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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 May 1872, p. 1

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~~~~ ~!!*!.1! :.u. · 1 !1 ·" iF~c ~ 1 mth! t t ~taresnum S nt d P. d_ i> Ubh1:1h61 lEve;·l} Ii hiar!§d ny Nii:o11ung, Uy- the Propdeto1 \ \T l\J:. Jc:?, o~ J;:IN(} CLI~fl a t tl e E, I a ~i!.JE - Post Oflice JJiock STRE ET DOWMANVlLLE ONT VOL. XVII. BOWMANVILLE, 0 NTe, r-rHURSDAY~ MAY 2, 1812. FACT Ij - -+- I - -- - - . - - - -- N0.39o appe Lred n.s fast as aho could cook tl e1n ha.cllt hot for a Yhile Riley talked strong valk1n by JU) 1nothe1 s ~ d e ~1 d T Is it las·es1 he mquu e l 01ig01ly a1 d Joo backed I ur 1v-1th his queer. crci.zJ aoothed rig! t do n All the d re.d1 ii talk By and by · ·ys Brig 0 s '!'ho nm noises tl ~... p este1ed 1e so s'"oppod :ind I peel:! ng into the syr 1p cup fOUl O liNAU I ll Y FO ll YOUUSEJ,VES! Yes said Gr 1ce and she poured a ister l on our side No he un t says wor trig! t to swep l!ko a bat J A.nd onco THE CROSS OF GOLD bo J 1faful supply upon Im plate Joe ts puck as 1 ghtn1n I t ell you ha ' hou I r o 1sed lp ill the nnd l le of U1e HOSE WHO HAVE TRIED IT ARE CONVINCED THATS F HIJ,1 Oh my and lua greedy eyes told the l.8 says Briggs If he an1 t '\Yhy don t mght ·ll of a tremble beuauso I ti ought BX" MAUD sells i10 Goods s Low or Lower than nny one else in 'I own IEir A large rest of tho story yo l ha\ e ]us 11an o -at the head of j our tl (so c1itte1s \Vel e b;icl g l\ JJ.l t11ere lUot h She kissed the croso of go l stock of Cloths D css Good· stnp·d ohockod and plam Shawls Blankets foncns \Vhen he had ca.ton till ho co ld eat no papei: 7 You cant get hnn to sign that 01 sat r ock:in a ~ :1J kn1tt1n her stockin Thn.t 1 I ur wh to han l h\l Winceys Flannels Knitted Goods HoStery Glove· and :'Irnnnung· nil bought j pledge The n1 tuste1 a a la1ned in \ll f3 iys 11.lld smgm Me~i .And 1 reaLhod a. prayet tl at ho J ~l t. coma 1nore Grn.ce pursued he1 inquiries She oung it all u ght ·peornl line of Clan Tmtans 60poroent before the !rite rlvonce rn pnees 'fo 1 er eor t vii gbt irri.y Why do you want to see the iun 1s Bnggs and he s looke<l mto the su bJect ~nu1 tho devil huni.olf. couldn t stand th it lower than last \ears ter1 she askecl sc1ent1fically nn l J:i.e s fou1 d out that th~ tuno a..n I ho left ~ne in peaco Poor old lbntlittlc] I tyc oss: ofgold Ho "Placed within het hs. d Pa sends hu; teApects and he a sick Bible goes square aga.rnst teetotahs1n '" 1uothet she 15 laid a\vake tu n1y ~ night \Vhon o er the tossmg "\\aves Io 'vent and w ~nts the imnLHWr should con1e Well y-0ung R ley he never sMd a and erred vth 11 I 'V'Llfi dow:1 to thQ t1vurn To seek o.nothor land see kitn word 0;1 d I tho1 ght ho lookod mthcr di:mKlll ld <;arO'lJ,Slll A teur dro1 peel froiu he } azol C} c I lv1ll toll n1n1 said Grace l.nd tl10 down in the mouth but Crazy Joa took r J oh11 John said tl e lv1fcsl e s A1dilmmed tagolde1l e Gents' Suits Made to Order, by the Best Workmen m Town \ is1tor de1 arted 111 a inore leg1t1n1at0 'v i.y UJ for you an and they wa.s a slml looking do vn £i 0111 l cal en this 1n nute The JOY of love fl shei o her cheelcflliil'" warranted fio fit and no~ come to ptece· ""iii Ho prolllJaed to be true than I er tered Dan g1v1ug rt ]us pr1vate der111 you that yo t was a kllld inan and w utu g to see 'vhat .} ou ll d0 an cl she ll opuuou th!'\t Ins head Vi as no longer the 'good 1nan and trjin to sa\e so 1ls fro n s ng lo ldt:!r tha she ove1 befo1 u n. ld 'l'l1e Best Black ancl Green 'l'e:u1 in l'c11vn, at $1.00 rho light \\as fad ng fl om I ho e st TJ e setting snn g cw red biggest I u t r !um and th ,t ' ) oke of destruction 1n l \as it hkely you d be in get n.11 the u1gel.s to h elp h e1 lv11on y on 'l'he Befit :JO cent ·rea 1n ·ro,vn. lh.e crnneo flu·h died on hor cl eek oxen couldn t pull !um thro1 gh that 1 ()]o f;:nor of what tarne.d OIU into ] oJl b) l ut your name to that pape1 (tJ- Butter Eggs Mitton· Soolcs and Yarn taken·· C··h for Goods .And !Qft pule w th dread thousands? n l is present c0 1druon '\\ell well n obho oho will ho .,1d Sl o raise\ her da1k eyes sadly p Oct 4 1871 1 rcy must 10 m1sc1cbly p 01 father Well I oat 'nd hotenecl awhile ' <l Docto1 shall I do it 1 l'hey met 1 er Jovors face Grace· <td ~hon she re101Led the child· then says I 1nore for the sake of s ee1u Upon h s arni. a roung g rl lea c l l)y all 111eans a LL i tl ::i 1 stc1 I coe:tl:,. b dal lace err md ] ho boy ate like one famlil\1od ·wha.t 'vonld co1no of it tha.n 1nytlunp; else a1 d may y.0ut n1othe1 B G ] l elp :; o i to aud lns clotherao ,-;ere tlun and old 1 ll teJJ JOU I ·t Ill clo Itiley sa;ys I keep t he'\ "" Iler fs.ce '\-\as lnnoccut an l f3 r "Yo l mnst go to H1n1 n y Iler bl 113 eyes full of I gl t 1' cs and tl 1>! fa=ly nught be m as 1f you 11 get Dr \'i illoughhy s n une at the friend l:'.ou lvill find ) Our ou:n strength AT THE T1 JOY of lo\e smile<l on her 111 9 comfo1tnble cucurustanccs as 1ny n1ecl ~n head of th 1t paper j o i sl 111 havo 1111ne perfect we ikr ees in tl e ltour of t11 il In " tel g beauty b1 ght ic s u1 to' 1 ho replie 1 D :1;\ s ts a next Doyoumeau1t1 Sn.jslie Yes Cast yon1"6eh p ou tI10 heart of love that False fn.J8e U e dark oyes fl.a.el ed :v1tl l1rc can earn llfl t venty I do good work1nan a.nd says I I declare I do ancl I mu t tha.t "ill I ity yo11 Tho throbb n g he..'\rt· e" cold § G \,V d,~~ei , I',. Jl'). §., d n woek v.:hon he lS sobe1 U t I the n1an to go b on JU.} '~ ord 1 e1tht'H' And tighter in hor han l she clai:i1e1 ,\,iid yo ill go with me D octor 1 n · O UH CJ.EON D E NI [S l OFFICE 'II c tiny cross ot gold de1stand he has uot done a da,y s \~ork for You aa.fe enough says B11ggs kind gorng to be a hare! pull They Jt all tint 0 0 e F f' J\1o \ t i rs st.ore K ng. S treet, SUBSCRIBER HA.'VING RECEIVED HIS n ow le leet h e xtra ctc l Ca 2» c e ts a. 1nonth of sneer1n hke The munster Vi?U t me with f.'1' in up 111y principles n.nd sign .J..nd atnnding Jn the t v-ihgl t g1ay on-ch So cnJ.mly hy: her a de Ho has been sick tho boy said sign he s been tried befoi::e 1 QW By Lh1s m <way my liberty and all that and I He sa vr the cross of &'Old. and knew Yes dear from the ofr ets of time C1 ey Joo "i as all n1 a. t'v1tter au1't ihe man I wast stand against it S,hc d been his p om eed brldc dr1nk1ng Ho is wearn1g out nu iron co 1 I 11 go to Im 1 aays l e l ll tell hmi hos Drink I as taken nil t he grit o it vf me I SUirED TO TIIJl: PRESEN'l: SEASON The tv;lllght deepened u1to uiabt st1tntion by tins ·vii habit I am gbd he ·w anted 1n the front ranks I 11 LSk hon ha.' en t any more heart than a baby B 1t Tho twit kiln· stars wcr·ful ha.:s sent for int Ifc has g1v'cn mo nu to reach out h1s hand nnd sa.vo as l 11 from Dr \V1llougl by yo nre n. good IJ in and Gllttc1h gin the e:hadowv sky I:NVIrES THE INSPEC'l!:eS OF THE PUBLIC Lik:ejei:\:els iich and rare opportumty to deal faithfullJ with hun g 1n do 1-.n t°' and so on You a strong N obc cly can 1nake 1 e d against In these day· of puffing and unpooture l>o think. 1t needle· to 1&y that he ··ll· which I shall not \Je ·low to impro' e .A. pale fA.Ce w tul 00 th· nstn1tmo u kno \ how Joe tall s ~nd u.iI he ' ent yo 1 '\.1Hit :you sty is res1 ectable 11-s re iso:ods CHEAPER and of bitltter "aluo any other mlJ'\ ht theao Co ntlee: all ha Mk811J that ' ' lth dark: ey~111 strBJ sely br ght, ' Don t be too hard on hnn Doctor u tending pu1cb1umrs R'l"~ 1 hr a call. a:ad tor 'themtelTOi utia:fted th·t th· :result will be Well we waited a ~,pell and by and by he ·pectable ancl wJ1at you do everybodi 1 rntua.lly profitable 1.nd The slender hands were clasped hi prnye.r said M1s 'Willoughby I am su1e he Cf\.JUO back walk1 1 in .slo v 'vit] his e) es el.a.., ni.n.v do No or JUSt go '\\1th u e Doc To God who ruleR then 111 t J U D. P S -A.n unm ·lied .tock of Iablo llin·n D·masn PWCh""'"d before the re<ent n1ust be nuserable enough 1) ing the1 c so on the ground What d cl he say Joel tor Let me say wh en they run 1ne, And \Vhen they found h·r in tho morn ru~e in p1100i and poor without be'u<=> lectured sick says Bn.ggs Pa.roun ~ r1lou;;ihby is in rhere S the !llLOUlter - ho Used to }w,vc Tho tired hen rt was coh1 l'oor felloll' perhaps he 111 tcmptocl be) one! lns study caid .Toe W .-ll wont I e step lu· 0hJect10ns agamst tho })lodge bt t I cs .A..l d cl \sped Jtl l a fin.iii'us whJte That tiny cross of gold h!S strength and cant help dr nkmg Bown anvtlle Oot ~ lifl out to sa\e J. soul fro1u gou1 down to hell? s1guec1 it nolv His 1 ams s nght a longs1do 1 here speaks the sickly sentin1-0ntnhsm says l3r q1 ot n Joe s o vn '\voids 'Vith hon.rt~ thn.t throbbed , lth bittet gr ef of uune ' ' her~ I strn d he standa I U Tho i ~ d her lown t.1eat Why of tho dav said Dr \\ilia 1ghb) Parson W illoughby s m Ins study say· be pro td to say that Doctm 11 ho sme Tbe golden crOliJs 1lhey 90ftly placed not call tlnng.s by then names my Joe an l not a otl er \'for 1 1 ould I e say I a. 1 11ght and I IT vo ahead RenwwiJ Upon l er pulaelcaa breast dear? You do not speaU of the profl ,.ate or I m mw kin a lo ig story ol it said the H l~J lD I~ l.S P.El\10\ ED IF,; [ TO B1 CON TlN U ~V j The) ilov rod fron1 tho brig I t yo 1 g hea.t1 r es e n o to 1 e l o isc lately occup e<l b} the 1nurderer as a poor fc lo'" He 1S a sick roan pausing to rt:st a ino1nent but One shining cud of Dr CrowJe n W lli g lou Sb. eel t1u1gery at -----~----sinner ackuowledged to be such \l d I 11 1n( 1>;t thro g] air I gave that I rom v Im 1 lll::l!Je ce S l vc Stree! Office }c J:! rhe1 sadly cloacd tJ1e '\'i"OU lerot 8 ~J ei:r FIDGETY NURSES roin l l fl u t o 8)) n lti 4tf And left her sleep lS' there everywhe1e in the B1blo tho drunkard HI ise to young R1ley -without Hunkin 111ut:h Becchdo.J.o \Dt I 1879 It is 1hnost bctte1 for a Bh;!i.. per on to cla$sed w1th these Fron the time "When about 1t but Doctor 1t o bcl;Jn on 1ny A.s there 1s a great deal of n11srepresentat10n regard mg the undor tl a law of l\foses he "as to be nund over snice She says I talked about be '\ ithout au i:i..urso ab tll tha.n to ha\ e in merits of the diffei ent sewmg machJne11, and may persons sfoncd \\ ith stones till ho died to ti e it ·when I was tl e craziest !\s I said be tlH roon1 o. fusay :fidgGty one v. ho g vos t u Ol dA) when CI nst declared that from with foro I n:1n t in man to go back on 1ny 'fvord the poor 1nvahd tho feelrng of hvrng 111 tile have been rmsled by these untruthful statements, we give be L1sga1 s will I io v be \h o 'IHE REV DR WILLOUGHBY, u1 ou Xof tlie heart of man proceed rna.ny Dr Willoughby if Jou 11 sign the total ab midst of the "lurl vn 1 Thnt it _pro coeds r ght llHlll i l the r1a hJ. I lace vile hnfots 'h ch defile tho man drunk stinence pledge I "ill and the Lord fro1n the uervo suess and a11x1ety of affec low the names of a few of those tested the "vV anzer AND ennes u1 1.IBt 1nctly declared to be a sm and h !om me I II keep 1t to the da\ of !1 y t1011 is no con fott Uld .indoed is often LEGAL I UlOL GX So l c idea () t th M,.clnne and "ho afterwa1 ds exch1U1ged them with us for the H: I 8 vv I N E 01 ly rt.11 n0 grata !Oil. for the frosJi \f'Ol'IJ I have n.) patience with the nus:taken I ity delth t rntology of the legal fo BY Ml.lty SPRING WALKER that speaks of the drnnkard a.s unfortu th at the f ooi: It; 1 ~a is syr.e to tltro\v h.01 Lockman Osborn, or Raymond-some of them paymg us er od fron1 tl follo1vH 6 solf into Ja a check iq on tnc ex.prcss1on of na.te ai:; iuo10 Inned against than a111 LIJ. if a n1 1n ir shes to f<':n·civell,lllcGce &Rutledge, ovei $20 to exchange u1 e::unnc~.s ar a dd1bon al ilh eas \h ch 1s 1ung He IS il s111ner - a great s111uer in U RTR I Eli s '\.TIORNEYS SOL! oft9n \ rehcf Heal affection nu1ted t\ 1th th r- :nght of G tl ......-andlni:J onlJ remcly CITOR :-; n.11d Notnr r P bl c MRl:I 0 G HANNING Bowmanvillo is u1 tbe g1aco t.n l po\vor of the Gospel co11 non cu ae \ 111 pr o l 1ce the steady r } , A ltl>1' llLL J L B._ R llluGE:f B A HON J SIMPSON Bo" ro&nulle JI.ME S Hl l LF.vGE B A cahn d c m a.110 lnch 18 .,uclt i.. r e::it and Dca.t iue Doctor I anl at re I chd n t W G FISHER do PERRY D do 00'ii iOr-:; O ct "\\ m Mol\:I 1r rJ s J> v Goods con1fort to those "ho have to atrugg]c with mean to Sn.J he 1sr t n. s111 ior only I felt St ~eco l uu vc t of tJ c 1:-'ost Oificc n t sta ll : :; do THOS JOHNSTON do WE TILLEY \SC11y fo1 Ju 1 the ner';:ollsneBs a1 d rrrit ability incidontal to o:tc :tll cn a L u! .I:' vtJ<:J do do WM EDWARDS JOHN McOLUNG ~u hon tc1 Dr '\\: illou0 hbj l 1s ]l);i;ud SBa..n-t, l n1] Sa,) s t] c Oalifo 'n: {lo Fa .., II s1c.K gold hE:aded cane ano.. ,va.lkcd tlo\vn the MR LUMMIS, Cartwright RICHARD ~H \ W Darlington l~IR rE R \ ND AIIOlrnEY Al roo111 18 J rodt ct ve of nore c l tha1 dis str<!'et to J ohuDa.vissl ome A n iserable B AR I A \V Sol CJto n CJ t\.l cc1y I l Iusolvcnoy J P LOVEKIN Olarl<e R. T WILKINSON Newc&1tle t 1ess to tJ e invll.hd lhe f 1ssy e:.'l.s1ly L0 t L :\ l.IJTI lLI Cd ( 0 Wl Co nvcv i c'" ~ot.u y S I L or f 0 o 0 ltt\rl ho1ne it ~as :i.nd a.poor 'vreck of nianhood Ban &c l u t 1101 0 t do E BEMAN Jl,.io oy to l a.:: a.u d I l s for Salt:i clo mis HILLAM who froJu his bed lifted a. haggard uii upun t he 81Ck ma.n s h1nds "J11ch she t ed nurso w1ll be q n tc over vhelined 1 y tJ e 1nght of 1 fn.1ntn g fit o tho burstn g shaven face and stretched out a gaunt l eld f st n hert:o J BELL\\OOD do MR BARFOOT do She a Jn s t ,.,...1ld ove'l it D ocfa:n said a.freah of o. v e 111 aft er bleeding sh e vill ah i.Jnng hn.nd to welcome the 2n1n1ster s1 l pl es t rcn ed1es L or I e too MISS HAMBLY, Fort D&rhngron S BORLAND Orono .Toh l D avrn She tl mks f sl e once gets forget tl It s km 1 of yo i to co e sir s1 d I J..::u d or nn/ e soever i o th e co1 t ...ary I i nc1 vous a.r.d too fau1t to 11 ply thc111 p1 0 my 11::i1ne on tl : 1 -t papet it will ba all tro ibled) o i ifl could ha' o wouldn t have C W SMITH Darlington anywise no.t 1 t hstar d;u g A LOOh.HARr Clarke perly ahe 1s a.I i1) is. i 1 dn.J ger of nustal n ght cra,vled to your l1 uor IHOM \S McOLUNG Boninam1lle STEPHEN OJ,EMENOE,DarlingtM, d1c111 s . . . nd so1netimes p;1ves JL lotion IJ e U1 1 ted :S tate 1=-Ie BI oke 11 n tone of &pology b lt his u g 1n G l came chec full,1 D&\ 18 said the eJcs ga.thcted 1no1s Lu1 e as he 'nt internally and carefully i bf! on a tonic or Ordnance Select Co 1 m 1tt ee rece itly nalle hollo WILLIAM CLEMENCE, do <lo M D WILLIAMS Doctor bu t I 1m sorry to find you so a Hooth1 g drat gl1t Jt is no ex \.ggerat1on ri.n cx1e111 l t in fi.111 g 1 no 11ta1 i J.1 w· nesscd 1 rn 'v1fe s en1ot101 feeble -Yo i 1 'e been very sick REv H BO'iLE do MATTHJ>W COLE, Tyrone to aa.y that far inore emffer1ng and e'en itzer stra;ipecl on the b ·ck of ' mule I he It '\v1ll Oh it 'vlll she sa.1d eagerly I c:une as nea1 e:o1n, ha rcphed u1 mule tlu~ loaded g1 n tl e co,u :uu1ttcc ll\J. RR LOSCOWE do JOHN BURN, Mannn Tl s good man" ill s IP! 01 t yon and my loas of lire hag heen cauaed b) \V"ant of hlB \vea.k hollo\'i '\ 01ce., as over a mn.n several b1g 1v1gs a.ttra.ct ud b:v t i no.' composure a.nU presence of nund in u Enck MRS BROOK, do A.nci A wreat mtny &thono did The doctor says I 11 never pull thto God will give y n strongth John t >keep room than by neghgenr,a eltj'. of the expemneat ' CI to the ti al it '-"t .Jolln II llintoslrn,.;on. i-iuch n.nother spell gronnU to Wl ness the .firll g r ho )ll Ilc Intend mg pm chasers, can enqun e of ·ny of the above, re I am yon are both pnttn~ t oo SO LI CJ God IS good to you, Davis m giving was backed up m to p s t;o11 so ·hat tl1e THE SINGING CURE yon one m oro cha.nee to r~:pent snul thQ' in ich trust in a inere h 1 n in msti umental 1uuzzle of the gun I 01nt n g o:i.: er l 1s t 1 lp stru.r51 gardmg the merits ofthe11e machmes 1ty said the nnn1~te1 The pledge 1s m1111ster Yon feel tlus I hope These We can 1n11g a\ ay our$ crJ,i:ner t h n.1 wa s a1mcd at n.n en.r th en 11 o l lU. J!c repeated v; arn1ngs cannot be in' n.11 You .,. ery good 111 its w'a y a.n i a. 1sAful ~u 11 we can rcas n then1 away The bn ls a c co1nnuttee deol 1 e l t f re it b ,n;ie ~ o+' ha>e made re,olutrn o, I trust on this Jar) It is a help to m"ny - no doubt Wlll the earliest to s g in the inouung the a slow natch t\nd Jt was ,Prepared ..... l Jlow mam 1lle, Octobor Otl1, 1871 s1ck be<l -v-. h1ch so ne l.r being your be to you but yon m lBt be caref 11 not to b1rcls are H )re '"1thont tha.n n.nyt 111 ~ 1 ghte ! Hitherto tl e m 1l e had tn bed of death,- that yo 1wul1 ever date to give it tud1c 11om111ence I t is not Jn else l .know of S 1 g lg l the e ve nn g t a.l 1er u. sleepy ntcrest n ltl o 1 r occed l.l:»:s soc1et1es or 1 ledges 01 1n ap y e x.te;r1 a.l Smgu g is the Inst thrng th·t 1ohms do Sot ch ow th fi.zz1 g of no match t 1 break 1 1na.clunory that tho hope of yo ir < te 1 cs "be they have flo .ii thou l '"t Jhght ai cl 118 bav.=c ca1se l u 1 t011H. J U J l sc He t nstecl tl o bedclothes with lu· oony J ohu D.-. v .w You in go back of ,n pick e d up their Inet n1orsel of :food n.nd thou t o lay back and fi ©ll y to tur fmgers LL YOU "iHO NEED SHOEING these If 1ntem1 crn. ice \vere 1ne1ely n, bad clenne l then btllg on 11napl 1 of a buu l oon1ealongand 1:et B&l'l(8.1ns tor Jt ia ac around 'l 1 "' cu ;on th~o 'iY a s n l 1o 0 It r lnlrcs a 1nan feel ac lemn hko he kno le lged by thoso oC exl)er ene· tl 4t social usage 01 a c stun of 111 2nnn11e1"S or then on top tw1glthev sleep one song of str c K n.nd slredr. 1 llc l in a l d1rcct1or IS NOW TR~ Mid to stand as I 'e done for a 11 eek a.nyt1ung not d1rcctl) connected 'vrth dnty I'bis is tile Plc1cc to Uny Boots pr n.1se I know thP-r su 0 s veo te1 for 1t the Sccrotaiy ti rew h nsclf ll I o 1 l a f' p ist, loo1nn de 1th right m the eye An l an<l Slloes--Nonc Better. liEilllNG M!l.OJIINE to <~od., :those volu:nt:.<try hu uu1 agencies I calcufale to do different Doctor when I might be suffi.Cle: t 'for J.ts control 1111d per Ihoy <lrerun n us1c fur so r e n1es in the 'Ihe1 e i\ tt.s n1on1cnt of a.bOHIZ IJ. 0 s 1snc e We a :-o ow manuCach ring trom tho best rna.ter al Boot!> QC any desired pa.ttern Ano war n1ght they b1oa.k fortJ in s1ng1ng and stop - thon bang tho ~ho t 1vc11t r ~c qchctt g IN THE DOMINION OF OAli.ADA get round aga n anU you see thn.t s why I haps its extir1 atto1 but it 'r ranted to ftt or no salo . n n vr l\'Iy suddenly after the fo st note startled by § Ch e sh l! field, rhe STibSCl'lber feels gl'R.tetul for thOYIOt'Y libern.'" ay in one hrcctio11 while th.e ' r e cl c wanted to talk inth you for Ive been al pa.trao.nge he ha.a had !or Ille 11'8t flft.een yea.?8 dcmr friend y our only snfhc1cnt remedy is tHen o vn voice HIS PROUD P06ITIO?i IT HAS 0 that we nugl t sing mule turned a. co~:nplcte ao ~nera a lt I ~ U Od ONB E 1 t FOR BOWMAN and :vould l!!Ol cit a oontinu&JJ.Ce of publlo pat.ran think111 ·nd my wifes been beggm of me atwned throu·h ltti inhoroot good quallties that d1v1n e 01 P. wl11cl1 alone cn.n conq icr VII L E an l Darill gto Iles dence Queen Theao qualities are slro.Dlielty clox&blUty elc,.. to sign tho pledge ...nd quit dr1nk1n and the sm of yom evil 1rnturc I prny God C\ cr11ng nnd tneirn1ng md let sox g t o ch other Street Or ler.s pn ct n. 1 1 :i. t() led to Charges ~'\_e would beg to ff&Y to n.11 who :Indebted to ganoe ad&pt.ablUtf beeidmi a soorc mor eof.,qua mo e1th~r by&unt they ote Pr book rtmootoua tfodei 13 Fm-lull PartfOul&ni addrCB8 to tt c I told her tlus mornm says I J en1ne to n1ako you a Chr1st1an n.nd then y n 'v1ll SO'l0 all 'the way through come tt'J the scratch. tlt.t.:t fall. Put experlODee has fqlport.&1'~.(11 THE folio Vlll !-:: JS a f1ct A -0101 cal ge1!a.cturen: taught me steen a.r9 'Qlncl). e6·ier brokt'nl in A~ I w·:'l1:1 retu1 n ng f:ron1 the c un ry I 11 talk it over with the minister and get be sl\fo indeed tle1nan I ex \Jn 1 g t Sund a.) s 1 oo 1 WILSON BOW.MAN & Co v;;l en ym1ng-lt a.llowed to run until folll' or '.![ lmn~.ts §Con house the othor eve111ng bClt ¥ee l s1x n.nd seven h u; nund vn the sub Jf ct I in f1 co to ow·n old t s considcrod a bre&k-nook: a~ ~t.hlow Ua.mllton Ontario Oh Doctor W illoughby said the ufe o clock bearing a bn.5kat of flo ve1s I 1net asked tho class bcfoie In 1f any of ti oiu UOFOl'i EER APPR!i.ISER AND all tJ t1.t are in arreAtiJ: n.nd all a.c.counte duo a n k 13 0 HAR.A. Doctor that I ha' en t done as I O< ght to n LI o t th Apostle P ctm A General Ago t Darli gtou Cent re Su.lcs fa. l wil be expeeted to pay8u1i3 BRADSHA \V' .A.gen.ta ror Durham and Victoria. he d got rchg1on lo 1g ~go a n an ' l o was ap1 ~lltiy the tond er of n. could tell I o n ly a tten dCd to of lute years I ha' en t been to chnrch c 1 0 orly httlo girl 1 rnaed h r hand n1u I to t he nov; n nnville Oct U!'71 1! ly if it hadn t been for dnnk In the Jru;t mason He looked brick and 11101 tar fl..Jl grat1ficn.hon of the ex:l. rnnor with 1ny wife thnug:h I promised my old Ill, D. Foley, mother on I er death bed th tt I would revival whon so m UlJ wc10 brout'lht in over Ile had worked t11c entire day 1. d Co111e u1 I e e ITI) good h L ti o g l I I no v had tho n.ppe:ua.1 cc of a n1an thn.t we ul 1 I CEN&ED AUCTIONELR FOR but I lu,\ e a. gt eat iespcct fo1 you Sll' and he was wonderfully ~ole1nn 1 zed sud he I an l::td yo l i l c nl c 1 ye r 0 be To v B It of Darlington ~ales prom1 t,.. I wrint.c<l to consult ' it..h yo i tt tnilnu the sp1r1t was i:itrn. 1ng \\ itli lum thoug1i not be a:f1 d to 'vo1k He HLS ' aJku 0 l y ~ll e 1 to 0 a. g m; oae ate J. !fl. be, I,. D. he fought ha.Id agall1st d I t11e l to get 011 with n hght step n.nd smg1ng t lnm ll blo leosm s so wo 1 N o 1 tell tho cLI e this 11uportant step and so I m>de bold to HESE M.lRK!l ..lRE THE CHEAP UltGEON DENTIST SUPERIOR hun to aon1e of the 111~et1ngs Ono spell I sol.; as ho pa.see l do-wn the gl1c e t though boys :in d girls vl it yo 1 know· f St Pc aend n J' bo) round !or j ou ltST "the nJ.<Wlt l&et~ the le&st tro1Jblosomo ( old Fillings lneertod Tetitf\ extro.etcd tor a.nd most comule.te ever invontcd They thougl t I ~hould but I o took to drn k n he had been l\TOr k111g tho wholo veek for 25 eonts each .An excellent Tooth Powder 'Y JU did perfoctly right D vrn Let used and rcccommouded by n o.ny or tho best ThohtLlti g Lrl'fv isq 1 0 1 lh 0 i lco fo salo Offic~ n McClung s block ha1de1 than ever and <lro\ ned 1llh1s cou 'Wero it llJtthat my gooil tho 1 Breedere: In the United 8t6tOli and Canad,,. euch rue know how· I can lit.!lp yuu ghts olways n J l as G Il Lorllljl" Sll.lcm, Ma.As Proe dont New mr 1f he l rug:ncd the come to I sl oul 1 h l v gn en huu n. EDifl&nd Wool Gro...,cra Soolet.y Jobn 8 Ro2e Vt P-11 yo M e sir I t iu o ulco.:r vict1ons 01 Her neDln Ill,_ Profooaor M Ml1cst of tl fl State in n y nund about the t ( L1.l abat1ncr ce pledge h d boon a.chr1shaulongn 0 0 laigc ·IJo·ment <f my fio" 01s If he ha l Agricultural \.iOJleae L.nstna" Mien Ron Geo HrownA Toronto Ont John Snoll Ed l onton His folks a.11 profcsso1s and it tht:re not been o t of s ght ' lien tJ c i leri. oc I ' Il ere h.:..s one an l anotl er bee1 pledge Ont. un eR-OhMarkia ate.mped the owner e n&n e wa,s .&. godly 'vom \U 1 is ino ther was on.o " d the 11:hccv s 1 unfher They '\Ii ill 1~ slutfrcc to me n.long l asku1 me to J01n b 1t c111red to r c l s lotil<l ha.\ e hailed lwn R Peai e 'Jl.dlor. p 11]1 1 by or e.xpre~B for onltt four cents tach nn<1 Bob I bluffed em off fm ·ays I I amt" gorn Y n ler s } er Bible and s~1.1d .__ will !&et for TWK.NTY Yi:.l~S ~~ bN I LE MEN S A ND BOYS GAR ln n. r oar U:?.illNJS m rt lo to a CMh mn.,t accompany all ordera: ~he sick roan s eyes folio ;ved th hrcc to sign away my hborty If I want to stop "IrH HORSE J?OWER & J ~TilE l:Iave you ' ork,ed all day l }; F, \ VJ3 S IYilS ARCHIBALD 1'0tn>G Jn. A ViITNESs l>e111g intr.1rogtt le l Do n v 110 .!: eb 19 186t:i At prc"'<>,nt" orked by th0eubscnber Posseeslon dri11k1n I c 1.n do it vithont puttrn my t1011 of her lumd 30tf Of co 1rse I Juno ho " oulo havo Sarn n Ont iz: en i n1 oil n.tely ~ Only bu&ness of tl 9 whctl er tl lccendaut in t i c cru:1 c i:: 0ri1Cl"$ Mdrese:ed to thnCA»ADllN STATESMAN na1nc on n. paper I guess I kno \' \ )1cn kind l to .,.n I l!:! ty Qf cu~tom-raro cha.nee for Its n ig lfJ queer Doct 1 sa11 he sn <l Office tor 11. 1y q_uantlty will be fllle 1 nt tho &bO'\' odm lk replied\\ ell I ca 1 t exacUy s , a good Pumprnaker :m. SIL'VER I vo had enough says I ancl yo11 mcntloned prloo as quickly a.a the Ma.rks can be the f tnc es sick folks get mto then· heads ) ou r:nng1 g ~ that bu I sa v ] 1 i:n tt n g 111 t, 10 i l ll o ina.dc n.nd sent Bow no.nville Ma:,. 26 1871 needn t c ine Lo me with vour pl~dge lliy okl u othei s bod~ n I een 111 tb c ,,ra, e Of co 111:.e I am W R.CLDUE of the floo r m al n g g1abs B th e au ..i1 That s the WO) I tn.lked it sir 'i\ ell a these ten yeru. s a.:ud her soul in h ea-vcn t Then take these fiow erf? home n.1 d_g1ve aayn g that ho d be wh l l ed if he I c h w ok ago last Thursday - I remembe1 the kT ow - f u.a wife SaJ s s1-1.e "'n..s a god1J thein to yo u \\ ifo and tell w J 0.1.1 a bless c tch the be l l next tu ne i i a day for towa1 I mg! t I begaJ to I aye tho w 1nro -bnt l cou d ;s ~ear she s t there ing she ha."l ln yot h1n1 horrors t he worst way 1n fact I see by my bed one hole night 811 ce I vc been 0 that -i; e ' o 111 put so1 gB under our s1 n. i.:c! IR iny boots that rnornm - there s1ol ~n l to rr c J'l.l"t as s} e used to burdens 0 that '\ve could ext1act th e ::1 pr0pre lo was a. few of 11s scttm round 111 B11ggs :\Vl1on I '\"as a. baby Jenrue it , int BCJ.ISC of so110 v b.} song le fao eu 'Jhc saloon and this v ery subJect camo up __, n ght they ~nud T l die 1f I didn t go to t} ings would no poison so i 1 ich 81 ig There d been a temperance lcctu1e over to sleep a.1 I 1 o v "as I go111 to sloep '"1th tn the J onso ~ Te ~ch your chil h en to Barton and CrnzyJoel\as there of course t e thousand devils in the room Lil spitt:ll'i. §hcrnn .to Co, !§eecl Potat9es. sing When griefs tu1so emg tJ 01n do\' n l.nd he can1e into Briggs to g:i \ e us a lee m firo at me ar rl dropp111 live on Liat t 1 e voice o-t praIB aga111st cares 'l';lffHOLESALE 1fANUI AO i Clt1ms 1 1' V IIIOOP h.11 l ::i ll st Ne Yor M1tr tnre and w]ule he '\va.s talk1n in came my he tell Well ·ll of ·sudden and right A.RNET CHILI, EARLY ltOSE A R ossi lN printer I r.s 11 \e1 fed a tv1 c Pr~1se Goel by sm0 'lng tht "ill lilt you n. oied l l 0 trr.i. to s pl l cd o b est termes N .J or lrnur ot Ulo Ea.rllee N ~ I or Pro young Hiley the deacons son, "1th a total m tho midst A it wl o should I see but a.b :;Ve trials of O\ ery so1 t They sing in sevting .r iach111e 'luch t J e St J>et i s P'a -I{ nu Sir ot li st, Do mn.n v Jlo 16 3!itf llflc No 6 or Peer'" ces tor sale in lot.Jj to su t J:lnr chU8crB atloweat pr i::et1 These,, ariet.iee abstn1encc pleUgo And Briggs he cursed my old mother 1n t he lvh1tt cap with a. arc the bet:Jt grov. n a.nd iny 1Mttmplet1 nol ·ur heaven and an101 g Gods I eople npon 1a.ssell A1rply early o.s the suppl)' is Hmlted t I I ill ancl down f Crazy Joe lrnrl J 1St 1 ron;d ribbon over it she always HITJ: LEADS, " GENUINE It earl} song 1s the LJ l ropria o 1 nguage of H IJU.AP·R );o l" :Wo ! ., &lid llo :IJ of thi!:1 been 8ay1n son1e tlungs and though wo1 o .r. £ er father l ted .s1tt1ng i t her Bov. man illo Mn.rob 28 187i. M-tf brand. ar· nn1urpused tor bedy a.nd l l'illla.ncy It Chr1s hn.11 feeln g of ahad.· Packages conte. n tun n·tt "'P.!ght he uursn t to lch Joe you know he va..<:1 !tra1ght back r eking cha11 th he1 The vubllc l\?W warned that certiw.ln Qther brands woll riled up H e 1 ·tes the deacon for kn1tt1n wot k 111 l er h 1n<ls 0 nreltlbs shorth e11e?yi10-ct.Jla:l25ooundpn.c.k: Il t]une c1 on y ro1 g .a.1 cc b lY etch of cents hes interfered "'1th h:ta busu1css n1or e thu. 1 Doct or she ' as 1 ung n ~I e u ~xo.n1tn-0 lbe brand and do not be put off1' s cl ildren a, dr l l infePior yainte: Tlte b.e:t la a.lTSf~ che-9.test. ·n once Sil.ya Ih gga I m oppo11od to tota.l made ~no thu .K f ~ S n ln.y ino1 n n· Sotc11n Do-.manvill'e by John. 1Us1nbotl nm itice to t ot al cle1'l'av1ty and to fot I ab· 1 m sinnr:ncr t me end t l cold ine etrn ho11~0 by l'nRpoct.Ab1f!! dealeni in Pain" th.thuA'kW.t O TnE fa.rmcr h o su ckc<l 1 1 lua ba.111 JB tarlo nnd to doo.lc1'1 only by nonce, ond to all 'oor othe:ti: totals Well on tho !nil an 1 the boll i 11 n anil. I, n now ha. l.'l 11g lu nl c1 fo n.nother one Ho ICLIIO'l l<CO loroat tlmt lriugl t l [ t bo "!10lu subJoct \\ e l.d,Ue sl av u 111 rny cleatt. 'if lut e Jn:ck1:1t dues uot int end to 1-:1n101 j in t l c ne\'\ b 1 FACTS THAT ARE T BA A lot of Last Season's Tweeds, at 20 per cent less than cost. laud 8. F. I..::I:ILL. FRESH l\.RRIVALS GLASGOVV HOUSE I THE Full Assortment of Goods, THOMAS PATERSON. D STUBBORN FACTS T . woo B 0 J:). "a R.&H O'HARA I-IALT.... O! THERJ:t'J A SEW! NG MAC HINE A T A L @§ DAN A'S !II., PATENT SHEEP MARKS. S T TO LET. The Pump Shop ' G W I 'v

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