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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 24 Mar 1876, p. 4

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THE :MERCHANT FRIDAY, MAR-BH 24 1876, POETRY ==================~- FARM.AND HOUSEHOLD "Entertaining'" a Friend, What maltes people C1·oss. The World. BT 'FREDERICK W, FABER. 0 Jesus l if in days gone by My heart hath loved the world too well, It needs more love for love of Thee 'l'o bid this cheerful world farewell. And yet I can rl-'joice, there are So ma.ny things on earth to love, So 1nany idols for the fire, 1{y love and loyal cha.ngc to prove. He that loves most has most to lose. And willing hiss is lo vt: 's best ptir.e; The 'l ueer geni u· who edits the Dan bury Why- ls.ft that so m·uY persons, and os· Utilizing Chicken Feathers. pecia)l1: i..:hildren,_ ae,em crosil in the morning 1'lews thus pleaeantly satiri.1es a too com- · o1 mon weaknees of the hostess of the period. woen lhey first .get Ol1t of ' bed '/ Anawer: "' According to sta.ti!~tics very carefully comA wife, when she has received suitable Th~ blood has 'noti ye\ oegnn to cjrmil·,te piled," a. writer in La }tature , " we throw away yearly a quMtity of chicken feathers, the intrinsic value of Nhich is ecprn.l to the money A startling which we po.y out for cotton. n 1:1tatl:ln1ant, but the anthor c0naiders it true; and he proC'e~<ls to explain how the feather~ are Frepa..rtd to make them va.1.uable . Th~ operation is to cut the plume portions of the Ptem by means of ordinary ha.nd scissors. The former are placed in quantities ju a coarse bag, which, when full, is closed and Si;!bjected to a thorot.lgh kneading with tbe handl'L. At the end of fi\·e minutes tbe ft>athers, it i.8 "tated, becon1e . di§agg1·egn.t1::d a1id felted together,fotrniug a down, perfectly homogeneou11 and of grea.t lightneH · It: is even li~hter tlian natural eider down. be· eause i:he latter contains the ribs of the featl1ers, which give extra wiight. The rna.teriaJ thus prepared is worth, and rear.lily aell~ in Paris for, about two dollars a. pound. About 1. 6 Trvy ounces of this clown can be obtained ft'OIU the feathers of an ordinary sized pullet ; a.nd tbis, on the a.boYe valuation, is worth about twenty cent8. It is 1:1uggested tba.t, through the · winter~ children might collect all the feathers a.bout the fa.rm, and cut the ribs out, M we haVe eta.tcd. By the spring time a large quantity of down wouJd be prepared, which could be disposed of~ to upholstererlil or employed for domestic uses &oo1:1e ftt athcrs may be treated in a similar manner, a.nd thus two·third$ of the product of the bird utilized inatea.9. of only about one· fifth, as is at pr~sent the case. The chicken down is said to forin a beautiful cloth when woven. Fot· about a aqu&l'e yard of the n1aterial, a pound and a ha1f of down is rtquired. The fabric is ~aid to be almost indestructible, as, in place of fraying out at folda, it only seems to felt the tighter. It ta.kea dye reo..dily, and ~s thoroughly waterproof. Ther'o appears to he a good opportunity here for some ingenious person to in v1;1,nt machines to cut and treat the feathers;-Bo.1ton ·Jou..t·nal, GO TO 'l':Eo:M.As :BA'l"rING'S notice, can get up an excellent dinner for perfectly in the. vea:Stils of the brain, so aa The more that Yesterday has loved, The more 'fo-da.y can f'.la.crifice. 0 Eru-th J thou art too be~utiful, And thou, dear Home ! thou art too eweet, , 1'he w11>ys of flesh and blood . Too amooth for einnr,rs' pilgrim feet . ,. And yet, bright \Vorld ! thou art not wise ; 0, no! enchantress though thou art, 'l'hou a.rt not skiUuL in tby way Of.. dealing wit.h a weary heart. If th~u hadst· kept thy faith with me 1 I might.have bet::n thy servant still ; Ilut·slighted love nnd broken faith, Poor world ! tht::se are beyond thy skill, her hu·band's friend. Sbe Joes her level to nourish tliis organ and make the will and best, workin~ without stint until a repast judgment strong and the feelings healthy. AND which pleases her in every particular is For thit:t_reatsou a person. should be trained spread. Then the fo11owing convert:1a.tion when be arises ·xn fhe morning to take a takes place with the guest : t· bat.h .u.nd some sli~ht. cx~rciat:, to 1:1ta~t into CONSISTING OF , 'I hope you will be able to make out a actmty the {hw of the blood. It lS now WATCHES, CLOCKS, CUTLERY, meal.' I well known. that the buin empties itself PLATED WARE, ETC. ' I shall do nicely I know ' be says. partly of blood in sl; ep, 0nd this must be -o'I'm really asba~ed of table,' she bronght hick btfOre a norfual condition is Sterling Silver Spoons, and Pure Gold Wedding ;ein~s· ·rattles on. eslubliRhetl. Dyapeplica are mQre likely to . ' Why, you needn't be,' be protests. be cross than those who have .good dig_estion AARON BUCKLEil. New Goods L BE ' 1 Straw-Cutters ! Grain Grinders FEED . MILLS. Another car load of the above nobl~ articles on the way. Please oall at the If You Want . MUST SOLD, the GOOD· DRY Bowm&nville, Sept. 26th, 1875, fJBB!P B OvV MANVILLE Fii.rm Implement Forwarding Agency R. W. JAMES, King St., Bowmanville, Rowmanville, Dec, 5, 1872. "'"--. nlO. GOODS. HOUSE. 1 'But it's all his fault ' she exclaims nodding toward her husba~d. ·He never' gives me any warning scarcely, and it's such warw we1:1.thei· now tbut then~ is nothinK Jo u cnn keep on hand for an emergency.' 'Why, you've done nobly, I think; couldn't have done better,' asserts the guest, - an<l for the san1e reason-there JS not enough.'° good blood to nouri9b t~e brain. _A blow on the hend or an abscess in the brain i'!Ometirnes ruins a p;ornl-teu1pered person for lite. The reason ia, the lirain is injnred, a.nd the flow ofbloodi_n itisimpairc~l. "\Ve mii.}.,.> well~di!al gently \"i{h cross people, and Bowma1n-itle, Oct. 8th, 1875. J. D. Strowger MANCHESTER NEW.CAS'I'LE.H Better Inducements THE )" beginning to lose his interest in the topic. ·Ob, I hope you don't think this anytbiog of a dinner,' she sny!l, looking with anxious pride over the spread. 'Yon roust come up again, and let me know before- 0, bll:ll:IS thee, Liess thee, treacheroua. wo1·ld, That thou dost pla.y eo fil.lse a, pa.rt, And drive, like sheep into thti fol<l, Our lovea into our Saviour's hea.rt. Thia lH\vo I LeaHed npon, Hweet J,ord ! 'l'hU. world hath had Thy rightful place ; ~ut come, dear jenlous King of lovl:l ! Come, and begin thy reign ?f grace. apply the physiological remedy. Ou the · ·· t ' : · '1f.J t' ' other hand, they should deal reaoonably Having removed to ·more commod1ousprem1set, IN with themselves, aud caltiv:ate health and FOTHERGILL'S BLOCK, power 'lf will to hold in suhjt!ction their beg to inform the pubUc genera,lly. that the r wayward impulses.-Herald of Health. are now enabled to offer tham , Worl;h Heeding. Elephant House . ,"1 ·t · So:METHING NEW baud and I'll promise you somethmg decent to eat.' ' I'm sure this can't be beaten; protests Banish fa;r fro~ me a11 I love, '1.'he smiles of frien_ ds, the olcl fireside, And drive 1ne to that home or homeH, The Heart of Jesus crucified; Take n.11 the light away from earth; Take all that 1nen can Jove froID me ; L(:t all I lean upon give way, . That I n11ty lean utl 11uUght Lut 1'hee -Christian at 1Vm·k. If men gave three tiine.s .as much atten .. the guest, with a aense 'lf becoming depresstion as thev now do to ventilation, ablution, ed. 'Oh ! bless rue ; this is nothing but a and exerci;e in the open air, and ouly ouepick.· up dinner, just the same as we have if third as much to ea.Hng,_J'urnishing, and late alone. Do try another hii:icuit; I don't suppose they are tit to eat, though, 1 she says, with increased anxiety, as she observes their Gro~ery l A substitute for Lath_ & Plaster ! THE PA.TENT ALUMINO'lJS and ORNAMENTAL BUILDING PAPER. PAPER OIL-CLOTH and CARPETING delicate color awl flaky texture, ·'They are beautiful,' he hastily esplaintc, feeling very uncomfortable the while. 'You must take the will for the deed,' she resumes. 1 I didn't see we were out of bread till the last n1on1ent, nod then l Las- hours, the number of doctors, dintists, and apothecaries, at1d tb'e atnount of neura1gia, dyspepsia., gou.t, fpvcr, and consuniption woul<} be changed in a correspondhig ratio. - . · f · · Mankind would rtipidly present the aspect, (AS REGARDS PlllOE ~rt QUiA!,J'I'Y) not only of a far healthier and thdftitr, than any other house in the County, but a f"r 1nore ~)ea u tilul and n1ore virtuoua race. Business, Important "'Announcement ! ., ' SOLE AGENT FOR THIS PLACE. A Large Stock Just Recewed,- P/.ain and Ornamental, bo~hfor Walls and "X?t0ors. .,, CLOVER. No matter bow misma.naged,clover is a. benefit, and whatever else he ma.y do, the farmer who growa Clover, ii:i: making bis fa.rm better. What, thi, might not the result be.if the sa1ne care were aken of the cloVer field ftlf of other crops! I doe.a llot need cultivating; the long. deep rcac ng root.a mellO\V and , pulverize the !Oil u nothing ebe can. If the clov~r gro~·s thrifty, the top a.eta :w a mulch, shading the ground and keeping it moist. .A crop of two tons or more of clover, whether ploughed under 0r cut for ha.y, can hardly fail to leave the soil bette1· than it \Vas befvre. It should be the f&rmer's aim, to grow the largest poeNible crops of clover. A slight dressing of gypsum-one hundred pounde per aore in early spring-often produce wonderful results. But if n. farmer hM a liLtle well·NJtted manure, the scrapings of barnyards, fall is the tia:ne to apply it. Clover:is often injured by fl·ee:tiug and th~wing in winter, and a very sJi{{ht eovering of manure Rieb will afford a great deal of_ protection. oarth from corner fences, is well worth drawing a. short distance on young clo\·er, provided the gro llld 18 hard an<l fil'm. If the field is not to be mowed next sea!lon coarser manure can be us(:d.- -Country Gentlema.n. 1 Crumbs for Chickens. had not forgotten. The mint:r was to s\vcetheart, commencing ; ' Yoba mine' who, from vii.rious onuses, hnd become so much affected by nervousne~s that -.,vhen they stretd1- been her husband on the day after that on - when she interrupted him with : ' ecl out hand$ tb~y i.hook like aspen leaves which he died. Thtre were no dry eyes don't care if I do John.' on windy days, and by a moderate daily use of when that gray~headed pil~rim cnst herself A sweet little boy only 8 years old,- the blanched footstalks of celery as a sa.lad,they upon the youthful corpse and poured into bless his little heart !-walked into a b~caroe aa strong and steady .~i n limb as other his deaf eur mauy words uf endearznent unscene of a teachers' exa1nination at peop1e. I have known others so nervoms th&t use<l for forty ycnr.s. It wns a touching Oswego, last week, and bawled out : the least annoyance put them in a state of agi' Annie, your fellow is down to the tation, and they were in constant porplexity contrast-the one so old and the otber so and fear, who were also effe~tuatlv cured by a young. They had both been young these house J' moderat'e use of blancht:id celery as a salad at long years ago 1 but tin1e had gone on with --.._"--- 1\. - M~s"" :~;r Oil her way n1;;l ..... ]" \lavf' known others cured of p:i.1- the· living, and stood still with th e dead, school, was heard saying to herself:- pitation of the heM~ ":£ -..__~~t,..,.,<:ly engaged in I . r 'A noun ls the name of any person, la.bor weake1ii11g to the· uer\·es aho-lii-U--c...._c.ajery "'Heart and Tongue. place or Llnng, and if any of the girls daily in the Rea.son,and onions in its stead whelr ......... have hooked that apple from my desk, not in sea!!on. One Mr. Tongue, - I'll raise a foss with the whole school.' Ot much rcnowll, An Irish editor says he can see no earthly reason why women should not be allowe<l to become medical men. ' Astonishing cure for consumption, as the old lady said when she sprinkled °"- snuff on the victuals of her boarders. A schoolboy's composition on the ox :-'An ox does not- taste so good as an oyster, but it can draw a bigger load and run twice as fast. A young man who went about Monday morning snuffing and blowing his nose, explained to a friend that ' She didn't have ady fire id de parlor Suddy <light ad i<l dwas blabe code.' Kansas teacher- ' Where <loes all of our grain products go to?' Boy-' It goes into the hopper.' ' Hopper! what hopper?' 'Grasshopper !' triumphantly sh outed the boy. 'Probably one of the most trying times in a inan's life,' says one who has CELERY. experienced it, ' is when he introduces ·his second wife, r 7 years old, to his 'rhe baLit.ial use of ce1ery is more beneficial <laughter, who is past 20.' to us than is commonly supposed. A writer A young man in California began to who ia familiar with itg virtues says : I have known ma.ny men, nnd women too, read a paragraph about a mine to his 11 tily made up these. I didn't think they'd Royal Con1mission to enquire into lier !tilabe half way decent, a1:1 there was no t1me to jeaty's eni:;ageroenti:i ~·itb other States ttud other matters connect~d fwith slavtry and work them.' And so she rattles on with her di·astrous the slave trade :-the Duke of So:aerset, J. D. STROWGER. the Lord Obie! Jnstice of England, Sir Nt1wea.stlt1,AUflU~t~ 14th, l'.H74. ~mmeuts, the dear old fraud 1 while he conRobert Philhmore, Mr. J11stici;;: Ar<}hiti>ald, tWues to protest, and continues to feel tnore Sir Henry ·Holland, 8ir George Can1pbell, BOWMANVIL:...E lih getting up ·Ud flying away. Sir Henry Maine, ~Ir. FitzJa1ni.::s Swphen, lfr. Rolhery, the Right Hon, jl;,~ontague Bernard, 'Rear· Aduural ot the ] .eet S1r A Strange Meeting. Leopold Heath, and the Hon. Alfred Manufacturing Cb Thesiger. . Not many years sinct', eertain n1iners, working far under grouncl; came upon the The following will be the merr1bers of Weight and 1lfeasure Guaranteed in every instan,e. the NO PRESENTS GIVEN, BUT CODD 'I'eas a Speciality.:. Millinery,Clething, Crockery & Glassware. ----oo--- Great .Seduction, in Dry Good.s ! The Pa.per Oil Cloth and Oarpet!nf is a. Cheap and Durable Substitute for Oi Cloth. The Chemicals with which the Paper is sat urated, rtinder it proof Ra.ts, l\fotlu, and 1\-Ii~e. Varnish Polish! A.nothEr thing much wanted. This Polish gives a mOtit eleg&J1t luatre,and <lrieH instantaneously_ IMachine and Impleme""t ..,. MUI DOUB BIOS. Ha~ing decided to make a change in their business, are now selling for CASH t!1eir large an<l well assorted Stock of Dry Goods, Millinery. Clothing,_Crockery and Glassware, ·' body of a poor fellow who hod perished in the suffocating pit forty years before. TH.t!l MERCHANT and with the exception of a few 1 tL.est1 Iv.tanufacturers of Nothing ever discovered befo1e to equal this Polish, FOR FOR Some chemical ag.ut to wl.ich the body bad betn subjected, an agent prepared in Circulation of ·1000; into th ti hands of the people of \Vest Durhn-m. ['be public will atunc0 aee has now a ban.a ild-e WOOD.AND IRON the laboratory of nature, hd effectually ar· rested the progreBB ol decay. They broug3t it up to the Burface, and for a while, WORKING MACHINER2 till thoroughly exposed tu \be ·tmosphefe, it lay, the image oi' a fine,sturdy young tnan. No convulsions bad pnSsed over the face in death-the features were tranquil i the hair was black as jet. No one recoguiztd the face, a generation had grown up since tbe miner went down into the shaft for the last tiu1e, But a tott~ring old wuma.f\ wbo had Lllrried from her cottage ut hearing the new8, carue up, aud she knew ugaiu the face which th rough all l hese long yearsshe AnvE&'.r!s:friG P"liin1uM. · I't Haljl No Equ.all in this constltuenr:y, and this fi.wt is being con stantly c.lemon~tr~{ed.' i If you have lost anything, in this paper. If you ha.vC> found anything, a.dvertiac in th4!! MEUOHAKT. · , If you want to sell, advertise in thfa . papr. . If you want to buy anything.advertise in the ATr AND BELOW COST! I MORE .AND BETTER GOnDS FOR THEIR. MONEY at this Es ablshment than in any other house in the country. atone~, IPiano Giocks, li'&'rtes, Buggies, Cutters, Sleighs, wnd all kinds of Varnished Carriages Picture Frames .LED'FEL'S Double 'l.urbine Wate.r Wheels, J 'fhe Stock having been purchased in the BEST MARKETS, buyern can or any kind of · , depend on getting · · · · . '. Varnished Furnitwl'e. Castings of all Xinds . - -Call Ea;·lp, and secure Bargains, as the wltole Stock must be sold a~d SOLE ACENT FOR THIS PLACE. ME:f'.OHANT. oo~umns If you want to reaoh the public, use the of the i\IERCH.t\.N'l'. . REPAIRS done· on the for CASH ONLY. BARDWARE ! usua', I.e.rge Stock on hand of r OUR _ RATES ARE LOW. As a weekly n6wspaper, the Mli:B.CHAN~ is scarcely excelled. Sixteen columns of carefully selected reading matter appear in each issue, comprising Literature, Agricult'IM·al, Famiily .Reading, Genel'al arul Local l{ewsall fresh .readable. Subscl'iptions taken any time during the year. .. · S:EOE'l'ES'l' NOTIC:E4, \Ve have nov.· on hand a lo.rge quantity of THE GROCERY DEPARTMENT Hardware, Paints and Oils, 8toues and Tinware. AJl of which will be eold at low figures. Common and Gang Plows, that wil\ be sold at' is now complete with· the choicest supply of John McLeod & Co., Wellington Buildings, Bowmanville. Au11ust 10th, 1875. of tu TERMS 75 OTB., IN ADVANCE. - ·- -:o : -- LOW PRICES ,; 6tf. Ch~stmcis Qoods, Raisens, Currants, bu· ga1·s, Peels, etc., etc., at all Prices. . - FOR JO_~~--~ ~!?,:tl'!"!'I:t~C w~1 'h,a\·1:: -e\'~1; '£wcility. Vile do not work for nothing, or fun 1 but our price8 will b~ found low, as our presses arc run"by power, \. -Uowmanville·,1\rarclil8~'3. -- AT THE SHOP. Bowman ville, Dec. 24th-: 1874 . MURDOCH BROS. . · · · Just Arrived at the ~· GARDENS. l I ' No one would take you for what you are," said an old-fashioned gentleman, a day or two ago, to adandy,who had more hair than brams. 'Why?' was immediate]) asked, 'Because they can't see your ~ars. 1 A gentleman questioning a little boy, said : ' When your father and mother forsakes you, Johnuy, do you know \vho \\'ill take you up?' 'Yes, sir,' said he. ' And who,' said the friend. 'The police,' was Johnny's reply. The other day a would be fashionable lady called at a neighbor's at what she thought would be supper-time. ' Come in,' said the neighbor; 'we are having a tableau.' ' I'm so gh:d,' said the visitor; ' 1 thought I smelt them, and I like them be1ter than anything for supper." A French gentleman who supposed he had mastered the English language, was sadly puzzled one day when a friend looked at him and said : ' How do you do ?' ' Do vat ?' ' I mean, how do you find yourself?' ' Saire, I never loses myself.' ' But, how do you fe~l ?' ' Smooth-you just feel me.' The Union cout>ty (N. J.) Coroners did not quality in time, and Union county is therefore without coroners. It is to be hoped the other New Jersey coroners· arc all qualified. One Qf them not long since was examining a doctor in an inquest on the case of a little i,>irl run over by a horse car. The doctor said death resulted from injury to the spine. 'Doctor,' interrupted the coroner, ' was it the spine of her back?' A LUXURY.- A traveller was lately boasting ot the luxury of arriving at night, after a hard day's journey, to par· take of the enjoyment of a well-cut ham and the left leg of a goose, 'Pray, Sir, what is the peculiar luxury 6f a left leg?' ' Sir, to conceive its luxury, you inust fo1d that it is the only leg that is left!' DoM£snc GARDENING $OR LADIES.Make your bed in the morning, sew buttons on your husband's shirt, do not rake any grievances, protect the young and tender brandies of the family, plant a smile of good temper on your face, carefully root out all angry feelings, and expect a good crop of happiness. Who lived at large, tude, when we commence to make our gardens. And wicked, too, l{nowing tbt1.t among fru-111tH"8 tb1.11·e is not that As all could tell, attention given to vegeta.blftl they de1:1erve, we If Tongue they knew. ask them to turn over a. .. Rew leaf," and ao arThe statute brought, Tbe cl1arge was plain, range and plant their gnrd(>n as to ouitivate That Toogue was full them with their field implemeuta. \Ve know Of tlea<llv bane.* something about cultivating gfl.l'dcns Wlth the lu Tattle Town ; 'l'he titne has nf'a.rly arriv;ed, even in this lati- Was mischief full, hoe, spade, &c :, and know that farm1:1ra too generally neglect tl1i1:J irnporhtJlt nn1·t of good living. Veget1:1.UltJ::i ur all kiod.i! will grow j:1st a.s well or a little better in rows than any uth1:1r wn.y. An hour or hvo tach wt1ek will keep the weeds.down, and the soil well pulverized tt..ud a good crop of vegetables is secured with ye1·y littlf la.bor,-Jo·nrnal of .A.oricu.ltW1·e . clothes, bas a direct interest in the results o the tilll)5e of the soil, and 'u farm economy in general. Hung:or Bnd rnkedncss are wnnts of the most urgent charader. The Creator of all things bas pla.ct:.d these wants alike in every bein!S. All are equally~ dependent on s:ucc~ssful agricult1.tre for the means of happiness. Let the rmH bi::come perm~nently exha 11E1ted; or fa1· less, let a famine prevail over the land but a ~ingle year, a.nd the heart ~hrir..ks from the scenes that would inevitably follow so great n. onlamity. A wise, prudent popula.· tion will always prepare for the future. Tongue ihen '\'as seized · .A.nU brought to court; Show Bills · Sale Bills Hand Bills Progammes Ch'culars :Sill Heads Cards · Pamphlets, nud everything-from Mutual Life Assura.hce Societ:; EST AJ3J,lSHED 1840, r CAN.A.DA CBJEJ' OFJ'ICES, r' ·131, ST , JAMES STREET, MONTREAL F!liON HOUSE splendid assortment o DIRECTORS, .· P leading himselt The pending suit. 'Tis N f'ighhor Heart, _ Said Mr. Ton~ue, \Vho ll::a<ls me into So much wrong. I obould be good, Aa ueigh hors are, the sile of a Po:;ter 111.rgfl '\VA.LTER SHANLY, Esq., ?tl P., Cba.irmaan, ennugb to cover a barn to a half-inch strip, DUNCAN MACDONALD, Esq. . p1inted in good style, and at cit pnces. l\f.AJOR T. E. CAMFBELL, CB .. St. Hilaire. Specimens of work can be Reen at 0111· offi~e. THE HoNORAJU.R JOHN IIAMILTON, Hawk& Work handed out) and the car::h tllken forit 'RESI~~~Jr9~Et, BARKER. , <']'\! s ·OUETARY.-J.UIEB GIW<T, NEW MILLINERY. Alf!o ~lot of c. Manaqer · E~ery human being who eats bread or wear!:! As llir. Nose, - - -- -- -- - - -- -- - -- _ I I Or Eye, or :Ear, Or...n1a<lc nnc':Y .- 'Tis very hllrdl 'l~u bear the wrong 'V' II P-nrt, \Vho lives below, ere changed by grace, ~Jr. rf e. Ill~ ~ ~ ~ ~ '!'he ENTIRE Pl(OJ'ITs belong e<l amongst the Policyholder$. S PECI AL FEAT U RE to and divid : BIG- RURH ," .m· RE:AL HAIR. FANCY GOODS, & Also a large. stock of is no·.v raging at THJS l'eoule' ... s Book St 01,.e A:YD Said Mr, Ton 'Ue. Thie: plea was sound Of Mr. Tongue, Jurors and Judge Said, all as one ; While Mr. Hoart Is all so wrong No good, t hey said, Could co1ne froru Tougue. bt l\ei~hhor ·Ieart, SAB:BA. T:EI SCHOOL DEPOT! c. BARKER. '\Vith th"3 arrival of the Holida.y!i, co1nes a de1uand for Strong Men. It is strong men the world Det:de. Weak men kre to be found everywhere. lt is piti- which an etra Premuim· would be required, C&ll be assured at the ordinary rates of this Society, under a Special arrangement _ SPxorAL NoJ:t-.FOPEITABL· PoLian~e issued under vdricb only 10, 15 or 20 Annual Pay monts are reqnired, each payment · secnrmg Policy for a sum assured proportionate to the nwnbel' of premiums paid;~dfr~~Jrom. futm ooymcnt of premA-ums. , 1 ?vloDERATE. PREMIUMS a.nd_ most libexal ronditions. · Pros~ect:il3es,Proposa.l .Forms, &c.., 11upplied on n.pplicat1on at the Head Uffic6 or any ol the Agencies. 't ~ ,, J A.MES GRANT, Res, Secrttary. ~IVES, DEOI.JNP,l> B: O'?H£R COM'P.ANUt~. or on Stamps for Braiding and Em- TIELEVIN.S ,. broidery. ., FASHIONS for Spring just to hand. DBESSllAKING usual. MRS· 'A. FLETCHER _ Bowma.nville, .April 7th.1874. f.ul to behold tho uumbers tbat are · being overthrown yearly, They go down by the scoree ·nd bundrede. They foll on the right hand and Gn -the it:ft.. Soni~ . As the best ~obd Tu ren~vate j The neigL.borl~ouU, That l\Ir. Hea~t Must be rene"'fd, Or aever Tongue The Court decide, A:GEN'.l' FOR 3-ly O.BARKEU, . "Observer Offico." ;King St BowQJ.anville. June 24th, 1870 Bth\IMANVIU~E, J and he 18 dete'rmin~d to continue to selll at these ruinously · low prices ' cheaper than the cheapest. . Why he can do itFirst, he buys for cash and knows just how to ·b11y ! ' ·· Second, what he can't buy cheap enough, he manufactures Tl1ird, he is sittisfied with small profits ! · I · Fourth, he sells for cash ; . Fifth, he sells at bottom pl.foes. 80, HO! Gentlemen of Fashion ---NOT SO FAST. I ha Ye written these feV.· lines ..o\nd all I have to say, That you can find mo still a.t home i a1ll not gone away; So all my kind old frieudii may cou1e And all tl1e young ones too And get their garments Dicely made In fashions that are new Where old a.ntl young cieti.r friendms. meot Im µe1 ial Fire Insuranr.e Co OF LONDON. F ...tabliohed 1803. HEAD 0F1ICES.-l Old Broad P·ll l\lall, London. GENEllAJ, , s11.~ra,uent <\.GENCY FOR Could he suh<jued. tempted by money, and yield ; some by -lle'IJ. £1. W. P'iske, in Congregationalist. liquor; some by political are am lntions, aDd. sell their integrity for the empty honors of -:If.James iii, 81 a brief office. Some are enslaved by sen· Thls and That. s1:1al indu1geacies, and after a few years of coarse pleasure, drop into graves above In 1838, a clergyman, who vicar of w'hich tneu ahow their _ c hlrity by silence. a pati1::1li in Shrewsbury, England, ordered Look a.t our jails. Look at our insane asy- the ren1oval of a picture of the b1ucifixion - - - --- cheap and good X,.iterature, Clift :Books, ,and :Prennt . ~ . St., a11d ·24 St -oAND .-"J - e·oo:os. St. 1 1'.fontr<!J.L CANADA :- CALL AND SEE FOB YOUDSELVBS, BRING YOUR FRIENDS WITH YO-U. '"rs I ·n Stock that cannot fail to please-com plt.tt1 au<l va.ded. lums. Look at our liquor shops. Look which had Jong been suspended in his - as his thought, holier in aspiration, or ever sin be dence that he possessed wit as {vell 1 banished and virtue enthron~d · on the neighbor, for he itnmedie.t!jl)' rev ied, ' The Lord I ado~e earth I Iil Inighty in pow or, No soft, veil-like piety will answer the 1'ho only one living and true; emergency. The virtue of men must Le When you go to a theatair, where a B..ut tba.t J.ord of yours, i"hat 1 turned out of doors, fussy ushair, with a centrally-parted hair, einewed like a deE:r'e leg or ever it is xeady Had about as much knowledge as lyou. and flmvers in coat collair, seats you in for the race eet before it in the years to J :t;$11t since ,you b~moan, a chair, which belongs to anothair, who come. 'Finally, my brethren, be strong io This God of yo11r owtl, comes late in great angair, and with eyes ·the Lord· and in the power of his might.'Choer up, 1ny <lisoonsob,t& brothev · of lurid glair, calls you an intrudair, Gold·ri Age, 1 J1.hough i~see;'.l'.HI vr-ry udd; ' ..rnsh to the managair, andafter a gush· · 1 Still. ift"his be vour god. Why is a solar eclipse like a woman ing swair, he'll scalp that young ushair, )1r. ~;;rlcyJ' can inakoyouauotber.' ~osy Two REASONS Wrw.-While some boys were skating on one of the slips up the river, a gentleman noticed one on the bank wro looked on longingly, but who had no means ot enjoying the sport 'Well bub, haven't you any skates?' asked the n1an. ' .No, sir.' ' \Vh )'not ?' ' 'Cause mother says I ain't prepared to die, and father says he needs the money to b11y him some undershirts !' was the lonesoine reply. and boyhood, must be changed before society I It inav easily be aupposed, that on one can be safe l la it not cledr that men and women must b e stronger in virtue, wore part of the comn1unity thii) wou ~d have its steadfast in morals, nobler. iu a_iru, finer iu effect ; h11t the worthy vw"r soon gave evi- at the open licentiouiineiH~ of our streets ; church, and which he believed Vto·as regarded so defiant n.Dd unblusbiog that it l!Ummone Uy some as 1111 object of W Qrshiµ. ) Ou the la'\\· to its asaistancP. and dewands cJunten- day following its reniova.l, the 14man-cathance from legi~lation. Look at these and olic prieot iJ;1:!Ue1l the fullowingJ laropoou, the multitude to which they stand as ex· which wa..; circu lated over the whole town: prcssion and see in thew the evi<lence and ' The vari':jon's the man, proof of the w""kness, physical, .nontal, Let hitn sa.y what he ca.u, \Vill for gain his Goe! in th~ lur9h : and n1oro.l, of the average man of to-day. Could Iscariot do -more, Is it not clear that the type and character Hn.d it been in his pow"'r· of manhood and womanhood, ef gi tlhood 'l'Q.ap to turn his Lord ou~ of the phutch ?' N.B. That deservedly popular Teach R.R. LOSCOMBE, Barnster, Agent Orders Promptly Executed, and Good Fits Guat'anteed er's· Bible, in various bind1rgs for Bowmanville and Vicinity. Re has in stock a.n endless va.riety of La.diel:! 1 and Gents' Saratugo. Trunks; \.7 RJ.ises 1 etc., all of which be is selling cheap for BOOKS, in Great Va1'ie&y. Bowen an viJle, J nue 4th, 1860 36 -o'ALBUJJIS, Ch'"P and Bretl' m.o.43·39.4w Remember the Stand "BIG BOOT " drawn by Two Horses, King St. WRITING DESKS, cmd WORK BOXES Subscribed and invested and Eest1r¥e F'uncl. £1,965.000 Sterling, Ex:am ine e Btock, which con11irises ev(',rything in the tra.d~, of~e verYlat~st and mo~t cle~a.11 Fu.ndsin\·ested inCanada.-- 105,000. styles and patterns, of English, Canadian, and ·.\..merican iria.nufa'(..'ture. · Insurances aga.1n8t loss by Fire are effected on -omost fai.·orable terme, n.:nU loi:ises paid with He still continues to manufacture to order, from the best of ma.teria.l, and none but first-class out reference to the Board in London. workmen kept. FAMILY BIB ~ES. Splendid Lot. RINTOUL BROS. - o-·POCKET BIBLES,Large Assortment, .J DODSWOill'H, Insptictor, Gen. A~ents, l\iontrf!& A welcome gt·ceting by R. PE.A.TE BowmanvUle, June 19th 1873. LEVI MO:RitIS, GENERAL GON'l'RACTOR AND BUTLDER. J 1 MICROSCOPES, ST ~RFOSCOPES, KALEIDESCOPE$, James M_ cFeeters.. AGENT . M. TRELEVEN. Mainufacturer of Sash, Blinds Doors, Mouldings, and Window Frames, With or without Casing, With or without Band Moulde, 1 J Bowmanville, Ma 13, 1874. Lurgest Coltectioti of Stereoscopic V·iqws in 1'own. Ladies' Companions, Pocket .Books, Purse11. etc., etc. Call ancl Examine. ~ For the follO'\\"ing Insurance Companies, and other Institutions, viz :The QU~jE.N Fire aud I.ife Insurance Company. Capital£2,000,000. $150,000 deposited With tha Doruiniou Govern1n1:1nt, for the protec derH in Canada.. The ISOfo\.TED UISK ~'ire Insurance Com pany of, Capita.1500'000,-0ne of the N returning tbank11 to their numerons customers and " the pub]ic gti;nei·a.lly, for f&vOrl!I, he!}t and cht:a.peHt Coml?anies doiug business in would respectfully in'\"i.te their attention to our present stock o~ furniture, as we have lately Ornamental Pickets, i-n every va1·i,. t.ho Don1inion.Jor }..,arffiers and Isolated Risks 'l'he CAY Av A LANDED CUED IT CO'Y. added thereto, that we may thereby be en11Jbled to supply all pa.rt1es who rua,y plt:aRe to fa.var ety, ancl Scroll Sawing, him witlf a. c.nlL- Gre&t inducements held out to those purchasing at our estabhshme.i~t. Picwith a Savings Bank dtrµartuient. 'l'he UNION Al'IJ' PERMANEN'J! Building turee, Looking Glaeseij,.etc. to order, and in every style. Samples of the different ldnd of o uldin !l'S u;n be i:ieen at the ware·rooru. "Ve would also beg to inform you, that, of every descri11Liu11 ~ and S11vi.nrf's Society. .... 'l'heP.e ·1a.tter instltutions aCl.vance- Loa.n11.t on having purchased a. Real :FJi:1t(i..te, oii. terms unusua.llv ea.1!y for --the DONE TO ORDER, ,borrower. on the BOwmanville, Feb, 6th, 1873. wtt shall be rea.dy l\t a.11 times to attend funerals, on Rhort notice and rea.Honable terms?! SHORTEST NOTICE. N. B . -Coffi.n~ -rl:l:lt>t on ha.nd apd tnadl;$ to oi·der, at the . TO TI-IE PUBJ~:IC. WALTER WIGG & SON, I SPLENDID NEW HEARSE, with 1he centrally parted hair, and the whipping her boy? coat collair_ 1ng of the sun. Because its a hid- *)i~tile brated paintex in Shrewsbury. -· 1 OEltTIFICAES, Afplication' Great Inducements. BLANK &c., &c., procured atth1s regular rates. { To Masters of r. 0. r. . NEW DOlrlINJON 'RETAIL FURNITURE WARE-ROO.llf. King Street East, O·hawa, Aug, 26th, 1870. Oshaw~ -. ~ ~ office,&t Bowmanvill , July 7th, 1873. · hops on Liberty Street, North of the . Eastern Honse, Bowmanville. Bowmonvillc, July 9th, 1874. 41,tf - ' I.

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