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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 May 1872, p. 2

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ll ,.. 0.A 1~ ADI1l'.N~ : t Sl1.A.:rJ1.JEj_\[JtJ~' 'VI iltl(J l\:IE.E'ITN s in the tcrest of the B anu B railway will be held i 1 J\famers on ti e ~OR 8 ROOMS AND 91 st '2nd and 23rd m·taut part1c i!&ro of C ONTAI~ING c ttJt' tjQfteo A1plyattl e ~ l 1ch a.1 e a u1ounced n posters SlATli:SMAN office G ! .. e fil:owu~ i·a.,Sae ,;;, ·ci. 1uc UH~ K uq>k ~it'! ~·~ ~ 1 ~h· t n1J., C1Pnp111u~ J3 'l.. I EM AN'S S Ehf) SOWER GRAND TRUNK RAILROAD MO~ rIME TABLE I Rl AJ I LIVIE th ursd..y Morn mg May 9 1872 lHA.NK.FULIY we acknowledge tl e for bearu.nce ente1 dcd to t s by Job Pr1ntmg customers dur ng the t :vo ' eeks \\ o have J 1St complete I ti e largest con tro.ct for p11nttng ever filled in the counti: &nd attent on thereto m addition to tho ordinary large q 1antity of \ ork m the office has clr1 en ts so late and ea.rlJ that "c have been unable to devote but a few ho 1rs to tho newspaper department and ha e also been compelled ta hold m abeyance several orders for iob prmtmg To those "ho have pt ently waited we 1etu111 thanks and are now ll1 a position to till furth 0 r orders promptly The pub! c w1ll please bear m mmd that at the SrATESM'-'" office will be founcl tho largest assort nent of Type u the county the largest and fastest presses-no better I rcss 1n the \\ orld for fine letter press pr1nt1ng-and that we ln a position to nil 01 dera for all kmds f prmtmg m a eatwfactory nanner J\fr W J\foK wan "M \\ lNDATT 1s still m charge of he Job Depart nent The clut es of pupils attend ng the P1 1 Dar] n ngt May 6th 1812 a.n 11 lB vo1k fro 11 ti e STATE~MAN oflico Schools o' 01 tnr o have been defined by took first pr :r.e at Provincial and loc \.l the Council of Public Instruct on as fol To the E aito of ti< 'itate> na fa. r~ year vhcre ver sbo :vn-a suf lows E m!Sk lien J\fay 7th 18 2 cient iiua.ra.nteo that v-ork v 11 be pronerl) The 1\fas er or 'Ieacl er nf e'\elj Sci ool Srn - I au rr oro than ever r;urpr Bfl l at done 1s by ]a·n a pub] e officer and as. such aeeing a. seco d comm i ca.t o l fro l\1r When yo i :\"' \nt any de cr1ptio l of 1c g]lall ha.Ye power an l it shall he h !'I ty Can a te h 8 repen.te l dee arat on~ 1n ter press pr1 ting plan r fa.1 C\ ~ d to flbaer'\e a.nd enforce tho followi g1ulea beha f of tl e ]fasv J. & Hanh i rga l yout orders to the ST..t:t"".:>MAN P p la n1 st co1ne to school clcn.n an l lst I au pre~ i ~i to prove that 11 e 1 Orders by ma I pro nptly filled ten.t u t1 e1r persons and clot} es They dP.n.Toring to Aell an 11 atru neut to ~fr must avo d 1:.llenel!IS profan1tv fa.lsc:hood "Ph n ps t wn.s tl roll~} fr'Ir Cal s le \~ fNDHI Ar last the Prem1 r has mtroducei 11 t and dcce t q 1nrral ng n.n l fighting cruel con 1 endnt on tha.t I .11ucca d d Par! a 11ont the Jl ll to legahs· ti e le t v to dumb a 1 nals be k nd and courte I , i f rther prepnred to prove that 'i' ClWN COUN"C tL !met v of Cai a I an I ghts the batg> n 1s to en.oh otl er obe bent to ti e r 11 Mr Uoun stated 1 Ifompt n and at Mr for winch he wa.s a consenting party tD le str ct rs l I gent to then studies and "- "asl ngto 8 that th ]\fas n \l; rJ e C cc 1tly at W Mh ngton In a vety lei gt! y confotm to the r lcs of tl e r sch ol Ha.m n or~an 5 a. 3 ptir or l sti 1 or t t o n e t speech he u effect plea<le l fot mercy an 1 Tardiness on the part of thCJ up · sholl I tie Sil <er 1ong 10 m every re>pcct Fu tr ed to ake hearers believe that if ti e oe cons d red a ' olation of tl e r 1Ies of tl er tak g tl e t :vo inatru n'3 t3 of the Cons surrender had not taken 1 lace Bntish the school and 1hall subJect the de! n sarr e price tie 1\hso 1 & H u 13 ortl powoT wo 1ld hko1J soon be shattered hv q ents to euc re1 alty us tie nature of muro by th rtJ do lars Now as to tho the consequcnhn.l ch11me1.s: who must he case ma) require at the d!Sc et on of on Chureh Olga 1 at tho t me that that have everytl g granted to them upon the ma tet orga 1 was bo ight I was a0 ent for both the which they have set the r heart The No pup I shall be allowed to depa1t be Mason \l; Ham] and tho s Iver Tongue debate upon the Bill has but Jllllt com fore th e hour a.r I o111tti l for clo~ I g :i iool an l. tf I l o.d sougl t the intere!'i'.t of ID} mence l and will be fm ther referred t o except 01 acco In n.C es~ or some pocket 1 st eal of the uterest of the next eek press ng emerge lC) Id the 1 the IUat;ter ch rch l w·o 11 havo urge l the sale of the or teachers conser t m st firs~ be obtar ied Sil' er Tongue for by itfl sale I wo ld 1 ave THERE 11 u otl r h ch n the \\ash A pupil abse1 t ng I llllaC!f f10 school made a I gher l e1c01 ta::e tl an by the sale ington Treaty dlspute Bntam wlll not exce1 t on account of s cknc s or otl er of tic .frlason & Ha uh b t whon urged agree to the pro1 os ton of the Un ted urgent reasons satisfactory to lhe mafiter to grvo lUJ op n1on of the zeal value o· St&te· regarding futu e claim· which may oi teacher forfeits lns standmg m the the two instruments b) Mr \\a.ah gton arise of a consequent al character and class an<l lus right to attend the ochool I had to give preference to the Ma·on & the Amor ca i Go"ernmei t theri;,fote de for the romamder of tho quarter Hamhn Mr C states that my op u on their doterm nation not to withdraw Any pupil not appear ng at the regular was not asked with regard to the d fferent the cfa1m wh oh they hvao presented for hour of commencn g any cla·s of the school organ· 111 the market unti 1 a f ter th e m a.rb1trat1on 3-t Geneva It soems l kc a. which ho may ho attendmg witho it " strument was bought and placed i the dead lock m the m atter at present but written exouse from his parent or gu.ardr ch lrch In the first pla.ce tI e organ WJJJ probably oume a.rungement will be effect an may he cleniecl admittance t-0 such ordered by Mr Washmgton and placed ed If Sir John and the othor High J omts sci ool for the clay or h·lf day at the dia m the church only on trial and when first I I h could only be ·ent to W ashmgton agam cretion of the teacher pl~eod there was not bo 1g 1t n t e sec they wo ilcl e~edily smooth 1t over by Every pup l once adm1ttecl to sch~ol ond place the cho r agreed amongst them aurrender 1g to the Y ankces evcryth ng and d tly reg1~tered shall attend at the selves to go a1 d exannne rnstru nentR and which they set th heart upon tommenoement of each term and con a.ll went that could ma.kc 1t con ven e 1t R WIND~'[ J 1 C tinue in punctual attendance nnfalits close 1\Ir Cann being an10 ig the n lntber and UNION SPRING FAIR or until he is regularly w1thdnwn by no After exau 1 lt g a Ma 0 & Haml n at tice m wntmg t the teacher to that effect home the> proceed l to 1\fr Ha r " ' ud Tho New Tory Chai 1p10n of Falsehood The fa r l1eld at the drill shed on Fn an cl no pup 1 'iolatrng thls rule shall be exammed a Sil er lo 1g e and I et 'Iled day last 1 n lcr the a isp1ces of tl e West ont tled to cont n e ll .&uch sol ool or be I to H tm1 ton and exam ied a 'Vlt tney Durham and Dari ngt n ~gr cultural So admitted to any other until B ch violat n Organ and aga..i. J ex! nu ed the Mru1011 & ciet es "as one of the best displays of en · cert1fie I by tho parent or g ard an to Hamlm and gave ti e r dee s o lee d icl tire a.1 1 uale that has eveI ta.ken place in have been ncce5aary and unn.vo da.ble Jy tn ta\; or of the litter-Mr Cann being the county-excellent not only because of which ehall be don<! personall> perfectly delighted w th 1 t a· t a 1 lated the nu1ub0rs: shown but more espec a.Uy 1 lg -1'. the hu nan vo ce more closely tl a1 the on account of the first class qua! ty of the Pup ls in crhes towns and v l ages shall S1lve1 Tongue an mals Had the weather proved favor be ro~mred to attend any particular echoul As to t1 e coll l l n1cat on of Mr WI able the attendance of Hpectators would wh di may la cles1gnatecl for them by the doubtless ha vu been 'ety large l ut wet Inspector with the conoent of the trus I run~ I beg to inform lnm take of ti e and all ns it was about fb; e h 1ndrcd tee1 An a the inspector alone under tho vcnl and yu l} ave G l't1 BrcE people nosembled at the far Owmg to same author1t> ·l all have the power to the 1ncleme1 cy of the wea.ther the show make ti ansfers of pupils from one scho I TOWNSHIP COUNCIL took place m the battalion drill shed to n.not1 er wh ch pr 'ed a graat convr.nience under Any pupil absent ng lnmself from c B .l.MPTo~ May 4 the ClTC lmstancea S~v en teen horse ~ am1nat1on or any por 1011 thereof w1tho 1t 1 ho Cou1 <.'11 n et accord1 lg to adJ out n were cxh brted 1nch d ng several nnport pern IJB on of the naster sl all not therG n1entMen: be s all pt eaent :trl1nutes read an 1 ed ones nmong the best to be f n id m the niter be ad1 tted tv ny Pu hhc School co flrme 1 Commur 1cn.tionsand petiti ns Do1n11 ion an l ten b 1ls were also s] uwu except by a tl 01 tv f tl · ln·J ector m ere piesented as folio vs fr m W H Tl o follow lg ia tl e "" ard of pr ze· wr t ng and the nan en of such absentee~ Rogers Esq Cl)ll t g the attm hon of thr. DRAFT !IoROEs- 5 entries J 11dges sha\1 be rep or ed by the n aster 1mmed1 Council to tl c fact that ccrta perscnu lfel!fra Wm Leask W Renw ck Tl oo ately to ti e tr stees ~n l tlm rnle shall I era st 1 keep ng the r fences on t11e Seu Cann be road to the school JUSt before the days ht Jon Porter· Scotland s Glory of exam nation at the cloae of each q 1ar 2nd Goo S Show s Contender tar 1 3rd Wm Oko s Pr nee of " >le· Pu1 ils shall be responsible to ti o mas AGRICULTURAL Hol SE - 7 e1 tries ter for any 1n1sconduct on the school 1 rern Judges aa.ine as in prev ou claas 18BB or in going to or return ng from lat Dr Morm s Your g Nctherby school except when accomor11 ied by the 2nd Geu S Shaw s I udon Tam pa.rents or guardra.ns or some person n.p 3rd J as Harpers Rohm CIJ de pomted by them SADDLE AND CARRIAGE HoRsns-5 "" No pup I ohall be allowed to remam in tne· Judge· Messrs Jacob Pollard the ·chool unleS!I he rs fnrmshod with the JohnLyall Wm Mutch b ooks a.nd requirements required to be lot E Halls Young Performer used by him m the school b 1t m case of lll the 6th CODCCSBlOn 2nd E MaJor a Green Mountam " pupil s bemg m d&nger of losmg the ad Drown a.nd S1nith for ex:i.m1na.t1on and l\Iorgan vantages of the school by ro ... on of hi· their r port thereon as was also the com 3rd S Beattle s Grand Turk mab1hty to obtam tho neceSBary books or mumea on of W H Rogers aboTe refer D11rnN BULLS 3 years and upwards-3 requmteo through the poverty of hls red t o entries Ju lges R Rnddock Alexander parent or gnard1&n the trustee· have Mr "mdatt presented a report from Beith M Walton for all classea of bulls po ver to proc 1 e and supply such pupli the special com.m1ttoe in reference to the 1st John Bellwood s Oxford Chief with the book· anu requ1S1tes reqmred roa l between lots 34 and 3o m the 1st co~ 2nd R Collacott s Burnside The fees for books and ·tationery \l;c Tho report reconuncndi; nn.le of said ron.d 3rd Wm Leas s ( ount of Athol n.s fixed by the trustees in cities and town1 -tho west half of the frout 72! rod· to DURH 4.M BULLS inder 3 yan.ra--4 en whether monthly or qunrtcrly sh"ll bo Wm Wilson at $32 per acre the eRBt tries payable m adunce a d no n " l hall I all to Chas Wacle at $25 acre the next 1st W H Elford · Oxford l'rmce have n. right to ~ t r o cont nue in the 1021 roads of he east part to Thos \y or 2nd T Vi mdatt s Marq 1 s of Lorne school nntil ho shall have pa d tho np den at $3n per ac s half of ro 3rd John Bell ood s Oxford Boy po nted fee ma ng 160 t us t Tl ' \\ "le at ;;~o D,.voN BuLL8 3 yen... d up~arl·-2 Any pr perty of the school that may be per aero t e v I f of aa ne to l'tohei t ontriea lllJUred or destroyed by pupil· must be Everson at $~5 I er a re lat Wn Colutlce s Wilmot rnado good forth ith by the parents or T e s~ ec1al co u n ttee appointed to re 2nd R Foloy s Cor ot br\.l.S dians uuUer a penalty 0£ the ljuspon Vl.B"" t.11 0 pout lag~ b~ law r epot ted a 11ew DEVO" BtLL· under 3 yeara-1 eutry s10n of the delinquent I upil by law v·nch wa· read three t mes roicl ht J olm Foley· Sir Gilbert Nop 1pil shall be adm tte<l t or con passed t noo m nny of tic Public Schools "ho l\.ir Vt u1datt introduc rl a l y aw for CA.YA I AY MONTHLY -We velcome thu has not been vaccinate l or who has been open ng the road allowa.nco l et ~e c n lots 8 appearace of the !\fay n 1mber of the Can affi.1cted with or hn.s been exposed to n.ny ar d !) in the 3rd con Re 1d tlir o tunes adm11 Monthly and N at10nAl Rev ow contno- oua d scase until a.11 danger from a1 d passed pnbhshocl at Toronto by Adam Stephen contaS:1on fronl. l!llCh pupll or from the Mr Burk introduced a by law appro1 n son & Co Liko its pre lecessora the draease or expo1n1ro shall ho.' o paaae l present number conta. ns an excellent away a.s certified 1n w it1ng by a znedical atmg $000 for sUJ port of the poor Read three tin es an l I aaseU vanety of r admg matter from the pens man :Hove! by Mr >> indatt sccon le I by of able Canad a.n \Vnters It lR n. maga. No pupil shall be adm tted to any Pub zino which would be c ~d t to rw y co 1n lie School who has been expcllec.I frou 1 y try and ea the s lpport 1 Cane.di sol ool unle .. by the wntten authority of ans everywhere $3 1 r yaa.r or single the I spector number for 25 cents Cop1ea inay be pro Every] 1lpil entitled thereto ·hall "hen cu d at the bookstores or from the p 1b he leaves or rem0vea from n. sch ol rece1vo hohers d rect a certificate of good conduct and 1tandmg Goon TEMrLAR' - Tho quorterly meet m the form prescribed 1f deservn g of it The nbo o rules aro strictly enforced in mg of the Durham Com h Temple I 0 Next G T will take 1 l~ce m the Good Tern To ti e Ed tor of the i:Jt ii« n "" DEAR SIR ~In your last igsue a1 pear& Nm· SH OE ST01l1' Mr J S nale Jntely a1 thcr letter from y corresr ondent wit! Mr R Recd I as commonc 0 d 1 · Ru::-; co 1 la.10 ng t} Bt l ii d nvi. ::;q 1arc ness on h s o n a.ccou t in tl e sh p two }.} meet "'ne f lt \.t ii$ e 1. J) 0 OSC:i 1 urs .,.,.e~~ f !tiunloch Bros grocery t ·o po t blank l estwns (th 1e would His st ck is :i.11 new not have been so ucl roo for co 1 thy of ma1 ect o l pla nt it the I ole of y lMt letter I ad bee i l n to 1 ) an! al~ ay· foelmb will g EXCUR!'.i!ON -If suitable ar angetn"'I ts to obi ge I " II a s ver ti en m the squar can be made for a oat a exc rs o est possible manner to R hestcr 111 der the ausp ces of the Q cs on 1st - Did or cl1d not the fo Y ung Mens Christian Associat on mil spector ask a y inen her or n1c 1 bera of take 1 l·ee fro l Bo ai ville an! ne gh tl e To :vnsh I Co lnc l vl et Jer in their bormg ports on the (~ een s bnthday op n1on he ought to s gn the certificate 01 cut sult the i in any Vi ay in r efe1 e : we to Bo"MANvILLE Tl<·U'LJO - ~t ti· regular the matter? I answei yes the matter n cet ng of tl s 'Temple held on Fri<lay was lad befo10 the Co nc I assse nblcd n1gl t ln.ot the follow11 g 1nen1bera \Vere Question 2ud D d any one or more d ly 1mt·lled ao Ofl1cers fur the current of them advise him to sign 1t1 I ans" er term-Bro D Keith Templo dcp 1ty on the workancl honor of gentlemen they officat1ng did not rnd viduallv or collechvely g vo Bro 'I Yoll wleos W C T any acl vice m the matter Moreover I Sr J Spear W V T have tne nasuranco of the I 1spector h1111 self that he acted on h» own Judgment m Bro S J Allin " R S ROrrWFS the matter without the acl vice of any Sr Reed W T member 0f the Council Bro T Piper " M Sr Downey W I G Bro D Kc1tl W 0 G Sr C Smcla1r " R H S A Spear W L H S Apolog1z g for ng so m 1ch on Bro J Guord W C your valuable ·pace I beg to s b 0 cr be R A.dau- P "IV C T myself \ ery Respectfully Ya 1rs THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS z I B v av log 0 e<l aJD ct onate try that we I ave 0 41 t I Ti~ clCIENC8 OF H.EA LTH PI: Oo!l!:CICS 0 A NE ln ae~enoent Rea!tn ~u- Bank DIV n~ D NC J plats Hall Ne vcastle to n rro ·(Friday) comn1enc1ng at 11 o clock a ~ It ra de auablo that every Temple ui the county may be reprc·ente I dll ·

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