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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 May 1872, p. 1

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-is 1 ted ~ - - - -- -NEw YoRlt pa.pers !l'et son1e oxtraot d iary J otions ret:.ard r g Canad n:n affana esr e ially w th refe1e lee t<J uonur erce a.inculture a:nd iua.nt factureA A wr1te1 n the New Yo k 1-i b e ru:lf3UU1ca to kl ow· all ;\bout these 1na.tler and perplil ct published f,, ery llmrisdav Jllor11111g, by tl.te P op oto Wn1:. R KIN(} SIREEI CLIMIE, at the BO\\'.M\N\ ITl E OD' I iUE-Po.t Olllcc IUocl< ON1 VOL. XVII. FACTS I It 1' THAT }' 0 It ARE --o-- Bowl\iAN VILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, MAY 9, 1872. NO. 41. - - - - - - -- - -- _ - ) D--- -- - --- ----Ant my soul lvo1th 1uak111 ti at l ttle (Tlus last in a I '01ce ou t ye o 1oug:l i;a1d a U ith -.. FACTT Isac11fi1.;e for or U dn tit cost n.s kno v tl e liJIere ice b t n so ' a1 Ie ister er t ershe e l th --- - ~~ WtH l tr ates the follo\ir1ng to begin "ith The Ca.nad1an r eople l aye l 1therto l;lee 1 content to rece1vr. tlunr id~ ~ of I oh.t1cal eoonrnnv f1 om the F r ee [ -Schools -and propogandtats of Ornat Bntam solcl.l'i and the] ;:no reapu g tl e fruit in b1tterne.!i.I Ol 1 l 1 a,q t 1 100 YOUllSELVENI I LL THINK NO MORE OF THEE Tl y su Ues ar~ brig t o.s s be But al assunbcam!l fall Alike on all the sons of men So 1; thy ao le Oll a.11 'll o } asL uo l> gl t ;:..i:_Lsm lo ro u e 1 11 tl h g no 1 ore of thee Fo tl o gl tbo o. slo cly .A stle ti stdnyv.o et I \\ ould tl nt day had never da rrHOSE WHO l!A Vli TRIED IT ARE CONVINCED THATS F If!J I sells l 1s Goods as Low 01 Lo"er than oy one else m lo"o 4i\r <\. lar 0 e ook f Cl 11 o Des; Goods str pe<l oheohu and plain Si wls Blaukels L111ens \\ 1oecys Fl noels Knitted Goods fio,tcry Gloves and ,Tr mmings nll bougl t before the late a~rnnoe m pn"os fltir" A speoial line ot Clan Tm tar s 60pe1 ceot lower thau hst ye:rr s A lot of Last Season's Tweeds, at 20 per cent less than cost Gents' Suits Made to Order, by the Beet Workmen m Town 1$"' warranted to fit and not come to piece· ..,_. Or that Im g } t forge t 111 husl tl e o c~o! l\lemocy And tl k no no -c of tl ee TI y Jo\ e was 01 co ny lo id star My (n.rthcst g onl of b 18!:1l looked not for a.notl er 'vorld l\fy Edon bloomed in th a It was a fooliaJ phaol.MJ' Clm!!, tha.t ho has succeeded to th hutilnoas forn orly Ott.rrfed on b\: t e la.ta \V H Ed voods ti. dis pre pared to attend to tho 'vn.nts of tl c l bile in bis line in a. ma.nnor mn -pasaed hy any in .tho Pro vince PartJc iln.r attention gtven W thee tt1ng of La.dlos and Cbildren a hatr .A cill so ic ftod tl tr 1 door cast of tho Post Office 30 tr The Bed Dl.ack and G1·een I eas 1n Town, af $1 00 'l'he De11t :SO c~nt 'l'ea in '.l'on 11 I):'.)" Better Eggs Mittens Sooko and Yarn taken BS n1 tlunk no nlorc of the B SPECTFULL Y ARBER AND HAIR DRESSER RE auno ucea tq tho public Cll8h for Goods Oct 4 1871 s AT THE F. HII... L. But can I thus forgot thee Can thought bo lu11ed by T ml')t Ah no wl OTJ tidel'l forget to roll 't\ hen n FRESH .ARRIVALS The ivy green to climb ors flow not to ti o I11 think no more of thee &en. ·------ - -- - r - - ---- @e S. G Webste1· 1 L 5. s., 25 ce t!:I GLASGO\N THE SD BSCRIBER HAVING RECEIVED lIIS I--IOUSE T THE REV BY MAit 'Y DR WILLOUGHBY, AND Bo vmanville each S URGEON DENTIST O\: er F F Mc \rth Teeth extractod fo1 s store King Street OFFIOE :a:rs vvrNE SPRING 'V.A..LKER D1· Full Assortment of Goods, SUITED TO THE PRESENT SEASON INVI'.IES THE INSPEC'WION OF THE PUBLIC Ir th ese days of p 1ff1ng n.nd unposturc he tlunks 1t needless to say that h e sells f:OOds Uf!E \.PER a d or b etter vnlue tho.n a.ny other man in these Co nt es all he naka 1s that ntei d g p reb~ers give h a call a d J 1ye for then sol ee sat afl.t:) tl at tl e ~ It will be nut ta.Uy proftta.ble and satisfnctory J. I 1eldmg, lll D. S rgeons Englnnd Ltccntiato Hoyal Col ege of PJ ys c ans Edinl rgh tLate Res dOJ t Accoucheu1 St I l o nas H sp to.l London anc! Act ng Hewdent Iir!ed cal Off C ty of l ondor Jlosp to.If. r D se gef! of ti e Chest) Office DJ Herr man s Orono M ElVIBEh oF ROY \I COLLEGE OF P Srise ~n unrinlled Htook of T·ble Lmen Damnskli purchased bef re the recent Ill pl ices 'l,I--IOMAS PATERSON. BOWl. a.1 ville Oct 26 18 1 -----------------~~-- - - - -~---~- Nohce-Ren1oval 1 is o d ics lenco :'j l e1 ro.m 10 a. m to 8 p n ~t ., ~ ~ P.R REID H A.S REMOVED H '" ); res dence t() the ho 1se lo.tely oct:..'lll cl l v r Cro "Vlc on \Vclll.ngton Street S1ugezy at eet Office lo 16-4tf -------·-------~~ STUBBORN Dr \ Be1t!·, G Un vers1ty Ph;t"S c1 t S urtireo &c Office I{ ng St eet next<loor to Ycllo lees & Qwck s ar ety Store Bo nanv).llc 0 t tr o RADUArE OF THE TORONTO Jame .. P. J,ovclan, J U D. _._ Pb s c ans a d Surgeons Ontario Office Kinp- Street Ne veast o 27 3m M EMBER 0] THE COLLEGE OF As there is a great deal of nusrepi esentat1011 iega1 dmg the merits of the chfferent sewmg mach}nes and may pe1sons have been misled by these untruthful statements we gne be low the names of a few of those who tested the "\Vanze1 Maehme mcl who afterwa1ds exchanged them with us fo1 the Lockman Osborn 01 Raymoncl--some of them p,tymg 11 s over $20 to exchange HON J SIMPSON Bowmnnville D FISHER THOS JOHN:sTON JOHN .llfoCLUNG do do do .-. FACTS I - t'arewell,ilicGee &Rutledge, B ARRISTERS ""'"" .ATTORNEYS SOL! CI'I OltS and N otai; Pub ho T E FAREWELL LI Bil H MCGEE B .!>. JAMES RUTLE GF B A OFF'IClr. - Over "W Ul :rvrcMurtry & Dry Goods B~c second door west of ti .e Poot Office u1 MRS C G H 'i.NNING Bown V. G PERR ~nvtlle <lo do do WE Tl.uLEY w~r CHAPTEI\, C.JNTl~U.EI Davis you need no such $Upport Make p yonr 1n 1 l what is the right thmg to do ., d " th Go I a help , re spcct1 vc of my cou1ac 01 any other ina1 8 go forward and du it Yo 11' d ty in th s 111atter is 1 t 1 e neither is 1 u e ~ o rs What 18 right for you n ay bo nexped1ent and e\ en ro1 g for n e l d n t see it doctor If its a goud thing for n1e why usn t fot you 1 And if for 'ou D v1s b u t th 1s is a par t of my said he with a s ni1e J )O 1 aia 011 the you II exc 1a 0 n1e rnr fo1 spcak1n plainly rel gtou 311 J I cannot in couscrenc:o give ttee fl fe JC1'dan wi.ll toll for you it don t see1n to be Jt st r .) t to advise a it l n r Theres no flaming 5 vord to keei .} 11 m an t <lo vhat yo11 don t p1actice yo 1r Tho s ck l P.ll fixe<l lus eyr.s stend1ly away H s Lrk 18 plain eno gl 10 ) Ul aelf UJO Dr V\ llotghbysfacc\lh1 le Je '\'il.9 ~lnt e forelt>ad Again 1011t 11,,hand The ca~es are tota.Jly d1ileient Davia apeu.lnng to lns bro\~ Yo l havo made a vrong use of 01 e of the Do you hen1 t] at wife? sa.1d he Is J out henJ , et) ti \Cl to day? .t1he g1fta of God and to daJ you ire s 1ffe1 g Its a I a1 t of tl e n u ::ster s iel g 1on to sud kiudly the co1 i1eq iences of your sin }'. ou le d.r1nk \ l 1· Shall I be wiser than n y Thero 18 110 change M~s Grace _ alize your du ger and you feel .so httle bette rs or loler than tho ptoi1ots7 You know there ,aspo'\\el gi~~n to tor co1 lid e lce in youi l ower to resi~t te l ta H rial! ~end luu to £11 up tleblack mentl g}~alUd:i.yforaaea.son tut its tion that yo t behevo you are onl) secl le J g If its 111.s rehg1or to l r nk wine it a ti e time thc.t frets n e I think I could by tctnlly absta mng from nil mdulgence nu et d1 whsky ·n<l I will Irmk b aritbettortficoi ld rockun tie trrc 111 tho so tlru a:~ tl at l a\ e ca lsed' out fall lt ti 11 ] e 1'.o 1 kt ow rt says It \\ 13 erin itted h 1 1 Yo .t.r s~fety lies in tot:tl. absLinence and J e n1e Davis ha.d st >d all this tiu1 e by to cont 1 ue forty a:nU two ionth!l al d a v o 1 wis} t o sole1u11 zo this ol 1 gatton by ls bcdH le He1 gla :l lo k t JHO ar d tut s an l tl e 11 , td 1 of a ti 0 0 a Hitten pledge '\cry ~ell do it Next 'h 01 sl e ii st enter ed the roo1 chfl.nged I .No~ Miss Grace fiba ll we w t fro n to the higher d 1ty of embracing the Gos too1eoflne~thlessanxiety asehehaten ,vhenthe ~ gel\'ilL the key of tl e l ot pel and th is bemg save l from this and ed to the conversation turning her cagex to l less i it \ ll l the gieat chai l loosed t1 tii e' e1y otl er !ln it LS the tlung for you to do B 1t bocauso tl11s IS yo r duty 1\ face fro111 o c to the other of the a1 eiakers old dragon that w ris boui d foi a th t san 1 \\hen S 10 heard these )astdr·adful vords ) ea.i s or flOill when t,1 e vi !FiC cloo.d doe~ 1at follow t] at it is 't-1.1 -c Been uJe total a.bstn1enoa .u1 ne ~eS3a.ry £01 yo 1 ?. ho Kho tur e 1a~1 au.i ri.s lcatl a.nd co ern g ly no n I was. 1 led rose 1 t h:i'e tllJ Ted yourself hy hurtful ez:ce"'a het fa ce "'1th her ll.} ron but"at i 1t., l\ll and put h s 1uark )1 tl c. uu bor of Jus mnet I who know how t-o use it with other agony of wcopi lg Da'ls ·.id D \\ ill01 ghby 'ternly good g fts of God m moderation dej r vo 'You foroet yo iraelf My poor woman myself of an muocent gratificn.tion 'l This I our hu~band will tluuk very gift 1.S give 1 me to ue:e not abuse don t. cry BO .All things <ire yo irs sa.~ s the &p ostlo better of thu1 IIe does n ot n1e '1.11 ~h tt he the world is -yours I n1uist prn.ctu;e snys I do inea.n i t ho a1rl n.nd Iva got self dorual of co lr8e I Jnus keep th ~ Moderntio l L bert' appotit· 111 perfoct s tbJectio saying yo to back m o Th is nu sha.l thou con1e and no fur and t hitt s tue talk '.Iho pamon s Pn ncip l es are goo d cno ig I1 f or mo If I tl er making it lny slavA and h )t s ifl'er at1 mble I Jl stu blo over l 1 11 and if I ing it to beco1ne n1y!ter 13 it I in at go to hell I JI le l tl em all the m msler not be a coward Because you an 1 othe1s Hur1ah Jennie w~ 11 fill l ke J o have been defeated wo 1nde<l sent n1e there tak en capt1 ve in the fight mt st I t 1r n tip th· black J " " Da.v1s sa1d Di: Willoullhl y l will and run fr In the enemy 1 1 ot hston to su ch lar guag0 I will talk I uot blanung } o l rny frtllnd f trther with you o l th s subJect whe 1 you Yo 1 aro '\eak and yo 1r foe IJJ st1ong aru i a propsr frame of n1u1d He has var qu1shed better men th n yo 1 Any tune Doctor and \Ve 11 fetch out The Sa'1om rospects and tolerates yo r tl e J lg tn d l a ch nk to.-:i0tl er weakness but He sa:ys to those w} o are Ho r:ni1d ti Js ' th a la igh t1 at n lde )us stronger Take unto you the whc le aun lace fi e d sl om of God that ye may be able to , ith Ihe veep n g w1fe follo we d h er 1nuuster stand in ihe evil day and ] 1\: ng clone to tho door all t o stand 'Io stand 1s better tl an to We w ll pray fo J tu he sn 1 ily b t to fly 1s 1 otter thai to fall Do G d alone ca 1 save hml l tll see hun you understand 111e Davlil ~ again 'T so lie others 1 and a inu lb erry J oo 1 A o~ m·ou11 of little raQ'ge J oc did rot '1 . . . d cluldrcn were "" S" " er 1 im ur appear t o next roon n.nd ln the notice tl e u t e11 Ip t iuJI b u t we 1 t o l t Ik Pla.'J llirT l"'.I in tl c I a.use that succt!eded Jol n D v1.s s a.ppenJ ing and 11s voice 11.l vay~ tnus cal though a. a:w eQt c]nld al \oice Hang these word!:! lJt1plea··nt1y Iou I in I1 s cxc1\N '- l 1uo x l s "' Jesus died for yo w ~now very ten 101 a1 d soft n to1 e Josus died for n e 'Il f 'j y 138 J o:ns<liedfo a.llrnankind e om angc.LNstan( u thef urcor :ua kGotl e:aJvntlons free 1 ers holtl111gthe fo rw1nds of hca;\c D1 Willonghb.Y rose and, a.lked t o the he for n Y Lo1d con nin.r <led tha.~ 1v-111dow then} e came and stooct by tho they ahouJd not l irt any green t l tng 1 cntl er n.nJ t1 oe bt t only th sc 1 ion sick n an fl. side 1o Da'Vlil s.:udhe l'villdoanythiug lu:ne not tle seal of Gol then rote heads He 1 t h s hind to 11 s heatl 1n lllJ power to help you-I 11 ea.n any thingtha.tdoesnot1Jl\Oll"e tho gn igup w1tha t101bled look rhe ::,arclen of of a pr11c1ple I will iissis t you to obtain tho ].JOrd is f Jll of goodl.} trcos the I alln steady work I l!lh&ll bo glad to g:n:e yo i and the t)lne tree the ptne tre"' a.nd the any pec.uni~ry aid yn 1 may nee::] Thee,e box together but n the nudst of it at d children niust have wa.rn.i clotlung You on the bank of t he l'l. er ls the tree of ohall n ot be left to strugglo on alone my hfe Ue began to ·mg poor fellow :Frendl'j, " 111 gather round Obli~ol bro her;o l~ t ree of you when thay 500 you puuiurng :l,; differ To hear when Jordan rollsr ent course I hope to see you yet ha.ppy I cau t ~a.y iUI I be btotl ei and pro~pero ! with the sinibng faces of Dai l a1u t chn1 a tree tI ese ten your "ifo andcluldlen ga.thcred n.boutyou years U so to go np ,v ~ nt t l rees hke u. and to l ear you raise a prayer of thanks oh1p1nonk and as for h erir1n Jotda.n roll g1vmg t o H m wl ose grace has se lt you I don t know as I ker "bout that k nd 0 free music yet awlule I ts a. } nrd t oad to He pansed b 1 t Jo 1r Dil'i'IS did not travel hey Joel speak: Joe ans"oretl 1 1 with great :solenn t.} V\ th ie~n.rd to the reqiest you 80 Iftho 1 ha.a t rtn \·nth the footinen earnestly 11 tha.t I wo lld take lus and they have wea11ed th oe ho\v can ist 1 Iedge witl you I can only s~y that it tho conte1 d w th horses~ lnd 1f 111 the is iny ca.1 efl ly studied and fir nly letn.ined l and of they \Vea11ed thee then how rel g10 1s con' ch u th't.t w 0 a d other vilt tl )U lo in the il\l elJ g of J ordon1 st1 nul Lt ng drinl 8 1 elong to the rr e l.tS Then h e cont11ued 1 B soi g _ h ch (xod h c reated and vh ch are Oh lllJ s stc are :. o sitt ng o t o t ce of 1 ot t< be ruf 1qc l b t 1eceived w th t1 anks lf rol ea.rv.lcnJo:tlo rollfl? gtv1ng ar l J, ilue e\en inorethn lneats Ron Jo:-do olls t1 e liberty -where vlth Clu st. h:ith inade Yonder Rl e stands sad ]) tJ I t me free Therefore I reJect tl e ·bstii om .... in 0 t) G tace \-vl 0 111 he hn.d J st hsco er e1 ce yoke .Anythu1g in reason I will clo ed JA~ ~o tuin~ " l Ah yes M ss Gi ace Mr L" don 1 id take ' 1 ll! se Lt l tlte is to iun ou n. ra Iioau ·' 30 f eet I)roa i sleigl and \va.s gath I'lng '1p the lines I c fron1 the A t ltLt tic to E 1ic rhe ioad pa.a.lot\ tosta ling '"'l cu lus co1 u t (lb.c b11lto1t uto the lake n.lQnt 0 51 ol e feet belo v t1 e sutf1ce fo ~ me dist t ce \\ ut inoinent \ Vhc n t1 e in aclnn e co1nos to t he JUn1:p n{f Joe ishes to speak o r I lac" r.. r c w set of vl eels ls 1 1t n~ lV[ L an 10 11 t 1 e 1 a1 d a ~ c 1n ll g j r equ s1t1on and the locom ot11 e b c~o1u es a t o ward thcu tlr ugh the Y~uJ i. manlstearnboat Atnm1la1 cont11vanca \low w1thc1rlyora:\har 1au1glv sca.t(ll itt c ne pon(ty l udatDetiot anl one s de of 1 sf ce thence it tra\:els ot a n.ot1 er broad gnn:;e 1 e1 H orace La 1 lo 1 se dehbei ltch of bus nesil 11.l a Much 1no1e pru.eperous f1 tJ e cl 1 wlucl h e was seat st:;Lto tl at o l 1 e1ghb :t:K over the l Lkes od when the ;o 11 g gll'1 her han i extend H gh tar fi.::1 lave r i tld the r comme1ce e d an l a H Lle of \Volcon e on het fd.Ce de::it1oyed then: sln pp1ng nnd 1111po.sed that lnu ight Clery l n plc 1 play Cl ne et 01 1 ous tA.x~s 11 01 the ao-r1cult iaJ f{1v.ardto11eeth1n He,;agat.allman classe111 of the 1eo1Jle Tl1s ·the I... rge1 Vi1t] gloss~ black laratl bea ] a 1 g l pot or cf tle A.n1erican prr,s.s fully al sti.a, 0 1 t fou..?l end cy.oo n.s as co l $Ct l it \rl at n 1sc1 ae t1 or t is f)l tl 0 deep lll l i lteid a1 l t1 e otl e1 fcm.t 11es ..-r1te1 n the No\'i"" Y o" k 1 b e t o l1 l e of lus f ue c1 l c lt 1u l .u:1 g o l pi por take to lectn1e C 11 a 1 i. 01 tnattet i'I of pv t hon But lo 'l'siot J udsile and cnlecono1y r tl ch he can evde 1 lly Fra1 c ., "1 ) or flatte1c l h 1 \Vhcn s he k 1ow n th111g it rW.1 c 1 J Canad 4n ci.llel ln jOlni:,look l.:i lhme \\ele 1ce1afh.1.1 s ofwl1chhek101/~le1i13 II1gh ltnes on h1JS f 1e 1 ad and bont }us eves ta.riff.a can nut uc efit t1 e fotrn.or beca 1s · tha.L onlv tune ctn n a.kc the tot of hta it i~ nut the home n uuket Moreove! ho~d wn.s quite ba1 e au 1 th\:: lo,,., er 1 art u lar a. h gh t&rdJ' ~ystai he inu 11 t 1- !lj ot hrn face v.han u r e1 o::se :iroi pea l kc 1nore £01 a.I no~t t." e v 1tr t1 cle h+J ta \;o l that of an ol 1 man Stand ng ·do by pelled to buy s1dew1tl,~1ll ig} by No91" 1u ans\\er to t ho abovCJ t1s 1ot 1 J erslcn der g1rhsh 1en1ty hc1 fan 8 1. 1 1 l gl ~ lt'lCe!l!sa.r\ tn t l11 a ln.h tudo to Hay tlt~t 1n ha.u :.ind d nnples n1a.k1 g hell I )Ok Joung I st;,ad of I a.ralya1111 h a.,llle ar1csted develop et tl alt she really' n.s 'itl l 0 :rr nl lo~ 1 e 1t and shn nl the s new!! f all tl <Hr l ta b:J.ldncas n.nd a certain \ en-tJ qa e induslr cs a n i cnu ed in l u\er1sh1?1d worn oxpross1011 11hat pcr1adod 1 s whole Ia.boxers to fly tn alar nng throngs to the face he seemed old mdoc l l mte l St es to avo d 11 "'ital le paupot I called to g1' Jo 1 th e fir!?t is1n tho country "LB never in t mo1g 11.deof the season lo sad "hen theu 1rospe-roui;co 1ditionth u11t sa.ttlu.svery 'Teet ng s were over I an go ig to n1onent Evcr3 claB.sof d l:')tryL'i thn,0 Barton to s nmon ~,v 1tnesa 'Vill you 1ng n1anufac tres B.""e extfjjnd1ng and ride tl me? multiplying n1 every ln ection througl rn: t She Joyft lly asse1 to<l .i.n l a fe 1" 1 0 t e co in try tha.t t h.11 e never "as a t1 1 c 1nents later he landed het to l er scfl.t n wh en ia.11n l ands l'" Cre 1 gr tte r requ s1 the c 1tter nn l \'i tl ab tndru t ea 1 e ndJ ust,.. hon nnd that CR.nn.d n.u c nime ce h ta ed tl e robes to i rotect ] e1 f1om the coll d l 0 1 :l ne11cn co1nn1e1ce f1 11 the great Mra \V illo gl L3 ~ t.c1 e :l tl en1 fro l the u land lakes All these facts patent pa.rlo lI k1 to every 1nu.n 111 Canndn. who kno T"H nny ( h th t U b t tl d :x n.ce asdectlell ken.soi s1blotiul ng n. a a ou ic con itron of tha s1 o said to h o1 husband It 18 a coin C l.nada is t ( lA.y 111 all branch a fort to th 1 k tl nt n atte1 is settled What "'I ' p n lrr lS of T tneav1JI o is t i, .Lu :1. a posttion she 1\ ill occupy I declare I be i 1a ·' I eopIe oI ti nt o to sr ir 1p th e goocc heve I s uell bm 1t b1 ea I lf tl1 it b irg nt t o su l sc11 b11 g f 01 stock 11 th e hil.s spoiled n lat her batch A mp1 t to s L oconJo t 1\e 11 s 1 ) b11d l awaite l " 1u.1 andmortficat101 P u alrnsandarrcated <level 1 n1ent ha;\ c sl r lnk tl1e sntc~ T"!l. of all the r 1 d 1"b es m Ill at length the 111 pover18hed 1abo1e1a a.1e flyu g in ;iJann u g tln 01 gs to tl e U u tmd States to 1.vo d 1nev1t11.ble I!\ 1pens n at hnrne IJo l It ·Juellfnt11 sl e etclained ·/ 'al toiaka M1d ~an Hist-0bc·cl1 lin.lf a y fell w fatl u er 1 l c\'~ for c e1 tly luge t C!lTIJ a \e.<ise] cf 000 llt s the sake of 1 tilp1ng l n ffo } as 1 &en d l g s e \.\ k f 11c t t I! aft e1 1I1'Ul 1 s \\ell J) \\!.\ ts t sho \'l y w} e1.t1sUo so that n.11 1 ccc~a ty for s hip canal:\ >\lll be dot 0 a'" ay \~ t l rJ e rate 0£ Rf oe l is to be 123 1 les i~r ho r j l Hl l 1nile~ ui vatc1 I fac n the wotds Qf tie 1 e1 to1 we al all a npttss tho eag le W ~ l l!y co ctJc wit h 01 ti it t} S 1 5 tJ 0 ELor~M-i; ~ 1' David Sma .. t, Con"lleya.noel" Not.a.ry Solicit.or for the Ontari &nk, &o Port Hope Ont .Monoy to T oa n ::i.nd Ln ds for Sn.lo EDWARDS AND ATTORNEY AT B.ARRI~'.IER I.i.A\V Solicntor in Ch&ncery and Insolvency RICHARD SHAW Da.rlington MR LUMMIS Carhvright J P LOVEKlN Cfarko E BEJ'rlA.N J BELL'\\ OOJ;l do do R. T WILKINSON Newcastle MRS HILLA:M :MR BARFOOT d Robert A1·1nour, Money loani'}d on Hoo Estate Issuer of Llccensefl BaITlster an.g ~ttorncy fl.t L!\ v aud Solie tor in do WEST D DRH Allf R EGISTilAR Mn.rrls'"' Chnrcer,v - S BORLAND Orono MISS HAMBLY I'mt Dttrlmgton C W SMITH Darlmgto1 STEPHEN CI EMENCE Darlmgton ~ILLUM Steet Bowman v lle Offico on l<lng ii. LOCKHART O!arko THOMAS McOLUNG Bowmanvllle MD WILLIAH ~ John K Galbraith, AND ATTORNEY AT 0 CLEMENCE Tyrono do Lt\.. W Oflloo Kln.,,. Street Do vmanvllle ~ AJ.JC Bo v nauVll e fo the J.i iecl old Build n Soc ety Mo cy to lend on fa rm secur ty B ARRISTER tat !'lit, Johll REV R DOYLE do 11'1.ATTHEW COLE R R LOfJCOMBE MRS BROOK do do JOHN BURN J'rfonvera And a groat many others II. Hulcheso1111. SOLICI B 011'.FICE - First.doo ea st of Post Office up stnlrs <\.RRISTER ATrORNEY TOR an l Notary Publ c Intendmg purchaseis can enqune of any of the abo' e re garclmg the merits of these machmes nam e 111 u ens foteh~ads1 }lii:m G1 du }O l thmk it w" ti ot and wl y lid l q t l:tl) iuark 111 n. dJffereut L laca'I H e 1 ou1Wd to the scar ipon h e. 'Jh ok ;i;s he SJ ko - <l 1 bt u x pty au 1 l at 101 t s1.ffe11ng nlUTorcd in Ins face "ha.ts the good of l Jthei1 yet ho :l bo it 1t? s»d D>l1 Plng1 tnke tl 0 tuna and ti ea a 1 ltV'l hn of tnnc.s An I II tell J o 1 wbat tis J'00 \fa t if :yer don t lcs'J an ,.,. 01 k 1 or(' th s eio hickory Jog wont git cl op 1 ed tip fore next A1 i1l T1 e1 thine 11 boa t c Let l 111 that hath unde ·h1 d n g sn.1d Joe w th gren.t soleYOnity tho nun1ber of the beast f 1 umber of a. ma 1 nd l 8 111 n Uer 18 six l l r d rcd tl reescore and 1-10: M ss Grace vl e1 y o i say yon p1u.ye1s t o i 1::.1 t would yo l nu1 d g ll at q les1101 abon t the Lime? I w 11 ask 1t she sa d an l I ask the deat Sav101r to keo1 rt.\\a.y all ti is t1ouble and cor fus101 from your 1 ll d and do fr yo1 in JI1s ow1 gool t e ivla Ile d d vhen H e \\as l.tere 0 1 en. th to1 a. poo1 in in 1s n1 1ch werse t h a.n yon iue as } o ' ca th nk '\ ith the 1na1k 01 \ y o u g co ple hy ue1 passed tl iough 0 l C ty Pa o a lD t-e ti at the otltei l gl t 1 hey 0 ot on II e 0 l C k trnrn d o pornt n.;iar Tit M ~ille t <l t oo\\ the ' llll~j .ea,t ~ <low1 t h e rt et 'Ibe.} i gent lo l n.1 tt aoen.1:-t l tS n t h;ui 1n ch l ""ith t1 e i.lly 11teut 0 Ol'iTtNtP.D j Bunnng of Luther s Monast~· " vays of ti c vot1d as ho h~ 1 llu her. tul u £ the istorJ bJ thei pa~ 1 t 'i':lB th e l l t:tle of I ttrentttl Tl o ·"ls f 1') or had forbidden h ru the 1 o u~e a l to n ake 33!1\ ra CB 10 blv s i e ha.d l u cl ased & l ull loi !\net } l!l.cod stool t tl ~ all l l l th11 l o tu~ t o l re'\ e lt tha 1 orn I l t of ~ o I ~i 1 neas B \t love let igl ,. i>,t bulJ traits as 11c l All .... s tl oy p lt it upon tho ul l na. 1 s tole the b nll dogs d 1er three tl nes in <r] ch ha<l n. ton len cy to. 1nake the dog Jiu gry :'J t "ere TJ on the c ap '\vent on e night ~ 1 th a. piece f met.t p ckerel Bl 0 n i. 1 fl lop e Hi ca. alt one of the { ld n a.1 s cc Its and got l i 11 np n e:ir to t he house baited the h ooli.: w th neat tel 01 1he iore fa<Jteuel t he (tl ~1 e d t th6 colts t ul au l when he fel <' a bit e lanpcd the colt .A.way went c"lt tnd dog-tl o {;: l barn yn.rd- r.;eneral ro wa.1110 g COl'V B I gs hen:-s etc Ont come old nlan Da ight or chtto Old 111s..n n 1 s e (1) colt o 1e (1) dog <no (1) female d~ tghtet ] t lS SUp'OOs· l t La colt and log a1e st1ll 1 1 nu g THE 'J homaf<! Chi 1she, dl tn 1nt!urnncc COlllJ?tl.n es 1 - 1Z lloj al L el"" pool n. U I ondo Dr L sl JUUerfca and Provin clal Agent for Ho) u.1 :Mrul Line of Steamers and Fre ght I e r lx ats ~ i Curo e fo l nite l Comtieso l'\o il mbe landanlD rbam K ING STliEE1 BOWJIBJ.~VILLE R. &H O'HARA 1"o , man ville October ~th \ge t fo tho folio v g H t sh and C no. 1871 Tl'l:E LOCKMAN co enlong d get Bargo.ins for it is ac kno 1t'led1 cU by tl ose of experience that A LL YOU WHO NEED SHOEING MAC H JN E IS NO'"° rnr: Ibis ls the Pince to BUJ Boot. anti Shoes··N'ouc Better I LE.ADlNG MACHINE S. Chesll'I field, UCTION:FER FOR A a Btt Orde s 1 w ctunl y attended to lfodera.te "\IT IE eet 1 Da liJ gto BO~MAN Iles de ce Quoon Cl tL gcs 13 '.l'ho111.rn Stouhou~e. A General UCTION~ ER APPRAISER AND Sales promptly al o le L to Da.rl ngt:on Centre R. D. Fole!, L the Townahlp Darhnp;t.Qn Chargca ly tended to of ICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR moderate Sa.Joa prompt- Jlloney to Lend. T been appomted a.gout f01' the Provincle.l Por ma.nont Bnilding and Savings Sociotv ot Torou to ie to noi;ro iatc loan<.:1 on .!tee.I Estate tecurlty on tho moat fa;vourc.blo terms 16-19 J B F HRBAIBN HE UNDERSIGNED H.A VING R Peate Tailor. ENTLEMEN S AND BO'Y S G :X MEN TS n a.clc n e NE'\\ EST STYLES tl GAR :10-tf Bowman l le F eb 19 1863 \V. Ill-:' Chmie, HIS PROUD POSITION IT H~S k nttn.ln(ld through ita Jnhel"I nt good q a.lit ee n ows 1 til. n.ll you say and more I am age Thoao qu£1.lit oo are simplicity du1nbillty clo \'i e k nn l poor and misorabl0 a.1 d Wlck I vould b~g to say to all w} o !.\.re indebted to gl.nce ada.ptnbillty boa <lea & t1co1c1nor eofeQUO. ~..1 ·' I e eLtbc bra.unt U1ey ote or book n1 i..cctous importance For full partlou.lnra address to u 0 ~1 en ouglI l el:lr iRud by all and yuu come to ti ~ scratch thU1/all expenence has Mnnufa.ct ll'm'"ii are iich nnd h lPI y n.nd goo I tl tt.ugbt n o that stoors 1nuch easier broken h \VILSO?\ BO\' M \N &; Co Wl l y ur :vl en young - if a owc l to run until to r or tlve Jlamilto Onta 10 pralSu in everybody B mouth A.nd you old ti~ co1 siderOO n. bt'cak neck ago ?OOW all tl o.t w l\t"re rs and all account.a duo this sar bccanR!j there a all L1us d11Ierence be R k H 01IARA fall vil be expeetcd to pay~upB BRA.DSHA\V ror Du1ham and Y tona tween us and yo l are_ up there iu l I Bov.: man\ illo Oct 1811 l~ ly down here that m y b. ty tSl t y lrs and how ca.n I expect you to conie do"' n to DAN ..A_'S my le\ el ? Well you ll s~y 1t s pre sump tuous m me b1 t its JU St whot I did ex J, lU. ilnacombe, L. D. 8., poet I thought seem as I cot!ldn t HESE MARKS ARE THE CHEAP come up to your ron.d maybe JOll d rome URGEON DENTIST flUPERIOR :£ST '\he n10fl.t lastlng tholoaat t"rot blcsonlQ. Gold P'Ulln_B"H ln&erted Teetl extra.etcd for 25 ccnt.<1 each. An exeollcnt Tooth Powder a.nd moat complete ever in' e ted 't'hev n.r~ down to nuue And 1! you look at 1t 1n naed a.nd rooconunended by nl.n..ny or tho bofit fOT' ea.lo Office t :&icClung's block :s BroodeTA: in the Unit.od Sta.toe aud Cann.dn. 8llch one way Sll' a.s h.igh aB yon are and M G B Lorlng Sn.lorn M es Prea dent New England 'Wool Growt1rs Socloh Joh.n S Roes low M I am we &re in some sort on the Hennepin ID Professor l\f Milea of h<' "'""" troek for I d dn t get to boa drunk TO .AgrtcnlL1 ral Co1logo Lanalng Mich Hon Geo What Brown Toronto Ont. John Snell Ed.n1onton ard all at ouoo Dr Willonghby Ont On\fa.rk le e:U1.moed the owners name I took a a.nd the eh.cops number 'the3 will 00 sontfrre you do now I used to do once by mft..11 or cxprese ror onlfl lo tr CC7 ts, and tumbler of whl.Skey on election dn.v as will laat tor TWENTY VE.AIU~ you w111e at n. v;edd1n 01 a. hot .sling a mutit a.ccompan~ all orders W ITU HORSE-POW EH&: LATHE AllCIIIB \_LD YOU!W JR. when I ,~as gom out to wo1k 111 tho cold At preset t vorkcd by thoaubt;crlber Possession Sa nla Ont £PVen im OT Only business of the as yo l. take n. httle brandy and water on a Orders addressed to ti 6 CAN.\Dl.AN ST1TF..SM \.~ kind iD to vn-plcutJ of cuRtom-rare cl a. \OO for d patron go be 1 as bad foi the last fifteen yew-a a ti. ould AOI cit a continuance or public po.tron ' ' o ate now nn.nutactur1ng from tho host ma. enal B oots of a J desired patter1 ano 'VI ar anted to flt or o sale I hes b s r ber feels grateft 1 tor the V'ery Ubcr- I should be a fool if I cl dn t he ro She an swore l hnn as JI as sl e co 1l l 1 l ed Yo l mean to say you are strong for her tears :uid I nn1 \\C&lr You can be trusted to I hank yo 1 s1r - but I r1.1n go free ar l I 1n st havo nly ha.1 ds t cd 1t vill do- no goo l to keep me out of nusoluef You n a) CHA.PTER YI walk in a. path with your 1 ead CR l\.ZT JOR IN THE DOMI1'101' OF CA'ti.J.DA up M 1I II uRt go grorelli1 do"n 6 111 a ditch "ell I wont dispute 1 t tl: Lord T n .. ~ PATENT SHEEP MARKS. so pla u as rtf a cl of h m nnd he never could I vc w1tl } 1a fc llo\v n en but ;van~ 'W aude 1 1 g ight n.nd <lay in t ie r. o 1 huns an l a ong th e Son estrange not 0 tu bs cry ig and cutt11 g 1 1 nsclf :v th 13 in his bra! be li tc& 1 a lip und stA tP Stopsonasudden looksupontneground stones n.nd when J el-I 1s lllet l n1 I 'l'hen I YS hie fl. ger on his ten 1 lc st a gbt wuunded a1 d bleedu g Re made 11 u -well ""'P gs o it of st gall then stop~ ni;a. S k lI b M ·U· h m well repeated Cu y Joe e s e ist l u 'tl and auon he '1HL<J eye agninst the noon most stra. g-c l a hand seek ng l is fo eheatl a ga1n Tt I osturo:. roust ha e been d wu u1 tl e lon eson1e "\~ tt.V"c s en la i::et l mself 8 l'!..K ,, F. Ii: Grace '\V1llo ghbv a sevr1ng maclu u.e \v:\s 'alley tl u.t He n1et l 1n i'or you k1 o :'i the o it of 01de1 one 1n.y and thro ;i;ing i hyn1n sn.ys Do "Vn n t ile lo eso c shr1.v;l ove1 h tn lead ale ra.1 o lt to t he l\:'£;~. Jesus uot o back Jard whe10 Joe Martin or Crazy Joe as he '~a.s umversnlly ca.lied 111 tho Oh 1 'o Peen the1c M ss Grace 1nany village vrns helpmg Dan to spht 111 the n.1 d n an:; n. tune but I 1 evei: n et tny 1 1 Joe a1 d so dreadft 1 tha t evo1 r 01 e f a reformation con' erted at-1 resei t 1 to 111 or1 h3n f..Sj lu :\. ti1 e gucldenly bivKe <ut 1 f..,v. days & 0 0 a.nd totally destroyed the most 1ntc1 eat1ngpa1t of ti c b Lid ng i vl ch was Lu he1 · cell and also tl e 100 1 "here he firHt gave sh ane to h s g1 eat scl oine Ju these rooms which ha e 1 con up to t1 o lateui t tin e s} o n to sfa angers \..~ c u os ties L the1 8 B ble was kept with m.igmal notes m tl e 1efor ne1 s vn 1 a 11 \VT t ng tog tl er 'v1th tJ e pa1ntn g Death s. D ice l y Beck a tl 0(]101 v ,1u,]J]e i oh a \II of thc~e ] \ o heen b 1r t '11 e l cc l 1a y d ll.mage is est1 atcd ~t n.bout 60 000 thaler s the l sto cal lo 8 ts l caJc 1 Ule CA.RflOitv A ID~;.;_.. shre'.\dness of 1:-JP,n.e p er o lJ i S LET. The Pump Shop E SILVEH a. good Puu pwa,kor I SSUER OF MARR! WE LICENSES General Office at t] Bowman ville, l'vray 2 1871 <n B} autnority of Hls Excellency the Gover e StatesmanoJlloe 'J'o Itent. haa been in pa.ature and neadow !or 10 year~ \.. Q umtity of !alien cedar o! excellent quality for sale Ar nly- to Ite\ 'v LOGAN Cart vr ght Sept Oct 4ctl Hill Ht tr Land · Surv y do all ortle ~ .A ldress Bo l\larch 15tl Stuve~ mg. A BOUT 50 ACRES OE LOT No 14 Con 5 Ca.rtwrlgl t The mo!!lt of the la.nd J L REED PllOVlNCfAL I 1N:8 C il E fPDOer etc 1s prepared to witl vh ch 1 e na) be favtJred nl uv 1 le P 0 1871 R Shet m & Seed Potatoe!;. ARNET CHIII EARLY ROSE No i or King of the Earl cs No Z or Pro litlc No 6 or Poe :less for sale in o ~ to s 1 t pt r G T M FURBAil N B\RRISTE!t & · Atto ncv Solle tor &c 11 Otttco store l{ee a.n s Il u k Over L ndsa r DeuJ.l i:> Book cl asers at lo vest market prices fhcse "Ii a.netiee the best b'TO vn n. 1 my sl'l.n flea not 51ur 1 asaed Apply earl} a the SUPD!Y ifl I 111ted H t t<APER Bowmnnvlllc l\:larch 28 18 2'. G. iii llHI U{;, great hickory log he ha<! drawn froni the '\\oods a fe'\\ days previous Dr V, il loughby fro I uontly om ployed thts man \\hen there w·n.s a press of work a.nd as he was skilf l \i 1th tools Grace h ' Ped ho might be able to Ms st her It wn.s & bnght day m early noter_ The first snow of tho season had folJon the night before and la..} upo.n the ground y;Jute and unsullied Tho n1r below w1\s q ute still l it the ppor branche· 1 tho treeri that surronnded her father 6 house Ofiloo for nnv quantit:. , eill be filled at the'\io- etormy n1ght wh en you go o lt to .Er1ghton s to a.n(l fro and from the tops of tnontloncd pncc ne quick1y as the Mu.1ks c& "be district to hold a ineet ll Thats the the p111ea ca.rue the pens va n 8 c uf the ma le and eont \\ H CLillllE wny I began ] don ts 11 poae you ll over w nt.ct wind J oe stood axe in ha ld a get a t:ioin on the do v 1 track as I h [ r&pt express on on h1s. upt 1.1r1Htd face ta.llr but I II t oll )O 1 tins Dr WilloughbJ 1f mg softly to h 111solf and Dan who had there wasn t any inoderat'1j dunkers the1e also suspended work '"'as watclnng him wouldn t be any drunkards And now ' 1th a halt curious half contemptuous ex seowh;atahardspot_}oup1t11s n You i.:ress1on on hta harl Yankee '1sage say only dr lnkards need to a1gi1the1 ledge N a1ther of the Inell not 1cod the young and ) Ol d ] ave us. put o lr n mes do ivn girl g app1 onch a.1 d she stood quietly ob and p1ocla1n1 ourselves by ti at 1artl11arne serv ng them bcforo d scove11ng herself to all the \Vorld Y n sa.y Here Thorg s a aouncl of gou g 1n the tops yon poor m1sera.l le R nncis sign the <f the mulberi.y trees sa d Crn.z.) J oe pledge a.nd be sa\ cd a.nd ) ou wont. so ai d its hke an army prep n1ng for much as touch la mth the llp· of your ha tle finger. Do you call that Ohr stmn 1 Di Then amt mulbe1ry troea Dan Willoughl y I nok you to do what you ask I ylo1 foliowmg tl e d1rcohon of J e, lUe to do Put yotlr na1ne longs1de of eyes them s you g maples "\Vh it re mine on tha.t pn.pe1 You g vc 1 p 'o r yer talku bo 1t ~1 ut1n? IJ ere ant a wine and l ll g e np my 'vh1sky I m llberIJ tree ro u <l here as I kn o on kno\v 1 n a lost mn.n body and soul 1£ I n r t been s1 lee the tnor- ts m1 lt .ca t l cep on d1 nl in Ive h ea1d you say & lus speculation Nufl on em ti en great dori.1 when I used tn go to moetin 1nore;:. the pity nn son1e tha.t o ued em &bout the v"lue .of an immortal soul loft with hoado ·· aaclrod as youm _ T 1 1 Ye· )OU u &y a.·k H1 n to do that when the time and t 1 ies and dividing of timos 10 iccon: phsh·d () 1 1f I could only count up that ti e She hastened to divert hi. nu d from th1s pei: 1 le.1ong l to~tio 1 by 11 uferr11 g 1 et tcqueat and \VftS gratified to see ho" 111 st~ntly the wandermg look left l is fLee and was rn cceeded by one of gra\:e ttten tion a1:1 she expla.11ed ' 1a.t al1c l o~ded l{e s1uiled lvhe s lO had fin1ahll<l 1 ado h er bwo r three of the little 1antnst c bows pee ll a.t to l im aud ti <:)11 drn.v. g fro l a roccBs I tl e vo d [ilc ab 1ndle bed i 1 a · lk hau lkerclud he pro<luoe I U e tool· ho needed and set h inself bis ly t o \vork Graee I ot t:ed as he 11 t ed tJ is bt ndl6 the 1 e~s tt d or ler th it chaiacteuzed tho man s 1 Qt'Ro1u1l habits Hrn knife clusel scrO\V d11ver and other e1 ple tools 'vore in n box bJ tl1eu seh Ct:> } is a1 bcles for the toilet HJ. "' 10th er \\ l 1le a clo u1 lute handkerchief a ga) neck tie a boson1 pin au l a bottle of perf unery exp lan eel how ho had ga1ned among the boys of the 11llage the n JJ1 o of Dai dy Joe " hi le she stood watch ng l · 11 mblc l 1 ge1 ... ho sl nr od tl 0 little wedge ·ho needed Kati°" called li @m tJ e kitchen 1\:Iis$ Grnce JOl r G1ntlen un ) as c.:o ne a ia he1 1 other 1net her the l n11 Its M1 Lnndon dear s] sat l 1f you ' ant to cha.nge yo r lr ss I ~ 11 en ierta n l n1 t ill you are !'l!LLdJi (Oh no rnether my lre ,,. Je gooll Joaus £01 111e D s ..,.,f O'r:\Nr A often quite temj,rka.ble A l' JOl.e wai.i corr esp 1 Je t w1 te to the Pl ladcl11 1n perpot1n.ted t} o 0 H1 "1 la.y by a. l 11it c Le gM ti t tl e i. t> i'>f ca.1 U l c i\c 1 :;i: R. upon t1 e offic r: who wn.s cot 1 1ct n., h u to the agyl11n1 lt a.1 ne..<1.ra 1ro :u the a d1>1n1fectant nnd c rative a.ge1 1 smn.lJ ] x a.nd otl er col t~g us di.seas.JS sheuld co 11 t given t) t"° Alb>ny ro ' , I t I · I o l be un1vcrs:~ lv k1 o :vn Di 1~ "f M1 II x e < f All >ny s It Rt,ys in the Boaton J 01 r ial t o Po l 0 l kce1 l~ D I1 tlel t efouf leplo11 c Tou n~ J:::i. V} or I(."Ce it ly t lko u u1 i nc n er.sat on of R \ll pox l hai; e teste l tl c duu .i: ectant the "\f<\.Y ,., }u e eu 0 t 0 0 l and plOI hyln.ct L I owot oi ca.rbol c ac d 1n She11dau.hearcl the ha,n<lc fls rattle nt l\i R ·w y tl at leaves l u do bt 1 l 1uy 1n r cl of IIox1e ~ rocl ct '.rb e fQt c n."'kcd tu 13eie its SU] er or 1uont Iodeo i d 1r1 g tl e tlen1 wh e 1lu t .,11e~t\li.11.acou1l1 d latte1 1 art of \lie coutsc ol ti e op lem c wtth he al 1 pe l the u i itJ lu-5 ow1 pocket I tru~ted to tt exclu81l'e \ I th rt s x fhe.) had progres e l ~e eui.1 t 1 !'! ( u th,.r tnstu.ncofl of its ~l e u1e t he d1se wh &l Hhe1 dt 11d1 1tl.} t 1 ued the cou s1 read 1n b t oue L 1d th:l.t was in a ' eiesa 1 u l l on I 1na.t 1cs ai l the mo<le of famil) of ve tiltl y h abit. ' or~ cb 1 h p cced ire 11 lodg l g ti e111 1 et 1 a.l'li; l l l ne!".S tnd I 101 er nui:f:1J.11g were unJ.t l u1 a.l lo l'rfr Ilox1e ex.I la. c<l ti it 1t W1%-S eoessa.ry Carl ohc ;i.. id 1n a fl 11d foru1 s A. cl e 11p article Tod s111fect au ttj xntn1e1 t ty,o or three tea.spoon! 1ls in:ty be put lil 1 a1nal l u ckct of \ and ::i.tter e 1 nbo t Or tl e Si\H e 01 c' en wi.lh a v; h sk lnoo s naller J iant1ty 1 11a.y b0 placed n a 11Hh and nux ed " tl s J 1 '1 l c eva.p ration ells nfe t tl o · Jf the fiom tlas ntr sho 11 bccerne to stiongly charged the cv 1 orattun i 1ay be cl eekod l y CO'\ er 1ng the d s n ore or l cs 11 :. at l o J he c c ato.uung corb lie acid s h ealthv and soon 1 ec rues quite ngreeal:le e31ec1ally v,.hc 1 associated w th t.s 1 o~e I a.sad stroj er or nfect r1 0 1 t!d clothe\! bla. keta etc and clutl es v. orn by I e)."ao1 s l a;v n 0 the d soas!.! l co 1 u ~ in conta.ct v-.1th .anch n1ay be v .1.s hed ' soa1 now man f::tct ed c t ln ng cilrb ol ncul Or cu1n1no l so ...p 1na.y be 1sed with t \ O 01 three tea.spoon£ 1ls of ca.1 bol ic ac d add el t tie s ls r1 is m y complete I s infection l e prod cod n1 1: etl clothes o body clothes of ]Jallonts snbJeoted to snrnll pox OT n J otl or i fect1ous d tn nlur tv confine a l u1a,t1c11 a.n Mylum t l a o n. certii ca.te o t ) l h.)'1i1e in~ that s H.: r a. pe1so 1 was u1:5a e a.nd :i. com n11t110 t f!om the Cour ty Judge Sh·11 dan ' it 1 the ema k tha.t h· wa.s a l!\.'.l j e1 10que·ted to aeo tho p~p ·r to JUdgo \'i h etheL t ae d1a ~ n ll mdlleforu1 .i.s ,.,u Mr Hox e rl ow f rth ti cl apor She1 da se tze 1 1t a 1 d a.ftc1 gl nclng o er It sh1 pe i t 1 to lus breast locket He r etnin e i'tsS on of the oo n n1truent &nd Ld1ackles t ntil ti cy r eached Poughkeeptuft WI on ti ey left tho earn Shori l~n n·l.Bted t t1 c bylda ide1s ti a. l-:11 Hox c was the 11u1 tne 11u.n ,vJ wa.s e 1dea.vor1ng to es CH.I e at tl o sn.n o t1 l(l (::x)ub t ng tl e ilh&ckleHand UO n h t (:ll t 11 11 of f ?,: l t he 1a1d The cro vd se zeu Hoxie riot \v1thst t. cling h1i derual and it would l A.Va probably f .... re l worse nth h 11 had not ~ h a.ck1 u.n w 1 o ha l fut 1nerly dtt\: en }u 1 to ti · a.sylnrn beu i attracted by tl e crowd and rec0gn1zod hin1 Of co \rse Shet1 dang clodge 1Yas the l at an end and } e wa.s &oo 1 witlu 1 the lfalle of the a·ylnlll Hehg un said one of the I nr the Per iv a i agr< nd [ l gwn? t s nn l u1 1ra11 e against fire l tl e been dept' vc l f J .s certificn e 0 otho1 0 1 l l fo w ] lC I honea ty s t1 e life boot pol oy TH!!: ·------~--- A1 a ~oc al pa ~y ' l c1c humorous de fin1t101 s vas o ic of the games of the «n 011 ing the q 1 c~tion w \S I ut- \Vhat is re pilot "IV] o a I

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