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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 May 1872, p. 4

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- Dry.:£90d~ hy Jom1 Sm1th wh o M sh eR t o i{e\marrt<>d Tlte '1gndr·~ all kmds of custom ll o omgle l·dies went and t he n1a rr1s<l. 1 :n u all told th en: wives t6 f:O unJo t l)e nn pros·ion that t hey could easlv cheat so grnat . fool I Tl~ ::1~:;, '.·:g t:~.·1~~:tes,;g:~~:re~'~n~:::· ~ '~!_~_!!_!!_!._~_ !!>!>~'..iiiio'±SA&±""!lll!l!!!!'~'! _ ~ : !!!!!!"""""'~~)~'l"!"~~·"" :Q,1,S~~~~;:;~:i:~~~!!".'~~~!'!'!~~~~~~~~!"'i~~~~~~!!'!!~~~~!!!!!~~~!!!!ji'!""~'!!!!i!!'~"!l!!!!!~~~~~~!!)"~!!'!!"'.!;'!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -i!!!!'!l.~~~·~~~· !!ii~~~~~·~~·~-~!!!!!!!!"'!!'!~!!!".!!~~!!!~1'!!;""~~!!!:'!!1!'~!!!!:~~~!!!~'!?'!:~!!'!!~~~~~~$'~!'i!l~ N o Rlsk =- ~A ~ l:D· ~. A -1N ,_ ~- ~- .,.~ l3E">'t_A_N_ D a~-E @ ~ ! _·_ r_ 11_ c-i;e1~bi·aie _d _ ~ / --The ~O --sborn Thoma· Eclectrn 0 1!/ W orth 1 en 1 imcs ·ts ite gt" Jo!d Doyoi. 11 ou; anythnifof1t' lj wt <t" t m 101' <lid / = - - -.. D l:: '\. \,iX' -S. "-""·- .. · 1 TJ-IE [ l:-0: E A ;;;e; G- A I :N"" GRE AT IlARGAINS ARE N OW GIVEN .A.T 'I HE s '· 11 ' \VIJ!)~H {I.AS, CO:liH I NO\V 1 a 1'J i:: CJREilifil.! 'a-A -B .,,---, l'i! -a -i ~, lSrtl~ n;.: dt,;;; LO:-!GE\E I~~S UEH;Rl'i ll<t vp. 0sp1 Hfl y ABOU ND~ James IN -- l>llUl O JF01·te . Morr1 s, --- o-- ~ Th:I O 1.1:.r.i::; rp stnE:icRn1:i;: FOt-t O ]:'it, )[;:: · § R ESP ECTFULLY RETURNING Rural New yorker Till lI ] u&rIIitR of tho c?..rthquak.e lu Cahfor ma have.J:>.cen recotvod A letter L ,{ <; I -iro ~one P..;.ua i3ifJ.a th.e 'vhole of e-n s Valley "as moved south ward 14 feet OvcI 7 000 shocks h nd occut red up to th e 10t h 1nst In1me nse " f'I.\: os r ollod up th(}. Gulf of C ·ltlornrn, dom { con01 l erablo o,, Cheap Corner PU B ,_, L I C h as full.) J 6 tllil.nka to t h e pu b l (l f I' 1 bc ml patron~ ge wo tl l un i o wee that h e is now p to fil1 nil or ders in 1 s I ne a ru ner suco d t o no c a tal Ushmc1 t 1n t h e count ies Farm [__ W eekly ILLUSI J\.TE D CARRIAGE S WAGGONS CUT'IERS SLEIGH S &c MA NUF \ Cl tH.ED I N \.:'l"Y Sl YLE DESIRED ,\. ND ON l.ilE 81!01 Tffi81 NOIIC1l: :orro~ IC.N ~ MJ:'~ON ' s 01 INlO:N f h.fese1a R ~ ON rA TO DANK 0"g· A .._'i l!o v n ru Ie t:ie t v l 1870 1_._ _, I{ 0 flARA Ge1 01 l Ago is H Ay and oth er fo<ldei tR so m Maiutoba t h a.t cows h 1ve b een sold for three l oad> of hay e Mlh- uaually "'orth OPINION __> use l anl best v.011 n1cn cn1J loyc l-tl us ensurn g dur,,, IJ lity ol ;g11n i:i snd comfort tho ll.lOS t 1m1 o t a t e iu1sitcs u n. cor eyo.nce Re mubc1 t1 nt nothh g but tJ e best 1nutcrial s $7 uO pe1 load A great m·ny c·tt le haTo dled I1ou1 sta.rvat1on The n eather u1 now vtil-j nuld and 'plou;;hm~ )!a· l;ieen com ence3' A ly atw lei to l tepa t g 1 a ll brancl q of tho .trade JI o npt. the 01 g inal ulen, that at t he C orn er St oi e \LL KINDS m DONE it ) '- "' ;.J,...., :B-, I 'I' 'I' E D "-' AND vV E LL · .... I 'Ihe en.ndatone cutters ·111ployed on the Pa.rhau1·nta.ry library and other buildings m Ottawa struek on Sa\urd·;r for $3 25 a day The demand was accorded to, and tho men re·umed work They had been get\mg [! 7o The only arb1trt\ry f eatute m the str1ke ~ sthc f&ctthat thev compelled one of ' / t th.e1r number <lmployed I y Mr J olm l~n g ford to stop '"ork until the increase should be givon though h<> was gcttrng $3 per day I - --- BLACKSMI'i'H W: 0 RK, SAI !SF ~CTORIL1'. ~".- -.·----- "' D. CHEMIST Canadian l"anu D cst1·0,.c1· STOTT, AND DEALE R I N A SUP! RIOh ..I:. r ow b een tes ted, boyond all q uestio l u.n t t1 ed ct of ti e p 1b he 11' that to l n.y rruns CEL)i:IJ lUHJD llilt CH lNE DRUGGI ST 18 0 1'01VJY 'I-I.t!LL lhJILDLNGS, f:OW2U.L1NV ILI 1. .It ~ ilUHfa l'.f'! t h ljU¢ IQ li.t11m l ' !G DRUGS. 1' - if F.DICTNES, ' AND Dye Stufls P at fl nt Mcd1cu es Perfumery B 1usl os C 1nhs So Oils P am ! Brn·hea ( nl 011 and Co&! Oil Lnm1 · tic ~c A C11I7.E N of L anronce 1vh o had bought aome pills of a q u"ck doctor m Ilost 6n nught c ,ft-1ta1n polilon and d1J not t \.ke th()IU but }us wife becoming ill ~few days after, he gave then1 tt> h er F1nd1ng th e n1hat1n loss h e fooh ;hly exposod his previous .,I r: usp1 \ 0111 .!. and ?f lilS~ wife ~ dosen t expe11 1 j 1!1. 'ent on lum the next tune he 1s stck ·he 1nust bo a very Wflii k won1a11 b'l.I' 1111· ifef voyely, fc fti that thoy P t 1 t~ 1 tl PY ) SICIAN S PRESCitII TIONS CAHEJ< ULLY COM?OUN DEIJ AND A LL OHDEHS COHRE(,'TLY A NSW E RED Weste rn Assurance COiTI~anyJ H !<.'cD OU ICE 101 ON'lO R u:n l New Yor ker Ofilcc Nev Yo k City - -- - - ---- -- -· I t J S he I lO!:it "'-t. bs~ntl lly l lt h aH tho 1e est w o kingI \rt..i: 1 beautlf 1 1 des gn a d !h ish n a~ t l e be t l e3 gi of ... aut A a,n l by f t:b.c LAB (;.-ES'l RO BB NS It ls capa b 6 o"' pc forrri mg a. ra.ngc of"' rk hitherto tl o gl l rup os1;; bl for Se~ lg :Maol1u tio soM :1t i1l b<lu a·mc-~~.d a Uw ~ Farmers and .PhysMUU l5 / 1 ont. the. CrJun&ry will j ittd our f5toek of 1 YfedwutcJ dlete Ollul of the be·t quality I <l Ci!l1il An I owa lady coucludes a. very scns1 blo anti snffrog<> I tier thus - I do not behoy that · II men are sn ternbJy false and u1 i.-ruti to their vows as some would make l t ·j>P··r But n.dnut fot a mom~nt.t.hat it 1s en; and whv must wo ""' IE: men have the samo rightiJ 1 L et c1u1tom accord to won1au all that is now charged to n1en, and 'vhcre would be the lestoru1g influences o! pubhc op1n1on thn.t hold in · check many of the women of tho pa Sol l In Io~ tniu ); 1llo by J 1-J gglubo un 3.ll._ ~ 1 You may look at t hIB' m'What ever D Stott 1 l r..l n odicinc dealers hghi; you will but aimn1er it do\vn "nrl tt 10 but a quotrel with the Alrrughty that 'J:h~ GD·cat !Fcuialc Uen u cd) . .)&. ... ..,.- P E 'J : E R ' S At the IronmongeryI SOJ\tIEEHING - OR- us1cal L,,rb r a'iry _J- ;-+ I \.. ( ( M _. l , Fl~ - cu ""IS JING 01 IEEN '\ OI UMES l I LLE0 11\IIH CHOICE PIANO MUSIC I C\ e1 ) vo.tch Bo v anville Sep t 20 1871 nicre f\CC\n tm\ c k~cpt'.l'R ... lt'il. A sp ec al v11 r I y fr 1 tho 1ructory WJ th f"i1R Er \.RE LESS L IABL)l' I 0 GJ"T I o t of repru thlLll the w u~chps lhe;y a r c 1n 'H'C oi! tlue a l'liaehimes Ca1·ll 11 St ock , S11r1llus Ii'tu uls Cecel1>ts f o r t i e 'COth J I llC 1811 >e11r <ll< li··g} " 1 s·· <> 21 MAClllN ~S DOING · q a , &.t .11 omc ou l ent'het as o 1 fi e g oods II i;;i ca r b:O off J,n'IBe::i o ct tho liowe f.3 n gcr Loclm an W befll&" .& ~ ilsoi '\ a 1 zer Raymond .:fc ur A Perfe;,t 1\'la.chh c Gwiri.u teed o no li!.lo .Ji ~otice. Ho N J MuMDRRICEr 1' 10S1ilent B HALD.AN ONG WANTED BY E VERY BODY, IEl EUY 01\EHHJS OR llER OW!'li :;·All\ 1.' J, K' B o l a \ville to m ysonsCh arloe M nnd \"\- ilhnm I t Ca,vk e1 i hereby r oqu est all those in debted to e by b ook a ccount or otl el."\\ !so to oall nn l set tle fo tl v tl H l\fanaging Duect i AVIJii G SOLD OUT MY I N'l:ER E S'r n tl ebusnesslatolycarriedon i y me n Fire a nd M arine '.IHE G V J;; L PJ!I ll'H.!IS JD ' 1" . . 1'\l.l:'LEOD'B ETO USE P r cpa1ed I :liSU RAN CE -,---~H'--,-"'---"-~- A AT LOWEST CU RREN I RAIE:ti I AN D T REA. DLE !llAC RHIIES AND VILL A l? P~ [N TS , mothebe t n1al0 efl fllOS~ 1 no:-c ~ and ol a.ol e thn.n a y other mnglo thr ~ltd .u: n..ohu o IIRST CL <l.SS MAN W ANIJ l'! f r t.a1i01 ru 1 vo~k " t h grent !)MO "-ill do e on. l'ravoll1 11g Age nc.1 for tbe l w 1 i:;l 11 s ouLlyu f( tl11s I o n .A pp~ 1n wr t ng 1th r efo 't', cc:s ku tl.8 of clou c~tiose v1ng in n. per fcCt.11' sa.t1.sfu.e g>.tflt~; l n deroi1g c for tia1 Srnlils o to tl e lleu!J. tor} i)1aunor Has taken firgt pr!ze wl C!... tt'V .. " ex.r lblted '"'o ar\3 no t all men JOB MOSES PEhlODICAJ, P ILLS 1 -MB D1s:R.t.lEJ.1I;- who 18 on a. T1s1t to M a.n HIS INVAL'CABLE MEDICI NE IS unfo. I ng rn LI o c c: of all t ose pa nful and P m e Cokn Pu1 e White L ead P1L? e Wh'.1-te Zrnc L inseed Oil S1m its obeator addressed " Consorvative m eetin g d \ngc10UJS lU <>e ises to \ h ch, tho fcmn.le oonstl of Turyientine a nd Dryers care)idly and smentifwa{ly wm bvned In Free Trade Hall m that city this O Yen tut1on is s 1bjcct i ~t n o !cra.t.c$ :tJl xcess and ro.. h o es .n. l ullatruc{.).01.IB d a speedy cure m l bo lng Mr Duuae-li begun by saying \ Ve rolled on T ho cons 1n1e r C.'\ll have o.ny d oaLred shade of C0Jo1s n eatly pu t t\p 111 Ca.ns ::i.n 1 al he 1equ1rcs to bu\ ¥i lth the }">an1t is n Brush a.s t he ,vork C<ltt bo do1 o 1} 1111 self or liave a!!.sembJedJ 1er0 to pr ) tour bJ :ii.} 1n ernber of ]us houaehol<l. lu!ton io uphuld the Const1tntion of the Kmgdom We ha> e coma t ogether to tali< or a progran1n1c for future action wluoh wtll not despoil churches nor plunder A la1ge stock iust rncmved for Autumn P amtmg impo1ted landlords bnt further the mterests of the du ect from the English M,mufacture1s, mcludmg T<\.MES great body of tho people He tl1on went Genume and celebrated H:ooster biand -Guarnnteed pur e on t o make au earnest d ofo11ce of 1non archy To tho Throne he sMd must be ALSO -All standard Colors Oils Varnishos and P:untnrs M~te als Call and see how cheap a H ouse can be Pain ted and De: ooratod fo1 all t hese ae~nbed tl1e blessings wluch Engli1hmon guuda mil he sold at reduced figures enJoy The Sovereign d oes exerc11e o. I en.I G 1LLON S M ACHINE OIL OF DIFFERENT K INDS 1nfluenea I\i1onat chy \Vas ~n institution a.round ,v]uch in pQril :i.u<l. a.dver111ty tho rh roshe1 s il.n. l ill I a ties requiring: suclt oil sp ec1n.Ily invit ed to n1sp ec t t he people can rally The English monarchy V1l,,IlO l S qnn.hties tie p ncc bein g fa r b elo\7 <tnyth1ng cvei offered 1n tJ is cost leas than t hat of any other na.tion 1narket '.Ihe expensa of the s > Vere1tatnty of the United StateB \Vluch en1bracod C!lngrega .JDO COOK, PARLOH HALL A~ D BOX S'BOVES, and Stole I egi·laturns as well ·· the Exe at 11~ mg and now on E xh1 h1 twn 1 cuhve, was betw·· n £700 000 md £ 800 T he I tr gest a ud chc:'lpost stock of General IIl'.rdware Cn. rutge Good~ T1nvrare 1n th e Connty of Dtuha.n1 ....._.. ""' OOOsterlmg- doublo the t o\1>l of the Eng I sh Civil hst He closed with a vmdica JO:EIN ell ngto 1 Bn Id l g Bo vm nnvlllo A ugu st 91371 t1on of t he a11st ocracy and a. defen ce of th e ,1r !Iouse of Lo1ds a.a an esr.ent ial elentont of go\'erunieut T use and nothing but th e pur~st Mate11als ll tHJd iu die qurring no further 1111:x.ture of 101la Turpentino .a1 d D1yenoi: TH Ellt ( 01\'IPOSI TION CO NSISTS SOLE> OF fo1 i u11ned1:tto 0 ll:I I G G I 1'I :H 0 '.I' H A ill, I R <:IH OHARA PURE WHITE LEAD. B so1tcd OHEMIS'l AND DJWGGIS I J GS . &ESP.EC1FULJ, y '.[ Q. AN Bo wman illc Sept 11 l S l Locu.l 1.gon * - - ----------~-~-- NOUN CE tl nt 1 e b ts r ccoivc l n v-el! u.s fl o of G-0 u t e Dr ig:; 111 ll P Rnglish C ho ca ls ...:\.lso n. s1 le d ld "'toe); of tJ c n oat cruoft llJ selected TO O'VNER S OF ,\,GENIS WANTED E\Elt'\'\Hi LRE SI'l llNDID INDUCEMENIS l~a rm Property - ~ N O- D YE wb c l ~ 11 Sl 1JIFS ot be s IJ asaed for e xcolle1 e) of iua.lJlJ .An naso -tn1ont of ..AJ il1 e J)ycs kopt f~ct~~ ~~ o \ I n.nd togethe1 '"itl u. e h o1ce ac Dh _1_ ACHED RE IDEN CE IN SU!ll YOUR PRO P ER1 Y I!i l AND - <V:n 1tmu ! ' Canhou ! ! ' To tr.e P <b' 2000 c of tH i3 it1'h I'1 ot ~""' Nor A nieJ t DHlGS CllEMI C \LS l \TENT MEDICIN ES of Jl!WSIIF.S COMBS l S H OUL DER B HA( F:5 Rl P P OHIE H. S &c &c rrn F or tcui\s: aam1 \es of BO\\ lug &c llPl L ) 1o GUELl'llSKW1' G UOHHJJ:COY: GUELPH CA N ADA j S aze H alf Yom 11 /fonC) Heatl Office rJ'H IS ohJ fol on s Canada PUNTS Jr.~ rt &: H 01£ UU \\Tl olos le tge1 t15 for t h e Co 11\tte:) of D urha1 l Onta.r o and\: ictor1a {Qir SLec i _nda_ce n cn s to I "e i;cn ts Jan uary18ta 13 1 co 1ors , ;;.:r..- \.t v 1 \ 1i;i,s1m ~ 11 · l!WHillll JCrn ll o very lo est pr c tm fl HORSE AND C 1'l:rH MEDICIN ES Count1y Storepc ekc ij,mpns - --1..antngc-ou ~ n.1 d well estal I sh e l Con11 a y i nsu r es n otl ng I u t) t Ill l r o1 crty n d detacl <'d Res denccs Rn 1 l s es Po l c es ~ t G r ente h Hed ed R L es AS SF T b $ 000 000 oo .l n aenera1 ~ewm 0 rr 1v1ac lnei\rrenclJ 0 j ,f,\llKET HUII DI NGS l ( 2-\J h A N B HUpJ 1 (j l 0 11 n 1 Dep o s ited ti t l e F M n s te1 for r.pec1al bcne ht of Un.n!l.d \ ?olicv bolde1s ovr r $100 000 See tba fo llow ng Ce t fie es T bs fJ lo ce ttfJ 1l at 1l e!\.g c t ra l Jr. eu in ce Com1a ny 1 av g :l e1 os 1t e J l t be Ji a 1 ds of tl e Hec e1ve r Ge 1e :i l of c~ nd R the ~l m of F ft:y fo t r Lousa ~ l i; c II un dred D oll a r" n Uu 1tcd Stn.tcs hu <l s as ie qt t ed bv t he \.c t ot Canada 31 V ic cl R. 48 HARD TO BELIEVE. True N evert'hele ss ! - - - - ·o:- - -- In our chnn geablo clunato coughs colcfs and diseases of th e throat lung· and chest will always prov ail Or ne! consu1nption 1v1ll elaun its 'ictuna These diseases if atton<led to in tunot can be ar rcRted ai1d cured T11e r c1nedy is Dr ,,w. atar s ]}~!111\lll of "ild Cherey CAU TIO N sec z2 i, I ercby l consed to CMlJ on tho b 181nes s in C ano.d n of F re Jns rr1.1 ce Da ted at the C ity of Ott'ilwn tb e 2n l dt1.;y of Ju 1e 1870 B O vVMA NVI LL E GROCERIES VERY CHEA P . OF Tl:Q.\: FII'\ES'l Ql!J \Lll'Y OlT' Robe1·t Young, U A 1 E of t h O tar10 V eterinarv coJleg~ begs to 1 for m the t nl ab .tL I ~ of B o ~ruanville a nds1 r 10 1d1 g coun tr~ tl a.theha.scon nlm ccd tl e p 1a.ot co of l ta 1 rofclll:i 01 und can be oon su te l a f! w tl " l sP.a "'- cs of I orses a n l cnttloh(jt Glo-.; eo's'Li'1 cry:office Ki gSt rect l30"\\nrn.n23;} Jo nN L..._N GTON for :llu ~ te1 ot l! 1nnn cc Th s is t cer tify tl a t I h ave been n.cq ruo t WE should not hca1ti'.lrte to recommend to n.ny friend of ours ' Parsons Pu1gat1vo P1llK they ac1entiffica.lly pre1 ancl are naap oed tlr ' ll the purposes of " good purgatp,; e 1nodic1ne ITALIA i\ :!- A '(}JElllOA NM 11 l Ll AND W 0 1 CHAllERDEEN GR~NirE D wID EDL Y the best r emedy that has ~ R~lilf b.eeq disco vere d for rheun1at1sn Rvoolon or at1ff 101nta flesh \vounds gprams bruises. cuti:1 nnd burns ts Johnson s Anodyne L1nunent " e uso 1t an roocommcnd 1t to our friends .supplied on sh ort no ice ETor ything pertai iing to Cc1nelc '} w·o1 I w 11 1neet w1th prompt attention by lea"l ing or " ~ ' ood Cookmg Raisms only f.1 cents a 'pound, and I er by the box >.. U MMER DRY GOODS at coat G l,, ,. ~ ~ r [" Jll st lcheap i dcrs w it h C BOUNS I.LL, Bo' man vtll11, OTTON and Woolen goods arn advancmg, but vou c,u buy C thom at Elliott:;, for a shmt time, at the old Nopnco~ rs the time t o secm e what you ne ed llEALTII I S STu.tni01H - To prevent o .t) oonquer dl.8oase ts ono of the gra.ntlest n.t tan1ments ever aimed o.t by man and Bryg.n s Pullllontc Wafers will as suro cure .oughs could· \lckling m the throat and _pubnonary complaints, as war a.nd pestil ence will destroy Severe colds if not at tended to !ooner or ln.ter lo&d to tncnr"ble !!!ltop and, § ec. conomnpt10n, nnd the strength of the The HE F OLLOWING REMARKS ON otronge·I soon foils if neglected r~t mon1a.b of the in st ' on lcrfnl and ex rca.d.1e11t And best rnoa.ns known for t he tra.ordlnn.i;-_x c res in Canada. by the GREA'I IN DIAN Il E11:EDY lhev aro 8tcrn l U den able cu·o of the·· complomts IS B1y nn · Pu! and incon t.eetl'\ble facts suftic1cnt to oonvu cot.he mon10 'W afore 'l hich hM e been thorongh m ost sketitl A.l that t h e C reat YicdJ<!al Con po uid y earned after fo1 o.gcm is no w accicsS1ble the ly tned for the last twenty years and have G reat never been known to fn.11 Smgers and SHOS H O NEES REM EDY pu hue spea.kc1 s will ~ls o derive great b en e ht from tho use of them Sold hy all n1ccl1ciue tlcn,] 1,;m n.f. 25 cts per box ed w·1th the Offi ce rs a nd Mn.n o.gcr s o f t he Agr c u ltuuil Ins ura n ce C om P,:any for m any .) ears, !\Dd ahw with the bus1 ess op erat ona of the Con11 a ny and have no hes tation 1n re commend ng 1t \S a petfe ctly safe a nd rfl l a b l e Oon1pany au d i t3 Ofi1 ce r s a.s com p c tent a nd hon or a ble b us1ne<:ig men a nd as Jt · Jl insures noth in g b l t Fa rm P ro perty nnd d e Ccda1· Rails and Posts. tacbe d D wc l h nga an d h 1ts $!130 000 Asa e ts < I conside r it. rea1 01 a hle be) ono a n y c on tin N Y QU41S TJTY OF GOO D CEDAll g cu cy Ila ls a.1 d Posts for Emle ettl c at tl o sh :.rn1 D D t'JAI \!~ M P l' or r1 e l ver ed J A MES 'llU ' ' e ha\ i:: exau11ued nto ti e con d 1t on nnd Lot ft 4 hCl)n at n.nd 1ng of tie Agr c ult 1rnl I n s rnnce l 9tf Dec rlt h 18 1 Com pa n y nnd d o f1lly co n cur w th Mr Ga. en LD reco mm e nd ng i t to t he Farmers ot ttll s A Small Farin Wa n t e d. P rov cc a s o ne pe rfectly s t1 fe 11.ud rel ab e V ll.TE R INARY SURGEON GR AD "L o C KM Al\T" A G ENILEME:tl m "ant of a neat fitt mg smt should early at Elliott s Fash10nable T,i1lormg Establishment 'I"IHE ~ lJ N D EESIG~ ED exch a n ge good h ot sc 1 l lot u a thrt v ng V I ug i :rtlCch PJ11ll for a small fat n n ear ~o w a 'illc iffn.rm IS or l mor e 11 n.n houso ni d Jot , ill p a.y b n.la1 cc in oney C ill mn edw.icl.1 in t>0rson or addi e\y NICIIOLS Box 7..t tr B o\vm a nv1llc WISHES 10 lll " h ell lo m;1u n.i their pro1 c ti; J C C r..AnTI: Dfin ke J CAn nrr TUE s & Co G Eo A I<1nK PAtil rc K M e r Jj'.2l'r'Satrsfac t10n guarnnteed m all reasonable casrs T Henry E lliott, Jr. H ampton Angust 3td 1871 A CAUTION. U npr1nc p lt:d pe rwn f'S ' vl o \Vhen 'they cnt not palm off rL orth lesf.I Re v in ~ )t! achb e on person" a cquain ted '\ ith t he n or 1ttJ o f th e d1f fe ren t Mach n e"" represent l he.msE:\h es as age1lt8 for the J.JOckman o.nd Osborn Ma cl n ci;; a nd o:O'er t og n.. I wa.rrTLnls (or thci 13a m e ;vith u1tc t to d eooh c ' ' e b ein g the only nu t h o11zcd nge ts for \\eat Durhnm arc tl o o 1.> peraons ho can gr t 1 t wa rrru t s thereon nn(l an; pc soi sn ot cn1p1o} Cd b} ua 1cpi:es91 tJ g thernscl 'fes as a-gc t1ii o offcr1ng t.o gro. t ,,.u.r rants a o 1mpostcm tnd lia ble LO bo p roscc t.e<l Co frau l l ho J tl.Jlic arc h er e by cautioned gn. ist s1 en R & II 0 HAR BOTi lllO.ll\ille T 110 22nd 18 1 4" 3 Dl /I WE IF.AR N THAT TH E R E ARE T HIS IS THE MOS'[ ,EF ~ICIEN'I I John'" Hot '-~· l'v; t-. l'1·1z(· Dru1n. }lfL \Ve 'l - ·--------------Going fL(l West ! OntnnG. Pank E 1'q 0 USE F Oit SALE WITH SNUG Jls1 H .E to Fn rba 11 ,1. B J,f Bll U lOi'i \vo ul d re fer you lo the 1ollo v 1 g ge 1 t.l crue n 1n r eaard t.o tb. c r cs1 o n s b1J t) o t the O omp a nv -D F 1 sl e r E s q Ca.s h ie r of th e J11 0 11cI rod L\-l P I 1 J B Postm a s te J E Fure " ell FIS H t of t'hc 'l o\vn P OJ T ~ RJ) on the r1 e1n1SO!l, I YO QoOi iS East 0 F Henderson r, l ot.el B owman ille l Ltlc Shop atL11.cbr:d a good busm es or p al'tic uln.ra apply J C Barris t er g e u t fo r Cobo l r g ~n d vaan 1ty WILLI AM 1 Muita of t1 c T.:n1 t-ed States ha."\O c 1nod since they co1nmenccd operations (so1ne sel' cnty year s ) tl!e large amoun t of 01ght hundred million d ollars nbon t one fifth of 1ho whole rnetalic cunoncy of the world of winch amount $500 000 000 hn. e been der1"Ved from their own minee: Vi e ~re notcw1thout 11mhes but wh ile weifeel that they will not produce so much gold wu h a.' o the plc~ ira of knov. 1ng there is a 1ovcre1gn remedy tn the\din.n Pain Destroyer for sudden colds rheu1n<it1sm neur&lgn tooth ""he &c Solcl by all :nedicme den.lcn at 25 els p<>r bottle Tn~ o.nd oeon o1nlc:al Dr m 1n t r::e ind Vi ill dis tri bu te m or e h ea t oecupy less room a d n. 3 er all purpo rsc batter t han .n.n y other By 1ts 1 se a h can bo 1nneh bette11 eate I w th one f:oto e fhnn u nder the old system w t l t l't 01 U reo Bto' es-t hus rnoro tJ an p n.Yll g for t elf in one sea.s on b > a saving of w·on d. AH wh Jn c tJ. e l t i n 1 would not. l'x "' ti ou t t l en1 fo man y tin1c1> their co t Ile u 1 deim_guo l J ns soc u- cl c I ti gl tfo Bowman 1 e Da ltngton Cart\\ right Clarke n d ~f11 e1 s nd HI 1 -cpared t fi ll au ordc 1:1 o th e 3h or reat not ce A full a"sortmcnt or Cook Pru d Ho:x: Stoves ooni:lUul l:y on ha n d 16-J < ] i HOSHIN Royal I nsuranc a Q() JY_[p A A ND w:r:&pto· oo3 0J.'fo isl l'Al ( 0 1 "' 2'2 _ ---~~ N Y· I I lJ:I tfl 2U Sl anl ) L i SELLI NG OJ:i ...,F C · heap for Cash I - - -- - 111a1 l v11lg De ce u be1 li I S fl W R CLJM!E I ocn l Ag t it Bow m· n - - ------- - --- All mdobte l to Lhe b >Oiness w1ll1 lcasccrulanl l!ottlo the r n.cco u ts a~ soon a.<i l oss1ble Do v ille 4th Dec 18 J C POLLAiftlt I 1 E Ml ORAlW 01"1 lCE T.HE 5 :Ltb VOLU M E · 1' 01 IS"l'2 ' THE ILLUSTRArED - --------- - - - - - - - - Co1·1aea· oil. ·~t. i~au l a nd ~ t I r .Hl<!;OR§ X<:n'H:';I' § dree t!'i ( llHnl "' Sewi ng M a ch111e Pi·oclnnn Ute Gi.ul 'k u hngs Reu1ed) n. l P ills of 1.1 c E m u ent Ind uu Jl:fedtc?.ne Man;i.Doctor Le vis J~eph ts of the Gr eat f r be 01' t;hoshon er-.n B 1 t sl Cul LD1b a is "Working tho mui:;t arvclous a1 d st.on s 1ng Cu csthf! VVorld evcrlca.1d of };e e 1 th(i. Phrenological Journal, A N otice. I will not be re111ponl!lblo for a ny debts con t.rncted by n y son WHli:nn James S ulley WI:ULI H 1 SU LLEY :Oarl ngton JunQ 1'2; 1871 40iilf r.;; o no~ ot"" 4. 000 000 ~ r rn S1 OL \SS N OllCE lS HER EBY GIVEN THAT 1nl h1~01ut o 4 r F u..n l ~ ~ n '11( 'l Hl 0'\- (l l' n -r- a00,000 FAJJ1I L Y M 4.GAZ1N E T HA'[ THE GREAI RS:OSHONJ I S 'Hl>O lii:;,l'llE F I RST PRIZE AI rHE JIJ'I I t E DE, .PARTMENT . I L OS~E s NoT bJ 1TE So - It is among the most savage and deb ···cl tribeo only that the cond1t1011 and comfort of the horse h a'\""e bocn n egl ect ed but we belie v e th er e are ruany; in 9lvil:i.zo<l conptncS" v;ho are guilty vf tho s ame n eglect, and without t lle ex ...use of the for111er here all n1ay avail tbeznse1ves of the use of an n.rL1clo whicli ~tlS ilono inoro thnn a.nj tlung else heret o fore kno wn to 1n1prove tho cond1t1 )Il and rel1e'\ e t he suffern1g of t ho horse Those who w1ll n ot u~e \t will bo the loosers their horflos tho sllfferors to avoid b oth use D arley s Oond1t1on Powder s and Ar ·ham H eave Rellledy and Jou will bo oatiJ1.6.e<h,w1th tho result Remomber tho name, &nd sea t hn.t tho tn gu a.tu ro o f Hurd & Go 1s on < pac)<J,g· Northrop & L~ Htau N v" eaatlt Oi.t2 1.11e propnehn·15 tiJtlo Manhood, lllo ·W J,ost, Don R c!'lt o··cd edition of Dr Cttl v~r \V(';]l S ( fll e b:r:t h 'll E i1r;ay on l c 7. al C l r e (\\itl o T ncd 1 e ) o! i.:lpern a torrhceo. or :Se nrnn,l \ \ eak er; 11 In voln n t a rv Sei n n al Losses Im pote c::; h-lcntnl a.nd Ph) s lncn.pu.c1ty llnJ cdlmc1 ts t.o 1\far r 1age et c ~l so Co s upt on E p lep!:!y and F its, i: d ced by self 1.:a du lg enceor Gcxuul ext. av AJI dcscriP,t o s of prowjr ..,,. J nfl Ired g t 1 ti t L o 1:1 or Dfin gc :() E ro aLtho tne J !1(J:l!ITL1'. Sll£ l LED WI1H0 c1 I ~]JtRENOli 1 0 HI HUME OF F ICE anna ls Gf C11uu. l a n 1.lfccli u.l J{ >,i tory' l n.s $Ucl s ccess a t ton l l tI1e 1 1troduct on o ren n eaJ cmo h oro u ore Lr.1:n" :DEP A:kT M E N T te :ins a;nd unnu.e!t1on blR sccU Ly of!c cd to Polle} } -0l i:lcrs BcBidcs t e Lnrgc l 1:1id U11 Co.p t~ of tl c C:o an1 1- s ra h A ilit onal ~ fl ur1ty n tl l 1'\LI1'11fED LI \.BILll Y of a Wcnlll -:;l OJ e a r ) '] he pee nl J ife Ass 1ranco F un d n ow WHY' · J us , l UBLISHED A NEV Assu,np ce on Lives gn:..ptcd on ! a voura b!e 1· rovn.1.cmI: E:du b1h on ! a aunts to agl}.DOO '_; :!Ii wn,anllllc $6,C03,21 0· - 1 (hE SU¥ O~ Pr ce 1 a senlcd envelope only 6 cen ts 'Ihecclebro.tcl l.U tl o ti rablccssay ·loarly Uc1n.ons trn. cs frorr a th r t.Jo Jctirs Rue eessfni prn.cticc tl a t tl :i. 1111 g cone eq uences of 8el f a buse m tY bo ra l 0aJJy c re l "ithout he dn.ngerous use of i11.te1nal me l!ot le or n r i of th.e knife r ou Lng out a. n ode of eure a.t on cn slnlp lc certi: L n.n l cl1ec L n.l Qy n\oo.n s o r ,..-hich evcrr s 1fe1er no n' what h r.; oon d lt LOn 1 ay be may m1rc l tm scl" I H.1 I v privarely and r ~di.. lly This Ject re ah o ld hr: ln 11 ~ hn ls of e ve~ }"ti 1th and O "\Cr) Tr an i n tl o lit nd Sen t u n 1er acn.I n a pl nln e1 '\ c \01 o to nnv ad dreSfll 1'08t p aid on rece pt of s x ccn B 01 t "' o o5t "tamps .Als £iz. Dr C ll\ e r c s Mnr :-ln,gs G tude rice zi> cer t B Veter1n:u·) S1n·gery MAY BE ,. ' '"" $ 7 80,200. of every J)eecr Dt1on 'Ja.blcsorH a.t es P 01o ~a.1Fo1n1!'1n. d "'u ll o (or matio en l be ob&ru ( l on a.r1 cri. on to t ho UJ.l. d~ S"lgne l I A l n ng \ oco l lc ] l l eto as csult qfthoD s m e s3 tthcP st Ye r rnfl.e r- tllc Fav:nen t l of! ttll Cl l.ln s 13 8~8 .Ann l t efi a a Exr enees £-c Tl sis only n con It mn.tion o t ho v6rd:in pren ously l'CI dercd by t.ho Gr ttt Ca a.diM'I I ubl c an l p ro ves co cl e: T' el) ti" :-st: Pl!;.H u:rtrr'!.'. 01 TlJTC L OCK '[;.£_~ ~ o -.;; lU \LL OTHRR $ A · -consulted on tt,ll 11~.aefl OOlonging I o J lol's· ~ and Cattle Jin.Ying h ad nu.1 y y e:i.:re: experience in the trea.t nent o f a ll co1uplamtl!I m connect on with Horses and Cattle he o.nn con J MARTIN M P C ' Ac-ont.a Jt.lf'R & H 0 Il \.R A \Yl olet:a.lo and Rota I Aluo n.gcm t ~ for Guo l'h Sewin g l\Ia. ch e Co Grol'er & B~ker R n"'er !Io ve a.n l ft lentl) sn.y that all c.aaee ou Lni~to d te hlfJ Mre v ll rccen e snoh ruod1cft.l a.nd a.t~nbon n.s ti eir 1mportaneo demt1 de. Office ){ inf{ Stroot ! doon Of Hen derson a IloteL Re!5 denoe Se lgog Roa.1 ' vh er e ea.Us b r post or ot..he1 w se "Vlli reCoive prom pt n. tNntiion '\Vm. JI. I owe, :n. A ·.U-,~ .lf,. n J...A. ~ &· ARRIST E:& \NJ) ..lTTORNEJ' 1\ ! oliclt'6r in Ohan een andlnsol ~ A'[ l)oy - Addresa the Pu~Ue r s < J r<. KLl»E &. CO 12.\" Bowen N u ~Jf'!{1'.h'1.Co I Box 4 i:.1;6 l ~ Veter inary m edici nes ·al'l!"B D,lQd<r&t~ l -..,J AI V< a) ~ n ba.nd li llilOlt ~· the H qtuaJ. !'n'<I 0 ffl.ce on Stl \er S he1:tt Do wU1ttn v 1lle i d.Jl!ea eom ' fmJiy Ol' -~lrltOH Ew tabl ltio-licd \\i1llit m s nes '\"V e h!."e a lso un I ~1 l ai a ful l ~ ock or j 1 0 LlT T I E " .A ~ZEH. M ach nA<! I CNon3 not ~at.l.Sfled Tl itlt 01 c 11neJ u c tan cha:n ge for OJ y oLher 1 u;1de of h1rty cl ay1J Po n1ambo1 H. &:. II 0 Hu10. g I'\ t] fl SE\VINO J:I ~x !'-ID .U.IDl Ol onlolnt.ern(J:t tie~t! fca -11>.>; l f·~:.l .. TJ ""f A ' t

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