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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Apr 1872, p. 2

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Z7 I ... NEW I'IRE ENGINE ONE l a·h onab e Ma ltles J st re REMARKABLE SUCCES OE A C.'l ti co ved l rect f om Lou lo at McCI g ADI.AN INSTITU 110 N" 4 * ¥4 NEW SP ING GOODS - -A l - T r lhvelhn.;- U anted ' BAI TIN f ·P has l ece ved a cl O e g goods- I ch I e offer· at CON .iE r asonable ra.tea BATT I POPLINS JAPANESE SJI KS FIGURED a l PLA N LUSIHES PARASOLS MUSLINS L !\CE S S. PRIN lS GLOVbS & C nea ONTAINING 7 OR 8 ROO~iS AND he e 0 rcof CC e o Appy c N orE ~:IcCl l 0 Bro a new a lnounce neut TI e r stocl of new goods s s a.l -very large and attract vc eet g of l own Counc o 11on ght la t for ant of a q or m Tl o l\fay r a d Mr F a<c· ell were &bsent 01 ra l\'. ay bus nef:!s 81' T SM.. GRAND TIME !{ TRUNK RAILROAD TIJ\IE EXCEI. LENT Bo na lo Ap l 0 VAI... UE 4 1872 l ~BLE MON RE U. G RAST 8 35a I a,g enge E:cprcsH dxd 9v-Opm 1- 30p u 80 1 n Thursday Two weeks l I assed s nee the l'.l.asem bl t g of Par! Bn ent at Ottawa and very l ttle has been dono yet beyond the ans v;cr ng of several on!'I by members of the Goven1 nent :b-I o al nteas re:s foreshadowed n the Add ese few "" they were not yet ren.dy for preBentr.i.t o to the House o.nd "" a co lBeq ionco tho datl)' a1tt ngs goncrallr 1.. t b t ~1 I our or two Tl o Ua.b1 sesa: o s doubtless note occ p ed w th ploth g I ow to roba n office than in n a.t r ng r ea!luro~ for tho publ weal IT WNI n.n1 ounoed 1 Lo don paper· tha.t B amnrok had g von peron ptory not100 to the Fret oh Go or lD ant lh·t tho r ar ny must be reduced and war measures great ly curt~ led or a Germnn army would a d occupy opeedily enter l ranco aga it t l tl a »ar dobt ow ng Ger any obould be scttlod "' full Tl e statement 1.s den ed 1 owover-but t a 1 avertheloss bol ornd l y mat y b be correct of o townsmen"' ent north >ers yostcrlay lo atte d n '>Ubll meot ng of ti e ratepayers of Man ~ era at L fiord We 11 have sou etlung to say rofere c· t oroto noxt week AND s.t Jl tlte cry a: dwell n0 housos anted Not a place to be had at pres e b · d v tl tl e pros1 act of cons ler >ble ad l t o to the poi ufat on of the to 1nora 1 o so oo B ll will be ocd cd L·nd owners erect dwelh 1gs and you ' ll spee<l ly se ro tenaJ ts ti e elor BOVVMANVILLE MACHINE AND Ifi1PLEJYIENT MANUFACTURING M.A JF COMPAN"\' NU OT-0-RE THE F LLO WANTBD 1mn ediatelytwo Ma tie Ha ids and five M limo rs at McCl ng Bros WOODS SELF RAKE JU ~ ER Il UCKJ ~E MOWER HII LS PATKNT PLO\\ No 13 SCOTCII CANADIAN & O \NG PIOWS ~TRA'\\ CUT~ERS R00£tlo FIELD and'-'\.! DEN ROLLER~ FAN1'ING Mil LS Cl LT1'Af0RS HORSE !OWE! S WOOD w omnNG M CHl'rF !S OF .ALL K!:N DS S ~WING J\UILS SH!lW LE :\UL R HEADING M.>.CIDNES 4'LANERS Il ON LATHES DRTLLIN G MACHT1' ES lRONPJ ANERS &o & & WE KB EF to wn there need be no conflagra.t ons NO PEDLERS For Plows and other Small Implements BO iVM u; VILLE llfARKErs SOCIAL AND LECTURE On Mo d ) eve ng next a so nl be l eld 1 l the Ice\ lre roo n of t e \Vesley ru l\1ethod st 1 rel tl s t wn oo be Ap F r I er 100 fb Fall WI cat I er b s S1 ng Wneat Oats per bus Peas Ba ley Rye Potatoes B t Eg0 s '1 ol Dossed Hogs Cl er Seed Green pc s a d ew potato market.I at Savannah ~ 25th ~3 18 2 @ 3 25 120 @ 120 1 18@1 20 00 4a@ 4 But v1ll s 11 such art clea nt tl e 'Vorks for pr ces le~s than any shrucnt ca do "\'rl cl pays l[Lrge co nrr ss o s to raveller~ Farmers will tl efo e get Plo vs &c a.t the Ma.n u ctvry at a l ct on f om u sual Ir ces e al to vl a.t s i! ally p~ d ped lers A fe f rehab c Ag s are enga 0 ed g ord rs for Reapers )fo ers ~ Orders entru sted to then w l recer e I on pt attc t o ALJ 6l @ 60 IT 11 &nnouncod ti at the Ron ~lox Morns will succeed J 1dgo J ol eon as Lie it Governor of Man tob· 'I he change w U take pl~e a_, soon as Mr ~'.lorrrs 'ote can be spared n ti o Ho se at Otta va l{r 0 Connor momber for Esaex s n derstood t< bo the -eom ng na "" Mr Morr111 s cceasor 1 tl c Ottawa cabinet 'IOLENT sl ocks of cn.rt1 qut\ke cont ue m Cahforn a b t are not felt o ti e vest 58@ 60 60 @ 62 3o @ 40 fa@ 16 10 @ 12 3a@ 4o a 00 @5 25 "'on TC RNED OU l tN l!'IRST CLA<S s:ry LE AND 1\ARRANrED P Cole·au 500 @o 00 a TORONTO MARKEIS Fl r pcrbbl Wled Barie; Oats Peaf:I Ap~l 2oth $56o@858o 12@ 127 · - - - ···4--- Tl e catalogue alo o ( f tl o B t s Mus m cons sts of 1 200 pr ted voluml\s ern s1de of the Sierra Novad· runng In Mono Houaes wore thrown down on Fr doy last nt Round Y alley at Camp Tryoco tho oarth opened In n ·n) 1 lnco· but o I ves lost 11 'I E [311t Fe · Raid on tho i'tl n to ba front e coattheFede a.l ( o'fern nen about $90000 PtnL.lDELPl!I.6. haa ove 200 ground dnotod to parks thin liru t1 63@ 65 44 @ 70@ 45 73 Hay per to 1~00@9200 PARLIAMENTARY SUMMARY IMPORTANT ENLARGEMENT 0 1 Tl rsda) Mr Blake mtrodu ed ~ l'lCll elf 13 JI pro> drng for the hold g of ti e alee b 01 o f I OJ erty · s .qua ly d t ons on ono ~nd the ··ma d~y througho 1t od every man on u and .sess over $1 000 BUSINESS co e cel't &ga -tl ose "ho do ti e no· JUd co 1:1 ad r-ort sers TH· fa! n ti o \\ e ler oufferd se erly I y tl e sove are t't'I o tl ousand r g p ckers tl e N tt :v- York .streets aome of TI on THERE MONTREAL MAHKETS Apr l '>oth So 6 @$0 So 1 35 1 39! 33 @ 55@ 34 57 80 @ 20 @ lo @ 821t w nter A Ch n ese ewEpa.1 e ts two tho s d -volun e or g nal s bscr bo s StLVER JCWelry 11; la.rga extent o v au l s q te fash o n New York and Ph lalelp · bus ness uen of tl e tow thouBand dollars 1 3.VO already bee ·cnbed Th s opoalts well for tho est na t on n wl ch the Fnctory s I eld M ·n &. d o tl o town n. l urov .s becom ng a.1 c to the 1 ing pub! c ent ·rpr ses by therebJ as a m tter of cour a themsol es Tl e eaa ro of success atte d ng "'PP Mhnns for stock subscr pt ons len.ves ltttle ro n to do bt ti· the new bu ld g w1ll ahortly be procee lod w th a d tho ua a ger 18 a.t pre1:1ent prena ng pla.n nnd est mates for tl c s!'.l. ne It s propo3od to re move tl e I resent office Jin ·h ng and p holete mg depa tn onto and to ·d l a bu Id ng ono hu'ldred feet n len11th to the Aouth end of tho n a n struc re The present eng ne is of J.r v ng t} o extra sliafL ng and 1nery which will thu1' be re Ju rel an l roetn w 11 be afford eel for about o o 1 ndred add t onal hand· 'II s vr 11 add cons derable to the popula ho 1 of the town Tho nd<l1t onal nmo mt of stock req rred · 1 ot yet fully obta ed and wa ti orefore hopo ti at thoso wl o have not subwr bed and "ho aro abm I 11 plaeo th r na e on tl e &ntly able ·tock book for good rnund sun s Tl e Factory has for some y ea<e pa d ad Vldo1 d of to 1 per ce t to stock! oldero and may therefore be looked upO JJ. as a pay g Testmo lt for farmers a. d otl e s who a fow hundred dollars to place nt rnterest Subscr be now a d n d t > do 11 ug ti e bu· 1e·e of the Bowmam Ile Furmture F&etory Eng ~ th regard to Trades wh c I ave been said by higl ty to be lleg ,1 n this country In reJ ly to l\fr Y ung S r Ueorge E Cart er sa d t v \& not the intent o of the I On.tar10 Dl\ IDEND NO 30 THE FOUNDRY Attentto l · drrectod to the "dverlt·e meut n th l!I issue from the Bo"' manv1llc M""hme and Imp ement l\fanufacturrni Oompony Tl e prom ··· to bo one of the most n porta.nt nd str eiJ m th s 1 art of the country Tl o new co npany ore fit tmg p ti o r esto IBh ne t w th a doter m1natton to excel 1n therr bra ch of man uf&et 1r g and " 11 de; ote attent o to the constuct.1on of ma.elm es a. l l tools for wood "orking Clstabl 1 en ts of all k nd:rs be1 d~s the production of lead g agr c ll tural 1 uple nents Wl en anytl ng s wanted l t} e way of ues or mple me ts gne tie Bo· na.n ll Works a call LET IT RE RECORDED that snow fell to the depth of obout f r m hes n Bow nan ville on T esday laa April 9 3rd OPEN 'IEMPL· -Tho Te per~nce Hall w:is crowded o Fr day evewng la~t at the open neot ng of Bowmanv lle Temp e and " eo pie of hours were I appily spent w th 1peache11 ret\d gi; rec tat ona and a. go d ctalusc --- Im penal Govornn ont I ieply to ]\fr Yo ng Sr John A Macdonald sa d t "as ot the tent on of tro luce a y ge e al la s rhev m ght propos 1:)0 ne e ect snail a ne dment but they d1d not con te nplate alter og ti e l·wa so that elo o s n ea h prov nee nl o ld tak.e i Iace on tl e one day M Yo g ti en ga e not ce tl t I e woul l mt od ce a Bill to prov de for hol 1 eacl Prov CB o 1.hi sa- ne CRUJ<ollBUILDL'<G -B ldersw l pleaee note that Ten l0rs a e n.d vert sed for for the oroct on of a br ck ol r l at Enn s g atters wore p~ssod killon by the Methodtst Ep scopnl b dy On Fr day Mr MaG 11 10 1 ced 3 B lls I ave also been 1 sued for Tende · n ll to I corporoto tho Bank of Han to for tl · erect on of a br ck cl irch at Maple ) a ld M M lls to abol sl dual re1 rosenta Grov~ a sho1t distance est of th s tow ton SPRING FAIR - Tl 0 "est Du ha a l J{epo ts of the Deportment of l'ul I c will Worl s and Mil tta wern presented Darl ngto l Agr c 1t ral Soc et es Mr Hollo Ire" atte t on to the fact unite m hold ng a fa r for tl e oxl b t on of horses and bulls to take place on the thn.t a I ortiou of the flocu ne lbs r efer g dnll shed grounds I Bowman llo 01 to the V. us! u gton Treaty conforenoo h·d S r J ol n tued to Fr lay M>y 3rl The p zcs w 11 be not been prod ce I ake t appear ti at all I ad boon brought double in val e to tl ose g ve 1 l fon er yeal"l! ai d 1t is expected that some of the do vn whicl1 could be g ven n tho pub! c nterest but q est one by Messre Blake best horses n the Prov nee w l be on ex ·nd Macke lZ e brought rep! es from the bib tion Ammals to be on the gro nd by 1 o clock p n Port culars l l ills - Prem er wh oh made rt evident tl at somo 'fonaf lly " eot Durh&m ca boast of '" ne o the of the le·r ·tcl oe I ad bee kept back :finel!lt horses in the cou ltry 'Ve under A osolut on was earned appropr at ng eta d tha!J Mr Geo S Sl "" h:i.s been $45 000 per annum for !ho ~ears to de offered-b t refueed to accept three tli-01 s fray the oxpenses of the Geologiea.1 survey and d-0lwrs for tl o ho se I e bro ght w th of Can&dn h l fro n E1 gland last year Several A motion of S r F Hmcke to rola:x: to a sales of yo ng draft horses have take place recent y at high fig ras 'l11E lo go·t br lge ti e 1VO Id s ti e Te sos a d Mobile bndge at tl e c ty of 1\'Iob le It LS iifteon nu ea lon 0 crosses both r vera :vi ere tho e lt e draws It I S s pported o on cyl nd~rs d tJil nto ti e bod of morass and s prob·bly ti e longeiiit structure n t e vor 1 pre By ord ONTARIO Nencastle Woolen lJlann· thctur1ng CompanJ ANNUAL MEETING to heve a ~orthy oompet to for tie Mo mouth c p at Lo g Branch th s se·son no loss a one ti a tho Engl sh I orse Stir! mg who 1· ·· d fo bo the fa·test an ma! n the world Ho · to be sh pped from Engla.nd for the e:xprJss purpol!le 0£ e to ng Longfellow Mi H· per ow er of Long ellow of hs Boa.rd D FI~IlER Bow mtLD o .A.p 20 15 2 l Ca~h er Foi l!!iale a.nd near .he !a.c orr !Mljo ning Mr J P(m n s on the north tor pa.rt o ars enqu e on be p em see E BUR1'S 39 iin Bowmanv e A.p il 24 1872 H OO:sE A:ND QUARTEil ACRE OF Now as o 'Voo on ],!actunng Co tor the E ect on of Dl.l'ecto e for tho onsui11g yoa.r a.nd ot e bus ness w be held in thatr Fe.ctory Ne'"' castle on M 0ND.A Y tbe SIXrD day fif MAY uoxt a hsho oflOocock "m 38 3in 1' W AP 'ER Seo. rrHE ANNUAI MEETING OF THE Boa:TON s properly 1 o r1fied over the ory of & Pur tan ot the Pu tans wl o has JUSt nade her vay l om~ After twen y years ex le ar d suffo g Wl en 18 years of a.go ~he ma.rr ed &! onary and set sa l w t h m for H ndo.sta-n The vessel ~ W'tnted Im media tel), A. Chemical Food an(l Nn· t11tn c Tonic "'.\ B - "e " e to the follow ng cert cote SP N lIELD ggl J HJ< C: NBOTH.AM ~ge Bowuw. Sllo ~ l te: FOR 6-35: ec s !\IE ll11 c k CoUagt ON "ELI INCIT cu o. ~ .Fo p n ,f?.tV us PRO VE M. ln~oh eaat A.ct of" 1864, AND \ME1' :VIE'l S 1111 RETO · .,.. tra.1n to To onto #lx>ln t<r\1"1··

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