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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 May 1872, p. 1

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' · £_ _ _ " ffi';pe OL,rnahrrn ~ ~Lxt ezm,n1 i;J p1 l n.1u.rub1slc 1 Ever~ 'D.'hnr'l'l~~ Nl1n·, b.') tie Pro elo vV ~1: . I{ . C L J J'\1 J TI , at t 01'1 iUE-l'ost Ofilc· Illl>Ci< r~ING S1REl l BO\HHJS\ Jl l 1( ON r NOo 44 F P1._CT T --o-:Sc Oil R·,if, 11'~ i:.'"' HII J, Ll~ E TO MY WIFE l"'TE:t I CE~'TRH Lo' r I \\ o · '" ' ot vlo bs ]) cs& (footlx e·t p Wrncer l Ian nels l"nitted ( ood beJo c tl t:: l 1te 1\ HlCO lll p l"U'i ~,... lower th 1 ! n s rr HO Sl \\ hO H A 1 sell I s Good s P ARK OTil MiY La5t cuu11er vhc 1\0' andot ~hor \\ c so t"'llt co l v~t ri ind(! a. gn. o 11.H the snnnner fi o1ivoi 'loo oo ri.l~s to faae th s Ct1iro1 ug l - tlua -1n Gr:tn tley 1 I r.111 ltav 1ng a. h n11.: f..o h t-11 l 100 of )_.(:;LS{, Season's rr v,reecls, al eo \..nd n 1 was ba e and d r y "'Ve sn g ht' IU l ~r the sun1 1~t wril To bid th0 vcar good bve Ai l >vl en \t'inter bla.otr; co is Ee~,. lilill · o~u~ .·t I ~g.oo \ V ."'1 Bo'<lc, mi: llll I he tc'.i" Butter E ego Oc 4 1R71 J'IE~tJt .:'>® <l'.t'Ht ~ ( ~ in 'f·H'< s1 t nl1tlet s Sick u 1' l oro T 1,: 0 l.go.1 I ~Iay ll 1t 1 o v alas J alone fl e lea'\ es a.nd flowers are b ao 1 i;; a.r r 1 h o Jov t g ones are go le irn t 11 c < s f I fur (.~ c,. F. I=t [LT_,. I You itwth1 yo 1d1stuthome FEIT' f o "}) a l l$bRnd s catf! Our darl g '\lcnt _to Je us a Dl A bcttc lo c to shf1rc FRESI-i J\RRIV r\_1_ S Al I l{_,,, a G Li-\S G 0 VV r111rn SUH~ORJ HOU SE I I 1 "~ tRiccft1~ lH1i. .I"'-' ..,.,. ..._,....__,...,, f"-"-"" ~ "'A/' BEU H"i_"\ING hl.OE1\ ED HIS I THE REY IfR. WILLOUGHBY, A~D S. G. Webste1·, IL. B. ~ SURGEON DEN IISI §., OFF IOI~ I Full i\ssortment 0 f G :rooas, 1 BY l,Jl I :E-J:IS VTIN"E MaR1 SP RING OH"'-PTER IX V{AlKE R It 10 a p1t\ aail 'Iha) 01 Jou aie "'0 ple::ia:aut y s tu a ted tho1c "'llon h A.\ e pn!\A eJ through (:.i 1artlcy J ow of coun:10 yo t cann L i e n a.1u !v11lng1..: I on s You knu vrhat n co1n }ir.:ve cu t vour o\ n fingers A llan The 1 a t t own it is lying s lugly l 1 et wee n r in sellB"r8 will no e h eave 1 tl e hilb ·p-1th t\\o hou.sand 11 hab t:ints beriio yo1 I 1 011 t go s i,. d tl e 11111111:1te1 hm) are f ur teen plar.:e;.i 111 Lha.oto~n u II1s fr11~ 1 cl lou~ed ~t luu 1lalf 1 ch c 1n 0 ho tel u.n l dr g st re ".\here l qn I I f sl culd t Ink J ull \\O J 1 be s sold 111 open defiance of the la w S....tur pt.:~aonal \ 10Jence he s~ud da.J night v;rl on tho ~01 lnuen 11 tl o fac Do J OU 1;:: 17 t1 1 I 110 of tl n::i"' tor1 es are pad off theso ilnce;:;a1ej{Zl s would dare "'ttacl J1e1 ::i..1lA a1 and :1. la..1. ger 1 uo1 L1ou of Lhe e l l rg:-i of Rit: u u:il \\- ll ::;)n hng eyes b P. ~n::;1;3 those h rd "ork1ug n en e'\ ery ccrit of Jou know o ie n: :1) dofend ones ae f 1 '1ihcn w h ch 1 t hese da3 s of lugh p1 ce.s 13 I eed attacked if c ,~ a 1111n1stcr 0 Ie ed to feed :;i.nd clbthe their t <J.m1nes go"'s 1ncxp1c s:::. )le sut sf ct n J .. ' 1ld lo. to 1nto the r nn selle1 s t 1ll I t ~lkcd f .nth gne i iun scl 12 r a Ti ad a c in. gu1nent ful y "'1th tl e me e gn. ed 1n 1t fl lit !3 Bt\t no Isl :ill ne' e have t11e oppott n 1 iess Ihev felt greatly tbt Se l by l lJ t\ If I wnecl a ba.111 thei; would set str1c t111es ueclare l that they re,q it,. ed they vonld I l tl~ en btUlDeflS \\ th 1 SCl f b u th Lt 0 ll 11 I 0 SUCC ~~ i;; lS e of f 1 u oen fl s 1:l.l l l: 1.1 no oe vet.) fow D 10 1fJ] l U"SEN l 81 \SO he .A. FIG-11 \V II THB RU::d: .SELLt;rt.3 over I ] .!\le \.1 hu..r s ,,tore ICmi:r St c t Bowmanv1lle Tect:i ex ro.c d fo:i: 2o ce 8 each I1' I Ir:ES THE JNSPEOTI!Wl'i VF "HE PUBLIC It rcquuea t1 ~ k Of. nr1 <llti l .stock uf .l.a.b a Dat ai;;kg 1 l l a~e l oe+J u t he re tn t 11 l l Uf! ~ 1n ' Ue Or.t lti: J Vi ell I lo ked up t1 c te nr orn1 co me 1n th0 cJn nch. n 1 co1n1nnn1ty 1 t" ed to 01t:11n ze the1n fo a t 01 tl at we m 0 ht enforce tl o lti. 'iV and btea. t l~ rlC de l lhey were tun l 01 tl uy \\ Ole t1 ne se 1 n1e e\ 6111110 Lotu., 'Ih~) et 8 fiiond I R1chn nd ca.l ed a.t the \\ 1ln1ot 1..Jt cct parSOll ge r11on 1\fr Thayet kllP. '-; h at unce withdra"i\ t 10 e:J.courageinent he had gn en lus friend of ~inning the .} ou ig ladj fur lus w fo and 011 p etenee o..t sh :-; ug l is btitr\ 1 c gc .. l'Yfr Rtch no 1d awav o the g\udy ·nd told l 1m of hr ene. ~;lCH'le r t ST D BBORl\.J As theie rs rcs1dence to tho hou:io latd,J o c pie l b.Y Dr Crov;le on v, ell1ngto 1 f:.:.tro ot Su ge l :J. t his old reside1 ce Dilver :::it1tct Office l o -s rom 10 am to 8 p rn lli :itf I may ~p"t so11s 0 I 1 D grent deal of nusrep« ,,entat101 1 tlgaidmg the R REID !'HS REMOvED ffh n g fearf il f n1nk lg c 1cn JUring t t"' b l':i tnes~ Th<> ci.: v ~ t ho10 1~1 lJ i 1g1A..ft cfl 1 it o tl c ~o 1 ~1 l .c the plri.,cc fa rul eo h tl.d interm:'.l.r110 l 0 1 ~\ere ai:i soc1 ted togethe in bus1nt,-;ss or r u""l e~tite owners rented theu b u d ct ngs l t o t 1 os on...,.11. d 1n the trafl v I f I touuh mer1ts of the d1Jfe1 ent S'"" It1g inachme~, anrl I el tl ul e 1 b he\ e ham been m1 led by these untr ,1thful btaternen t" we gn o be II! I 0 :V Cl0 g 0 l I/Ir. n.r1ety Store lctng S rectiine x~ ~. lll:cdBl, ~c l<,,, S.: Q JC:>. t lt t u, mes or ,, fov of those 1\ ho teste l t l. 'Na JZl I he Allan P. 1c 1mo1 cl 'i RADU ~rE OF T HI' 'I OltOli IO ( :X l n ers :; Pl yBicutn St rgeon &c Offi c owmn1n ille 0 w..uo loo t "\ ello'\: s nd ,1ho afterwu(l, exd\MJgea thelll ;; ch U] fm Farcu ell,NicGcc &.lf!lttAcd,;c·, B ARRISTERS J l Osb1Jln, o Ra:rnuNl-sorne cf 1nem '320 to excl' .nge tJ 'lf\~1111-, u ronNEY'l SOLI Cl I Olk; aud Notan: Public SII\IPSOI p Ul k \; ] G F '"REW ELL L J 1l ft McHEI B .A. J .HIES lWH EDG I' B A OFFICE - Over 'W Mc:J\{ t\ ys D v Good;;i Store second door est of tl o Post 0] ce p eta s do ( G 11\NNHG l'\'t l<' G l'Ei.ln V. E TJITJY J! do d do " M J;:D VI Ah!J" do · ~1 t N~w RICH \RD sn,._Vr Dall~ gt u 'rn R T ] 1R , LTI~ ~us c" t i nchgn,, as le 10 1 J P LO\ "'KTN < l il e lo 50ULUW VV ILti.INGO~ TII.LLAM d I J it Latlm t)Il I ] ,R B \.RFlOOT ll'rl ss ) f\Ml I i LOOhHAR'l Cl C ' Si\fir H D ilmgto1 D "rn~co' A10 they bl n<li h e s:ud ft her Lid inutl u1 ""u l hti :nllt;.n so ha J p ly ina r ed an l J...JOU s t ool rs 1 s1 ble hej d iot k1 o~ "h t tl t 1ua11 h a bee nnfl wo 111 D 1-1 l1 l it for n1ohvca of s l6sh Bo" nu v u do SlEPrIEN < T1 \1 ENCl ~ IJJLI \ "\f CLE ME'-TOE 'J) ro e ' e1~ do MATTHEW COLE JO"IN BUR" 1111 MJlS BROr h. I, a, , i t , , , otl " 1 !<It. Johia m'f. Hntdiet000! SOT TQJ Inte1lltrng pu 1 t 11 ,se1 b <;a un o of au' of ths a!Jm e ,. e O'Ii.A~RA Bo rr a ' 1 o October utl 18 1 IIALLO! r_r Hl:GRE ' ~l:. TRJ TO<' ,"\f\ N ll. Tnt·acn-, SEWING IvlACHINE lS O'~ farmers of \\: e st Durban that be 1s now r epa.r ed to attend to any sales h t.t nf! b {') C',J. ru t 1 to hnn Ol arg"'B mo lcra o 10 t f \\O U LD BEG 'IO A UOTIO"NEER 1nfonn tho nhn.o tauts of Bown an· lf'l a l l 'IH.c; I EA.DING MACHINE J ('; TrIE 1) lMP TO> Ob ( l NAD 1 sixteen J 01u old la} I 1 a drn l.t:1..e t s1eep Uelund ~l e co unto l n n >f those s :t. oons S. C&lesCt-r~ae id, UO'IIO~EER FO P J30\\ M \.N VILT :U and Darhug: on D:es1denco Quo0 Street Or le.r3 pu1 ct .ll} a tt cn 1c l t o l ha ges A 1n Idea vf the Sp.nnrn g J111, ]..fode1 .... te 13 'I'bo1n.u1 S1onbom;;c. APPRAISER A UCTIONEER Genera. A_ge t Dn. hngton Ce:.ntre a.ttc led to promptly J30\\ lH o\. N Si Co H1uJto11 0 o to~ !t1' D Sa.le~ J1 & II 0 !IARA \.g-c fo i> r c.m n <l n. D. rok5, ~ y ICE JS SED A UCTIONEEH 1 OR the T vnship of De.rl n!rlon Sn.le9 p1omp tended to Charges n oae ate PATENT SHEEP MARKS. .J, ~j". B~ nuaco:mbe, !L. n. '". f.: Q d 1: II ngs inserted ' extr actc l for a ce t e ao..;u .An e..xeeJ. 1 t roo l V ' ce or sale OJTI e n lrfcCll1ni; s ulocl..;: ~ DAN A'R "OPLRIOR l'lioncy to 8,en·I. SURG EON DEJS t IIS l I ha! plenty such facts to ~1vo an1 I did 1otsp"'n: the111 It i;n.::.:. cl::ir K. pictn I n1 en.:nt it shou d be I ga.' e the nu nbcr o.i: t 'l.e n un 111 ou1 ri:11dst 1\fho \\ e1o3 KllO :\: n sister a. Lhe fiL~t conven1on oppor uni ' the Intelli::>ence impa1 teu by he1 hu~ band to be 11 the con"t:i.nt hn.b t of ua1n g ntox Lhe even ng o tl o m1 u s eru n1eet1ng 1cat1ng clr1nk and I told t lunn tne1 o "'e1 e concerning 111 ~fr on<l :'I nn!lpokan ln~c 1lnd not lozen yo Jng n1en in Grant ey wl10 of co l"";:;o Grn.ct1 1 "'1 bl 1sl1eJ at d sa1tl. \\ Oio growing p to h °"b1ts (.i: sobriety l'-\onsenc:e it 1s ono of Ions J11k08 TE.ou 1 appealo, to the moral streugi11 of but of co 1rs"' 11 h c1 hon.rt f hC'arts had t 1 omxntnUL\ the C lr1 !;in. l pr 11C1 bt..!1 Ene:l1t !!ill tho s n:ie and 1 her, trett plo ind to the r p h t1c al w tsd in and n1 nt o.i:: ~f r R chn1ond sh o Yi.LS governc 1 calle l tpo it e 1 ~·they uluod tho fa or IYirs Tbnye1 a pn.r 0 1 "he1 alo1 e at het ~e ing Of course F ranca3 Tnaya h i.,d told he to sh e l ~ e r d tl flt I a l n1orA ba ch:.tDge 1 by lnn t h n. 1 lie h3 1nv All 1..1 11n D. ( t d gn1ficd a. id v. on1 u i lj hke y ot a u l Faur.} ¢011etu e:;; he treats l tO hko a 11 t C gu} J"' ef r~ JOU 1\ere n1aTf ed when )V l U'3ocl to try a.nd d e lau 5 h . . . t talK scr ou s J \\ 1th Lol 18 i,;on and tu1n t:)eryt l..11 g yon sa1l1 1to n inj~e f hkelv t j cles w1 h the end cf a 1 nn1 roso l\Ud v;,en 0 J. 0 tho fl to Ihen 1 es Lt upo 1 n chn.11 h"'rt l bot >,;ecn Ju ] 1\nas '!. i ck TO L:81 R Peate 'i':u1or. G \'{ Bow1 lP. D Tl1e Purup Shop I SSUER OE or Gene al :.3v n tnont of l:lis E x ell~ncr the Go>- m Oft'l o t the S a(e a i offi e l\1 \RRI1'.0E J TOLi\ i:'iJ '5 by t l e geutle1 e~& lu 1 tl nO.:it tu1 1e... ncss o r feehug a t1 Ie w on1lu1 e . . . pe icnces to Yi&Id ait:JCC cd 10'\ e r Quite u 1consc o 1s l:y t o she b 10t owc 1 1pon h1 n1 no a tun to t me I tv1 1g flan es crom 1 e1 hlne ey es tt at,vcll n git dro\ e lnm fr anti She ro8e tl1 s 1 110 n n g t o rec ive n1m gr13et1ng 111111 in h er ..rtless g rhsh wa.... 1t "l l d Juru '~ ti the tvu h >f h er h \U l a 11 dur1n 0 the fc'i\ mo ncnb1 that e ap2ed be ore '"tJ 1 Ih .1Cl ma.dP. l11s a 1 Jpea1a.nce o be\'i vc ied 1 un \'i t 1. the ma0 1c o 11e1 preseu e th:1 he fo 0 of "'-'ungh y J6ke G llI: de ' 1 v-o lrlr .rha:y er lhey v; er 1 e:tr l::, a.11 pres e left t1e ho i~e 1n tl ~ ru1a. lle 01 the lecture I On" s11001( h ~ fht u1 :u y face :i,g I ca:.:ne lo 'ill fro u t ] c pulpit I hev call rny ]mt of <ll a. k r ls .Ren. o 1d s a r1n 0 and L it ea h ot i <>r v..1th be n,... on i t ot everyth 1g ex Cl'lpt ti1 L t he Ht~ ~it 1 tho \\Otnrtn he loved Lo us I hayer 'iv hen ho ca n"' ln d e v l is chn. r clo::.e to t ho, or h ,: ; IT e 1 anLl 10okn1t'.:I str:.i ght in to h s h o e~ eyes be gn.1 to quc3 I )n hrn1 ibo 1 h1!3 pans 'l: eJl m t11 1liole "01; Ah a e Ul. ho t a i..ei t-YOU kn~ l ) OU Ufl.:! have heuJ. aometl u J lt 1t n,ncl it s JU t wh tt l expcote 1 t ncTc" n.~ a 0 1 a le3 man i .i.. l b L 1 tt c othet d:i a. IOUJU fe lo v ta l 1ne. f i.s 11d loud t t11c teetotal puson (1t 18 not n t r pe t tl e ctclJe tn e 11e u sed n f P.SCl l s J ) i; l 1V lS sp ttt 1g t 1C ch lrch au to p ece :'5 >.id l l ~ (1no e adJ c tn o of v1 tch cu ::.od was tho n1ilde:iit) docti n s !Su 'vhct.t vis Jt ato t A1ln,n 7 l\f sb you nl v ay~ l i u nr 1g ~ t lt n;s poc i 10 s p t (:!Ula? Preach tho Gospel rn~tt Attaok d.runkonness and 1vho ren s us bu1 d 10 f r . ,. "'al0on Hl:i.s tl ~sb ee1 au acbvec1 cl l "'r-1 :l.R o ~ 1ne Cr) f;al 1 ' l J to n. n c g1 bo1 i Jg c 11 rch "'horc rr y ~ a not sure uov; ! In.Uy ~\,S lo "111 la ruo lhlocl ne1ther a1y fro1n tl e Soul j tl

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