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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Mar 1872, p. 4

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CANADIAN STAr:l,ESMAN, BC)WMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MARGJ! CARE OF STOCK A c 1 re pondent o! tlte lii o thei :;t 'll .F er w1thont st :tt n g any ne\\ I 111101ples 01 I 1 act1ceR illus trates son1e old ones in a 1 a.nncr to <.tttract attention and challenge th 1 ght Among thet tlnngs the fellow ~ 2~, 1· 1872. ~ ~L\agc nnd debased kibcs~ ly that tho NoTQOIIE S> o::--lt1s \I tJc 1 (st cond1t1on nncl. con1fo1 t of tho hor se ha' o beeu I eglocted but 've behe"\c tl 01e lre n1a.ny 111 c1v1hzcd counttl.S "l\ho nre gn1lty of the snmc n0gl ect an l v1thout the ex use of the former here all mn.y avail 11 N thernsc}\cs of th e use of an a:rticle t s " 1 etc] el Ir \Chee to n.llo\\ stock las done inoro than lnyth lg el::io heroto to 111 down c1ther 1n s nr mer or v-. l 1ter foru k1 own t i ll ro' c tl e cond t1 n tud I hose It 1s possible to concen e pecuhat c1rcum 1 ch eve the s1 tlc1 ng of tl c hor'(!c w11l not use 1t \ ill be the loosers ,vho stn. cs that ,vd 1ld excuse and even Jnst1fy BARGAINS. BA~G.AI~S GREAT BAlWAINS ARE NOW Gr>EN Al TO OWNERS OF Farm Property -AND- s STOVES I STOVES ' , T 0 v E s rA ... ,..T .i.~ F 0 R - - ------------ I ~ ...-.......~-- & Fort! Second Year DE .l ACHED RE ID ENCE T HE SUBSCRIBElt BEGS TO IN EORM the3nha.bitnnta ot Dowm\llvillea.nd INSUllE I OUR PROPERTY IN THE -o\ND- · rt'OUnding oountry J r1rn BEST SELECTION OF STOVES ever offered in the 'lo'" n comprlaing that I eJ .. ti e 'E l G oo d S moze, , GET T q HE ,~ I J. d ( .V.L ~ OODll Y .~ LADY S - BOOK FOJ, 18711 'J he cheapest of Liiiltes I 11ro.garanes, be w.11 B ;:~:: ~:;/~~~~~t ~.~ obre!l:e Clo~'.'~~~;~ 1~: guide of women 11 everything tha cu l a I c d I o e I eva. te t h e sex The ol R A N D , writers -whose ·tor es hn v~ lnrg to th end ~ e t\ll Cheap Corner PUBLIC l t~ f illy Save l:laif Your Money Head Office for Canada, Kingston THE FAMOUS tribute bee I 0 tlsi COOKIN"O PARLOUR BOJl CO.AL S!J!QVES AND I ed Marlon Har1aud l no Church 11 1t bit aa a general l r whee it 1s s n ply foohng \W ~y the poss1b1ht1cs of the great est s icccss In a 1nanner so pln n and e[ to be under::itood it sccn1s strange ti at men of even 1noderate underst :t.ndtng sl Id g istrny \ hving animal Is \ ruacluno in n1ot1011 ~ 0 keep it at its normal rate of speed a cert un an10 int of nut11n1ot tis rcquned F t growth an add1t10nal quanttty will be needed n.nd also for annuals that do sci vice 1n h u11ess 01 othe1 v1se nnd those LI tt give milk ll IS ndchtwnal quanttty IB less tl ~n the otl 01 If t\\ o hundrod Io mds of h l) v11l keep a horse that docs no vo1k n1 good c r d1tion a. \Vock it would lot 1e iu ro double that q anttty to koep ui ha.u ass c' cry Uay So the wo1k h , e oct o\ t of a I orse costs less than what 15 r:qll'l.te1 to BU I ly kee1 the i.n.unal u' c an l 111 goo 1 COl a t101 So v1th g 1o w1ng theu hol'CS tl o s 1ffero1s to a101d both 1 se Darley s Condition Pu,vde1s ln l A.1 aba1n H eave Ilcmc lj and you \V ill be satJ d \Vlth the 1 es lt Re ne1nbcr tl o nan1e at d see thu.t the signature of Hurtl & Co is on each package N orthrope & Lyn :u1 :N ewcaatle Onta1 o proprietors lot Canada S l<l by all n ed cmo dealers ~o Store T HIS old ·nd vol! estnbl she 1 Com p·ny of the la.teat patterns nnd o! the best \\orkmnn: r,lUp whioh he wUI sell Myrtle Tobli6co, , - AT- S Dorr AJctta. \ ctor a Victor S Ar nu1 ins res aotb g llut Fa.rm Property 11.1 d ed Res dences and Issues Pol1c1oa at Greo.tcly Reduced Ilntcs AS CHEAP AS IN ANY MARKE~ ASSETS $550 OOOAJO IN THE DOMINION SILVER & DOUGLAS, OPINION Co11 c1 Store Risk Wo1 ti Depos1tcd with the F nance Mins Also Agent for the celebrated !1.meucan tel for pee al beuef t of Canadian · BASE BURNER AND HEATER ?ol cybolders over $100 000 Sec tL \'J ONE DOOR EASI OF ]j....,_ follow ng Cert ficalcs lJ 0110 E lect ic 0 l ,i., We yl t m Vokl anytl ing of it it is 'I et Tii es Do yo" J now If rwt t rn you d d J 01i 1iod the 01 0 1nal i lc L that at tiie yo c.: an get 'Ill::; 1s to cert1fJ that tb1;1 Agr cult ral In E' I 'l' '"J:' E D AND vVJ~LT.. S urr.r ILD D CHEMIST 101Vl~IIALL AND BulLDING8, OJ Al ER IN DRUGGIST VJL11 ·lock N 0 v 8 !I osc e feel young stock Just c1 ugh t keep tl c n1 HJ ine 1 u1u 1110 - to 1 eep tho tuini l.1 dn e - 1 ut , ithol l the ad 1 t or <l.l nn o nt 1 cquis tc for gro th CrtL ca lj a1 e i.king tha1 iuay not be possi l le b tt prlct1ca.lly it is nc "r cno igh the h t1 to Si\) tl :it it can be done and fur the1 tl ri.t it is done by vc1 y nu\.ny far1:ners pl 1 ably "' tU:lJOl 1ty DHUGS. !~..lfEDICINES D} o St rffs I 1te t ~ieclrc1nes P eifu ' AND C IIEl\IT ICALS, ~c eiy B1 1shes Oils P·u t I 1nsheo Cod Oil ad Cod Oil L"mps &c Co1 bs Son.1 R Pa 1 t1::1 sur11.ncc Co1npnuy having depos1tod iu tho - -o - hands of \bo Receiver General of Canada Bowt d. the euxn of F fty four I housaJ:u:J P' 1 e Hun drcd Dollars n United States bu da as re q ured by the Act of Canada 31 Vie cha 48 sec 22 ia J erebj 1 ceuscd to car1y on A 1, li:.1 lt icnt oj t' natP. Ru.; a and L\Um tho business n Cnn la. of F1re Ir surance " Dated at tie C ty of Ottawn. the 2nd day tUO'it ti on. Stov~ pa.pcs J&. a~ill<JW& 1n1 e8 of June 1870 Dmnb Stooes &c t,! q>t o ' hand JoJIN LANC TON for ?tl n ate1 of Il s 1s to cert fy tllnt I have been acqt a o t HOT AIR DRUMS N RESPECTFULLY ltErUltNING el \1th ti e Officers and 1'.lanagers of tho tha1 ks to ti e publlcfor pa~t llberft.lpaltonage Ag c 1ltn n.1 Insuuu ce Company for mnn~ WOl Id At no nee t.hat le ls no\V i repnrcd t< fit }lti1 H t Alt Ftuna= fitte 1 rp lt thq all o xlm s 10 h s l n13 in a ma 1 e ~ oud to o ea yel\rs and also \V1Ll tl e bus ncss O) orat onit ta.blla1 mo tin the co 1 t es of the Corupat j n.nd have no be1nta.t1on 10 111ost In1proved recon1mend ug it ns n. perfectly safe aud rR 'V0ItKl\lA1\SlIIP eocond to no lC 1 the Do CARRIAGFS l abltJ Co lJ Rt y aud ta Officers as com po tent d Io nrahle l s esa men a l ns it n uion nl1 kin 18 f JOObl I!' donu n t1 a fil 01 ~t noticei n d at 1 en~onab1o pr cos WAUGQNS insures noth ng b t Farm I lOperty and d1;1 EDWI..N HOUSE~ tacbed D ell gs an 1 li is *o30 000 Aaal'ts CUTTERS Bo\vma1 \:~lle Auguat 16 1811 3-tf I cons dor t cs po !'I hie beyo1 d ary cont1n Call n l cxan1 c !:'.Hovrn~ a l 1 rl cs before purchasing el:=sewhorc n..Hu.1dv;areofull k 1 ds rru. ts O ls Putty Glass &c &c y TINWARE C ARR I A G E I I sfJam e S M 0 r' "' I MoD·L QoTUGES e only magazico IR th a country tjrn.t gn cs these des l!:DS 1e tJ u T si.dy s Book DO\\ MANVILLE DRA.\\ NG LE S!SONS -In th s u: o arc nli:io alone i.:1l1e Oet 18 1871 \Vo have also ~ Ch IJrc1 a, a Hort1cul (;~ ! tuLal, and a Health depa1 tmeut Cl. GodoyarnvalualJlcHeceqts qur cveoy subject for the Boudo Nurscrv Kitchen "°' j House and Lau lry '11INT>D~NfiRAV1'GS - n l S lS "I ,., ·· of ~ engra·i 1 ii· that no one M. otlem,rted but · c 0 vV L E S', Frost .Mrs 0 A Hot>kinaon Sue Ohes tnu t,.. wood 1'Irs Den son etc lave a 1eputat1on for xcellencc ~n,. tho r wrlt ngs far Hi otbe s 1n be . M ngn z, no line i Our Oolored on l latC's nrctl e moat orrect of any publ she d in thci coun trr BEAUTIFUJ STEEL l' L -Of thes e the ady s Book g ves fou1tcen each ;ear On101~.&.L Mus c -Godey s 1s tie o nly ag~tne in wb1eh m 1 s c prep irod cxf res1 ly for it appc&rs ll ~ 11 be Mrs Lolipo 1 !I Part) 'Ve p10 tnlsc these aketcbes (o th e in Lhe 1 char o tr!olvo11 LAD ~s I A~CY \Vor K DKr.tRri ENr -Som' of th' des gua 11 ti s depar tu ent. are pr nt 0d in colors 1n n, sty le unequalled In 1\dd t1on to nil tl c nbovo a trtact o ns there will be p bhahed mo ntl ly 8 doul le 111go engrav1ng t1 e ge n eral title of whicL e.cter) to bo superlo1 to any of tho k he1otof0re p bl sled 1.1 ge ey D D <'JALV!N l! P P We h!\"VO exa n led nlo tl e con I t1ou stu1 d g: of ti.le Ac,1 c ltural Ins rKnce Com pan) a 1 l Jo ful )i co c 1 "1th Mr Oa.I e i in recommending l t to t1 o F \r ners of th ts Prov [ ce as ont! I erfoctly safe &Id rellabte lU vb CJ to Sltc tle r JIOlttly NEW 1-'IN SI-IOP IN llO WM,\.NVILI E SLEIGHS .{( M.ANlTFACTURli:D IN .ANY Bf\'L.t: Dll:SlRED TERMS 0 e cop) or..e ycnr Two copfos one year is OG Thrr:ie cop ea one ye a r 1r ~ 5U f1 our cop ea one yea.r "~ 10 96 F vc cop es o le yea r a J\ 11 \D~ t.ra copy to ti e p~ soJJ g ett1 Wg up tl c club rnak ng s x cor 1ea t4- oo E ght coplCB oue year a l an cxna copy to the pers on gett1 g up tI c club rr l k ing nine cop el! 21 QO ~ Eleven co1 oa one y e lr st d llil extrn. copy to the ve1eon getting up the club mn.k1n~ tw eJv1;1 cop es 27 oi To accomodate o r subacnb2rs we will club 'Y th Artb rs Ro1na l\.Ja.iaz1ne ilnd Cl..iudten ~Ho.ur at tile following prices Tue rece pt of $4 00 w II pay for G odey · I ady s Rook nnd A.1 hu a Homo Magil.z 11e for one Jenr Tho rece pt of $3 50 w 11 puy for Godey'i Lndy s Uook and the Cl lldron s J!'o r fot one :i ear s oe P\ YSICI \.N" I HESCHIPTIOK ~ t \Rl<JI ULLY COMPOUt'lDED II.ND ALL OIWJ RS CORREC ILY \ NSWF.RED In such cases how w \.NDON THE BHO.H1h:8l :-l011Cfl; G REED, does the a ccou1 t stand wtth the an1n1 t.l :vh n this tieatn1cntl8 changed to full feed? The beast tfi no la.rg r than before it has bee 1 stinted and ls tn bu.d healt)1 and is \Ctua.lly N" tt1 less oth r th1noB b eing eqn \.1 If l quarter or one half more feod 1 n.<l. been 011 von all of this add1t1onal feed yo tld been stote(l up 111 the animal 11 gro vth and ,vould have increased lts ~ l! i r1ners a i l Physic a1 sf, plefo cmd ']ti e best g11 titv QJ w t1 Ou , ~t y mll jt id u t Sto Z OJ 1We l ci ics cnn J C Ct 1!..RK Banker J C ARJlUTHxna & Co GEO !\.. H M B KIUKP !l TJUCK UlTON FOfiJ.(JNG the lnhabita.nto otBo\ runn\ ille in all branches ot the a.rd alll'ro dJug -cu 1 try tl at 1 e he.a ope e<l lyltopa.irrng att.6 Ucd to out u. New '1111 8hop in tho ator& late!; occupied by Jol 1 Aller cor er of llAS MUCH PLEASURE IN lN I Rome ube1 tlut..t uothl g but the beet mntenal1s used o. cl best workme e1 Tlo:s ed-th H ti JSur ing d uubllitv el-011ance snd comfot t tho i ost tmpo1 t.nnt requisites h a co1 veyance t1ad~ 1 prompt- M' l' c.u1.uhan P.uu De,,.t1·0} c1 / SOl\!Il!,EHING v Ju e enough t p1yfor the ndd1ttonal feed a iliJ !101u pa.u u t1 c WANTED BY EVERYBODY for the other an1ount that ,vas needed to Side Back and Head Coiighs Colds Sore -ORTh oat Sp H?t-S B'r'l.ii2e1> 0 i 1 s n keop tl e an1n1al n.hvo an 1 also pay for the tic Sto nach Cfl olcr a ~[orb <S IU!S HER O\VN Pll ll\"11 R' cu 0 of the beast tho u1ter est on the Dyse ttery lknf;cl Co1nplaint.s B1w s S alds Frost Bites ~c n1oncy tl e ruik an l over nll a 11 c fit t ~'LEC>::O"S ti e feele1 Coiuparo the res lts and note I art1cu HOUSE VILLA PAINTS, }(J.rly ;vl at ean~es the d1fferencti The Prepared for 11n1ned1ate use and no 1 Jng but the l' i:est l\-1ate11als used Ln l 1 pi r ct ple is one of l road a.pphca hon In qu1r1nl::. uo further 1n1xturc of oils 1 urpent u1c and D1yers the supposed case of the horse he could do Timm coMrosrrrnN CONSISTS SOLEY OF - A S A FAMILY MEDICINE IT I At the Ironmongeryr on well and fn:" orably I o vn 101 cv ng tl ou AND r oor~r 1n no ,vork on the feed g1Ten without getting -flesh I\\ o quarts of oats in ad chi <u to the hay wonl l g1 ve tho surplus sttct gth to vrork so1ne and n1ore oats up Piere Coloi Pure lVhite Lead Pu1 e Wlite Zinc hinseul Oil Spi1 ilR of 1 itrpentme and D1 ye1 s ca1 efully and scientifically comlnned to full feed proport onatclj increase l 111 capacity £01 service If the sci\ ice is l at 1s "ante d ho'\ fool sh it Yi oul 1 be to 1tholJ the tdd t10n1l feed on wl wh tlte service depends A quart of oats ca.n be i , smutcd mto force t i~t 1s "°rth the 1 a1kct p1i1..:e of L bu;:;hel ot oats Ih e 1nan ,vould be foohsl1 who 'vould kec1 1 s steam e1 gino rurunng night and The consun1e1 CaI ha\e :i.ny des red sh ~de of Oolors neatly p tt up ur Oa ~ and al of of su eve ybody he requnes to buy v,;1th the l)unt ts a B1 sl as the 'lork can h6 dona by l msclf or Jl roes lfoJl tde by any member of l 1s h ousehold PURE WHITE LEAD. A large stock 1ust received for Autumn P untmg, imported cln ect f10m the English Manufactm ers mclndrng TA.MES 1Ge nnme ,ind celebrnted Rooster brnnd- Guaranteed pme ~LSO and day w1tl no n1achu1e1-y £01 it to turn 01 pro1 el The nut.l'.l 'vho keeps stock JUSt ah ve is like the otl er 'Ihe forgou g ataten1euts ha' o excuphon~ but they are general truths lhc more e look at it the mo10 've sec how 1:Jasy it is fo1 a feede1 of stock to be pon1 y wise 2000 G!l.LLOi'iS l\fACHINE OIL OF DIIFEREJST 1\I:'IDS rna1ket - \ll stand~Hl Colors 01ls Van L·l10s and P nte1~ Mate11als C II nn 1 soc ho\ cheap n. House ca.n be P nntcd and Dec i led for n.11 these goods \Vtll be sold at reduced figures a '\ er} super or assortr cnt of t 0 (;uvltal ~I ck $· '" L illIE~ UNDEitCLOTHINh MurulnH Vnnd!I 20K 369 ff.& Ree~ I Jlf~ for the yen.r entU11a;} , ·· R'" ·· LADIES COLLAUS nnd CUl FS "" ·Kt 30th Jun~ 11J71 DR '1DED SUITS for CHILD!tl<:N Bc1ltn l llf::Cring aud .Elocc} \\'ools Braiding HoN J McMmutton P1 cs1dont fL ll J b o der) l\.latcrla a lg for ll aid· voik nud Embroidery also mn.t.ctlals fo the B HAT Dil llf·n1tgmg D recto1 Stitch J g <lone to orde Chg 01 s ~ v tchcs a. d !tolls tn great i.: nrlot:i: All o ilers i;ro ny tlv nttendOO to A c lJ re spcctf 1lly solicited Romen bcr t1 e eta d-'Iwo l >0rs J!:ust of He dcrson s liotel MUSJ C IOIIAftD INSUR\NCE Bo 'lllAll\tllo Sc1t<>mber11 1871 THE OSBORN FOR LADIES T Look-Stitch Sewmg Maohme I HE Al'TENI!ON OF 1HE LADIES KING OF CANADIAN T n1u.nvillestock of respectfully SEWING MACHINES sol Western Assurance Compan~1 KING OF AMEUICAN Mil l1nery Goods, SEWlNG MACHINES ever:. dcsc 11t01 tl e and a.t HEAD OFFICE-TORON'IO to t just recei for YHROU HOUT CA s tr T A01JSAJSDS now Mllchines vo nlso or Do c ted t-0 11 Jew 'Vo' ould 1efo1 j.O' to the followlng gen ~ "-".i~ .._._uni od J ressed u d vlw.n 'Iinware le 1e l Ill rec i.rd to n e respot s b I ty or u e SArISFACTOHILY DONE whi hhewllsell Uompn v -D F1sl er Esq Cashrnr of the CflEAP AS U:CE CiiEAPES7 Ontnr1G Pa.nk Jno McLcoC D.f P P J B IN A SUPERIOU MANN EU Fntrbn.111 Esq Postmaster J E Falewell Spccl:i..l u.ttentlon pt:ild to .__-When you want anytlnng 111 tl c Esq B rt ster RA' EIHOUGHING AND JOBBING ca.rtage ltne gtvc; J.AMES MORRIS a Agent fo1 Cobourg e.nd v1c1n ty call and he will su t you WILLIAM T FISH S" Ord.ors from tho country promptl:y attended One door'~ est of tho Ontario Do.nk \\ R CI Bltl' I oc·l Agent ·I Bo vm·n to Vil!~ Bo vmanv lle Oct 10 1871 1'Hy KB' li1gl eHt price pa d for 1-Iidei~ Sl ecpsk:ins December 5 18ll RQgs 'V ool pickings Copper Ji eathcra and H rsel~a1r 6uelf1h' Sewu:g; }'!f-ach] K£(" Great ind 1cemcnts held out to pcdlcrs GOOD NEWS N B Frun era wa th g M lk Pa.Us or PailB would do well to call and o:x:a1nlne Ill} stock berore purchaa ng elao>\ l ere A. slmrv ot 1 ubllc lat onage respoctfull:s solicited W GI EED Bownuu1vlllo Marc) 8th lS'Tl and v1c1n LJ is ldNG 1'NDDIVISION STREETS llowmanville 'vhere he \vill keep comst&ntly I at d av. ell so1ected st-0 k of stovefil .J11.p on ALL KINDS OF BLA cKS MI T;IJ W: O'"R K, ~ 1yc dJllnrs w 111 ny fo r Godey.· 'Lndy a Book Arthurs lloftl e Magaz ne nd Cl i1 dren 8 Hour fut oao yen lbe money 1ll st all be ae tat ore t me for an} of the cl bs a d add1t one mo.y be mnde to clubs at club rttte~ Canada ~b..Scr bcrs ·ast ser d !4 ce1 t1 nddtt1onn, for every su.bsc1 1 t1on to tLe Lady B Book and 12 c 1H ts for mtber ef tho other mo.gazuies to pay t he .A.UJer1can post age Row TO REMIT -In rem1tt n1 by ma I 11 Poat Office Order on Ph ll\delph n\ or t\ Draft on Pe ) or New York 1,ay ~ble to tho order of L A Godey 1a prcfo · able to bank notes [ f a Bratt or a. Post. Offico Order CRnnot be l rocured send United States 01 Nat ontt.l llank notes Addrrse L A GODEY N E Cor S xt b ~ Cbost nit Sts P b1 1delph n 1J S la.test styleB cd th s I ha NADA are using these 'I hey l n e beeu tested beyo id oll que9tton make ti o fo.\ oritc lock atitch 11.l ke on 00 h ~Idea u dare p10 o ccd B11~1 or to a iyotJ1errnachlnoofforei totJ epubllc Forw le range or :vork,perfcction bea. ya. dexceUCl1ceof1ncchnn1sm ndu.ptnbil tr trength o.ud durab lit) F 1re and Mar In e RAIE~ '.l'lte G1·e.1t Fcuialc lle111cdy JOB MOSES PERIODIC \.L l'ILLS 1 Tlne~he1a a.n<l all put1cs r cquu mg such 011 arc spec1f'Ll1y 111v1tel t 1 spec th" va110 u1 q aht1cs- thc p1 1ce being far belo' a1 ytl ing e'\ ei: ollered n1 th s - - ------ --- - -----Jmpo1"t.u1t to Ute Pubhc! tlrlropro e1 ents bn.vo lately been inatle en ng the m11nufaeturors to clo.lnl lt a!f the u pl1 s ultra of Se ·1ng es Hundredso! testtmnnl&l· are being received dally trom old.. well tLB new .. opol"&iol"IS a.ttostJng Its 'voodettal ca.pal illll~ Will do u.U kinds of domestic sewing tro n the ftnc8t cu.u tnic to tl o coa1~t o er coat Ol lll>POl' leAtl er The Osborn Sewing Machme has no rival · Al LOWES'l CUltREN'l J u .. ' opec1ru G1iar intced to be as e1n ese iled ur Warrat ted fo1 tht e l/j irs sale ll.nd a. pound fo hah Hn\LTH 1s S--.rR.E~CtH -- - · -- 500 It fs pccul ruly su ted It ' JU In o. short t c br go tJ en: outhly pe od th regular t} Tl ese P Us sl ould wt be l ikc by J1 c1 ales du1in7 the P11 S1 2 T-IllEE MOJ\ T 11S of I'rcfJ nancy a,s!:y arc su e to ln {) o M sa r t.{le but al n. v other t ne at c aafe TO MARI !ED LADIES COOK PARLOR, HALL AND BOX STOVES tunvmg and now on l< >::lnbihon f General Ha.1clware 0 irriage Goods LH<l S t 0 v es T S t ha 0 v es T · -To ire-vent 01 couquer dtseasc IB one of the giandeat at t unn1euts ove1 ~ n1e l at by n u and Bryi.n a Puhnonic 'Vafc1s \'iill asau1ecnre co ighs conlds ttckhng 111 the throat \nd l 1ln1 l \lY co1npla1nts 11.s \vnr nr d pcstil ence ,v1ll destroy Scve1e colda if not at tended io soonei or later lead to incurable cons 1npt1on and tho strength of the '11n\v re n1 tho 0 Ile largest and cheapest st ck 1 ty of Du1l1 am rrHE SUBSC LUBER IN ltEIURN c llngton B lld g Bo vtna v Ue August 9 lS'll JOIIN McT .. l!:OD ro tle l beinl su1po1t vhlcl tley have FIRST CL!l.SS MAN WANTE1' for Hemedy ··dPllls of tic E et II<hr b"l en l 1m b !{S to i ror1n o.11 tl oae v. ho arc in a rut ell ng Age y for the Town11l tpe o tlyi g I s pre ettduen lly tl e b< st; Single 'lhtcad .l\ nc A!edi ~l c llia :i. Doctor Lt ii Josepl ts of th w nt of flr st l rsa S o e ti at tl ey cn.n bo sUJ this To ;o; n Api)l) 1 writing w t} roferencea ott'"e ed the p bl!e-1 e1 ce l s ruarvelloui5 s iccees Grco.t 'I' :'lbe of;-:;) oshOJ ees B '11 :Jl Colun b a ia pl ell by l rn as cheap a-s any other 1· ouse ill tJ e to tl o u1 detslgncd for tra.narnission to th~ H0iid \VUI do all var etics of 101 lestic sewing 1-'1 ICli.B :vo kmg the moat a vclous c.nd asto1 li:ihing t.ra 11-J lNGtlonkstoLle!nhablMtl<ofWcstDur fll!IBORN OU1'FtT s complet and rce. 11 y eornptcbenUed Tu sold at o el alt tbu p Jee u el a.rged for 1 a cl l CB doing n. hke rt1.nge IntJUrll.IlCl!I for Ol e Ol thJ'OO ,} ettra OJ J)et.u.el o(l or work the ID inuf WlUreirS being lctcrnuuetl liQ J>wellings Cburcl es md Schools "With contents place it ,,.lth ti a reach of e\: 01 y ram ly in ti o inOitcs'IowisandCO lryplaece 11ef3e 00 t iotoa a ,;i terms of pollen ortle ila11y f~rnrahlo m ry to the Farn hg Commu lt-y LO v Tarl ff ' f R t t1. e 8 COVOlUJg h..itl e p I The G ue I p h R evers1 bI l"Ot a11n · IC .,. <lt I ·t "I l'I U I lllgl> e T:UAT IRE GltEAT SHOSHONEES He l as a lso fo r; 11-J t he celeb ated 011\oo stionge~t soon fa.1ls 1f neglectc l The r en. hcst ~nd best n1eans kr own for t11e cul c of these cou1phunts is Bryan s Pul moruc Wafct'S 'vl11c.:h UL' e been thorough ly trwd for the last twenty years and have never been kno,, n to fail Singers and For se.le by ' ' T t\.tk naon and Dr Dea 1:1 iL\V L n '\Vh tby by J H Gc1 eandJ B)i'l1e public speakers will also dern e great bene Oal in Droclyn b) Jol n "a1Ten fit from the use of them Sold by all Sold by J HIGGINilOTII Hi nnd D STOl T Bo man\ llle 0 ta. o 1neU CJne dcale1s at 25 cts per box l:N a <l1 vorce case penchng in Ohio the grot nds of the husbands app!tcat10u are that ]us wtfc ms1sts tliat he shall kill the old cat that hns been with them fot ten years Jfe sayl:i it ts not because 1e 1 les to part "ith the ann:IIJll but the JOb LS too n111ch to ask of hir.ll while he is in feeble lu i.lth as n.t present Ho ha.s <110 vned her twice shot fourteen rifl e balls thro igh her vitals gi' en her hall a pound of strycluunc cornnutted har1 knr1 on her In nll Cases of :N crvous an l ~.,pinal A fl'cc ions Pama n t1 e B tt l L bs JJ at gue o M gl L exert on Palpltntfon of the heart Ilyotclics o.nd "Vr'l iteei these P Jl~ v 11 effect a cure \Vl e ll otl er ha c failed; and althougl n. po er full:e1ned) do 1 ot cont.a llo l calon1el iW.1.LJ mony or anythmghurtrul to tho constitut1on P'ull dlrcctlons in the pampl let around ench ~ackage '" l ch should be ca eful y p eset vcd Jon ::'al06ES NI" YOU ( !ii r..E Pl10Pl 'JOR $1 00 nnd 12! cents for postage enclosed to Nortl rop & Lyman :Nc,vu r;;tlc 01 t b"C e1al agents fur the Dom nlon will ins 1ro o. bott1e coi trun ngover50p lls bv -eturn m:ul HARD TO BELIEVE. "RUTAN II ABT AIR s1ovr(J t !ch s no · .,..,A R & II 0 _f._.l,A.C\. Bowo1anvllle ::;ept 14 1871 True Nevertheless! - --- o ---- n se in a. 1 the :pr1nc pal Ra lway SL Uo s i la It ls j1 st the thing forCh hes II lls rn d 1 JJlic b ld gs He s nlso nanufu.ctt 1 ng tl e Cottage and I.and ar E.i..TI y IIand Maobi I\ wit} f ll outlit $12! r u L Uc Loea.lAgcnt.e do $17 tdEQ< nc glaHLiltceu - -- -I g (gent8 wanted t.tiervwhe~e Splc ~ d n. "11· Sale. d11mn<nts to 1'U·ke inonev Awlu to Cwos tho \Vorltl e\ er hea rd of Ne\ c 1 l tho a a18 1 Cana<Ua. ftfe l cal If1story 1 ne su l auccens u.ttcn led the troductlo of any 1ttc 11 c ohe etofo e "\f II "Y ? BES'l IIOT i l <\IR DRUM one and a qunrtor t tiles of Bo" ma.nvillc bemg the rear of lot No 12 2r d concc.Beion of Dn lington GoodBrlckOottngc Ciflt('!l"n Garden a d Fruit 'l'rcee on tl1e premisea fernus eas) AI ply tu T EN ACRES OF LA!{D WITHIN G '.H Ll'H SEWINC MACHINE COY GUELPH CA.NADA J &A SMITH GROCERIES VERY CIIEAP. RICH ARD PHILP Gannda ~~-m_·_villoe_pc.'__ 1 _s_ n_____ _ _ G lJ ood Cookmg Rmsrns only 5,ccnts er by the box a, pound a11d s tilcheap SEWING MACJ:IlfES. Age t for U e '\V heel r & ' ' !so tho Jiov.; c a. d the Osbor1 c Se-.,.; n1g Ma h nee To Let WITH HORSE P()WPJR & LA'l'l-ll[ at present w01kecl by the sub E SILVER\illc l\'l y 25 1871 PUBLIC NOTICE - 011 'JUii: The Pum-p Shop· ARMS NEW- '- Ul\'IMER DRY GOODS at cost LEWISQUlvK In Jllcmor1a1n i l o o of the den. 1 Heave l s uttered no prohibitio ltl d :E artl is I ot injured but bcnefltted bs tl en All tl 0»C beaut fu1 en blems ·which adorn the a y to nbs a o nd h c.:li ve love to linger nssure us ' e nrc in o. "orld of ·war untl lo' g l ea ts t1 c a lo l ng of Uc sepulchres of the lo' ed o 1cs ullev ates our g et a d wot! es tJ c \Younded J cu.rt. It n.lso chcc1a the be rcn.vo<l. to kul')W n at an a ldttlo al e1n bellishn1cnt of tho grcn c p csents stronger a.ttr iclions to arrest the atte tion of the t:ranger nn l co.uses hi 1 to pause and lt:: un tho 1 iune of ono \Vh has shared so ln.rgcly 1 tl c lo e of o1he1s "' c to.kc ti s n1cthod to inform yo 1 that we c1u fill 01dera for deoorat ng tl e gro.vcs of de1 artcd fr e1 ls n.t lo v figures executed in the best style of \VOrk nans h p _. A GAINST EXPENDITURES { iOTTON and vVoolen goods are atlvancmg but you Ell10tt s for a short time, at the old pi ices 1s the time to seem e what you need can bu) Now scriber I osat..'l:la o given lrDt edlatel) Onlv business of the kind in town- plenty of cueton rare cl a.nee for a. good pun pn a.ker \J them at Money to Loan. TY to bA In lnstalmcnta to 11nit borrowers "no are allowed to mak1.1 s tch 1 e.y n1ents in &ddJtion to lnstulments ag tl e:y :mny tlle Ca find co e1 ent 1nay be obt& i ed fro ne.da. l ern anent ll uldi g anil Sa.v1ng SooJot) by appl)'lng to F~HE\\EII McGEE & RUTLEDGE !::iolio tors Bowma iv lle .C:WPrlvo.te funds to lou.11 61t Cl e1ry Ba k. J"'O lophylll tJ J m1perboQuassia Smartv;oed. Dandelion 11yoscya nus mpo 1nd Ji:" t a1..:t of Colocyntl T lu.1 Socotr J e Aloes Capsicux:i.,. &c &c } which ontcr intothe cmnpo &1Lion of rne combmed 1ncdlc 116, are such and so hnrmoniously clasSitled and con1pounded that It llJ made U e most se :t.rcl mg curative in the k ov. n vorld and cnnnot l elp 1 ut n. :t on ti c s~atcn t. very Slit stactory md desirable man t er No mo.tter \\hat yoW' ailment 1nay be or othowlo gstanling itwJ]l find tho s~t nnd o.ston sh yo t b} the re.p d n an:oe:r in v. hich rou are resto ~d to pe1fec.:t hco.lth n1 d full v go Tl i:. Med cine is 1 leasun t and afLfO to take tmd ls \Varrantcd a1 d 1nay positively be rel ed upon to make a pcrn anent cure of fl.11 diseases of thu Thton.t Lungs Live1 K.ld nc:ys Digest veOrgn.ns &c &c as w~1I aa 8croful tJ: c var Olll:I Skin Diseases Hwnor!S and all di8eaacs ausing fron In1pwlty or the lllood exce1 t g the 'Il rd Staf,"f'I ot' Consumpt on Further wformo.tLOn v.; ith full directions forusu gthcGre a.tShoshonees Ren edy and Pills a1 d co m ung tcatimon a1s and Cert ficatosof( res co.nbc lt i edb' H':C n\gtle Treatise the llan 1 book. or the Almnr. ao and C rculAl.'8 frmn any respectable Drugg st tl 13 Don In o free 1lls 1JCJ JJuw P -ice of Jle nedy Tn la (I 25 c enl~ 1ed c al vc~etable mgr 1 e1 ts (some of "hicl:: we \vill mentlo!!t such l:L8 the li.'-xtrnots of "'lid ~IMPLY beoa isc tl en m erous Val able act ' l'n"f 1 00 CLOTHING! L OANS FOR FROM ONE 10 TWE:N ' 1th a pitchfork and the ouly effect por cept1ble is a trifle more tone to her '01ce Lnd n. bay window over ono oyc Tlns is one of the tnl)st singular concat(lnn.t1on of c11c.:uu stances on tccord G ENILEMEN m want of a neat fittmg smt should eaily .it Elliott s Fa slnonable Tailo1mg Establishment call ~ 'I. DART,fNG'ION, D l'OI\1ED ALER IN DOMESIIC !I.ND CHOICE IE\$ }]II ~S,itisfactwn guaranteed m all 1 ea:sonahle cases GROCERIES lRUIIH PROVISIONS 1 ~c MONUMENTS TABLETS ETC , Oli Tty!: FIN:E8t QU \LITl'. OF -An tm I 01 taut 11I'hclo u1 the outfit of a. soldier is a ood 1ne(hc1ne in 1. coin en1ent fonn and the Cana.di 1.n Pain Destroyer HI JUSt ti c article it cures 'vounds bruises :i.ud ft sL lntes n.nd is tho best med1cmc th"t l:Nrl.:ltESTING to VOLUNTEERS Henry Elliott, Jr. Ha nptrn A 1g IS\ 31 d 18"1 I'I'ALIAW& 1M]J;1UCANMARBLE - A:ND- t:ItOCJCJ< RY AND SCOTCHAllEUD]EN GRANilE s 1ppl el on short notice E\ et'Yl1 mg pertain lg to Cct ote y \Voik ll meet \Viti p 'Olllpt attention by Jen.· 1.,. o de1" Tiu GLASSWAlW Piano Forte. Drnn1. Do n a lle O t 37" th C BOUNS~LL S1111 solllFES TE I P AltIIEll ~ALL c tn be u1ed for <l1arrcca n.1 d su1nn1er con1 plan ts generally u.1 d it is a sute cure for rl cun atunn and that class of cornpl unts l rou 0 ht on by exr osurc 01 fatigue Price 2, cents pc1 bottle to be hnd uf al med i Bo man ille TO LET. SUPPERS PUJ3LIC DIJS NEltS "\\ EDDING CAJ,,.ES Unv11nc1plel cannot palm ot'r e. wor I loss Sowing Ma.chino on persons ac: 1uainted w1Ul the merits of the fcNnt Maehint1s roprc!tlnt themMlvca as agente tor tho ii:elebrated Lockman and 01:1born Ma.-chlnes and otrer to grant '\''ort.he 1amewith intient to deceive. \\ c bomg the only au thor:l.l!led ~nta for W~t Dnrhanl the onl:r I ersons '"bo can grant w&rrwt.8 thereon aod any f1Crsons not cmployOO by us then aeJves ns agents: or o(l"cdng to grant vu ro.nta u1 O!Stcrs r:u d liable to bo 1 ro11ccutod for fraud 1110 publJc tre hmcby cauU·ned agn.iaa t suc11 R !<)l OHARA Bo\vme.nville J no 2'.md 1871 -17-3 1n A CAUTION. !HERE ARE W E LEARN THAT jltlrsons who wl1en tho;r SHUTTLE OR LOCKSTITCH Sewing Machine. ledge tl at 11 prlnc plc 1 J)artioo are peddlin~ So vu g }laob e~ tJ ro 1gh l.he coUJ:1h:y nud re preeentg1g__ them to bo tJ o AUMS SEWING Jit..l.CHINlC th s Js to ca ltlon parties not to be lece ved lu purchuh g tho All gon I o .A..r s 1nncl uea ha e the o ds E 11 Altl\iS :&:Ianufacturer sta.mped on tJ c F aee Plate oi n &o.lme 'Vo l u.vo co ullde M it to our fntercat lo est.ab lhi:h an age > I Osaltwft. to look i.ft:er those I upoiiitot'sl 1.Lnd I nve the -efo n ade tt.r n ge mm Lil wit I I HAVING COME TO OUR KNOW REMEDY Tl ioat L gl5 Lher Dig a tn e Organs ]{ h OYA &c l a 'veil M Sc ofuhL the va iouR Slun D s asesl Hwno1'8 o.nd uJJ d soae.cB a. r1s ng fron l1npur tles of tJ c BlooQi "6 boldly etnte tho.t this great e ne<.1y has NE v ER BEEN EQU \I I ED \\th ere was the10 ev.:;r au ha cue as that 1n tlc /e'SOn of' V.llso1 Stouw of .Hrlg~ ton O ntar o., o Conalllll1 tio or t hil.t of Pete1 C \ 1\1: Uet of E nest.own Onta... lo of C su npbon or tl at of A nb "Oae " ood of Consooon 01 tttt" of D spepsut a1 d Livo1 Co 11 la t o that of John lloao} ot Nap inee Ontario or Rhe inat an vl o I act ally been o c tchee. for yca.n; 1n BI to of o.H t 'Cn.tment hei ctofore and s 1 ow well ti cores of 1:1 ch cases m1gl t l;e cnt oned hnd we f>l nee J,;;r Call a.t tJ e Dn g Store a nd get n Ch c liar o unq~est onable cert tlcates on t ho GREAT SHO !:3HONEES REMEDY a d as.tisfy yourselves 1'o of ti u e dcale1 s The Pump Shop !I.THE At presen t otkc l by ti @sulJH<J lier Poosess on gi e 1m ncdl lOOly tir Only bus ncsa of 1t e kind ln to vn plenty of c 1-1to - 1 Lre cl n. ce for u good! m1 r nl er E SIL>EU Bo vnuu 'illc ::\-[ LJI' 25 lR 1 DULY -TO - IINE A 'vo1 rn\ l oacon in \town so1ue\\he1e 1 w III! I!OitSE Pmn:n & I othet gn.vo not1ce a.t a prayer meeting F :oEIO)f M:N ~L\H SON B JIOSHI:-1 the otl er 1 1ght of a church meeting th it vas to be held 1m111ed1atoly a!tor and un conc1onsly adllcd 'Iho1 e is no obJcct1011 to the feinn.le brethern iemn1n1ng Tlus re 1nu <ls us of a clergytna.n -who told in }us ser1non S u1day of a. 'ery o.flectini:, scene whore thtite t a. dry tenr in t} oi l S' ION CJ. 13 18 0 Bricks ! Jh··cks ! ( Bo" manville Sept 5U H & H OHARA Ge ero.1 Agc1 ts { ONrJiiruo llANK e 1 ouse E ORSALE MACHINE MADEPIU·R JOIIN WlLSON orks S ED Wh tc Br cks n.t the Os1 a wa Tile Down anv Uc A. s 1 RANGF.R recently went into n. hotel m Hai tford for i bath and as 1 c dtd nut enHngc £10111 las retnc1nent for n.n h o n1 the 1n op11eto1 entered with fen.Ill of su1 c <le 111 his he \It to sec \vhat was the n1at tcr rho Stl \nge1 ha<l. on)y boon )V \Sh mg] is shirt nnd 'vas \vaiting for tt to First Prize Cnltn.tto1·s. <h'Y M01rn than forty years h ave elapsed lil 1cc Johnson s Anody1 o L1nunont ;;, AS first in' entcd dunng 1vh1ch time hln of a supc oi 1 lnd J SIMPnON lsoohnd l'DOM!'SON ESQ IHI EOTOl~ OF lllli: dreds of thousands have been benefitted co1 stn.ntJy on huud tor sale by its 1se Probably no article "'er be nf' All kinds of Blacks n U work do o oa Hie shortest 1 ut.. cc A call sol cited canie so l1n1verita.1ly popular with 11 claas 15-31tf I '\V.J.IIBTeOTT Down an ville es as Johnson s Anotl) ne Luument BUGGIES AND WAGONS RQY L CA'N \DI \N UAMK 'IOI ON1'0 l\.fa1cl 15tl lll'/O ft &II OHAnA - '\'m ft.Lowe,JJ AJ... L.D, J A Pn LS which contain 111 tunonj qu tune nnd ca.lon cl sho tld be rn 01dc<l n.a se\ ere gt 1pmg pains w011 ld l o then 01 ly l esul~ The isafest s ll est uul best p lls are 'Parsons Pu1 gative o l ~nh B1hou~P1lla ARRISr:rm AND AlIORNEY AT B "\V Solicitor Cl nn6cry a id 11 ool vcncy A &c &c i Ottlce on S lve1 Shoo onlOH,nle ll A,lt~E Bown1u. iville 6a \),)' 16 il 'lffE ARMS :J\i.i..Clll!(I!: nake9 the Shuttle 01 Lock Htitch a.llke ou botI s des ru d \V l 1ch will 1 ot RIP a d has n. full n id complete outtit witl out extro. cl argo Tlle .A.RMS MAOHINK will sow· fron\ the ftncat Jll.u1hood, How Lo!!!t, Dow rrHE SUPEltB NEW LAKE UPP Ji: Mushn to the I ea\; est Beaver cloU 1 thout cha.niie of either tension or stitch llesto1·ed Statn C·b n stenmo1 The .ARMS MACHJNJ!: J Cl er ha.a fl.Lt! and is o.l'Yi ays read}: to so" and nc er s ki pa o. stitcl or breaks a tluead,. 'JheAn:Msl\L\CHJ);E hasonls tone fonrU1 t:l\.tT~ ing t: n1ted States Rnd Gn.nad an M11ila ant tl-.e parts u il!S co structior that nre in otl er Pnce of &medy in L ge Prnt· $l li:xprces mach ncs It can the -cfo e bo o 1y ono four th CJ:r For Siile by all Dr t,"gists and })en.Jen in l\ 8 l uble to get out or ordtiL leavt8 Port Hope c11ery Mornino fer Zlsch.lstn Medic i e .A.geilts tor Bowman '11JQ Messrs -ii u.t9oeloek: onar1'lvn.l ofGrrlnd frunkllaU Tl 0 AilMJl l\!AOHINE "Will Hlarinboth!J.lU, D f'~tott \V holcsnle AgOUi.4.-'way !rains fro11 .ltfUilL and" e:oit Nailf.hop & tllfm&l ~GW986t]Q Jleturnino L«t'l:'Ui Port of Rooh.r.stt:r IChat Iott) ERINGE FELL <. every evc.n1ng tt.t Oo clock (except Sn.tur day11 'vben ehc leaves llt :lo c[ock: TUCK p M for Brig! toi I COBD Tl le. s. t11e f&vorite;su1runer ro ite fro i Toron BIND to to I-tochcatvr Albany &o 1'1 e chea.p~et and FRILL q ick:est route from points Kast of Port Hope on RAILVVAY the Grand rrunk: to Rocheeter Dtllralo &to QUILI The fo.vorito route to Avon and Clifton Sp1 I gM GA rnErt (and eow 01 t the 6Bl lC ltin e} be F EW HUNDRED LABOURERS PMSengers SJUl treigl t t&ko o&rs along a do sides all th&t an}"'other inacbme w 11 do et.ea ner at Itoeheatcr I.6ndlng ;vutlled .Apply to Ihe ARNS MACUINE runs light and rap d lll d Connecti-=i 1na. le at Cobourg ttnd Port Jiope J OHN I OW! El't Just the mnch1ne for ( ontrnctor with R<>Yal Linc Steamers t't-o t1 Hamilton J ll DU~rru E or t\ d Montrca.l Cl e( Engi Cet' The Nor11e1no.n \Vlll call at the Port of Darlino MIILI:SEHSrAil OHS ton every W:&DNJl:Sl.lA'Y MORNING should i3Uftlcl .Petotb o o October 26 18'71 2t Srr o.s DHKSSMAI,\1}._\l\1EUS e 1t freight offer Y ollowlees .t. Quick~ Agents Cul\:erw el a l\-fu1r G ude ru:i it \l 111 do all kinds of work ~ee the ma.cbille .AddrCBa l't C CAhTIER 37 tt Port llopo 0 n t before purchar.i t g and ytlu will so. ve money 8Jld Sen 111g lllachnu Cllallcn;-c great dcn.l or trouble and annoyru ce yourself s J;([J:NE & CO Ail ls 1 ot lost tho m conquerr.blo 'vi11 her carter FTER BEING ENGAGED FOUR P~st Otn~e Dox 4 586 Al l ourw.go never toJtubmtt or yield Send for c1 c llnre nnd Mtnr>lea or" e-rk Ol' call mon l A in tl e U1 tcU StatQS !)Clllng th· 11l'ld tjee tho maohJnes 'voikJng 1 o.!t uelellrated J..f1Wh1:nes~ r log ng ln price Crom Pay "I' and S:tvc '.l'rouble. Notice. $65 t-0 $100 I m 1 aatistled tnat n mngu and quali Mr.chlnea Fully 'Wa.n-antod. ty of v. ork the Lo<Jln::ann is not s irpassed b;r JC TODD any of U en o.nd I Jicreb) rcpQnt my clialle1 ge OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT LL PARTIES INDEBTED ro THE to Inst J oAr t.0 r n it ngn.Jnst OJ y ma.oh no or ftl!l Gen Agt No 7 : nos!Sln Hou!:IO Block Toronto I will 1 ot be re&ponBlblo for uns; debtis con dcrs gnel ate e< e~ted to pa~ ~ll bef1111c pdco rondo h 0 tu.1'10 SAMUEL SM.A.LL tractel by rny llOl WilUan Janie... S lloy ~ S & G HIQGThS tbe fir.!lt or Ii cbrua1y 1 ext a.1 l save Lro blc WII!LIA)( ~ULLE~ Lockn ru Agent tor R &. H 0 HAllA F l HOSKIN .ao,vw.~av1U~ July %~Ml li'll 6~tl .8owm&nvillc .r~n s 18 :3a If 1'1ll'lingtoR June lil li"71 H-tt Got lP i tho boot s t l an lo 11 c ~ nl le tCl s by U e subscriber rhe wh tent the rnveetet1t a l beat bread deli ~1e1 d 1 ly to cuatomers4 n all1wtaeiftleto.. 1» R () C :ET ES T Ji-; R. ALEX BLE:l'CllER iil&zw NORSEMAN, I PE TfR~H' &HAUBeRTnN A A N I

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