLh 'YeA lie will, it I us!;. him, papa a1"a)'s and how ev1dentlj perturbed les t I sbou 1d stood a small, stoop shou ldered n1an, "ith and 11 hen they came down they did not American Cuirency and Silver taken on <l~ He wiU also t ake co11tuwta fµ1 bwld1ngs1 and pnys po:-;1t puck ~o t1g11t bul what the a1rcnme throng}. Pride hac:. a grea1er ' lrnre than gcodnees lets n1e 11ave my own wav ' offot to ebake haudo 1'ith them 1 \Ylio a. carpet sack 1n h:1s baud Drafts granted P.rt.yable n Chen.t lJnta1n, rrb.ere "\:llS nothing that I CtJtt ld do to ltl of li t-a rt 111 the 1 moni;:. rn1 ccs \\C n1ake to 1 Awl llr1nk [\iereu1th and Hull GIJ (1don P 1 Good <nren1ng, u1u1u,' heaa1d, in a husky ~PECIA L ATTENTION 70 JOBJ3ING. 1T1uted St ttes UJld .J.m parts of Uanada. \\O!l 1J } lVe snpposud tha t clrcuw ..~auc~~ O:·f"rDcposits crm be ienntted by mml,::i.dd1e~s 1 I've callt J. Lo sh)\~ ) on one o' 1ny lease iny;ielf I knew tho.t If re11tlf did 11 ot those \\bo are t-, 1 I) ol fau t~ \\ erep1ov1~ vu1ce Lottie Jau glJt:fl antl colr.-red coul I a.l te1 cadl:'::ic ao c 1n1pletely 1 e<l to the ])omrnwn Uank [ren1s tcro l), when in 1 con1e lrom the 011ts1de, l n1us~ peu..:lJ No nut ~o n nch \\ 111 \ '\H n to lullv: then1 1 1 ·Oh, thrJ ve both gone ant ol to'<' n nn1l ¥a un\Jlu \\01k<;i, n1uw all CUS08 a Paf;j::J Book receipt will Uc 00 ent 1 y ?Ills~ Lenuux went h01ne tht next rnontb one kneYi I h ad gone th~re A ri.u I as to pc1--1u\(le the111 1l1 flt \\C exe1¥pt return. post \\on't be bai.:k unlll .l\.[arch, su )OU see ' Who tlo l ou 1 !Sh to ·ee 1 a' ke<l Ann \\e!l pl a.~cd \\lLli her v1~1t to the F ar \Ycet, Shop and Residence on Liberty Street J .A CODD Agent, pa<o the mouth ol Lhe oh"lt, but 1t wa~ uat from tho" fau lts Q\lrocll c·, there is no danger but tbat they 'll survive, and tti. ver; first mgbt of her em val in , nervousl,r. fiowmrun ille, J ,\n 6th, 1871 15 tf Bowm tn ulle, Dec 21st, 1874 -tf LADIES' and GEN'I'S' F"C1ItS VERY OI -TEAP . ker Hill,' when th~ sotn1d of horses' h oofs v1llaoe gossip, they were engaged clanged on th e hard frozen ground without, Bnt "1l1agP. gossip was 1n tins inst'.\nce and two cqi.lcstnans rotle up, clieck1ng: then slightly mistaken Simeon no doubt hnd Geel ' ~hen the ni~J1t is still, 'l hy lamps are steeds at the snnp le wooden drinking thought Benously enough of the inatter n1any S\., l!"lg, trougl1, \'\here the CrJ8L tl-clear \\at r hon1 tunes, but,\\ hcne" er a favorable opportnu1ty A11tl all 1'hy m~stcries a.bove are hun:;, .. A.Ttd p1ef!s upon my soul, and v.01gh it doWll- a ne1gbbor111g sp11 ng was dnc1 ted into a haJ preisentcd 1tsdf, Ins bad furrude fountain for the benefit of the "lute· sakcu bun , he bad stammered, blushed, 1\-Iy God, I knu\\ not 18 it smilo or frown ' lookis 11pou nle hom the patient stars, headed little urclnns "ho are al~ aya ' want- looked conh1s3d, and tall\ed all roti~id the That shuts me here, without the golden bnrs mg to get a drmk i· 1n1portant sulJJect, without directly connng Beyond, beyond f 'ThIS is the place, Glyndeu, or In} <les· to the pomt cripllon is much nt f n1lt I' exclaimed a One n1oonhgbt sunnner eve1111ig be ha l clear, dcop Inned voice, that made Lottw's ahnost succeeded 111 the stupendous under~TERATURE. heart Jlutt.r up iu tu her thro;tt hk.e a fr1ght- tak1ug lie anU Aun were ou their way euetl bud tryrng to es~pe from its cage home from the prayer meetmg IN THE FAR WEST He had 'The ' . Hage school, taught by the pretty told hei sometb10g ot the possibilities of the daughter ol a Ne11 York bankrupt-a real future, ol the feehngA ol lonelrness that UY fiflj EN FORREST or \_ VEf.i 0 storn1 bnd blown 1t 'Ah, t m glad to see ) ou again ' The teruble blow 1t struck the Now, 111 the twilight, Aun <lid not recog o'er rnze her lover She 11as still thmkmg of ground had caused th e cavrng m of the the peddler, aud his 1rrepressible Ja.rgone, shaft 'Jack had \\oun<l the hnearouuda bnsh 1 o.nd, as the man spoke, she drew be1eclf up and tied himself so short that he was 1m· han~htily and spit1!ully said 1 Yon hero If you have any cuus1der- pusoned outside ns securely as I h!ld lieen at1on for 1ny fee]in~s, you \\ill please take 1ns1t.le He was taken to town, put 1n a J our leave. I do not want anytb1ng of you large cage, and supplied with all the rabbit He, < )10wKone of us 11 ant auytlnng to do with you dehcac1es the market afforded I don'l see why you cannot understand m~ cver, did not thrive, ar.1d the boys, belrnv. The1e'a door I'm expcctlng inore <le- rng that lie 'pmcd m thought,' votetl to set him free He was taken back to bis e1rable compnuy -Please leave ' old gmlling grounds and liberated 'Bot-but-you <lo not understand me'Ile not only eaved my 11le, but l.Jcciune I --' 'I understand you perlt!t:lly, there is no the bent:foctor ot all the rablnts in the need of turtbe'r explo.uu.twu Do not r.0111 11e1ghhorhoocl-tho 1111ncrs rcfr1ur1111g iro1u ' pel me to be rndo to you I suppo,e aunt sboot111g nuy, Jeauvg it might oc bun ' had ahead.} d1sn11ssed youi or I \\Ould not ha, e come 1D ' tuue It had :year;:;, and tho the shaft hnd been the C>nse of my misiorbeen deud a number The Husband's Letter. · 'But >vhat does all th!S mean l' gasped MOD:W THAN 3600 Rolls of :Room Paper Received Prices from Five Cents per Roll. :Base Ball Clubs and Balls, and. Lacrosses and :Ba.Us, at S:pecia.l l'rioe:;.i to Organised Clubs. A LOT 0]' GOOJ) FANS CHEAP. ' RYAN'S PROFESSIONAL DEAD BALL I ndia Rubber, Solid and Inflated, Sponge Balls, Ross Balls, from Ten Cents each. CROQUET SETS IN GREAT V .AlUETY. Rocking Hor:-;es, $3.00 Each. ting .. · DOMINION BANK. Levi Morris I ' Builder, and Manufacturer of Sash, Blinds, Doors, &c. l'laning and. Matching, I ! · · I

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