Clarington Digital Newspaper Collections

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Mar 1872, p. 3

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- ~ - ·~~i'!l_'!_ l_ ~~~!~~ J lii!~~~~~!iii"!!!~~<!!!~i~~~!i.~~~~~~~~;~~s;;!!!!;.;~;o ,~T F ;<_;r ;;,~~.; "'_ .;~~;_;_;_;_~;2.~:r~ -:~1 ~c~1~;;;_~_~:_! _~=. ;,-;~ N ;, ·~ ~:::=::~·~,~~~~~--i~·~~:n;::-~1~-j-l._ j_ n_g_l_e _s I --~=!:-;:·!~ ;;~d Po~~:: *"<"' ~;~h~ -0 ~-~;b 0 rn . '" IN VIE V{ I I ·- ' --~ X ' v ~ ,.r· ,. . . ~.,. r ,."T...,. '"J ., !.U>iD11Il~l'II10TIYOl'l\IlifUC. · I 1111.L ~ /FOR SA_LE, JvllLI..S, j~~ i .A. NYQUA~'111'1'Y01!-. GOODCEDw1.R 1 D" I I - ittN~li-"1:..-i~ .Hrt'AT~~ii.A1i, BO i\f.li_Ni: iLL1~~ TJJttiiS ~JAY., ;vl_ J!J:tCJI Ii: !' " ; 'v ~· , \11. 1READ! ;f ! IC.t ) G :l. \,, ' \_) 1 ., c "I ' ~ C ·fI' AN ,, '._) I ' I' , 1 Q ES ., \' Ifoi; tcrn1S, &<.., I J OHN CM1IDGE1\'[US DOC E Nf ' -1 1:0\VJ\il \NVl l jLE _r "' nhov~. ·· ' -" . l ..AN1)'l'Ci\Chi'.'l oftl. ApQhcnt1f.{1 "" r ~'"llF.A f 'l'UfCl NGcO "" 1 to he m~dc to .l\ie~sr~. R. & F U l~Ifl 'l 1) ltii~ t · 1nJ dent \ '11 ,...,, ] " r fllS la1 u ·1gto n,.N {n ~. ~ '1 D:>-rlhlglon. }\[ \-"'- n ,-1 ; :7jJ·.s°iI I ~.i:;,.U "" 1" tfOL 1 lelnr.;1 ·l l:..1--l._ 1~.tJl~flflflJ>o8t~to. s1 .lc r1t c fl,t1n,1r1 ' l\ A1 J~\- 1~\ f, Loe r, tth 1.; _' _' r · - - - 0 - -- Ollurn.Sls tioncifi .iJaw ~ ']i'UU~r..,ur:HCRlJ:tEU ¥ NTV,UTS' 'OI\' 'l'IIE · T "! ..I' yy Lr., ...:ADilc,C '...i:J ]Jtd f (}hig1;01~(1, l:Q\>lTIOll\lllc ] ' U.:t;n1Lure ],,.n n. l' fa ot m 11 i: Co, l~ noh JJI ,1. J ·0~1 - .n11~ »n!«llC!">l>.~P· ' hyfoe ),t ht count' It_\.·v ·I NG GEEN l,S -- -r ~ - -- - ~---- ---- - -- - -:;-- 1 loi a l<· ,1j :?·1 u1n!~~cc_~t1~~'~ /?/. A SJ·ICUl· ICi IF':u·in ror tohc n 1a d e.u 1 .. R . E A ·, D ·~ w ~· ~uaH 1llo1d (' ! "lt: i:-.k1\ .t 1o lo ·r1:iE COTJN 'J1Y ()}"" DlTltF{AM, to be made iu my business dnri11g the l11tter part of F eb1 .. ~ I ._ R ~ E ., A ' D ·. I r I rnary, I \\Onld otfe r' .' u I .i .. f , 1 ' U .. I BA R, G A I N ~s1 .. ' ll I ~ "- ! ' B ERLIJV THE I 1.., 1 R B MA.INDET1{ I .' ~ :J ' ·' I' f .. ' · 'I - 1:-1 - -w IN r_r E DR , y 'G(} 0 ·DS < ,; :S . .' ' '" . I "' " '" ,, '. . D NE'Jl:TS l l -- . G 00 ··1 , "' I _ l'.'i:.lhaJJ,;ev',1un J~o11 ~0'1.1 1 c.101 i 11 i tb 1 \h}Jj - - - -- - - -J 8 'B .\.TJ·S PlO' llH:to1 \'1ll agc 111 ~1 c cm g11nro1 n. ,.. m tU l,uin n c :nlkn1 1 l 1 J]1'( t l s, NO'l1lCE IS JIEREBY lfTAJ I n 0 11 0 1 s -1 · JO If lnH!. '1'. lllo.1 ff<.l lrL l8 I 0 1t h ' !l ore lh·tn hOHti C ,> nd I Oa,rz. 8 , app\Jcn.t1on Wl ll be nuul o hy the Co1po1a.L1on /! m iun d ie, c.:to::iei .f l l , 1 / J 101 .Jll pn' lu~ 1 · tP 111 0111:> ~ C.t11 11 11rnc1l1 ti c , i of ~h e 'l'O\ .i1 of Bow1nrnn'"l1lC to t he L c1 ; lslaliu 10 ,-- - ~ 111 1 1 ~1s 'Jn oi:. .nltl1c ~~ I iCJ1uitcl1cs of the Prov1uoc ofOntal' o ,1 t ;tr, 11 c:-:1 s elleion , 111 '.. 'J \\. :;o,; r0 ·1n1.,;;;: 7_, 1n1dlilon to fuu u c1 notice of npphcu.hon ' 1fm t111 j~l O 1tCe . 4 l ti bo 1\1111~n Jllc LY l!JVBB Y J.".. 1U 1 JJ1'1~ . l ~V/J (!()LOI?, I \( t illthousmg tl·c conHt111cl1011or1i H11l111n I~ --- - - - - --~ LOitl J io\{ 1 111) 11 \ L ll(l toL1ndsa:vandHolJ(·~~bCOn,' 1 -J ~,;s~l 7: ~ J 1 ' r TNDEllTEDTO AL / j"", 1 1 1 QJ(j.:,, ~.ft1tl luw t o s u ch pmnt s and l[m bOlU~ 011 ~> \ \lLI.J.A,\lti, inust. fir.) llJl dlnlll g: the i ~ (n..: org1.t·1 Jkt} a s mt\ be d 1 ' c mc1l dcs1r1thle rneiient inonth F1r$t L1001 '\cst0f1\h11<.'!oeh Bir. « 1~ (' l B l'l 'I, Ho 1\man 1 Ulc, Feb l' t h 1Si2 l l· 10n ~L\LlJ \Yl PII, S~U(~ IlO\\In·un die, Jh y. 21· ~. 1871 ~ 3111 P IVT NJ}A'I' l', Ol k · ...11avo, - - ___ 't _ _ _ _, __ l little b!ion .it 'nched ' 111 .i.. g-oo<l lH~:;:inf· >i __,,_ --..-- - -~- --ouin e1 . I p:nto tl h elo" r 1·ftpa1J,n\ il1.lS.L])] il) luJ l 1 :Ho .v1narn1lle.Dcc2, 1si t 1 !'t-6w l ,01· ~:0LJ...\1~1),oll. J iu~ J f' es t\,odoni ~ P r. si o l Vy _ _ I ..J lfeu<lor son s no! rJ no\ rn ~ n 11 11i 1 - - - - - - - - -C?l l 11~ Il0lll '. S,l\LLN :"1'! t~G ncur t:J f '1'01- n of Bo v;n1a.nvdle. Ap11hc1itton j 'Jili t!i D ~ DJ~ h,f..,] 0 1' '""D \\ I .JI!ES TO ~ ·iuaali e?··n·J11~ 'llV·uD!cd · "'" · · ·~ ' , , ,-.- 11 011 -~~f_ 1 1 ~, 1 I j Gr~lEN, I 'f'o""a' L .SJ ,,, f _ , j '"' Po"o1~toox'cn<1r.oma 1>ornto u t honro.!!. I A1.Ll'AR'J'IES G Ollig · '\v\f CSl. 1 1 < 0' I H(J l"t-IE: 1 I I S:t1e. 1 1 1111 1 l - 11:· '. . .) ·· ! .. , · ·" , 1 'i I : ' ' l I I .. ~. . ]-_., 0 Q , K ' I,·" . !{- s'.~ , ., I tlD l Otherx th ~t t ] ie h t~ !1 0 \\ O r\ ha'l/ 1 111 h i i F 11 ' l bl ,.,.c 13 1(> l' ioled <k ol ' J' 1 ' '"" .., >-= , , ," ~ 1 ~1 on'fectlo n c1· v I ' t · ,' 1<!ll l!itttCilI "'-S, t IB 1 1 I EGS 'l'O INl"Ol:U\J HIIS l'N l'l~1 INS I I . ,J.\.iUfilS o~c ~lo · . ~! - I ~·'i".i!,;)l!]/ll!!il.'.[' ! ·I Roya } I 'e.. Ct I , - ' (_)- ' _,) M'..:> J: ) I"sura nv ne l A1mwKD1YELLINGHous1~,·J'\1 uj SI:j'l-r-, , ., ·~ I CA s t on:ns ]ugh , contnJ.ning t(m 1001ll8, \H IJ L . j J_,1] N G 011 r~ ! l l_ _.L-.J.__l_~ 1 A "T~T L ..J.... · J I lit. E , ,....,~ 1 A N D p, (.c,.,iPORAhY 0 -· ~lCBS qu ut<>racr eof landattach crl.t<ntoonm,s,tu..te o n J\.JngSlJ: cet, 1Jowmu.nvl11 e, ftll1lntpr0~e1lt oc cupled b,-two tam ilJeH Good !hilt ncca, 1,., d Gl Cl ll I It · ..!!.:; a nd ~oft" l\t el an{l othm co11Ye'n 1enccs 01\ th e All rndchtPd to tJ 1 1 I p re1nH;c :-. 1 01 lPl m~, et" , uppJy to th e 1mde1 S" 1Jt le the n n , 0 ,,,:18 ~\GHl C8~ \\ 1 P cu so ( t~J J , <: i.;ncd, "'"' ·~ !:iOOli .1:.; nox:::1ble 1 · I j IC h e<::ip f'01" Co sh ..J · TI I I C1·;).c.kei·s., ~ ~ · .. uu~, ll.JOlr'l~f'_ r 0 ' · ~lll a12 · · li' r:t l t CUis Xal"ien... Stt·ec1s . j:J" 1 ,·st ~ I l ~· · I fJO ~\ll\llll'tUe, J eb.ll,137.! l'PLl CA'l'I O.N 'i 'l!OS (, IH 'il ll'Hl t EY 2fl tt- I ° l c lJOl\lt\l'lllclt,JthD l(' 137 1 P OI I ~'"' , _. 1'l~rl l ! Wt f '" " - A1l 1 ': -. 1 \fILI_jINERY, IGreatly i')educed P rl·Ces ;.' l &IJ vi' wh 1\lu 1tc l\1]1 :3e!l Very Oboao fi. 1 ("llsh,'U ll. l :tu~hi 1n lfa~HI ovt-11 tl,500 ,00U All 01d1..:rs 1norn 11 tlJ 1illccl .. .'llr.-· ' """E· "":A""" T """ENT I · u 1 0~ c1leu ......: .a.~~~ ..... _;:i_,._, 1'"..a.. ~ ' ROU.NS~I.r..; ~ Hf.fl( h t'-lllg St .,\..Jl dt ~c 1 qJt10ll!:J l1f 11 1 opc, t· J1n111teU .ugau1 Jt How Ql ttn\ l! !e, Ucc l1 vll, J8i J 1'J )1 u i nsi:J 01 l>auw.;;c by Fu c 1~1 i11o(lc1ate r ates " fAJ::l~J!~~> PHOl\[f"J J.Y tiL\' l'L l!.D \VI'l' HOlJ l H. l!:l l· :IU'. :\C'E 'lO TJ{I~: 1101\f'; OFF!Cl·.. J 1 Lil~E DE1:> AR,....l,MEN1.... , · Uiga a .s, .&..~ . , c . 1 11~~.ll tu 11 unJ llH () int: o'ft. ~nu . oot·, ou@ - ,_ - --~N otice. <i,lHM·, ooo 1\i ILI, ! 1\vhol1l~Salf 01 r~i ,1.11 ~ 1 1 '1 ~'f'I"l!:. I D ..L\... N J\lAll h..R R ,._ ... I I PA'l'EN1' SJIEEP · ! rrrrESI·~ --- Jin 1.V.l ARKS >. i GR·OCERIES AND ·' ( ·' ·PARTIES JN WANT OF I ! CROCK.ERY. · R,~G-OODS " ,., , " - E :::l'f, ·thc n1os t lu st.l!1g,tholcu.-:;t tlo t,1b le'10lllO uml JUO!l t cmupl~to ""et u ncnlod. I h ey 1 used o,nd 1.:ccor01ncndo~l IJ;r n lU.Hj , <Jf t h u )Oit BieOOondn t he U11 11.Ct:tt)tnte$ahd Canitd.!l , ouc 1 IHI G D l~,oti.l~, Sal<in~, 1.[asfl.,, l" H!ti dcr,1L ~ i· w E nglancl ' ' ool b 1ow c 1s boc1et,) · J o hn B Hoss, Hennepin, I ll ,: Profca~ or 1\.1 l\hlcs. of \.h"' S L a1e Agr1 culllU1L1 College, l.A<.nsmg. l\l1ch , Hon Gr.o llro \'in 'l'orouto, Ont John S uell, Edmonton, O t 01 l!\i \1kls a'ta1npc1lth ~ a~d·the ~1i~l.~p~sr ~urnber TheJ' " ill he Hcn t; 1 ci:, , 'S!> for O> l J/ ,...0 1 0 · ce:n' s each and b} 1n u. 11 or e xp c · " ., , · 1 \vil1 Ja st tot 1 wii;Nr): YF.A u s. t :a... Cash n 111 ::i1 .:tecom11anJ' nll orders.. A.HCIIlB . .\.I lJ "YOUNG, JH.. Sttrnw., Ont Order~ uddrcssctl tu the CA ·..-AfllAN' ST \TAAM \ !\ Qffi(!t' for lln:~ q ua.ntlt,y \"\ ill bC~ ill Ccl at tJ\0 llhO~' C 1nentloned price, as quickly aH the Mn t kR e~'Jl he ARl·~ '1') IE Ofill~A l")- ~$~~~flf?~. l~r~t~ .3Z.fll\IfT~.D JA !\.BIJ .t l' Y or a I I tct·m ~, ,L11<l l UHl ·h'St10nnblc scc untl' is ofreieft I ::> PoUc } holtirnfl A!33"'1nfl.n<" 011 L h es tn:ante<l 011 f;t\O ln tt ule llil.I ul the Cornpu.11~ B c,,tde::;the La.1 ,e;c P1u d 1Jp Cup A!HHll'f!U:I a fttt thl;.'I ~~1lr.:it1on of hvent"i day , f 1on1 the 1hat 1nsc1tio n of L h 1s no ti ce Ill the ( '1.u'n Stntea11uu 1, Lo .tppowt J a:1e l'horn 1non, o ( the Tovrnshlp of Di:trli ni;l u n, in th o Co L mLy of D ur ham, "'i Vtdtiw, tLnd llcnrJ L!Jtott, 1h c vo1mgm, ot tho san10 pl1tee, !\fcrclin.11 t, Utlu.Lc hq.1IB oi 1 \(atilda, 1 l\lan· A1111 Ehznheth Jane nnd John ' L 'h o 111 p.".!011 1 i u lrtnt 0J11ldren of th1' l Mc .Tohn Tho1n p:::.011 \ f?1?1 t:-11ly o! J~~~!lmgtou, nfotesatd , uc1 " ·\SC1l , i1m\ lic oin ct Ju n o l horn11so :1 i' ., 10 Unttc<lCou n?c~ot'No1 th mnberhtnda ndDu1hn.m .,::-:\._ th e Jurlgo of tho ~ urrogal e COJnL of Lh t~ J~E ri<IA.DE ! - - -- I ' 1 ~ !lO \\ been teated alt ('d1 1; t or n a ,1nhl1r. ' " fh Ii 10 lf'1' r:r lJ IS Q ~l,E B l"t ,A. 'l,.E l)l\t ..;\C Jl t N'Jo..b~yond {!l\eli!~(ln ~1111 l b lli !llit :1111 1 ~ '1 i1lu111J lut\C A dd1trnnn.I ] wHl no w i d)HJlH. l _ \ f'!! IOU )' Do" m:invll1.J, Ft' l> lJ, '),Cl l~?.t~Cl lO! Ot _l\.pjl _:g~~~~ V E 'I'El tlN AltY I .l~obct . :a t j( r O!I en._,. , ., u.rl I I 'lhc 'SJJ OC11.1.l 11urn 1 J1t ~ t i) J.;ue A:::s nrn.uco - - - - _ - -I '"'_ _ ME' ',) - ., G0 3 ,,() . . . j_0 · r H l!; StJ l\I OE' $tl..·7R6,9, 00 ~ '-iP ._... ,_ · ll ·'il I J,e(. p os~et12 1on, D ' \rELJ,T NG I IOUSE AND li"'RON':r Glovc1'flT.ne1.\ ofhco ' 1.;:m...,.~trecr "' ' Bo"\\lll!Unllle - 2:1-L! shop to lot, "\Ylth in1n1edl1t.te on r-l'I:_-.-~~------ --I .X'_.. Jr:. l"~\.'l'f:) O( tllc Onhnu) ' ' c ln ini~J I' ooHe""e 1mgs to infol) ,) the inh a.b1tants 01 l.o\\ 11111n\ fi ic n nili:nnroun'1mg c 011nt 1~ Hmt lto l1 ll:i t..: OJ1un w 1ced ihopui.<·ta·c of lns p1 orcss1ou n ndca.n be con snltcrl u1:1 to the drncfl.seH ot' 1)01 fie>:: .1.11 d c£L t Ue, :it .:li4tlt ""'r0 I_.."{J:;}.IE : 11.· SURGEON G l~A lJ- lt 11<; the b cr, tdc~ 1 g 11of 1-t tittllla, mHl t y f1u1 tn i :! L i \..11.GJi·.":i l UOBll1'.\'::; lt Is UtJmhlc u~· per-(o>r1.1 Ill"' :"I t 1'1. n<;e of \V"ork lLithc1to thought 1mpo~.,.t,, fj t.... tt.c I! {1~1 , u!J::1"ilnt111lh !111111, /1a - t he b wia·{ WO J I Jllf. p11rli:I, b!,ll.t, f1 f1 d Jl l <.le ~1~11 lt nd fln i ...~ l '·H Fcw ! u~}2\Ta c:l1 nt oli of evel J' De1>cnptlon TablosofCt."1t es P;opoo11 I J!'ormsan d f nllmfor n)nt1on can be obtu.1.1o<l on appliciitlon to thQ un dors1 1rned E F m~D D H L Chief Agen t~ for Uc.undn 1 l~lC58 of t~ie PaBst Year, u.ftei t he P a >1~cnt of 11fl l hu ms, Cash onuaeR, A..11uwL1cs tlnt~ Rrqwnst'S H L: ROUTI! ' CL- .1 iig )r.cmac<eu icrcto" to t io I r I JJ l lS K ing st-reel ApplytoH P.lli~' l'};, ' l n !loJ. BO'\\mau1illc,Nu\,9,18i1. _ _ _ - - - --- _____ - - - - - _ ___ - -- - - N e P lus Ultra ,\ NEW \ \" JTJI PIA:N'O or ·m s"" " ., ~ ! Cl l· T II B 1T J U STl~A.'lED GLEE DOOK, A CCOI\-U)AN'I M};.f:ll I Phrenological Journal, FA ]Jl IL Y Jlfil GAZ} N fiJ. 1 . A. PJ ~HltY, .1!11c fu sjleelor. m n<le n1ul sen t, tOBh:H.'1' An111oun, P rwc $1 VO f.a ch; $1:; pe:1 d<r.::e.11 A r11{.ST~CLA~S WILL FIND I T TO 'l'H li:llt .~DVANT\Gll: TO H ALLO ! T FLI:GRJ~~ ! H.«r,u.1 1s in 11 0 " t. Y u.ft'ected bJ t h e recent l~ire nt ( hieHb"O, tl1c Company hu,-., lng no A gP n t dt, 1ni; busul"'El~ in th.~t, Ott'i" 12-Jm N 11.- - I'he flnan 01a1 po~u tl on of Lhe ~<\gent at Bo,v1nu1n llle- Iw 1 Murdoch Bro's Havoe ·!.ill a I.arge and Well-Assorted I.1.... :r.L YOU WHO NEED SHOEING, -:\.... c01uealongancl ge t Bargains. for 1L L .tc knO\\ le(\getl lJJ those of OXJ)(.:\1encc t h a t v---- _ _- -- ----- ____<Ja,e.t ~ O J!i 1'.~orth A11U'1~1 l a ! ! C a 111 iO lil ! ! ! - - - -- ()all and Inspect , the G90DS, 'J'lt l N I· Hae Pla ce to B u J JBootH a nti IHwcs--Noue Bet lei·. \S e nD'\'V nup n1fnctunng, ft·mn tho ti\ 'J L '1 10 the P~1t·l i.c of the B , 1 t1~h P1ot 1ncPs (~f Ullt a, Glc e,-lJoo~ h as been Jntroducf!d 1 it Phl'enolouy 'l'h c J~ tn~ fin d 1t:-1 ru1H t1ons , has bee n p ton ou u cocl R u penor to u.ll o ther \-\Oi-k.s L ocation of the Or)'.(ans. 1\ iU t d11ec11ons tot 1,;lll of its ki nd . IL ta the large l?t, lntcst fi nes t, n.nd t ure nnd L1 1~-m rn i.r, nn rl t ... c xe lat1ons or !\h nd 11Hl only collcchon or N C\-V G lees auA Quartebtea, Dody ueat.:nbed nearly uH of whloh hnve P uin0Acco1n p nn.lm cn t.<1, Phy~wuno . wy, th the ' Stgns o f I lrn.11wtN \\1th ~il l ib. Ha1n1ilc cople:A n1ailcd , 11ost paid, for $1, illu s lt 11110ns , clnd hon to R Pa d them , 1'; h 'JPl'Cta l fmitn 1e. .r L. PJ~ T l:ns. 599 Btoad1va), :N. Y Erl1nolom; 01 111c Ni1t n r 11 lI1slo1) of '.\t u n, 1llustrA.ted , " Jl lJog1\cn. -..-.r t · [ d" t I Ph11s10logy a-ncl A natont?/ - 'L'h~ Or.,,.ann:nt 1un, ,._. tt II Cf1 ID ! ll: 18 (' "!tr, strnctm·e u.1lll fu nctions of t1u~ hu tnan ilorl~ . "'~It h the la.\"i s o1 lift nu d he::tllt t. \\ h at Tl~~ s ho11nl Al+OOI) ]'A 11.1\- C II AND _ \.l'PLY ca.1 nnll 111 n k, lt o" clothed, a11cl 1.o \\ to exercl<'f; , to Bleep nnd ln e, t' l ~ccmtln nt c 1 1th Jl.\ g-icn1c pr1 Q TJf Ol\t!\.S. Ol' 'l' 'l'HO::\(A S c1plcs. l3ou1nnn\ ille, licb 2fi, 1872 SQ Jin ' I )o1 ·11 aill'I, slt clchr-~ .intl bJog1.1.ph1c:i of Jcntl11 g - -- - - -Ill OJl UIH.l\\U U\Cll Ill :lll <l<'l l l trnuits Ol hCe,~ tc HEllEV.,.ER 1 l' HE J..Tl~ 'l'IIE LIKE WORK. l fi cquti'lty-n.~ome oµ. leather'"' on llu c gor.i": lln· onri led oll")»~· over the 'l'HE PR I OR 01!' OT H ~ l\IJ.C lil NES DOI~ Q'Yhool~l' ii~ if.'B A f'erf~ 1 ~ l' ] , T JB I I ' 1 , \\~,l~on, \\" a.uzet, l{,iyrno nd, rf.·c. Jfo"'i~e, Ru gcr, Lock1n.m , J\ful1 l1 1n<" G·1n1ft11 h ed o:r 110 ti!", -" i\1 [ J .e. ;li I IN'I'EN1D DISPOSI NG OF THEM A1' < · S taple aml Fancy Dry 1 I < Goods "'bi ch tlwv llH' de! t o I ) I lJNfI E:ARD ' ' , OF, LOW· PRICES. '.; I I f __ _____ "' I~l~C )IOS1 RRSl~Ec r1 lfUJ.., L Y 1 j1 (J Dl aterial , Boots of IJ.!l~ tlcfllt-ed 11attc1n, uno" -.. 1 n.cqunint Il ic Jntblic of tl1.c B 11 t1sh Nor Lh Am rant.c{ l 1o ti t or n o ~n l c erlcttnpro\1uccs t hat in )'.fa~· 1nst l caused the 'l'he suh<>onbor feel~ gr1 t1erll1 f01: the' e1y l1bc1 nl l)fLt roa11gc h e h us had for th e fo. st !ll\ccn :!> ea1s, business nt 80, 1\fu1den Lnnc, No1\ }. 01 k, t ot 1he s aleofHo r.10 \\!l. J.:'S PITT SA NDOJ N1,':'t.J10l'l.W h 1d1 tu!ll. 'OOu.ld r,;ohcll !I. (OHLlllUUHCC OfIJubhc j)':l.trou were up to th ~1 LnPeprepucLlbJ '\ 1llw 111 Bro\\n age '] 'bcf)L' J\{Cdi( ne' I wotJll beg to sa~ lo td l °" h o ate uHll'h ted t() no w d ece i,,cct to be dOtiell t o SD\ f'l.0111 ,;hat h a.!l Itttely inc eithc1 by note or book ac count t h ey ? "' Cl c, I · 1 f h co1;ie tu the .scratch tlt1f'tfcilf.. 1->.as t ex11 c 1r«n ec has t 0 1ny I··IO\\ Jc d ge, nuue u/10 sue vc1 yo1 din tu~ -WWght mo that stee L -s arc m u ch easier broken In 1ng1 cd10n t s ns t o 1cndcr t 10n1 :i.hnost '\\Or t hlcga SUBSCRI B ER HA:V'"I NG L AT~ when youn~~1f aH O'\\(l(l to inn nnttl fo·.r or Jh e and the1.:.fo1e e nlvulated to da.111age my go0c[ yc&"'R old itlS cons1dNcd .t breu. l..-nce k age Now n o.n1e x 'r hose \ I l10 do11 ot \V1:;1t t o be cl~cet \ ed b~' hu\ v, ~Y p11 1c11a1:1-0Cl the !lltll known a a DH. ll!L11.ll rtbnt i i.fl' 111 an en.Ts, and a.JI a ccoun t· d tu t In~ 1ng spuuo11s 1ncda'rn c::;, \\J ueu a ro llO·' 11!.. ely lo !\1]fJl·, and gave it t he ltbo'l< o n0-rno by tttU nil be expecl !O-d t o P ' ,~u 1 : 1 Bl""! \D:; fl_.A_ '\V cmin:t1 ( Jiorn tho S orcl fH \\ho l it 1 ..., Ju c h 1t w il1 l1oknown1 nthefu tun,nnrlh a1m!r 12 J1 poH PSS t:1ciwchcs of the g-on1n11e Ho~oio~/1..:i: ~I p~1t tho samo in g Qocl t n n11 111g o1dc1. he is no w -60\\ nrn.n 11ll t1, Ott l ~il P n1 c~ i\'ND 01NTMENr wll) do \\ell to see Lhu.t P Ccpar cd to d o · (lUCh])<Jtc1ndbox h efUS lhc ih1 t.ish (, O\' eLJuncn t 1 I ~J A f .llll\'£8 ~~!."let I c~m~ E n n ls . k1 ·11 e n M 1 ' 11 ']""'HE -1 Stain po_pwlnvhbCllg"l'"HVCcl (..ho\~O lll;,i")J oi,~,O rarti(lS indebted t o me will much oblige by ;<;0ttli:ng t h t>ll' aceounts a1i soon t1s possible: ~ ;::i, Uu1 rer.:s.aLi y M-Cluwwlodtied t v lH on~ o fh l' 'lh"li'Jt p o1 ·c1 fu l L1mmi..: 1 1 ~ J o t 1)1 c cu1e ol ·· I "1 '. f:, iii ~ I! H fl; U i\1 J'l 'f f 8 .!.\ I , 0 l\r. un \L(rl Wm . M c MUR TR Y di21rnunt ,of 'li'IV !'~ PER J&nuu·y lfltb., li'T2. .. CENT. will Riso be made on all rah ~· 0 Z _\.nil fot n.ll caies w ho, e au e xternal .tp .,, -< ptl cntloa is 1e o 1u r1·d, ll.{I or. tc n.,1 o ufir. ~ ~ of itllaspro \od th at it luta uo Np 1.1.J ;:'...j ~ for tho COn \pbJnlr; en m a! " il C ~ t:" Zi'rSol{l b} ull Dt ll(rf! t Sl~Un tl .l\[< c\ 11:! 1 ~ Dcale1~. C ......: ~ \\' OODa P k~.F', HJt~N"l'LEY & f O , ~ "' d1 ( !'! 011 the lnbt I LS 53:1 Ox1r0Ho S r1·1 1 1 LON- nt 11 11 ti m e::i, n nd ~ol1c1l!:I tno P·Ltl onagr. 01 tl ll Jue lJlJN "her e only the) a r('. 1u,rn u l'ncturNl, ftinl 111 old fJIOufl !S e1 1ul c us t01ue1s , ns 1\ Cli u!:I lL C\\ one.s, no oth er pa l t o t t h e 1>,;orld 111 10 1 cta il pnce:; nro Hn.vm ~ 1'ccu recl l h f· HCI \1t.:cs of ONh 0 11 · 'l'HE ngs 'l' t1:fll1L&lt8 lN 'l'UE ~OUN 11: '\ , no ])11ms o 1 th 1.d .th1 ls 1u JJ11t1 sh nu1 cnc' , :.i tHl not rn do l ]ti.Hi ,1,n c[ c o·lt;: \\Ill lJ e S}M1Ctl ti) t;l\ C i:S}t\ :i(~d\Oll . No npi c.!),;,nta lir c of n11nc v.:111 <' c rtt,!.\Cl J SJ.,\l.11F.n li]IO l:i;h t\·1~ jmi Lol tlw Hr1 L1~h 1 1~-011 1 1 ce ~ 1 or the p ~ _ lhe !'Ifill will be icu.d~ ru 1 ll'!o l!rrnu 111 a 0111t;1n titl'l-tl ~ c il l.c1 Lo tiCJJ , 01· tn ti~l, e 01 dm s fot I 13110 1 t tune, ut 1\ h ic h due noti ei1 \' tll 1~ ~h l 11 m v1ilband 0mtiucut,11ndasl 1uasonto J s bell{n e t h,t.t r~tte1npt."1 will' c_ry 111 obublJ b e lnado t:n 111~.k.11l cn, 1 eb LQ!h, 1872 ;;t) I l t o (l(I( Ct\ C \he pubUc 1n tJng way b) persons cull nl~ upon ll1Crlw1 nc '011clo1s, illlFJcl). 1cp 1c1Jent.Lug ~-- -~ -~--1hat th~y arc acti 1~ tor me. u.nd w1t11 my k nO\\ lcdgo und 1 om,e?Jt l de(IJl 1t1td \l :'!il h.o lo pu t t ho I _ _ lrnblH.:,_.., on t1ic11 !;'Ullrd .tgn1u1;;1 t HH} ~u~ h cle<·cp ?.-..,. ~:r r[ ' ions - .... . ~ ....I. · r m n·.t c.t.1nestlJ. c11t1:cat all those w ho may I - - -- J o t , 1 11ca tlt!n s ::u:l\c1t1~c1nc11 t t.hattheyUe/1lcuscd 1u JI E ' O r 1 .. y~ c ~ 11 : 811 t h.:i pu hhc 1nlci osi,1nco1nn1u1 11cato tlD l'Ul'(;lllt I.., \'E, ])EA. ft SIR.-Of {)! () i)tl/UO to thu1r fr10ntls !hat the). 111a~ llt) t bo -1.: '..f.. e J lO.Ylll.f; U;;Jetl thrcO bottles or) Olll '\ a lu \\\ "\' ~lJtr!·,:'\DOTNlMfNl,"tnult h .n.ttltc. ~d GRISTil\TG & CHOnPJNG J.~ r _ n:r tl I v J.C /JC 'J1 m o CJ 8!lllj)1,~;,t , UlOlO du . ~i.ile .~n.1l <V1t'; Ph'1 "1'" 1 \ R cl la 1cli<1.b1<.3 thun nny ot he1 mn glo th rea d tnne h1u e oc uc u. 1nga1u 11 tu 1u1& ...., I ~1 cn t ,1;; ?n1g<·z11'e I h n gno pt· pei io· " .iargc:rnnd ,,mk \\lthgiciitetsc '"\\ ill do f'IOJ ' , ·in d ( I ti (. t , Mnchgenci&lhtfo1maL JOH on t ho lead ng t oJ1 L 1::; I -"so c omc11 csc \11ng inn 11 01 eel y fi!\L'"lij e.· of the day ls gn ~n. nnd 11 0 c11'0 1 rs ihO s11J.t e d to tm ~ m n111 e1 l1 1l.S .takun 1!rtit pr1' i' \, 1 · o.: l n1ake t h1:;.i, t he 111 o"L inl--.1( s!Jn~ o.1 1d i n stntcl \ \' u l ~~ h dJ i tf'<l u!l \\ell as t h e U11st PH loi 11d J ·1m 11 v J\in,g at.t t\ 1 C\e t pllbhsb··d F-st.abft<;hcd - · 1 he Journa l ' hn~ t cu.c::h ct! l l:5 51th '\'r ohune It hu 3 stcad1b rn t:re.tSf'd i n fn.:vo, l111ungthcn1n1n y 1 HS 1! hnf,J..lOCH JHibl.~h~c1 nu il special ft ;"1.t1lJ.' C8 ]I'ai·,c.its, . 1'<~l," . t '·0 '? ~nulc I 1 I I I I L ~ , 'c H w. ·ttl.\ ,<.111 < ! b~u,; l c 11<11n )( 1:;,, 10 cl'\ n 1 s C miJs oi It 11 ut 1110 L !ii ... tuch <uLtl a n cxtt .i C(lJH t t ) i\ge11t \\:(';are oftr.1rngo ili c 1 HJ>; t hb t t n I Pt c u1m1· 1e , l n dUSO 1,,1 <.:l'l,tt> fOl U siunple 11\llUIJe l ~\ lflJ llC\\ ! P wt rn1QI Post ·'Jnn dl'row0cc t ut' , n·11l 11conq1lc1c / ~ l11 ~ t o\ Pre DHIUhti " , .. I ..\d( H i:; ,.. "' r~ \.'~ E LLS , I 1 uh h RJuy 1 )~!lBro Lrl\, ,1\ ~C 1\ l.o tk \ ou.d1 l}. a t ' WU8lle\.l'.' li'HllClJOUUJ :ntlHLlll10\\. ' ]I T $" \ i ,' )', 'i 'I ~ ~' 1Cl111 ~. I "'/' ! 1 -:-\DJ n l :-\ f>l ( I '; [J :'\ I ~ I 1 I I - -- .._, l'o t !e1 111 .:i !ll'tll1r. I," of a r rJl'l l 11 .., / 11 / \ r- ir J. CFlL.·;n~ , ·u r: M' \'tlU b , ,!, 1,, !Jl·l" " 10 f;Uf;J,J.'.l: l ·~ \.N ~ PA ']-, I I }\IT · ' dcl'ra 10Nl of t hu11 1non{) bv t) IH,jh LSlUI{ worth· l e::i~ rnutn.· tonB o f Lh c g01nrnie llOLLO \\ A\ :::; l 'l Ll.13 ,\ :-;uO rN'.l:\rF.N'l P1or11 10tor~, ~ '" l~ " purchase& ov!M' ona dollar. R E E M .. B R A B A M The Grocery Department N supplied witl1 New Fruit., Spices N T TAF:EN JN I smne. l p101n 1se to exami ne 1t ru 1Ll sen d a reply stating ' ' h et hcr W 1e l\1cdicmes are gcnu1uo o{ 11 ot, so Lhat ir apu11ous Jio 1nuv apply 10 the )Jer- l'ttn <lo nt n co~ or six centtl fn iwstti.~o) one o(' t h o booJ.:~of111 tr uchons \\ h ichnt c ufh x c'd to tho to institut e JHO< ccdmgo nga in fit such evil~doorri' and I cllgngo to l"<.:rnune1ato ,c1 ~ handsomely nn.J- person "ho HUt) b"l \ e ine $llCh 1uforin a uo 11 the i ufo rinant's nnme never boiug dn ulge cl ' Sh ould n.n) pc ~on hu' c r cna01 1 to bellcv~ Uiut he has he.on d co<l \ cd by bu~ ing sp1111ous l lll l ta twns 1\. 1 tUcJncs, Lu~ wi ll do \\ CU to sond iue , in n lotte r, io 1l1e t~dd1ess at toot ( \;h 1c h he J \\Otild a l:! k, a a J\ gren t fa· our, thnt s hould It con1oto the lutoH·l edg o of ativ llCl"Bon flu.Lt sµuri ous 1ncdic1nc'.I ar c bolng mndii o r a old 1n nn nnme he b~ plensod tocend mo ull tho pai"tictilrue h~ c11n collect respec ting t h o Rttme thu.t 1 ~ to sa:-,: Lho t11~1ue nnd {uldeess ot the vcn'c!o1 \'ho 15 sc!t' ing thr: spu:r1011s n1cd1c1ncs,1u1 dlll.. ov. i!'lo 1h e and address of the !!mu1u in t he U 111t.od S ta t.cs 01· oIBo1' het-e, \\ h-ro1 ich tho n1uy havelloi1 au pvllcd H~ as to enable me, J)totcc or thothen1, })Ubl!o abl e -\!crlicmc 111 UlY t'nnuly " itb good l'flec t , r fee l anf'e in roco.m n1c ndin g t h e J<; 1u clrn. ro1 Gene rttl DoblJlty , Iu a.ctfon of the l Jl\er !.JOS9 o r .Ap potlte, &e., it Jui':- Ing been u sed fo t tfwabo\ econ 1 pl!\lnls ln my lam1ly. S.~ H ct U U II Alt l , \.) holciJ ti e agcnla t,.1 1 th e Counltc5 ot 1J u1ha m, a.1ul "Jctort~ 1 a- Spoc1al JlldHC<'J tte11t s Ln I.I\ e Kg e11h Jtinnu ~ J81h 1 1S1J Yours i esp eeti'ullr. J !t UJ-t r_, u~o-:-.; _u 1· :l\f1111::1u h ,... ,..0 ·h" d. lfi .S. G ~[;; I Ni DE 4~ 1. 1 ~M A ' 'm, I .AN 1 G e11eral SBw ingM achine A genc1 UP I J.DTNWi 1 ~ ~ a;i l _s c ~ ~ c 12 H ~-i H 0 ~ µ:i h"'I H~ r-o B EGS R}~SPEC'rFULLY TO i::: O O Cii El\:IISrl' AND DRl; GGJSrl', NO UNO'" ll>nt 11 ", 1,,,. '"CO>'· cil · > >el l n· 1" . , ,_ .._ ... " so1 tcd ·,tock ot Gc1111 11 1e J)1117, a nd P11 to Engll:ill (bcmwn.1-.. A1!5o a :;pl(lldlt s tock or l ne 1 11 o~t 1 1cn1cl'ul ly aelcctecl x Q .1 v wl uch cannot be s111p twsod 1or llX:c~llu tw ~ 11 I '7; ~ ;;; ;....i D y '<', ,ct ,.., r~ 11 l" S qnalltJ A n ll..!:ISOJlJJH.m t of Aniline J)Yc:1 k ept com;tnntlJ on hnnd, togc j hc i \\!lh .t (flOtt.:ll Q'C leot1on ol , of © nnuos. T STOCK TAKING! ic: None better in quality,iwd-none s son fro1u w honl l1c pu1cha.sed them to 110.- \ c lus lHOl~ey ietu u wd. Chennsts nnd D1-ugg1e ls \vh o d esllc to cJbtiun the Medicines ea u be snp1 1lied at tlie lov. ost w110Icaalo prwes ln quunt.lties o f not less tha.u £~0 worth {for'\ lu.e h rprn ftltuwo musl,, be sent ill Htn:inccj - \ 1:-... Ss. Gtl . 22s. nnrl S is per do'lell b oxes of P1 Jli:io~ 11ots or01 1 1~111 cnt, 11 etl \\1t h out tli !-! OO\Ul t. ' ,.....i ~ +: ~ ....-1 mmM1C"J,S, PA 'l'l · ~'L' JH.E DI C fr>; ES, B(Y\\TMA N V J I 1 ' T... E Hllll"J-rns, COMBS sno LJLDJm-BnA c;;s, (') [LS, ' l.:.UP!'OH.'l' ~ lt d , & c , &c 1 ]I Q.VO the h on o1lr to lie, "'·th g100,t resp ect, 1'fl011!AS HOLLOWA Y: 553 0 r:foi·d Sb ed (late 2~ ~ . ~5't1·a nd ) London TV.C',Jje1)tr;mbt·1 J,l8i l lilO.' PATK'l 8, C'OL0!1S, C~E.A.P N o . 1 SLyle .:\.T FLETCHER'S " .,... 0 .~ I j I v.~ n ~ l SllE"· ;,,, I I .t:"f'T .i\.t D ti.nd".~Jfl rELE~D 1 i:i.np1 1l 1 l'd Oli the \-Cl'Y J O\\ CSL Jll ICCS. HOI{SJ.: ANJ) (J...\..':P1,I.. I!: 1\:f ' EDrc rNES. -\!l.nt~gr CASE: SALE · for SO. days. lfim' A tli 0 count will be made on 1 THE REST IV lNT J ;n ITAS AND ci"r:E:\rEsT ron N CQuntiy S!Ol"Ji '"t' 1 OWi hlrtn,.i .ns au! HL ( 0 c KMAN u Pictu re Gallery , SIGN OF THE RED F LAG, !(ING STlUi.;E l' :L;AS 'l' coi.m ' PROS PERITY ABOUNDS' ro RtiBSCR TTH 1 r,QN(J l'VENIN08 Am; IU:Ht:' ).'.'ii) I ' :-\O )V ISTU!i:'f)'>fE j):I 0 0 R 's· J:<.'\\Ol' T'l'F. 'D +i M'CL UN<J- BRO'S G10eori e~ Rural N ew-· Yor k er I / J 0 1111nc hus 1ne·i3 J d:cl~ cnn·icd 011 b\ t>lC, Ja I llO \\ n1nn ~ 1l lc to 111 \ f:lons C:hn.1lt s .\f n.ntl \V~ l hmn I H. C'.i.1' 1 .. cr 1 h"tc b} 1 equcs t nil lh osc u1d cbtea t:o n1e b~· hool~ ,L ecount or ot\ir.1 1 18c, to ca ll tnHl I seitlc rorth l\ lLll FLfZAB1 'rl[ C..::\ .\' li::.EH I H AYIN(; SOLD OU r il[Y IN J'Elrn::,1' ~.:3own1a~~~~~1::___ I I __ ~~ I I p E TE R S' . urn: OJH <i I .NAl'IO:":l\T ! of TWO A l'!> A-lfAU' PEil Cheap going ·. on , · HEN r on purchs.seB orn t one Sale is still will b e 30 d a ys Musjca l L ibrary, 1 .hu·m mut .Fire<tde TYeeHJ" I1·1 wrmrn VOLUilrns :FILLED \d'l'H I l' ROFI JSELY ILLUS'J' \'l'ED CONSI S1 JNCT OF I CHOICE PIANO MUSH - - --:;, r~ 1 O . , I r]ll!Ic; F,1:3iOI.:S J_rJUH~AL IUS .B'Ol{ ito , r!ollm, "xcept F lou r and Chain THAN t<:VER WILL BE GIVF;N 500 "l'~, D \nn et n.nrl Cbam1>t!r Sehl, in Crockery, China, Furs, Bonnets, Hats; Dress Goods, Clothing, and Buffalo Robes, will be sold at a great sac rifice. DON'T FAIL TO CALL. I~ 1 f ~ of be::1,ul1 !'uJ Sa cred SoI ;,.""e ~ B~u tlt .u1d Honie~ 1 Jlerddc £(':h oe~. an d s ,v· (';t !.(u 1nHJ~ . TJu"<!e Volmues of cuay Sougrs by '\-: cbster, PoralC,\- , etc ~J1in lng Light3. \iOCA L COLLEC 1I A choice colle...,twn £.;S C lass l tui lhc1-;ta.nd0-1d auLhor1tyo u ltun,u. AND IIOME .A..1: tt ,\!ns, .u1d conccdeLUy the best c omhuwtl ..:. 1f111r. iiUu1 al, Litc1 n 1 v . ltaMifu and R1 Vi1iicss 1Vcekly, odthcLarge,~t cuc1tlaUonofa.n y.New 5papc 1 of ncm Jy T wcnt~ T 1vo 1. ea1:. b e.en the I ccoy-nwcd Lcrule1 t1L lts Splierc. u nd has 11.tta1n :i\llht1,\.,LDfl o1ncrs who ln\ \.C hc e u 111 the ) l 11.ilt1t oi' )" 11 ll cm g \\.Ith balJ c111 t11d.gc, on t he 11 , ·, w.U p lease beu1 111 1nlnli. that J)om t ile JJI C!>cnt tiinr · ·t11 y conscnt, l11 Lhc l lO h"lYCll by tn c 1 JS .1b!:loluLUy- w1Lhdut" 11, a nd un:i. onr. fo u nd I \\llf11 Jl y 1m1l 111 nm;; H1 lie \) r a r1 ic e ,1 tto1 thi'l 110! l.'i.: lflll ti he \1 1 !I I! '\ lt!t I H I 11 l ~ \ \dLX'ICb .fl~ \) N l< ::-i I 111·urn ME1lIDERS -Zn \C OLLTNTEE R I :£0\\LUJJn 1JJc, ;\.J ,t1 lU 18il tl) O G oldt·u ft;a:,e/\. Volumes I. and 11~ Tho, ~'~o ::,otume$ contain n ll of ' V1!1 H H&JS SonoR·~ Pr h:.e lr.~~Gen1:it , 1 .A:~o ~1ection of bca~i ti fulllo.llu d s by , Val !lei, llw1 na~.,~~ cie. _ _ .. '"N'c. 11nu11:CE?\'l' \I COL! 11 C'ffO~'-' 1. Q \. ..... .. .. . "--' :.Q , , UNE UA.LED 11E..:\.'lURESr 'l'u z ltUHAT 5 Eo11 on rAL 8 1 ury lH the l aigcot nntlablest o! rut¥: .Tou t nal tn l tfl sph ere '\1ulo its Illust rn tlon <i, l' p og1uph3·, Etc , urc' et })Ortor llcsnlc U1c w11tmgs of the uo11dnct1n g u.ud fl.ii· I !loeu.i,tc Edlloi~. ili; C·.)rps o/ Con ti1b,1 t o1H i a lat~ gc r Llu.u thn.t or 1Lnv o the r R un~1, Al'iD J,. 1i Kr-: \ RY P\PlC 1t--aotlia~1'foonFsUr.-H\t.1stho01gu.u 1 n \I \I ~ ~ ~ 1'0(~ Tl 111' ,.. ,"l "'Y 'E'n lENT ' l"Cnrl Drop! and ~ius l cnl llcc 1·eut Jon!t , \, ...- X\.1!.o ~ 1 ) ~ ' ' Do.n ce l:Iosu·. Tv.o coll ect1on!:j ul 1u octe1 ~ c origlnrtLCd a.1lil conimun1catcd to the pe"ple dUllcull.'o ~ .J.. Iutho iru tu10, a a Ul thel)a5t1 lhc\T/H l\1otPleosan t .itfe111o}"Jt_·i.. A. c:ollociwn of m wi ll 00 " ..Bxt:lswr" except 10 prlce \\ hi c h h o.s hca.ut1ftd p10l.'-es by 'Vyman ,, D ress st b een rcrluccd- n1 a k1 n;:; 1t the c h eH.pcst uu .. Jer, etc, ~ n.1 u 1Hl J:o'.utt U J · leck l )' t u 1he "\torhl! Go ld en t; h l u u;1' \ c ollect.1on or hr t lhnut parlorMn"c byCirnrles Ki nkel l'lIE RURAL'S ILLVSTJiATIONS Rrll1ln11t Geut.I\. _ >\.. f 11J1jnclid collect ion , by 1 Vtlbrc, A lla.rd, Pnel1Cl', Kinkel, a te 't' Vla nJ14 t. Three '\olumef:>of \'Ul ) t·aayll!u1ilcfor)Oll ll"'Pl·)ors F;ttry Fln t.ttrs, Mn:tlc Circle, a.nd{ll and t hrough n hid b"l e.:it .t ad bencfic rn.l ctro rts to' tHtl L!J;DGE t ha. tcc1 t < tlll Pcdla1 s 8 .. llUlg HJlCC· ta oles ttncl Eye G!Mses put porLLl1g to ho of 01u 111aJ,eand t o bea t ,ou r names sl . ~wpcd thc1coi1, f \\Chcrehy uautlon the p 1bl1c a.ga1rr.,t all t;; uch m 1iostorn, as !t'h .t\AgoN iluoi;r,1.1t 1, ou1 onl y l gent 11l \V cfi l D u1hru)), itnrl ~\ rc"<.ltd of$2,:i 1~ h c1ellj offcrcdfot tJio u.pp~i'hcrns: o n .tnfl con ~ k ! h011 ofnU s uch tmpostu 1sas tr y Lo i1tl1 ,u 1d tl·e 1 1 c Jn· ofio1 P\J; thoir hi~sh as our HU~k< J'fo n boiLI , 8th I I 'l' HA Vl NG COi\iE TO OUR KNOW- I I I --"iS2:s -i~\;,~~u·d. JJ ti ! xo, L.AZAl{US, 'UP I J~JCHRI~ J.. Co I . 8 ew1 ng L~---CORN -fs -I-1 1 HAs 'l'l!EM· J M achi ne 1 ·China ancl 8tonew1we. McCLUNG BROS. Sign of the Golden Sheep. Com11 and ~ee our China Hall. ~ fUD"l<'or one month we will give 11. N.B.-All accounts must be paid at on~e. Mee. BROS. BowM.lNYILLR, .Tau Price, $t 00 pervol un 1 e.~Jegan tl,Y bou n cl~ in c loth, '~1th g ilt ~ Ide~ ; $2 in plnm c lo t h, $l.7'> ira bon1de, AtldJ:et>fJ, J, r~ P lt tEns. C.9!1 Btoa d\>iaJ, N ~p· m \Ve W.O\l}tl caJl attenti on to 'lite Opcru. a l H onie, n coUec tton of over ono hundred be'lutJtul opera Bongs Puce, $58 I· cloth ~nd ~>It, Trnde p r10c, ~ !: our auu 1s to render the whole JJapcr cxcc~tio n a lly Vi~lun.blfl auU ucceptri.bJc. ' h e lt UH -\.L s He JlOrts Ofl\i!arkcts, Crops, Jl'1 ua.11 cos, etc, ru e full 0.1u Numerous, , .a.ricd, a 1lll B c n.nbfuJ. Indeod , ' U. zHl reh n.blo, 11. nd a lo 1 1e \\Ol tb douhl e tho p1 1i..: e o f llw papc1 , I ndeed , n ex~ to :i- 0 11 i l ocal Jl,ff,f!Ol' l\100nE'S B.UilAL IB lh e one for ) Olll <> e l r,} . ~u11 l y. aud Fi lcucl.s. "i' O OR : T IU~ l ' IRl.IT l'J IU Z E STYLE AND REDUCED TEill\{81 E~cJ.1 u umbcr oftho ltUR\ T Ni;: w YOHK I ll fl)l 187~ will comp1ise S ixteen Quarto Ptl.gc1:1, 01trgor t han H1u']lo1 'a "\,) p r inted f1om Ne·v '1'~ po, on extra jlnc and h eavy papor, and I!J u stn~ted 6th 1872. '3lscount on (kocke.i:y ot' TEN P ER 'YllrC'ho u ~e. PJymout h , l'a1 nss~ oot of rBpa n tl1an other n fllulu s 'j ht'y ,tre sortn10rtt, 20 sor ta of eithe1 cl.tss, $1 00. 1.'h e HJX: graphwal Ari . USl ·~(; ·q;,i ..~ ':no;isx p<>p1a 1nore nccu1·atc tun ~ k eepers. T R Et~s1;, ht AdHutcci- ::h oglo CoIJy, $2 fiOpc1 cl l\f:li;e1:1 , (J liO packet:.) tor $'i 00 A ll:!o, nn tm1ncnso "'l~IVA\.NUOQ _\.\ HG ~Aspecw l \\ ,tt rn,u1 yh o1 Ili c 1~1ctm \\ [jh stock:of one vea r grafted irruit 'l'rees, t:malJ year 11 1" e Cop1JB 1or J?l :.. JO, 8e1' on t op10s for 'B'ltlJ ll[clu100 e' cry watch I Ji.Tu1t $, }"r1 1\t 'stocl;::g, Younf.( Fruit, 0 1 ua.montal ~ 16 , ' L'en Copies for $21J- 011Jy $?. pe1 cop) J.1bo> \O(t 11 Ol!l .!OJ .<paum.r pooff pn1· OJtffi 11 S1J , 1D(O.I Bowrnnu \ ill c, Sopt. 20 l8'i l and l i!vergreen Soedhoga, llul bs, Hosea! V u 1os, c1n1 P 1 emuuus Lo all fouu Citobs Sw:e 11 ne11 Nm n lJ cr~. Sl)O\\r·D1lls, ctu , 1:1ent f1 t:c .i\ OdrcB9 l1 'if,. o q~ p u ou1wooa.i: Aw; n 1a ~som I ·01tqs --~H and Dorder Plnurn, &c, &c .· tie n1ost A t[-Jl'Ud t( 1utu.1ou .i n: Hn o l savJ::IJ.o o q'l .8m.:to'lROl I .h1 , Ll1c ht tt L'lo1011to ovor the ino:; L 1enowned co1npleto nsso1 Luwut lll . A merwa. PrepaHl hy D Tl: '!', MOOJH;, 11u11 osuosfp ~UJl'llO JPUJO u t m a'Jij,\'.S uu nrn11 oq1 u o N 1'V I St·wm g :\ritchtnl' !:I in the ,fOild, amon:;r wh l ... l m ail. Priced Cn tJ.iJognc::J 1u uny n<hhess 1 1ilso I J\11.r nl NC'i Yoil~erOfllcc, No n l o rl Clly, s·palfa.IHH[i p u u ]>QBOclmo:J SI 'JT q o1qM. J-OS lU.JfPi) tfl t rn.tle Hats, g 1a.tii=;, ~ <'CdB on t.:oin m rnslon, 111 Otll JO :\ li 'UUl >l' u1 \\O U:-( osrv !:l W l~:) 2uua1r· u ] -=> ~r _._L\ -J ~'l l c nc Ir leh1'1\j Cl1 ll0 \ \ e, 'Vhe~lt' l ttr YV ~Miil , ~ -\ g c utff '\VlUHCd .i\J<J.\. u~ JO U'd ~ O dfl 11 p 1U\H[ -pal? S1f 0 i0'.0 l poo-8 01.TIOil .B 1\.1. \\fa.tson , Olll Colony N'"urserlcA and Seed n.nd Shru lJ,1£,·01g1ecn, F'ru1tand Iforb Seed s, U tlni h tgbcst styl o of the '.J'Jopre1m1d b y 1n&ll. A c01np!ete nnd J uclw lous ns- tl.tid Pnn ted L F RE SH llARDEN, l<'LOIVER, 'l'REE r11 HEY ARE LESS l.L\BLJ·; TO GET I I I 1:.1 0 () G R l.8 tu}Jl1~ho 1 l IS-12. Vcfoei pcdcs ! l 01 r-r \/( 1 t CENT on ca~h purehMe·: rrwo OF · S {([JO .8UlU IU[dUJ:OO S0 J1.1 '1?!l O~ IU;)A '}ti ~d Ot[l .IOJ uaes OA 'Rl{ 1 'J\.IA I l Ol['lJO {lfpllilO,J; puu 'l?1sdolf d1 nA;s h) \ I' [ C: .A J1 I, .ERV 1C c. 'Hus 18 o nly n contl"'mnt ·on o t h e ,t.'li' cheup fm 1.:r~~Jl tlcc, t o 1 n goo1 11 n n n 1 n~ TH rn A BO VE l\I ACH !N}>;S, TIOBT~SON ot d<r, cwi lJ~ purchasP.d 1 1rn l 1(( · 1 ln.r~ . tppl,\ nL thi s of l<'or pe1 ·on11 wlto wa:r1t Bargains = d have t he mouoy, MURDOCH I R..PE.A..T E 'l'A IT. OR, "\\v. G l{O\ m.un 1lle,No \ ;:!!l, 187 1. I I pu u T 1 001 rrasau14:) 10 'UJ{O.ltl3: 'ruo..1.: vtof! ~ll f il:lt( £1?JU lfil 1 purtali.r. - "11 sJll:J([ .. · U\Ol( ' 1 ·1c ' 'Il\r ! ·LT.J [ --, _x_ ~ }:] ' · · ·L I ! r11 HE f;(]l~SC l{[J}l~P... ~ Sll CC lo;, ---- tcd np, 111 th o ln 1Ck IJ lO( k i;.:o, ner n1 J\:1ng und IT.A , -l:'\C: rl'L'-1 JUC' u)m:dy l C' 1Hlt·r~a liy tl1c Gt<'nt C'a 1rn.d1an Pnh11 ,.; antlvro\C<\COl\d i!~l\ c\y1lw!';P.fF.RlO'Rl1'Y l_Jh otog1apll <~allc1 11Js 111 th ts s11 lio11 01 111n p 10 . I .., 1nce, rn llO\\ prc}Jn!'(:cl to t ~ I t! 'l Nri pcl'flllCC OJI!! 01 lli o n oxr COllllll C! t· ·l !H f" L()l)f.:Tlr L\ <n rn ?r.T r O'rni~ R:~. .t~ ll ,{'., l f O')L\JtA, \\'ho le;sa\6 ~nd f{eta11 A!(O ll.,, ,l:ho,ngc ·1 18 For Gucl~lt c ll 1.10Co, C l'('i'I Cr- & - - - ------- - · - - - -- 1 AI,], KI::\fDS ()f.' l :\ l ~NFBS l;:S li\111f:.O\. l·JJ -,.11.:TOO LD customers nnd heh ~a · !BROS: is t he placo to RESPECTFULLY ltE'fl' 'l'UHN bu; sincere thanks to h is nunwrous r11mH18, ancl ,vould beg to s ay tliut ']' o lltc n L !"" anJ now Con 5, C.rn:t"'11ght 'l'l1c tn03t ot' Lhc ln nd re1novod to the corner Of li.:mg n n d Ou 1 t.n.r lo streets, \vhcte hC ' \ ll l be glud to see n.s m iL TIY li.a cs been 111 tHl~t m 1~ 1L11 tl meado\\ t or JO J eat~ }\ qu.tnl1Lyo! t,ll lcn ccclm or cxc.:d!cnt 1 un l1!' 1 of the r.-ooll-u atnrccl und goo1l· tcm1,e1t" l on es nfJ fo1 ° _.\ ppl y to 1p l ~ff. sa to g1Yo hlm t\ call . He' . \\ I ()G '\]; J llowmau\ille Sov :!2nd, 18jJ, 1~-tf E.1!;111 \VJ t~.h t , ::.cpt Oct , 4th H!iJ , Jlt~t r. A BOUT 50 AClmS OF LO'I No 11 , I - - - I Corn for Sa le, ,_ X't'" iii t he se,,,ng Ma Buker, o.;:.mgr1 , l{on{lilU~l f'A"I I VY ] l O 1C or Crac k ed · .J ohn J 'if6' Uon g all. STY E 0-f THE - ART I afull stock oCll ·d . l! l' Lh \\'ANZEJt j\[ od1tn e<, -\. call und 1 tio n 0 r~ 1 Jec· ·ncris P> t i;:t)llC-~tc(;~ ! Pl·1son s not s a t "!fiC'tl ono .:O.falhj nc l t'~· u ..,oet \\ Jl h J AJ J ST \.KV 1' COb l 1 \\tlltm n :i.' :\1,\chJnc s. ' '?clut\C ulso on h und a ) N 'l't~ \'.'\C 'E ~- Oppo 1 0 'l ,r\\n J ltl ll l'lltt c.. iic.e. 1 '\ S: J "TO'..{ O~lll HIV.l le, Uch 1bm H l1 b7l I t l1 ..:. ngcforf\11y1>th01 im:w.leof1 hi1 t) d.1y~ Pt n1Pmhe1 J{ d J[ OH.:l.l=> )) 15 th.? ~:l::l\'l~G li.t x e- lJwoT. .. , . ..,_ ~- ...--.._......_ __

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